ConfederatE Flag to be raised in Virgini

It's a flag that represents something that no longer exists and for the most part never should have, but if people want to use a decoration symbolic of shame and defeat (at best) then I guess that's up to them.

People from all regions of our great nation should be proud, and we should all do so under our shared stars and stripes.
Almost everything in Lexington Va., home of VMI and Washington &Lee university, is named "Stonewall Jackson" or just "Stonewall" honoring the Confederate general who ran circles around the Union troops during the Civil War and was a professor at VMI before the war. Lexington depends on tourism dollars and yet the elite liberals who seem to run the city decided that Confederate flags would no longer be allowed to be flown on city property even by C/W reenactors who used to flood the streets during tourist season. . How is that for shooting yourself in the foot? I might add that the liberal elites are mostly university employees or the spouses of university elite and don't depend on tourism dollars for their living.

Well he got whupped. So whenever I see a stonewall jackson or any confederate memorial I take a moment to smile and be grateful of how things turned out.

Actually Stonewall Jackson never got "whupped" He beat the Union at Chancellorsville even though he was outnumbered. He was shot by accident while patrolling the lines and died from his wounds. The point might escape the libs (as most things do these days) but tourism depends on history and you can't change history no matter how you try. It's the height of hypocrisy to use Stonewall Jackson and the confederate legacy while at the same time pretending the Confederacy didn't exist and chase tourists away with politically correct stupid laws.
I dig bullets and assorted items from Illinois units all the time. Only dropped once.
So are you gonna finish plagiarizing the old WWII Italian Rifles for Sale joke,or what?

Probably not, LOL.
It's a flag that represents something that no longer exists and for the most part never should have, but if people want to use a decoration symbolic of shame and defeat (at best) then I guess that's up to them.

People from all regions of our great nation should be proud, and we should all do so under our shared stars and stripes.

Ruff, ruff you retarded statist.
It's a flag that represents something that no longer exists and for the most part never should have, but if people want to use a decoration symbolic of shame and defeat (at best) then I guess that's up to them.

People from all regions of our great nation should be proud, and we should all do so under our shared stars and stripes.

Ruff, ruff you retarded statist.

Another post just bursting with content and coherence from the squirrelly psycho. :rolleyes:
Almost everything in Lexington Va., home of VMI and Washington &Lee university, is named "Stonewall Jackson" or just "Stonewall" honoring the Confederate general who ran circles around the Union troops during the Civil War and was a professor at VMI before the war. Lexington depends on tourism dollars and yet the elite liberals who seem to run the city decided that Confederate flags would no longer be allowed to be flown on city property even by C/W reenactors who used to flood the streets during tourist season. . How is that for shooting yourself in the foot? I might add that the liberal elites are mostly university employees or the spouses of university elite and don't depend on tourism dollars for their living.

Well he got whupped. So whenever I see a stonewall jackson or any confederate memorial I take a moment to smile and be grateful of how things turned out.

Actually Stonewall Jackson never got "whupped" He beat the Union at Chancellorsville even though he was outnumbered. He was shot by accident while patrolling the lines and died from his wounds. The point might escape the libs (as most things do these days) but tourism depends on history and you can't change history no matter how you try. It's the height of hypocrisy to use Stonewall Jackson and the confederate legacy while at the same time pretending the Confederacy didn't exist and chase tourists away with politically correct stupid laws.

Well his enemy's flag is flying over the Capitol. So he sure as hell didn't win. You know who did win? This guy:

As I recall (and somebody feel free to correct me if I'm wrong), ol' Stonewall Jackson had a brilliant track record of Wins on the battlefield; Lee's favorite and most trusted field commander; Lee's right hand...

Stonewall was shot in the Spring of '63, before the Confederates had even reached their military high-water mark...

Which either saved his Rep as a brilliant commander (because he wasn't around for the end-game) OR which may actually have cost the South their victory...

It seems unlikely that Lee would have engaged at Gettysburg if Jackson was still on the team...

And, of course, it was that defeat at Gettysburg, more than anything else, that turned the tide against the Rebs...

Had the Rebs not fought at Gettysburg, or had Jackson still been serving as Lee's second-in-command and been directing field-operations at Gettysburtg and fought the battle a different way, then...

History might have taken an interesting turn in another direction...

Jackson performed brilliantly throughout all or most of his service - on both sides...

Like Lee, worthy of respect, regardless of The Cause...
It's a flag that represents something that no longer exists and for the most part never should have, but if people want to use a decoration symbolic of shame and defeat (at best) then I guess that's up to them.

People from all regions of our great nation should be proud, and we should all do so under our shared stars and stripes.

Ruff, ruff you retarded statist.

Another post just bursting with content and coherence from the squirrelly psycho. :rolleyes:

I think you're infatuated with me. Borderline stalker type behavior. Is you man or is you woman? If woman I'll send you a pick.
As I recall (and somebody feel free to correct me if I'm wrong), ol' Stonewall Jackson had a brilliant track record of Wins on the battlefield; Lee's favorite and most trusted field commander; Lee's right hand...

Stonewall was shot in the Spring of '63, before the Confederates had even reached their military high-water mark...

Which either saved his Rep as a brilliant commander (because he wasn't around for the end-game) OR which may actually have cost the South their victory...

It seems unlikely that Lee would have engaged at Gettysburg if Jackson was still on the team...

And, of course, it was that defeat at Gettysburg, more than anything else, that turned the tide against the Rebs...

Had the Rebs not fought at Gettysburg, or had Jackson still been serving as Lee's second-in-command and been directing field-operations at Gettysburtg and fought the battle a different way, then...

History might have taken an interesting turn in another direction...

Jackson performed brilliantly throughout all or most of his service - on both sides...

Like Lee, worthy of respect, regardless of The Cause...

Jackson was hit by friendly fire, survived those wounds and died in his bed of pneumonia in case you wanted to know.
Yeah, sure, you meant to be an ignorant, illiterate psycho. Way to go, champ.
my suggestion, don't move to Virgina if this is going to chap your ass...

my gawd petty people in this country...gotta bitch about something
They taught you that in school? Come on, be honest. I doubt that they dug that deep into the confederacy in your school days but if so then you must have had better teachers than I. I had to learn most of the gory details after I was in school when I became an enthusiast.
I view the Confederate flag the same way the Germans view the Nazi flag.

And the racists view the confederate flag the same way the Nazi's view the swastika.

Both are used to convey hate and cause fear.

oh brother...this is as bad as the rodeo clown being racist for wearing an Obama mask, but you all didn't have a problem with people putting Obama's face on the American flag

you people get bent over the dumbest don't like our history, you all are free to leave

how do you stand it and YOURSELVES?
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