Confederate Flag Just Pulled Down To Cheers And Jeers From A Bunch Of Assholes

I don't particularly like that flag....but the way those assholes were acting when it came down was disgraceful.

All of the singing and angry shouting that was going on made me sick.

They should have brought it down in the dark of night so those assholes wouldn't get the satisfaction.

Any thoughts?
I agree with you. I did like how they sent in some state troopers to take the flag down properly. Unfortunately the dignity and respect ended there. I guess the crowd gathered to watch figured only their feelings matter and showed no respect for anyone else's. I'm glad they are giving that flag to a Museum.

I am of the opinion no flags other than Country,state and organization the building represents I.E. Army,Navy Air force,Marine, should ever fly over a government building. The government should represent all the people all the time and not any one groups agenda I.E. Gay Pride.
Dignity and respect for what? A flag of traitors and racist assholes? The flag have been tossed in the nearest garbage can.
I've discovered that isn't the case.
Especially now. Most black women are too prejudice to have sex with a white guy. I'm sure they've thought about when they're getting their ass whipped by their two-timing boyfriends.
I actually have not had a problem with dating black women. Well, to be honest I have only dated those that were mixed race, they are beautiful.
Being mixed with Black helps all races.
Not true.

Being mixed with any race tends to get rid of inbreeding.

Mix white with Chinese and you get really beautiful kids.
in all fairness he does have a point here. If the black/whatever race mix comes out with the features of the other race and just a light brown skin, then she is beautiful, but if she comes out with more of the common black look, well, that's different
You mean more junk in the trunk?

Listen.....I've had more fun with black girls than white girls....

I don't have a problem with that "Common Black Look".
I don't like a big ass, I prefer the smaller tight European ass. Same with the breasts, being one that always looks to the future, I don't want to be with someone who's boobs, by the will of mean ol Mr. Gravity, drag on the ground. Small ones seem to stay where they belong as time goes on.
I don't particularly like that flag....but the way those assholes were acting when it came down was disgraceful.

All of the singing and angry shouting that was going on made me sick.

They should have brought it down in the dark of night so those assholes wouldn't get the satisfaction.

Any thoughts?
I agree with you. I did like how they sent in some state troopers to take the flag down properly. Unfortunately the dignity and respect ended there. I guess the crowd gathered to watch figured only their feelings matter and showed no respect for anyone else's. I'm glad they are giving that flag to a Museum.

I am of the opinion no flags other than Country,state and organization the building represents I.E. Army,Navy Air force,Marine, should ever fly over a government building. The government should represent all the people all the time and not any one groups agenda I.E. Gay Pride.
Dignity and respect for what? A flag of traitors and racist assholes? The flag have been tossed in the nearest garbage can.
you have a problem with racist assholes and traitors, yet you still voted for obama? do you see how that might confuse people?
I don't particularly like that flag....but the way those assholes were acting when it came down was disgraceful.

All of the singing and angry shouting that was going on made me sick.

They should have brought it down in the dark of night so those assholes wouldn't get the satisfaction.

Any thoughts?
I agree with you. I did like how they sent in some state troopers to take the flag down properly. Unfortunately the dignity and respect ended there. I guess the crowd gathered to watch figured only their feelings matter and showed no respect for anyone else's. I'm glad they are giving that flag to a Museum.

I am of the opinion no flags other than Country,state and organization the building represents I.E. Army,Navy Air force,Marine, should ever fly over a government building. The government should represent all the people all the time and not any one groups agenda I.E. Gay Pride.
Dignity and respect for what? A flag of traitors and racist assholes? The flag have been tossed in the nearest garbage can.
you have a problem with racist assholes and traitors, yet you still voted for obama? do you see how that might confuse people?
Only stupid, mentally deficient products of inbreeding like you would be confused.
I don't particularly like that flag....but the way those assholes were acting when it came down was disgraceful.

All of the singing and angry shouting that was going on made me sick.

They should have brought it down in the dark of night so those assholes wouldn't get the satisfaction.

Any thoughts?
Good for them. The problem never would have gotten to this point if our forefathers had done their duty and cheered and jeered it in April 1865 and any time it popped up thereafter.
I don't particularly like that flag....but the way those assholes were acting when it came down was disgraceful.

All of the singing and angry shouting that was going on made me sick.

They should have brought it down in the dark of night so those assholes wouldn't get the satisfaction.

Any thoughts?

That flag has been around since the civil war and now all of a sudden its an issue??

Political correctness bullshit period.
Let's start a fire and burn some books while were at it.

Bring in the Fox News crew and crucify them.
Right...because this is just the same.....:rolleyes:
I don't particularly like that flag....but the way those assholes were acting when it came down was disgraceful.

All of the singing and angry shouting that was going on made me sick.

They should have brought it down in the dark of night so those assholes wouldn't get the satisfaction.

Any thoughts?
I agree with you. I did like how they sent in some state troopers to take the flag down properly. Unfortunately the dignity and respect ended there. I guess the crowd gathered to watch figured only their feelings matter and showed no respect for anyone else's. I'm glad they are giving that flag to a Museum.

I am of the opinion no flags other than Country,state and organization the building represents I.E. Army,Navy Air force,Marine, should ever fly over a government building. The government should represent all the people all the time and not any one groups agenda I.E. Gay Pride.
Dignity and respect for what? A flag of traitors and racist assholes? The flag have been tossed in the nearest garbage can.
you have a problem with racist assholes and traitors, yet you still voted for obama? do you see how that might confuse people?
Only stupid, mentally deficient products of inbreeding like you would be confused.
actually, I would think that if you have such a problem with a specific type of person, and yet you would support them in a role such as the president of a country, you just might be the one that has a touch of inbreeding.
Tell me, did you have a choice of introducing your mother as your mother or sister by any chance? Not that there's anything wrong with that. I mean, if the president can have a transvestite as first "lady" anything is possible.
Oh please. The confederate flag didn't fly over the capitol from the end of the civil war to the 60s. The south never conceded defeat. The human spirit will never concede defeat to tyranny. The politically correct can try to hide the flag but they can't hide the principles of freedom behind the flag.
And that was the problem....they should have been ground down a lot more.
I've discovered that isn't the case.
Especially now. Most black women are too prejudice to have sex with a white guy. I'm sure they've thought about when they're getting their ass whipped by their two-timing boyfriends.
I actually have not had a problem with dating black women. Well, to be honest I have only dated those that were mixed race, they are beautiful.
Being mixed with Black helps all races.
Yes it does, the biggest thing is that it gives a natural darker tone to the skin while keeping the white attributes, like real hair and a real nose with perfect lips that dont look like the were blown up.
Oh, and being mixed with the white also raises the IQ of the black.
The biggest things (plural) is that Black blood gives volume to those thin simian like lips, helps diversify the defective gene pool of caucasians, and imparts natural protection from the sun, (if also mixed with white).
Funny that you would refer to anything white as simian, Have you looked in the mirror lately? have you watched planet of the apes? been to a zoo? I mean, if you want to go there we can. This is just proof that what you get are the bloated hogs.
Yes I've looked in the mirror. I see the reflection of a god and natures first homo sapiens. I've watched the planet of the apes and noticed the white actors. Yes I've been to the zoo and noticed how hairy and white guy looking the monkeys are. If you want to go there give me your best shot.
I don't particularly like that flag....but the way those assholes were acting when it came down was disgraceful.

All of the singing and angry shouting that was going on made me sick.

They should have brought it down in the dark of night so those assholes wouldn't get the satisfaction.

Any thoughts?

Such bitter tears

Actually, I'm sure there are plenty of Con-federate flag crying towels that can be purchased on line.
I don't particularly like that flag....but the way those assholes were acting when it came down was disgraceful.

All of the singing and angry shouting that was going on made me sick.

They should have brought it down in the dark of night so those assholes wouldn't get the satisfaction.

Any thoughts?
Confederate Flag Just Pulled Down To Cheers And Jeers From A Bunch Of Assholes

People cheered and assholes jeered.
Do you think that the Democrat party of 1861 held the same political beliefs of the Democrat party of 2015? Do you think that, in an ideological sense, the 1861 Democrats are totally in line with their counter parts today?

How about Republicans? Could it be truly said that the party of Lincoln accurately reflects the outlook, attitude and policies of the contemporary Republican party? Theodore Roosevelt 100 years ago was a Republican. Would his policies be embraced by current Republicans?
Your question will most likely be ignored.
So is this how we are going to handle history? If it offends someone, get rid of it. So how are the history books going to tell the complete story of the Civil War when we have some being offended?
They didnt get rid of it. They put it in a museum where it belongs. When have you ever seen a country fly the flag of the losing team?
Uh, when the Dallas Cowboys lose the Super Bowl the Cowboy Flag still fly's in Texas does it not? The country didn't fly the flag the states which had joined the Confederacy continued to fly the flag out of pride and probably out of protest.
Texas is not its own country despite its attempts to be one. Losers dont get to fly flags. The fact that it flew for so long was because there are a lot of southern racists that want the good ole days of slavery back.
Wow what I said went right over your head like a Lear Jet didn't it? I never said anything about Texas being a country.:confused-84: Japan lost in the last world war, I guess they don't fly a flag anymore right, oh wait...
Now this is amusing coming from someone that is part of a race that only attacks when they are in large numbers.
If you ever were to meet me in person, and you didn't have the expected 50 chimps behind you to back you up, just remember to call me sir while shining my shoes.
Cant be more amusing than you thinking I would ever have 50 white boys backing me up. Just remember to watch your white women when you see me.
since I dont associate with aids infested whores, I doubt I have to worry about any woman I was with.
Of course you would have to worry. Black men are like cat nip to white women.

Yeah she's got nice boobs but look at that background, she can't keep house to save her life. I'll bet her cooking skills are limited to opening a can of tuna.
No one said she could move in. Booty call material most likely.
And that friends is what's wrong with this country...
I really don't understand why SC was still officially flying it....but then again....I don't believe in letting the mob rule our government.

My guess is this was designed to piss people off.

The reason it was still up? Democrats raised it. The racist Democrat Party raised it.

The state legislature raised it. Hell I'm not even in your state and I know that.

And there it is again -- trolls looking for Message Board Football points.

Who was in power in that legislature? Democrats.

Democrats raised it.
Republicans lowered it.
You go with that. :lol:
It wasn't put up until 1961-not 150 years ago- as protest to the civil rights movement. It needed to come down.

So WHY did it take ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS before some got indignant about this?....It couldn't be STRICTLY POLITICAL could it?

As stated FIFTY FOUR years, and NOW, with all the division of this country, the scum of the left have to pile on more...

I guess you missed the part where one of your buddies killed nine innocent black folks and was found to have your same love for that symbol of hatred of black folks.

So, as you liberal scum are so happy to point out, YOU'RE PAINTING WITH A BROAD BRUSH, and he has been condemned roundly by ALL on the right!

Need the link where the black man says he hates whitey and shoots 4 whites... Or are you smart enough to NOT make yourself look like a bigger fool?
Matthew didn't condemn him.
It wasn't put up until 1961-not 150 years ago- as protest to the civil rights movement. It needed to come down.

As stated FIFTY FOUR years, and NOW, with all the division of this country, the scum of the left have to pile on more...

I guess you missed the part where one of your buddies killed nine innocent black folks and was found to have your same love for that symbol of hatred of black folks.

So, as you liberal scum are so happy to point out, YOU'RE PAINTING WITH A BROAD BRUSH, and he has been condemned roundly by ALL on the right!

Need the link where the black man says he hates whitey and shoots 4 whites... Or are you smart enough to NOT make yourself look like a bigger fool?

You got an example of where a flag representing that black man's hatred is flown over a U.S. government property? Point it out, and I'll support taking it down too.

Has NOTHING to do with a flag, show me a flag that makes a man kill, or is it simply a deranged mind....and YOU should know about deranged minds!
The flag in the OP.

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