Confederate Flag Just Pulled Down To Cheers And Jeers From A Bunch Of Assholes

I don't particularly like that flag....but the way those assholes were acting when it came down was disgraceful.

All of the singing and angry shouting that was going on made me sick.

They should have brought it down in the dark of night so those assholes wouldn't get the satisfaction.

Any thoughts?

Such bitter tears

Actually, I'm sure there are plenty of Con-federate flag crying towels that can be purchased on line.
Nope....but I'm sure there's plenty of rainbow colored tampons available.
If you had told me 10 years ago this country would be as divided as it is today, I wouldn't have believed you.

We have definitely been transformed. Had we only known we needed to be transformed from fellow citizens to enemies.

So is this how we are going to handle history? If it offends someone, get rid of it. So how are the history books going to tell the complete story of the Civil War when we have some being offended?
They didnt get rid of it. They put it in a museum where it belongs. When have you ever seen a country fly the flag of the losing team?
Uh, when the Dallas Cowboys lose the Super Bowl the Cowboy Flag still fly's in Texas does it not? The country didn't fly the flag the states which had joined the Confederacy continued to fly the flag out of pride and probably out of protest.
Texas is not its own country despite its attempts to be one. Losers dont get to fly flags. The fact that it flew for so long was because there are a lot of southern racists that want the good ole days of slavery back.
Wow what I said went right over your head like a Lear Jet didn't it? I never said anything about Texas being a country.:confused-84: Japan lost in the last world war, I guess they don't fly a flag anymore right, oh wait...
No. Japan doesnt fly a flag over here on government property. They do on the land they own. Their embassy.
If you had told me 10 years ago this country would be as divided as it is today, I wouldn't have believed you.

We have definitely been transformed. Had we only known we needed to be transformed from fellow citizens to enemies.

All because white people are mad there is Black man in the white house. Post racial? Dont make me laugh.
Cant be more amusing than you thinking I would ever have 50 white boys backing me up. Just remember to watch your white women when you see me.
since I dont associate with aids infested whores, I doubt I have to worry about any woman I was with.
Of course you would have to worry. Black men are like cat nip to white women.

Yeah she's got nice boobs but look at that background, she can't keep house to save her life. I'll bet her cooking skills are limited to opening a can of tuna.
No one said she could move in. Booty call material most likely.
And that friends is what's wrong with this country...
Booty calls are not wrong. Save your morals for church.
All because white people are mad there is Black man in the white house. Post racial? Dont make me laugh.

When did I say I was mad about anything? That's right. Never. You're better than a straw man fallacy. Must be getting late.

Sorry my fellow American. That card's just not going to work anymore. It's too worn out. The one good thing this cheap suit has done for our country is make the word 'racist' meaningless. The race card has been overused and it's worn out.

Results matter. Leadership matters. As has been said before, when a team is failing, there comes a time to stop blaming the players and fire the coach. We are long past that time. It's beyond obvious our team hasn't had a coach since this empty suit started his golf vacation on day one. Even the most hardcore big government nanny state liberals I know won't defend this empty suit any longer. Call them racist too. Big deal. The word doesn't mean anything anymore. That's Obama's legacy.
All because white people are mad there is Black man in the white house. Post racial? Dont make me laugh.

When did I say I was mad about anything? That's right. Never. You're better than a straw man fallacy. Must be getting late.

Sorry my fellow American. That card's just not going to work anymore. It's too worn out. The one good thing this cheap suit has done for our country is make the word 'racist' meaningless. The race card has been overused and it's worn out.

Results matter. Leadership matters. As has been said before, when a team is failing, there comes a time to stop blaming the players and fire the coach. We are long past that time. It's beyond obvious our team hasn't had a coach since this empty suit started his golf vacation on day one. Even the most hardcore big government nanny state liberals I know won't defend this empty suit any longer. Call them racist too. Big deal. The word doesn't mean anything anymore. That's Obama's legacy.
You never said you were mad. I just happen to know you are. Why do angry white guys always think that saying a card doesnt work means people wont still identify them as racist? Why do angry white guys think words will be removed from the dictionary because they say the word has no meaning?

Of course results matter. However to angry white guys that were pissed off even before the Black man got in office, those things are pushed to the background so they can fan the flames of their hatred with the white boy card.
Asc, you know that flag flew on slaves ships. It's just a matter of how far do we want to take this offended by everything thing.

But what I want to know is, if the confederate flag makes people racist, does this flag make me a pirate?


Well it sure doesn't make you look fat.
The butthurt exhibited by all the loser, traitor, mouth breathers is funny as hell. :rofl:

The loser flag may be down but it was only a distraction. No flag every put a road block up in front of me out of insecurity. The ferals that love what the loser confederate flag stands for are dying out. Good riddance.
You don't have a clue what the Flag meant to those people.
The reason it was still up? Democrats raised it. The racist Democrat Party raised it.
The racist democrats of 50 years ago. Now they are republicans. But, you know that.
Democrats didn't switch parties to vote with the GOP. GOP is anti KKK and Jim Crow Slavery is democrat's heritage.

The dems pretty much created Jim Crow laws....and the KKK. Then they have the nerve to call anyone racist?
Haven't you noticed that they have this penchant for creating problems.....and then acting like they have the solution?

Of course and the moment you throw history and facts at them they go rabid and say shit like...."well today's democrats were yesterday's republicans". Pffft that shit is so easy to blow out of the water
There is no way racist democrats would join the party that freed the slaves and passed civil rights legislation. They keep telling the lie and and we counter with the Truth. I will always answer their lie.
Which is why they constantly try to change history......and appeal to people that are young & impressionable.
. I ask young blacks what has the democrats done for you. They have no answer. There is a black man in our White House. Negro unemployment is horribly high and liberals cheer the regime's claim of 5% unemployment. The numbers doesn't add up. Blacks should never vote for a black man again.
Democrats didn't switch parties to vote with the GOP. GOP is anti KKK and Jim Crow Slavery is democrat's heritage.

The dems pretty much created Jim Crow laws....and the KKK. Then they have the nerve to call anyone racist?
Haven't you noticed that they have this penchant for creating problems.....and then acting like they have the solution?

Of course and the moment you throw history and facts at them they go rabid and say shit like...."well today's democrats were yesterday's republicans". Pffft that shit is so easy to blow out of the water

Depending on what you mean by "yesterday" that's pretty accurate. Not 'yesterday' literally, but compared to 150 years ago, definitely.
I like how the retarded repubs like to pretend their party didnt admit to the southern strategy. :laugh:
The democrats have a southern strategy, . The only strategy of the GOP is to win everyone's vote.
I don't particularly like that flag....but the way those assholes were acting when it came down was disgraceful.

All of the singing and angry shouting that was going on made me sick.

They should have brought it down in the dark of night so those assholes wouldn't get the satisfaction.

Any thoughts?

That flag has been around since the civil war and now all of a sudden its an issue??

Political correctness bullshit period.

Oh, its been an issue for quite a while. Now is just when public opinion has turned sufficiently that something could be done about it.

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