Confederate Flag Just Pulled Down To Cheers And Jeers From A Bunch Of Assholes

Which is why they constantly try to change history......and appeal to people that are young & impressionable.
. I ask young blacks what has the democrats done for you. They have no answer. There is a black man in our White House. Negro unemployment is horribly high and liberals cheer the regime's claim of 5% unemployment. The numbers doesn't add up. Blacks should never vote for a black man again.
I dont agree, there are some pretty impressive black men out there right now that could run and do an incredible job for this country. Ben Carson is one, Allen Keyes would have been a good choice a few years back. We cant assume that because barry turned out to be exactly what the republicans warned he would be that all blacks are going to act in a treasonous manner.
Funny, for not being able to afford it, people certainly have signed up for it. If they cannot afford it, why are 12 million more insured? And no one has been put out of work. In fact, the job growth in the health care industry has been huge:
View attachment 44277 And the only animosity has been from the bigots who are pouting cause they no longer get to tell others who they can and cannot marry.

Many have signed up and dropped it. And signed up and not paid the premiums too.
Like how you use the word "many" so as not to actually have to offer any facts. These are facts:

"The Obama administration's latest figures for health insurance enrollment show 16.4 million formerly uninsured people have gained coverage under the Affordable Care Act since key provisions of the law took effect, and come just as the government has reopened the doors for more Americans to sign up.

Since the second open enrollment period for Obamacare began in November 2014, the Department of Health and Human Services has been releasing enrollment updates, though the latest report provides more insight about those enrolled, including breakdowns by age and race and the effect Medicaid expansion has had on those previously uninsured.

[LINK: Obama's Health Budget Targets Medicare, Tobacco, Food-Borne Illness]

Health and Human Services Secretary Sylvia Burwell said in a statement that the latest figures show the "largest reduction in the uninsured in four decades." Before the major coverage provisions of the Affordable Care Act were implemented, roughly 47 million Americans did not have health insurance coverage."
Obamacare Makes Historic Headway in Boosting Insurance Coverage - US News

Now, go ahead and type your comment about how you cannot trust the media or that the numbers are false from the administration.
As long as you are one of those fools that believes anything this administration if you like your plan you can keep it......then it sure sounds impressive.

Problem is, the administration is responsible for collecting the data.......and this is the the same administration that has been destroying evidence in Congressional investigations concerning Benghazi and the IRS, and it just doesn't earn my trust.
Actually, there are plenty of non-governmental sources that demonstrate the huge drop in the uninsured. And the vast majority of Americans have the same insurance they had before the ACA. Most people did, in fact, keep their plan and their doctors. Probably why 62 % agree with the Supreme Court ruling upholding the law; why 75 % of those enrolled in an ACA plan like the choice of doctors and hospitals; and why 79% of doctors believe that the ACA has either made it easier to provide care of made no difference. You can educate yourself here: Health Reform The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation
Sounds nice......but then again the group plan mandates haven't kicked in till later. That's when most of the insured will be getting their letters about their plans being dropped.

Oh yea..........Obama took care of that.....put it all off till after the election.

Plus premiums are set to double in 2017.
I don't particularly like that flag....but the way those assholes were acting when it came down was disgraceful.

All of the singing and angry shouting that was going on made me sick.

They should have brought it down in the dark of night so those assholes wouldn't get the satisfaction.

Any thoughts?
I agree with you. I did like how they sent in some state troopers to take the flag down properly. Unfortunately the dignity and respect ended there. I guess the crowd gathered to watch figured only their feelings matter and showed no respect for anyone else's. I'm glad they are giving that flag to a Museum.

I am of the opinion no flags other than Country,state and organization the building represents I.E. Army,Navy Air force,Marine, should ever fly over a government building. The government should represent all the people all the time and not any one groups agenda I.E. Gay Pride.
Dignity and respect for what? A flag of traitors and racist assholes? The flag have been tossed in the nearest garbage can.
you have a problem with racist assholes and traitors, yet you still voted for obama? do you see how that might confuse people?
Only stupid, mentally deficient products of inbreeding like you would be confused.
actually, I would think that if you have such a problem with a specific type of person, and yet you would support them in a role such as the president of a country, you just might be the one that has a touch of inbreeding.
Tell me, did you have a choice of introducing your mother as your mother or sister by any chance? Not that there's anything wrong with that. I mean, if the president can have a transvestite as first "lady" anything is possible.
By specific type of person, you mean educated, intelligent, caring, thoughtful, tough and tolerant? All of the qualities you lack.
Many have signed up and dropped it. And signed up and not paid the premiums too.
Like how you use the word "many" so as not to actually have to offer any facts. These are facts:

"The Obama administration's latest figures for health insurance enrollment show 16.4 million formerly uninsured people have gained coverage under the Affordable Care Act since key provisions of the law took effect, and come just as the government has reopened the doors for more Americans to sign up.

Since the second open enrollment period for Obamacare began in November 2014, the Department of Health and Human Services has been releasing enrollment updates, though the latest report provides more insight about those enrolled, including breakdowns by age and race and the effect Medicaid expansion has had on those previously uninsured.

[LINK: Obama's Health Budget Targets Medicare, Tobacco, Food-Borne Illness]

Health and Human Services Secretary Sylvia Burwell said in a statement that the latest figures show the "largest reduction in the uninsured in four decades." Before the major coverage provisions of the Affordable Care Act were implemented, roughly 47 million Americans did not have health insurance coverage."
Obamacare Makes Historic Headway in Boosting Insurance Coverage - US News

Now, go ahead and type your comment about how you cannot trust the media or that the numbers are false from the administration.
As long as you are one of those fools that believes anything this administration if you like your plan you can keep it......then it sure sounds impressive.

Problem is, the administration is responsible for collecting the data.......and this is the the same administration that has been destroying evidence in Congressional investigations concerning Benghazi and the IRS, and it just doesn't earn my trust.
Actually, there are plenty of non-governmental sources that demonstrate the huge drop in the uninsured. And the vast majority of Americans have the same insurance they had before the ACA. Most people did, in fact, keep their plan and their doctors. Probably why 62 % agree with the Supreme Court ruling upholding the law; why 75 % of those enrolled in an ACA plan like the choice of doctors and hospitals; and why 79% of doctors believe that the ACA has either made it easier to provide care of made no difference. You can educate yourself here: Health Reform The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation
Sounds nice......but then again the group plan mandates haven't kicked in till later. That's when most of the insured will be getting their letters about their plans being dropped.

Oh yea..........Obama took care of that.....put it all off till after the election.

Plus premiums are set to double in 2017.
Sure. Just like they did in 2013, 2014 and 2015, as you fucks predicted then.
A symbolic victory. Victory over a symbol that will not save a single black life or change a single mind. The only accomplishnent is to increase feelings of ill will and resentment. Those who voted to take this flag down will be paying for that decision for years to come.

^^ pretty much.
A symbolic victory. Victory over a symbol that will not save a single black life or change a single mind. The only accomplishnent is to increase feelings of ill will and resentment. Those who voted to take this flag down will be paying for that decision for years to come.

^^ pretty much.

We have become a nation of hedonists and adolescents

Dya even know what hedonism means? You're the very first person EVER to use it as a negative.
Like how you use the word "many" so as not to actually have to offer any facts. These are facts:

"The Obama administration's latest figures for health insurance enrollment show 16.4 million formerly uninsured people have gained coverage under the Affordable Care Act since key provisions of the law took effect, and come just as the government has reopened the doors for more Americans to sign up.

Since the second open enrollment period for Obamacare began in November 2014, the Department of Health and Human Services has been releasing enrollment updates, though the latest report provides more insight about those enrolled, including breakdowns by age and race and the effect Medicaid expansion has had on those previously uninsured.

[LINK: Obama's Health Budget Targets Medicare, Tobacco, Food-Borne Illness]

Health and Human Services Secretary Sylvia Burwell said in a statement that the latest figures show the "largest reduction in the uninsured in four decades." Before the major coverage provisions of the Affordable Care Act were implemented, roughly 47 million Americans did not have health insurance coverage."
Obamacare Makes Historic Headway in Boosting Insurance Coverage - US News

Now, go ahead and type your comment about how you cannot trust the media or that the numbers are false from the administration.
As long as you are one of those fools that believes anything this administration if you like your plan you can keep it......then it sure sounds impressive.

Problem is, the administration is responsible for collecting the data.......and this is the the same administration that has been destroying evidence in Congressional investigations concerning Benghazi and the IRS, and it just doesn't earn my trust.
Actually, there are plenty of non-governmental sources that demonstrate the huge drop in the uninsured. And the vast majority of Americans have the same insurance they had before the ACA. Most people did, in fact, keep their plan and their doctors. Probably why 62 % agree with the Supreme Court ruling upholding the law; why 75 % of those enrolled in an ACA plan like the choice of doctors and hospitals; and why 79% of doctors believe that the ACA has either made it easier to provide care of made no difference. You can educate yourself here: Health Reform The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation
Sounds nice......but then again the group plan mandates haven't kicked in till later. That's when most of the insured will be getting their letters about their plans being dropped.

Oh yea..........Obama took care of that.....put it all off till after the election.

Plus premiums are set to double in 2017.
Sure. Just like they did in 2013, 2014 and 2015, as you fucks predicted then.
Stephen Parente: ACA premiums for 2017 likely to explode

Which is why they constantly try to change history......and appeal to people that are young & impressionable.
. I ask young blacks what has the democrats done for you. They have no answer. There is a black man in our White House. Negro unemployment is horribly high and liberals cheer the regime's claim of 5% unemployment. The numbers doesn't add up. Blacks should never vote for a black man again.
I dont agree, there are some pretty impressive black men out there right now that could run and do an incredible job for this country. Ben Carson is one, Allen Keyes would have been a good choice a few years back. We cant assume that because barry turned out to be exactly what the republicans warned he would be that all blacks are going to act in a treasonous manner.
Then again there are probably better candidates out there other than Ben Carson or Allen Keyes.

Right now I think blacks have done enough damage in America. The issue needs to be taken off of the table. Electing another black will keep it going.
Which is why they constantly try to change history......and appeal to people that are young & impressionable.
. I ask young blacks what has the democrats done for you. They have no answer. There is a black man in our White House. Negro unemployment is horribly high and liberals cheer the regime's claim of 5% unemployment. The numbers doesn't add up. Blacks should never vote for a black man again.
I dont agree, there are some pretty impressive black men out there right now that could run and do an incredible job for this country. Ben Carson is one, Allen Keyes would have been a good choice a few years back. We cant assume that because barry turned out to be exactly what the republicans warned he would be that all blacks are going to act in a treasonous manner.
Then again there are probably better candidates out there other than Ben Carson or Allen Keyes.

Right now I think blacks have done enough damage in America. The issue needs to be taken off of the table. Electing another black will keep it going.
This is true, however the candidate is not the problem, its the attitude of the indigenous population that creates the problem.
Which is why they constantly try to change history......and appeal to people that are young & impressionable.
. I ask young blacks what has the democrats done for you. They have no answer. There is a black man in our White House. Negro unemployment is horribly high and liberals cheer the regime's claim of 5% unemployment. The numbers doesn't add up. Blacks should never vote for a black man again.
I dont agree, there are some pretty impressive black men out there right now that could run and do an incredible job for this country. Ben Carson is one, Allen Keyes would have been a good choice a few years back. We cant assume that because barry turned out to be exactly what the republicans warned he would be that all blacks are going to act in a treasonous manner.
Then again there are probably better candidates out there other than Ben Carson or Allen Keyes.

Right now I think blacks have done enough damage in America. The issue needs to be taken off of the table. Electing another black will keep it going.
This is true, however the candidate is not the problem, its the attitude of the indigenous population that creates the problem.
Once you give anyone the bully pulpit they can change peoples' attitude.....and if you're a criminal like Obama and his're asking for trouble.
None of this stuff is just happening. This was the transformation Obama spoke of. Whites are becoming targets. Obama has been hiring blacks in record numbers to work in the IRS, the Veterans Administration, every part of government. Even the PX and Exchange has hired mostly blacks and Hispanics the last few years. The IRS agents that audited my business have all been black. Al Sharpton went to Sony Pictures and threatened them to put more blacks in their movies.

Nobody is keeping track of this...probably because they're afraid of being called racists. If you accuse a black of doing anything wrong, you'd better be a Democrat or you'll get the same treatment Donald Trump is getting.
As long as you are one of those fools that believes anything this administration if you like your plan you can keep it......then it sure sounds impressive.

Problem is, the administration is responsible for collecting the data.......and this is the the same administration that has been destroying evidence in Congressional investigations concerning Benghazi and the IRS, and it just doesn't earn my trust.
Actually, there are plenty of non-governmental sources that demonstrate the huge drop in the uninsured. And the vast majority of Americans have the same insurance they had before the ACA. Most people did, in fact, keep their plan and their doctors. Probably why 62 % agree with the Supreme Court ruling upholding the law; why 75 % of those enrolled in an ACA plan like the choice of doctors and hospitals; and why 79% of doctors believe that the ACA has either made it easier to provide care of made no difference. You can educate yourself here: Health Reform The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation
Sounds nice......but then again the group plan mandates haven't kicked in till later. That's when most of the insured will be getting their letters about their plans being dropped.

Oh yea..........Obama took care of that.....put it all off till after the election.

Plus premiums are set to double in 2017.
Sure. Just like they did in 2013, 2014 and 2015, as you fucks predicted then.
Stephen Parente: ACA premiums for 2017 likely to explode

See that word there "Opinion"? Bring some facts.

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