Confederate flag's removal turns King Day into celebration

And the lie continues that the southern conservative racists did not go over to the Pubs in the South.

We all know they did, we all know the losers who lie about will continue to lie about it, and I will always call them out.
And the lie continues that the southern conservative racists did not go over to the Pubs in the South.

We all know they did, we all know the losers who lie about will continue to lie about it, and I will always call them out.

Actually, you're the one spreading the lie.

I've repeatedly posted links to an academic study that demonstrated that.
Bobby Byrd, LBJ, FDR, Hugo Black, Al Gore Sr and so many other prominent Democrats are spinning in their graves

Who made MLK Day a federal holiday? Oh, right Ronald Reagan

meh... the racists are all republicans now. they left the democratic after the civil rights laws and the constant southern strategy of the right. but again, you know this.
Wrong. I must correct the fallacy you keep repeating. I will do this forever if need be. No Dixiecrat switched to the GOP, except one. They all died as Democrats. It is absurd the racist democrats switched to the party that freed slaves and made civil rights law. Yet Democrats keep pushing the Big Lie. They act like they're for the black man, but they keep them on the plantation. Only thing that changed when it comes to keeping the black man dependent is their methods for ensuring it.

"In the end the Party would announce that two and two made five, and you would have to believe it. It was inevitable that they should make that claim sooner or later: the logic of their position demanded it. Not merely the validity of experience, but the very existence of external reality was tacitly denied by their philosophy." -- Dem Philosophy 2015
Bobby Byrd, LBJ, FDR, Hugo Black, Al Gore Sr and so many other prominent Democrats are spinning in their graves

Who made MLK Day a federal holiday? Oh, right Ronald Reagan
I guess Ray GUN still had a lot of "democrat" in him...heh heh heh!
Bobby Byrd, LBJ, FDR, Hugo Black, Al Gore Sr and so many other prominent Democrats are spinning in their graves

Who made MLK Day a federal holiday? Oh, right Ronald Reagan

meh... the racists are all republicans now. they left the democratic after the civil rights laws and the constant southern strategy of the right. but again, you know this.
Wrong. I must correct the fallacy you keep repeating. I will do this forever if need be. No Dixiecrat switched to the GOP, except one. They all died as Democrats. It is absurd the racist democrats switched to the party that freed slaves and made civil rights law. Yet Democrats keep pushing the Big Lie. They act like they're for the black man, but they keep them on the plantation. Only thing that changed when it comes to keeping the black man dependent is their methods for ensuring it.

Lyndon Johnson made it clear what he thought about blacks.
And the lie continues that the southern conservative racists did not go over to the Pubs in the South.

We all know they did, we all know the losers who lie about will continue to lie about it, and I will always call them out.

2+2 =5

Barry Goldwater was a Democrat

Democrats first proposed Ike's Civil Rights Bill and Senate Republicans Leaders, LBJ and Al Gore Jr, held it up in the Senate deriding it as the "Nigg@r Bill"

"I'll have them ****** voting Democrat for the next 200 years" -- Republican President LBJ


"In the end the Party would announce that two and two made five, and you would have to believe it. It was inevitable that they should make that claim sooner or later: the logic of their position demanded it. Not merely the validity of experience, but the very existence of external reality was tacitly denied by their philosophy." -- Dem Philosophy 2015

Poor far right wing nuts and racialists.

You have lost forever.

Anyone that thinks a flag caused the shooting for which the uproar to bring it down occurred is a born loser.
View attachment 60237

So you're one that believes a piece of cloth pulled a trigger? Retard.
Translation: Con65 has lost so big on this issue he has wet his pants.
The symbol of your party the donkey is as much a part of slavery than the confederate flag. Should it be banned?

Poor far right wing nuts and racialists.

You have lost forever.
We've lost? Tell it to the black kids in the inner city who are dead or fucked up because lefties like you refuse to face the real cause of social dysfunction and focus on the boogie man of White Racism.
Gibberish on your part. Try again.
Are you saying the social dysfunction in the black community is the fault of white people?
And the lie continues that the southern conservative racists did not go over to the Pubs in the South.

We all know they did, we all know the losers who lie about will continue to lie about it, and I will always call them out.

Actually, you're the one spreading the lie.

I've repeatedly posted links to an academic study that demonstrated that.
Which has been repudiated competently time and again. Once again, you will come back and lie, and once again I will point out you and your confederates (heh) are lying.

Poor far right wing nuts and racialists.

You have lost forever.
We've lost? Tell it to the black kids in the inner city who are dead or fucked up because lefties like you refuse to face the real cause of social dysfunction and focus on the boogie man of White Racism.
Gibberish on your part. Try again.
Are you saying the social dysfunction in the black community is the fault of white people?
Those are your words and a deflection. Focus.

Poor far right wing nuts and racialists.

You have lost forever.
We've lost? Tell it to the black kids in the inner city who are dead or fucked up because lefties like you refuse to face the real cause of social dysfunction and focus on the boogie man of White Racism.
Gibberish on your part. Try again.
Are you saying the social dysfunction in the black community is the fault of white people?
Those are your words and a deflection. Focus.

They aren't my words as if I made a statement. I asked you a direct QUESTION. Your refusal to answer proves much about you.

Poor far right wing nuts and racialists.

You have lost forever.
We've lost? Tell it to the black kids in the inner city who are dead or fucked up because lefties like you refuse to face the real cause of social dysfunction and focus on the boogie man of White Racism.
Gibberish on your part. Try again.
Are you saying the social dysfunction in the black community is the fault of white people?
Those are your words and a deflection. Focus.

They aren't my words as if I made a statement. I asked you a direct QUESTION. Your refusal to answer proves much about you.
That is not the OP, and your question is immaterial.

King's Day today is special because Nikki Haley had the guts to do the right thing.

Long live all the good people in our GOP who confront you jerks.
We've lost? Tell it to the black kids in the inner city who are dead or fucked up because lefties like you refuse to face the real cause of social dysfunction and focus on the boogie man of White Racism.
Gibberish on your part. Try again.
Are you saying the social dysfunction in the black community is the fault of white people?
Those are your words and a deflection. Focus.

They aren't my words as if I made a statement. I asked you a direct QUESTION. Your refusal to answer proves much about you.
That is not the OP, and your question is immaterial.

King's Day today is special because Nikki Haley had the guts to do the right thing.

Long live all the good people in our GOP who confront you jerks.

Avoidance make you look cowardly. Can Haley do anything to help you out with that? I doubt it.

Poor far right wing nuts and racialists.

You have lost forever.
We've lost? Tell it to the black kids in the inner city who are dead or fucked up because lefties like you refuse to face the real cause of social dysfunction and focus on the boogie man of White Racism.
Gibberish on your part. Try again.
Are you saying the social dysfunction in the black community is the fault of white people?

well, when you jail black males for things that white males aren't jailed for.... and separate them from their families at the times they are most at risk... and then do things like redline districts rather than judging people on their individual credit... and then engage in predatory lending in the black community...

and that doesn't even begin at slavery and later segregation (which wasn't ended legally til less than 60 years ago)

nah... white people had nothing to do with dysfunction in the black community. :rolleyes:

Poor far right wing nuts and racialists.

You have lost forever.
We've lost? Tell it to the black kids in the inner city who are dead or fucked up because lefties like you refuse to face the real cause of social dysfunction and focus on the boogie man of White Racism.
Gibberish on your part. Try again.
Are you saying the social dysfunction in the black community is the fault of white people?

well, when you jail black males for things that white males aren't jailed for.... and separate them from their families at the times they are most at risk... and then do things like redline districts rather than judging people on their individual credit... and then engage in predatory lending in the black community...

and that doesn't even begin at slavery and later segregation (which wasn't ended legally til less than 60 years ago)

nah... white people had nothing to do with dysfunction in the black community. :rolleyes:

I guess the bastard birth rate over 70% among black is the fault of white people, too huh?

Lending involves two sides.

Poor far right wing nuts and racialists.

You have lost forever.
We've lost? Tell it to the black kids in the inner city who are dead or fucked up because lefties like you refuse to face the real cause of social dysfunction and focus on the boogie man of White Racism.
Gibberish on your part. Try again.
Are you saying the social dysfunction in the black community is the fault of white people?

well, when you jail black males for things that white males aren't jailed for.... and separate them from their families at the times they are most at risk... and then do things like redline districts rather than judging people on their individual credit... and then engage in predatory lending in the black community...

and that doesn't even begin at slavery and later segregation (which wasn't ended legally til less than 60 years ago)

nah... white people had nothing to do with dysfunction in the black community. :rolleyes:

I guess the bastard birth rate over 70% among black is the fault of white people, too huh?

Lending involves two sides.


the largest group of people on welfare are white single mothers.

try again.,... next time without bigotry. the black "welfare queen" meme was something created by lee atwater and ronnie reagan to run the southern strategy.

keep listening to those dog whistles though.

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