ConfederatE Flag to be raised in Virgini

I dunno...

My family are dyed-in-the-wool Yankees thru-and-thru...

Illini for as long as we've been in this country...

Had I been alive back then, there's a good chance that I would have enlisted to wear the Union Blue myself...


Acknowledging that Black Folk oftentimes see the Confederate Flag as a purely racist symbol...

To many White Folk with strong roots in the South (including Old Virginia), the Confederate Flag represents Rebellion Against Tyranny (perceived) and States Rights Trumping Federal and Courage Against Overwhelming Odds and stuff like that...

Personally, as a White guy, with no stake in this, I don't begrudge 'em their Old Flag, as a way to remember that part of their heritage...

I'm fully aware that this is not a Politically Correct stance...

Fortunately for me, that part doesn't bother me in the slightest...

This may interest you:

Illinois Copperheads and the American Civil War
Yes, I'm aware that Illinois had a 'colorful' track-record during the Civil War...

After all, we touch upon two old Slave States... Kentucky and Missouri.

Then again, we're such a long State, top-to-bottom, that the northern part of the State, which holds most of the towns and population, was far more pro-Lincoln and pro-Union than some of our southermost and westernmost folk...

My own family roots her ein Illinois stretch back that far and we're all northeastern Illinois types where pro-Union sentiment was running at its strongest within our State...

And, in the final analysis, we did our bit...

List of Illinois Civil War units - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

...which is all that counts, when all else is said and done.
FYI the Confederacy only lasted about four years. The flag that flew from the stern of slave ships and over slavery in America for the previous 200 years was the Union Jack and the Stars and Stripes. Should we ban the British flag?
Almost everything in Lexington Va., home of VMI and Washington &Lee university, is named "Stonewall Jackson" or just "Stonewall" honoring the Confederate general who ran circles around the Union troops during the Civil War and was a professor at VMI before the war. Lexington depends on tourism dollars and yet the elite liberals who seem to run the city decided that Confederate flags would no longer be allowed to be flown on city property even by C/W reenactors who used to flood the streets during tourist season. . How is that for shooting yourself in the foot? I might add that the liberal elites are mostly university employees or the spouses of university elite and don't depend on tourism dollars for their living.
I dig bullets and assorted items from Illinois units all the time. Only dropped once.
So are you gonna finish plagiarizing the old WWII Italian Rifles for Sale joke,or what?
FYI the Confederacy only lasted about four years. The flag that flew from the stern of slave ships and over slavery in America for the previous 200 years was the Union Jack and the Stars and Stripes. Should we ban the British flag?

FYI the Confederacy only lasted about four years. The flag that flew from the stern of slave ships and over slavery in America for the previous 200 years was the Union Jack and the Stars and Stripes. Should we ban the British flag?


What's the point then? Isn't the argument about slavery? The British Colonies authorized slavery for a hundred years and the fledgling United States authorized slavery for about fifty years before the Confederacy existed for four years. Modern race baiters are into symbolic hatred. Which flag should we hate?
^ Old Glory is faaaaaar more a symbol of rebellion against tyranny

Old Glory flew over slavery a heck of a lot longer than the confederate flag.


Fair enough. But the confederate flag was created in part because Old Glory didn't support slavery quite enough :cool:
Almost everything in Lexington Va., home of VMI and Washington &Lee university, is named "Stonewall Jackson" or just "Stonewall" honoring the Confederate general who ran circles around the Union troops during the Civil War and was a professor at VMI before the war. Lexington depends on tourism dollars and yet the elite liberals who seem to run the city decided that Confederate flags would no longer be allowed to be flown on city property even by C/W reenactors who used to flood the streets during tourist season. . How is that for shooting yourself in the foot? I might add that the liberal elites are mostly university employees or the spouses of university elite and don't depend on tourism dollars for their living.

Well he got whupped. So whenever I see a stonewall jackson or any confederate memorial I take a moment to smile and be grateful of how things turned out.
FYI the Confederacy only lasted about four years. The flag that flew from the stern of slave ships and over slavery in America for the previous 200 years was the Union Jack and the Stars and Stripes. Should we ban the British flag?


What's the point then? Isn't the argument about slavery? The British Colonies authorized slavery for a hundred years and the fledgling United States authorized slavery for about fifty years before the Confederacy existed for four years. Modern race baiters are into symbolic hatred. Which flag should we hate?

Stop the irrelevancy because the argument concerns our flags. The CSA flag is the flag of treason, nothing more.
"...The CSA flag is the flag of treason, nothing more."
These were flags of treason, too...






...but that doesn't stop us from hauling them out from time to time, in remembrance of those who fought so bravely and for so long; although, in our case, the 'Traitors' won after many reverses and close calls and many years of bloody fighting.

And, of course, from the Rebs' perspective, it was not 'Treason', but, rather, 'Secession'; a Second War of Independence, because they did not want to be in the Union any longer; at worst, Rebellion; at best, Breaking Away.

But, of course, the Victors get to write the histories, and Revisionists eventually end-up attributing all kinds of things to the symbols which they were never intended to convey.

At a distance of 148 years since the end of the Civil War, I think we've grown-up enough to let the descendants of those Rebels celebrate their ancestors' bravery and independence while continuing to hold the worst attribute of their antebellum system at arms' length. It's what Old Abe would have expected of us; having called for the playing of 'Dixie' the night of April 10, 1865.

The Confederacy, and the Confederate Flag... the Civil War... is a huge part of who we are as a Nation... lighten up... let 'em fly it proudly... to them, it means courage and sacrifice and States' Rights, far more than anything to do with the despicable old Southern slave-holding system. Stop reading other things into it that deprive them of a huge part of their heritage.

Are we not sufficiently tolerant to cope with this, without having a cow over it?
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What a beautiful site to lay the eyes upon. I am glad the Confederate Battle Flag was raised over I-95 in Virginia . I reminds me of our prideful great southern heritage that must not be lost to history due to political correctness. Great job by the Virginia Flaggers for their efforts.

Confederate battle flag rises in Va. off I-95 |

“The flag will serve to welcome visitors and commuters to Richmond, and remind them of our honorable Confederate history and heritage,” Virginia Flagger Susan Hathaway wrote in a post on the Flaggers’ website.
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