Confederate Flag Just Pulled Down To Cheers And Jeers From A Bunch Of Assholes

Well now that it's down, a new day dawns.

The illegitimate birth rate among blacks will drop to zero.
Young black kids will stop dropping out of high school.
Blacks will stop committing crimes and their incarceration rate will drop to zero.
Blacks will stop killing blacks in Chicago and other inner city war zones.
Generational dependence on welfare will cease by midnight tonight.
Blacks will boldly move into the workplace with a supercharged work ethic Monday morning and pull themselves into the upper middle class.

The flag is down. It's a new day.

And blanket generalization race-baiting will end at --- what, high noon?
Get 'em in now....
The racist democrats of 50 years ago. Now they are republicans. But, you know that.
Liberals really get into that, don't they??? First they say men can be women, then they have white people turning black, now they think Democrats are Republicans!!!
View attachment 44263
You really sidestepped my questions to you, didn't you?

But, I can't blame you. If I was operating on a limited, stunted and incomplete knowledge of history and political science, if I was merely parroting what I hear on biased news programs, talk radio and internet propaganda sites, I might avoid an honest attempt to defend my positions against what I perceive as a much stronger debater and more worldly opponent.
That's why those racists republicans wanted it removed.
I really don't understand why SC was still officially flying it....but then again....I don't believe in letting the mob rule our government.

My guess is this was designed to piss people off.

The reason it was still up? Democrats raised it. The racist Democrat Party raised it.
The racist democrats of 50 years ago. Now they are republicans. But, you know that.
Most people are afraid of what they don't know or understand. Most of those same people aren't willing to learn the truth about the flag.


Who better to provide the real "the truth about the flag" than the man who designed it?

Just to educate the idiot population about the Conferate Flag and Confederacy. Page 2 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

The flag's designer, William T. Thompson had this to say:



Here s the Racist Meaning Of the Confederate Flag In the Words of the Man Who Designed It - Mic

So WHY did it take ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS before some got indignant about this?....It couldn't be STRICTLY POLITICAL could it?
Most people are afraid of what they don't know or understand. Most of those same people aren't willing to learn the truth about the flag.


Who better to provide the real "the truth about the flag" than the man who designed it?

Just to educate the idiot population about the Conferate Flag and Confederacy. Page 2 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

The flag's designer, William T. Thompson had this to say:



Here s the Racist Meaning Of the Confederate Flag In the Words of the Man Who Designed It - Mic

So WHY did it take ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS before some got indignant about this?....It couldn't be STRICTLY POLITICAL could it?
It has only been flying there for 54 years and was put up to protest the federal efforts to end segregation. People have been working to have it removed from the state capitol for years. Businesses and other organizations have boycotted SC since then. The NCAA would not allow any tournaments played there. Claiming that this is suddenly a new controversy is idiotic.
You're right, dammit. Let's repeal the 1st Amendment and we won't have to listen to those kind of pukes anymore.

Nah. People have every right to play the idiot role in society.

Funny how the Democrats are now leaping at the opportunity to bury their past racism while openly pursuing the same on their present course.
I really don't understand why SC was still officially flying it....but then again....I don't believe in letting the mob rule our government.

My guess is this was designed to piss people off.

The reason it was still up? Democrats raised it. The racist Democrat Party raised it.

The state legislature raised it. Hell I'm not even in your state and I know that.

And there it is again -- trolls looking for Message Board Football points.

Who was in power in that legislature? Democrats.

Democrats raised it.
Republicans lowered it.
I don't particularly like that flag....but the way those assholes were acting when it came down was disgraceful.

All of the singing and angry shouting that was going on made me sick.

They should have brought it down in the dark of night so those assholes wouldn't get the satisfaction.

Any thoughts?

That flag has been around since the civil war and now all of a sudden its an issue??

Political correctness bullshit period.

There is no such thing as 'political correctness,' it's a myth contrived by the right in response to the racists and bigots who found refuge among the ranks of republicans and conservatives, and who make up much of the republican base, with the intent to appease that base.

The flag was removed from South Carolina state property today because it represented contempt for the Constitution and the rule of law, as well as an effort to defend segregation, ignorance, and hate.

The flag was removed at the behest of the people of the state, by their elected representatives, in recognition of the fact that symbols of ignorance and hate have no place in venues of government endorsement, symbols that are not representative of all the people of the state.
The racist democrats of 50 years ago. Now they are republicans. But, you know that.
Liberals really get into that, don't they??? First they say men can be women, then they have white people turning black, now they think Democrats are Republicans!!!
View attachment 44263
You really sidestepped my questions to you, didn't you?

But, I can't blame you. If I was operating on a limited, stunted and incomplete knowledge of history and political science, if I was merely parroting what I hear on biased news programs, talk radio and internet propaganda sites, I might avoid an honest attempt to defend my positions against what I perceive as a much stronger debater and more worldly opponent.

Apparently he thinks being "Democrat" or "Republican" is something one's born with, like skin color.

Ah, the naïve shallow simplistic dichotomous mind of the six-year-old..... when everything in the world is made of "cowboys and Indians". Takes me back.
Most people are afraid of what they don't know or understand. Most of those same people aren't willing to learn the truth about the flag.


Who better to provide the real "the truth about the flag" than the man who designed it?

Just to educate the idiot population about the Conferate Flag and Confederacy. Page 2 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

The flag's designer, William T. Thompson had this to say:



Here s the Racist Meaning Of the Confederate Flag In the Words of the Man Who Designed It - Mic

So WHY did it take ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS before some got indignant about this?....It couldn't be STRICTLY POLITICAL could it?
Most people are afraid of what they don't know or understand. Most of those same people aren't willing to learn the truth about the flag.


Who better to provide the real "the truth about the flag" than the man who designed it?

Just to educate the idiot population about the Conferate Flag and Confederacy. Page 2 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

The flag's designer, William T. Thompson had this to say:



Here s the Racist Meaning Of the Confederate Flag In the Words of the Man Who Designed It - Mic

So WHY did it take ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS before some got indignant about this?....It couldn't be STRICTLY POLITICAL could it?
It has only been flying there for 54 years and was put up to protest the federal efforts to end segregation. People have been working to have it removed from the state capitol for years. Businesses and other organizations have boycotted SC since then. The NCAA would not allow any tournaments played there. Claiming that this is suddenly a new controversy is idiotic.

I'd wager that your 54 years is OLDER than you, am I correct child?

I don't particularly like that flag....but the way those assholes were acting when it came down was disgraceful.

All of the singing and angry shouting that was going on made me sick.

They should have brought it down in the dark of night so those assholes wouldn't get the satisfaction.

Any thoughts?

So much is blown out of proportion in this country.
Because the country is so full of morons, they get in a frenzy - which then, produces more hatred and anger.
I'm sick of seeing EVERYONE play into this stupid petty game.
The country is no more than a large Elementary School. Pathetic.
I really don't understand why SC was still officially flying it....but then again....I don't believe in letting the mob rule our government.

My guess is this was designed to piss people off.

The reason it was still up? Democrats raised it. The racist Democrat Party raised it.

The state legislature raised it. Hell I'm not even in your state and I know that.

And there it is again -- trolls looking for Message Board Football points.

Who was in power in that legislature? Democrats.

Democrats raised it.
Republicans lowered it.

Nope. People did that. People who were (and are) directed by the time they live in. Your endless campaign to pigeonhole and thereby divide everybody into one of two boxes is one thing --- stupid.

Grow the fuck up, Junior.
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I don't particularly like that flag....but the way those assholes were acting when it came down was disgraceful.

All of the singing and angry shouting that was going on made me sick.

They should have brought it down in the dark of night so those assholes wouldn't get the satisfaction.

Any thoughts?

That flag has been around since the civil war and now all of a sudden its an issue??

Political correctness bullshit period.

There is no such thing as 'political correctness,' it's a myth contrived by the right in response to the racists and bigots who found refuge among the ranks of republicans and conservatives, and who make up much of the republican base, with the intent to appease that base.

The flag was removed from South Carolina state property today because it represented contempt for the Constitution and the rule of law, as well as an effort to defend segregation, ignorance, and hate.

The flag was removed at the behest of the people of the state, by their elected representatives, in recognition of the fact that symbols of ignorance and hate have no place in venues of government endorsement, symbols that are not representative of all the people of the state.

Bullshit. Its all about political correctness and you probably wouldn't recognize a real racist if one kicked you in the balls.
I don't particularly like that flag....but the way those assholes were acting when it came down was disgraceful.

All of the singing and angry shouting that was going on made me sick.

They should have brought it down in the dark of night so those assholes wouldn't get the satisfaction.

Any thoughts?

That flag has been around since the civil war and now all of a sudden its an issue??

Political correctness bullshit period.

There is no such thing as 'political correctness,' it's a myth contrived by the right in response to the racists and bigots who found refuge among the ranks of republicans and conservatives, and who make up much of the republican base, with the intent to appease that base.

The flag was removed from South Carolina state property today because it represented contempt for the Constitution and the rule of law, as well as an effort to defend segregation, ignorance, and hate.

The flag was removed at the behest of the people of the state, by their elected representatives, in recognition of the fact that symbols of ignorance and hate have no place in venues of government endorsement, symbols that are not representative of all the people of the state.

I honestly believe you actually wrote that yourself, and not a copy and paste from your handbook !
Amazing !!!
I don't particularly like that flag....but the way those assholes were acting when it came down was disgraceful.

All of the singing and angry shouting that was going on made me sick.

They should have brought it down in the dark of night so those assholes wouldn't get the satisfaction.

Any thoughts?

That flag has been around since the civil war and now all of a sudden its an issue??

Political correctness bullshit period.

There is no such thing as 'political correctness,' it's a myth contrived by the right in response to the racists and bigots who found refuge among the ranks of republicans and conservatives, and who make up much of the republican base, with the intent to appease that base.

The flag was removed from South Carolina state property today because it represented contempt for the Constitution and the rule of law, as well as an effort to defend segregation, ignorance, and hate.

The flag was removed at the behest of the people of the state, by their elected representatives, in recognition of the fact that symbols of ignorance and hate have no place in venues of government endorsement, symbols that are not representative of all the people of the state.

I honestly believe you actually wrote that yourself, and not a copy and paste from your handbook !
Amazing !!!

Isn't he cute??? LOL
I don't particularly like that flag....but the way those assholes were acting when it came down was disgraceful.

All of the singing and angry shouting that was going on made me sick.

They should have brought it down in the dark of night so those assholes wouldn't get the satisfaction.

Any thoughts?

That flag has been around since the civil war and now all of a sudden its an issue??

Political correctness bullshit period.

There is no such thing as 'political correctness,' it's a myth contrived by the right in response to the racists and bigots who found refuge among the ranks of republicans and conservatives, and who make up much of the republican base, with the intent to appease that base.

The flag was removed from South Carolina state property today because it represented contempt for the Constitution and the rule of law, as well as an effort to defend segregation, ignorance, and hate.

The flag was removed at the behest of the people of the state, by their elected representatives, in recognition of the fact that symbols of ignorance and hate have no place in venues of government endorsement, symbols that are not representative of all the people of the state.

Bullshit. Its all about political correctness and you probably wouldn't recognize a real racist if one kicked you in the balls.

Believe me, he KNOWS a racist!
Well I'm sure racism will now vanish in SC, black on black crime will cease, the 75% black out of wedlock birth rate will plummet, black unemployment rate will drop, no more gangs and blacks will stop beating whites.

This a bunch of BS that only pleases the political correct crowd.
You're right, dammit. Let's repeal the 1st Amendment and we won't have to listen to those kind of pukes anymore.

Nah. People have every right to play the idiot role in society.

Funny how the Democrats are now leaping at the opportunity to bury their past racism while openly pursuing the same on their present course.

Nobody Is trying to bury anything. The evil actions of the past are acknowledged, and the thinking people changed heir beliefs and actions in response to that acknowledgement. It's a shame that the right chose not to do that.
You're right, dammit. Let's repeal the 1st Amendment and we won't have to listen to those kind of pukes anymore.

Nah. People have every right to play the idiot role in society.

Funny how the Democrats are now leaping at the opportunity to bury their past racism while openly pursuing the same on their present course.

Nobody Is trying to bury anything. The evil actions of the past are acknowledged, and the thinking people changed heir beliefs and actions in response to that acknowledgement. It's a shame that the right chose not to do that.

No. Its a shame that the left lets political correctness and bullshit rule.

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