Confederate Flag Just Pulled Down To Cheers And Jeers From A Bunch Of Assholes

I don't particularly like that flag....but the way those assholes were acting when it came down was disgraceful.

All of the singing and angry shouting that was going on made me sick.

They should have brought it down in the dark of night so those assholes wouldn't get the satisfaction.

Any thoughts?
I agree with you. I did like how they sent in some state troopers to take the flag down properly. Unfortunately the dignity and respect ended there. I guess the crowd gathered to watch figured only their feelings matter and showed no respect for anyone else's. I'm glad they are giving that flag to a Museum.

I am of the opinion no flags other than Country,state and organization the building represents I.E. Army,Navy Air force,Marine, should ever fly over a government building. The government should represent all the people all the time and not any one groups agenda I.E. Gay Pride.
Agreed.....but I think in this case the flag was flying over a Civil War Memorial.
So is this how we are going to handle history? If it offends someone, get rid of it. So how are the history books going to tell the complete story of the Civil War when we have some being offended?
They didnt get rid of it. They put it in a museum where it belongs. When have you ever seen a country fly the flag of the losing team?
I don't particularly like that flag....but the way those assholes were acting when it came down was disgraceful.

All of the singing and angry shouting that was going on made me sick.

They should have brought it down in the dark of night so those assholes wouldn't get the satisfaction.

Any thoughts?
I agree with you. I did like how they sent in some state troopers to take the flag down properly. Unfortunately the dignity and respect ended there. I guess the crowd gathered to watch figured only their feelings matter and showed no respect for anyone else's. I'm glad they are giving that flag to a Museum.

I am of the opinion no flags other than Country,state and organization the building represents I.E. Army,Navy Air force,Marine, should ever fly over a government building. The government should represent all the people all the time and not any one groups agenda I.E. Gay Pride.
Agreed.....but I think in this case the flag was flying over a Civil War Memorial.
I thought it was just a flag on the Capital grounds not a memorial. As if their conduct wasn't already bad enough! Add disrespecting the dead to the long list of moronic things progressives do. They should hang their heads in shame.
So is this how we are going to handle history? If it offends someone, get rid of it. So how are the history books going to tell the complete story of the Civil War when we have some being offended?
They didnt get rid of it. They put it in a museum where it belongs. When have you ever seen a country fly the flag of the losing team?
Uh, when the Dallas Cowboys lose the Super Bowl the Cowboy Flag still fly's in Texas does it not? The country didn't fly the flag the states which had joined the Confederacy continued to fly the flag out of pride and probably out of protest.
So is this how we are going to handle history? If it offends someone, get rid of it. So how are the history books going to tell the complete story of the Civil War when we have some being offended?
Considering that some people already deny the Holocaust ever happened you can expect with the sanitizing of the Civil War that 70 years from now the Civil War will be taught as a slight skirmish and slaves/slavery just poorly paid disgruntled employee's.
I don't particularly like that flag....but the way those assholes were acting when it came down was disgraceful.

All of the singing and angry shouting that was going on made me sick.

They should have brought it down in the dark of night so those assholes wouldn't get the satisfaction.

Any thoughts?
I agree with you. I did like how they sent in some state troopers to take the flag down properly. Unfortunately the dignity and respect ended there. I guess the crowd gathered to watch figured only their feelings matter and showed no respect for anyone else's. I'm glad they are giving that flag to a Museum.

I am of the opinion no flags other than Country,state and organization the building represents I.E. Army,Navy Air force,Marine, should ever fly over a government building. The government should represent all the people all the time and not any one groups agenda I.E. Gay Pride.
Agreed.....but I think in this case the flag was flying over a Civil War Memorial.
I thought it was just a flag on the Capital grounds not a memorial. As if their conduct wasn't already bad enough! Add disrespecting the dead to the long list of moronic things progressives do. They should hang their heads in shame.
COLUMBIA, S.C. — The Confederate flag on South Carolina’s statehouse grounds came down during a Friday morning ceremony, ending its 54-year presence at the Capitol.

Members from a South Carolina Highway Patrol honor guard approached the Confederate memorial, and as one turned a lever to lower the flag, the assembled large crowd burst into sustained applause and chanted “U.S.A.!” The flag will be placed in a museum.

A South Carolina Highway Patrol honor guard removes the Confederate battle flag Friday. (AP Photo/John Bazemore)
Cheers and hugs punctuated the morning. Just before the ceremony, a few gray-haired white men at the front of the crowd waved Confederate flags. But many more, both black and white, waved the United States flag.

Cleo Bethune, 70, looked at the old, slightly faded Confederate flag before guardsmen removed it. “I feel very emotional,” said Bethune, who is black. “Everyone who embraces it should enjoy this moment and move on. Just move on.”

Friday’s ceremony in Columbia bookended the highly emotional debate in South Carolina over the flag’s place on the statehouse grounds, a conversation that began anew after last month’s mass shooting of nine worshipers at a historic black church in Charleston. The nation reeled with shock and pain, and the state and U.S. flags atop South Carolina’s Capitol dome were lowered. But the Confederate battle emblem on the statehouse grounds flew high; only the legislature had the power to lower or bring it down.

Confederate flag comes down on South Carolina s statehouse grounds - The Washington Post
why wouldn't I have a truck if I lived near you, welfare doesn't pay well enough to buy one?
again with the keyboard brave.
now shut up and read to see how the adults do it.
I just don't understand how someone can be so offended over a flag.. unless their brain capacity really is equal to a cockroach
You wouldnt have the balls to have a truck with a loser flag on it anywhere near where I live. It amuses me when you feral monkeys talk online but when facing a Black man in public you just look at the ground with a red face that fades to pink gradually.
Now this is amusing coming from someone that is part of a race that only attacks when they are in large numbers.
If you ever were to meet me in person, and you didn't have the expected 50 chimps behind you to back you up, just remember to call me sir while shining my shoes.
Cant be more amusing than you thinking I would ever have 50 white boys backing me up. Just remember to watch your white women when you see me.
since I dont associate with aids infested whores, I doubt I have to worry about any woman I was with.
Of course you would have to worry. Black men are like cat nip to white women.

Yeah she's got nice boobs but look at that background, she can't keep house to save her life. I'll bet her cooking skills are limited to opening a can of tuna.
You wouldnt have the balls to have a truck with a loser flag on it anywhere near where I live. It amuses me when you feral monkeys talk online but when facing a Black man in public you just look at the ground with a red face that fades to pink gradually.
Now this is amusing coming from someone that is part of a race that only attacks when they are in large numbers.
If you ever were to meet me in person, and you didn't have the expected 50 chimps behind you to back you up, just remember to call me sir while shining my shoes.
Cant be more amusing than you thinking I would ever have 50 white boys backing me up. Just remember to watch your white women when you see me.
since I dont associate with aids infested whores, I doubt I have to worry about any woman I was with.
Of course you would have to worry. Black men are like cat nip to white women.

Yeah she's got nice boobs but look at that background, she can't keep house to save her life. I'll bet her cooking skills are limited to opening a can of tuna.
lets be real, first off if she is actually standing there holding a sign as such, and posting it on the internet, she is a whore. or, slut.
and, if she has been with a black man, its only natural that she would have to continue looking for black men, once the stink gets on her from having sex with someone that does not own a bar of soap, that stink will never come back off.
she cant get real men ( pronounced white) again. She has committed herself to a life of welfare and dragging 20 kids from 20 dads around wal-mart.
Now, it is interesting to note that the beautiful black women prefer to be with white men, I think its because they know they will be respected and well cared for while never having to bring the kids to prison on fathers day.
Now this is amusing coming from someone that is part of a race that only attacks when they are in large numbers.
If you ever were to meet me in person, and you didn't have the expected 50 chimps behind you to back you up, just remember to call me sir while shining my shoes.
Cant be more amusing than you thinking I would ever have 50 white boys backing me up. Just remember to watch your white women when you see me.
since I dont associate with aids infested whores, I doubt I have to worry about any woman I was with.
Of course you would have to worry. Black men are like cat nip to white women.

Yeah she's got nice boobs but look at that background, she can't keep house to save her life. I'll bet her cooking skills are limited to opening a can of tuna.
lets be real, first off if she is actually standing there holding a sign as such, and posting it on the internet, she is a whore. or, slut.
and, if she has been with a black man, its only natural that she would have to continue looking for black men, once the stink gets on her from having sex with someone that does not own a bar of soap, that stink will never come back off.
she cant get real men ( pronounced white) again. She has committed herself to a life of welfare and dragging 20 kids from 20 dads around wal-mart.
Now, it is interesting to note that the beautiful black women prefer to be with white men, I think its because they know they will be respected and well cared for while never having to bring the kids to prison on fathers day.
I've discovered that isn't the case.
Especially now. Most black women are too prejudice to have sex with a white guy. I'm sure they've thought about when they're getting their ass whipped by their two-timing boyfriends.
So is this how we are going to handle history? If it offends someone, get rid of it. So how are the history books going to tell the complete story of the Civil War when we have some being offended?
They didnt get rid of it. They put it in a museum where it belongs. When have you ever seen a country fly the flag of the losing team?
Uh, when the Dallas Cowboys lose the Super Bowl the Cowboy Flag still fly's in Texas does it not? The country didn't fly the flag the states which had joined the Confederacy continued to fly the flag out of pride and probably out of protest.
Texas is not its own country despite its attempts to be one. Losers dont get to fly flags. The fact that it flew for so long was because there are a lot of southern racists that want the good ole days of slavery back.
You wouldnt have the balls to have a truck with a loser flag on it anywhere near where I live. It amuses me when you feral monkeys talk online but when facing a Black man in public you just look at the ground with a red face that fades to pink gradually.
Now this is amusing coming from someone that is part of a race that only attacks when they are in large numbers.
If you ever were to meet me in person, and you didn't have the expected 50 chimps behind you to back you up, just remember to call me sir while shining my shoes.
Cant be more amusing than you thinking I would ever have 50 white boys backing me up. Just remember to watch your white women when you see me.
since I dont associate with aids infested whores, I doubt I have to worry about any woman I was with.
Of course you would have to worry. Black men are like cat nip to white women.

Yeah she's got nice boobs but look at that background, she can't keep house to save her life. I'll bet her cooking skills are limited to opening a can of tuna.
No one said she could move in. Booty call material most likely.
Now this is amusing coming from someone that is part of a race that only attacks when they are in large numbers.
If you ever were to meet me in person, and you didn't have the expected 50 chimps behind you to back you up, just remember to call me sir while shining my shoes.
Cant be more amusing than you thinking I would ever have 50 white boys backing me up. Just remember to watch your white women when you see me.
since I dont associate with aids infested whores, I doubt I have to worry about any woman I was with.
Of course you would have to worry. Black men are like cat nip to white women.

Yeah she's got nice boobs but look at that background, she can't keep house to save her life. I'll bet her cooking skills are limited to opening a can of tuna.
lets be real, first off if she is actually standing there holding a sign as such, and posting it on the internet, she is a whore. or, slut.
and, if she has been with a black man, its only natural that she would have to continue looking for black men, once the stink gets on her from having sex with someone that does not own a bar of soap, that stink will never come back off.
she cant get real men ( pronounced white) again. She has committed herself to a life of welfare and dragging 20 kids from 20 dads around wal-mart.
Now, it is interesting to note that the beautiful black women prefer to be with white men, I think its because they know they will be respected and well cared for while never having to bring the kids to prison on fathers day.
Your insecurities are showing again! :laugh:
So is this how we are going to handle history? If it offends someone, get rid of it. So how are the history books going to tell the complete story of the Civil War when we have some being offended?

Burn the books.

It worked out so great last time.

You have to erase history before you can rewrite it.

Cant be more amusing than you thinking I would ever have 50 white boys backing me up. Just remember to watch your white women when you see me.
since I dont associate with aids infested whores, I doubt I have to worry about any woman I was with.
Of course you would have to worry. Black men are like cat nip to white women.

Yeah she's got nice boobs but look at that background, she can't keep house to save her life. I'll bet her cooking skills are limited to opening a can of tuna.
lets be real, first off if she is actually standing there holding a sign as such, and posting it on the internet, she is a whore. or, slut.
and, if she has been with a black man, its only natural that she would have to continue looking for black men, once the stink gets on her from having sex with someone that does not own a bar of soap, that stink will never come back off.
she cant get real men ( pronounced white) again. She has committed herself to a life of welfare and dragging 20 kids from 20 dads around wal-mart.
Now, it is interesting to note that the beautiful black women prefer to be with white men, I think its because they know they will be respected and well cared for while never having to bring the kids to prison on fathers day.
I've discovered that isn't the case.
Especially now. Most black women are too prejudice to have sex with a white guy. I'm sure they've thought about when they're getting their ass whipped by their two-timing boyfriends.
I actually have not had a problem with dating black women. Well, to be honest I have only dated those that were mixed race, they are beautiful.
Cant be more amusing than you thinking I would ever have 50 white boys backing me up. Just remember to watch your white women when you see me.
since I dont associate with aids infested whores, I doubt I have to worry about any woman I was with.
Of course you would have to worry. Black men are like cat nip to white women.

Yeah she's got nice boobs but look at that background, she can't keep house to save her life. I'll bet her cooking skills are limited to opening a can of tuna.
lets be real, first off if she is actually standing there holding a sign as such, and posting it on the internet, she is a whore. or, slut.
and, if she has been with a black man, its only natural that she would have to continue looking for black men, once the stink gets on her from having sex with someone that does not own a bar of soap, that stink will never come back off.
she cant get real men ( pronounced white) again. She has committed herself to a life of welfare and dragging 20 kids from 20 dads around wal-mart.
Now, it is interesting to note that the beautiful black women prefer to be with white men, I think its because they know they will be respected and well cared for while never having to bring the kids to prison on fathers day.
Your insecurities are showing again! :laugh:
Im pretty secure. but thanks for worrying, it really means a lot to me.
since I dont associate with aids infested whores, I doubt I have to worry about any woman I was with.
Of course you would have to worry. Black men are like cat nip to white women.

Yeah she's got nice boobs but look at that background, she can't keep house to save her life. I'll bet her cooking skills are limited to opening a can of tuna.
lets be real, first off if she is actually standing there holding a sign as such, and posting it on the internet, she is a whore. or, slut.
and, if she has been with a black man, its only natural that she would have to continue looking for black men, once the stink gets on her from having sex with someone that does not own a bar of soap, that stink will never come back off.
she cant get real men ( pronounced white) again. She has committed herself to a life of welfare and dragging 20 kids from 20 dads around wal-mart.
Now, it is interesting to note that the beautiful black women prefer to be with white men, I think its because they know they will be respected and well cared for while never having to bring the kids to prison on fathers day.
I've discovered that isn't the case.
Especially now. Most black women are too prejudice to have sex with a white guy. I'm sure they've thought about when they're getting their ass whipped by their two-timing boyfriends.
I actually have not had a problem with dating black women. Well, to be honest I have only dated those that were mixed race, they are beautiful.
Being mixed with Black helps all races.
since I dont associate with aids infested whores, I doubt I have to worry about any woman I was with.
Of course you would have to worry. Black men are like cat nip to white women.

Yeah she's got nice boobs but look at that background, she can't keep house to save her life. I'll bet her cooking skills are limited to opening a can of tuna.
lets be real, first off if she is actually standing there holding a sign as such, and posting it on the internet, she is a whore. or, slut.
and, if she has been with a black man, its only natural that she would have to continue looking for black men, once the stink gets on her from having sex with someone that does not own a bar of soap, that stink will never come back off.
she cant get real men ( pronounced white) again. She has committed herself to a life of welfare and dragging 20 kids from 20 dads around wal-mart.
Now, it is interesting to note that the beautiful black women prefer to be with white men, I think its because they know they will be respected and well cared for while never having to bring the kids to prison on fathers day.
Your insecurities are showing again! :laugh:
Im pretty secure. but thanks for worrying, it really means a lot to me.
Sorry but I'm not buying it. You wrote a diatribe using emotional terminology that betrayed your anger and insecurity. Try harder to convince me.

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