Confederate flag's removal turns King Day into celebration

Are you saying the social dysfunction in the black community is the fault of white people?

well, when you jail black males for things that white males aren't jailed for.... and separate them from their families at the times they are most at risk... and then do things like redline districts rather than judging people on their individual credit... and then engage in predatory lending in the black community...

and that doesn't even begin at slavery and later segregation (which wasn't ended legally til less than 60 years ago)

nah... white people had nothing to do with dysfunction in the black community. :rolleyes:

I guess the bastard birth rate over 70% among black is the fault of white people, too huh?

Lending involves two sides.


the largest group of people on welfare are white single mothers.

try again.,... next time without bigotry. the black "welfare queen" meme was something created by lee atwater and ronnie reagan to run the southern strategy.

keep listening to those dog whistles though.

Perhaps you should study proportions. Are those single white mothers on welfare as many times greater in number as compared to the difference in society?

Let's break it down for the entire population:

According to the Dept. of Commerce, there are 41.7 million on food stamps as of 8/1/2015

According to the Dept. of Agriculture, 40.2% of food stamp recipients are white and 25.7% are black.

According to the 2010 census numbers, which we'll use due to others only being estimates, there were 310 million people of which 63.7% (197 million) were white and 12.2% (38 million) were black.

Simple math even you'll understand:
41.7 million * .402 (40.2% that are white) = 16.7 million whites on food stamps
41.7 million * .257 (25.7% that are black) = 10.7 million blacks on food stamps

16.7 million/197 million = 8.5% or the percentage of the total white population on food stamps.
10.7 million/38million = 28.2% of the percentage of the total black population on food stamps.

That's a ratio of 1:12 for whites and 1:3.5 for blacks. Raw data means nothing unless you put it in context.

That is just racist whitey arithmetic. Correct arithmetic is employed by Democrats who declared that 2+2=5.
So, your post is false and bogus and most of all RACIST.

So real numbers doing real math is false and bogus? Which of the GOVERNMENT'S numbers that I posted were incorrect?
Let's see if the far rw nutters use proportionality when discussing the 94 million Americans who are not working. :lol:
well, when you jail black males for things that white males aren't jailed for.... and separate them from their families at the times they are most at risk... and then do things like redline districts rather than judging people on their individual credit... and then engage in predatory lending in the black community...

and that doesn't even begin at slavery and later segregation (which wasn't ended legally til less than 60 years ago)

nah... white people had nothing to do with dysfunction in the black community. :rolleyes:

I guess the bastard birth rate over 70% among black is the fault of white people, too huh?

Lending involves two sides.


the largest group of people on welfare are white single mothers.

try again.,... next time without bigotry. the black "welfare queen" meme was something created by lee atwater and ronnie reagan to run the southern strategy.

keep listening to those dog whistles though.

Perhaps you should study proportions. Are those single white mothers on welfare as many times greater in number as compared to the difference in society?

Let's break it down for the entire population:

According to the Dept. of Commerce, there are 41.7 million on food stamps as of 8/1/2015

According to the Dept. of Agriculture, 40.2% of food stamp recipients are white and 25.7% are black.

According to the 2010 census numbers, which we'll use due to others only being estimates, there were 310 million people of which 63.7% (197 million) were white and 12.2% (38 million) were black.

Simple math even you'll understand:
41.7 million * .402 (40.2% that are white) = 16.7 million whites on food stamps
41.7 million * .257 (25.7% that are black) = 10.7 million blacks on food stamps

16.7 million/197 million = 8.5% or the percentage of the total white population on food stamps.
10.7 million/38million = 28.2% of the percentage of the total black population on food stamps.

That's a ratio of 1:12 for whites and 1:3.5 for blacks. Raw data means nothing unless you put it in context.

That is just racist whitey arithmetic. Correct arithmetic is employed by Democrats who declared that 2+2=5.
So, your post is false and bogus and most of all RACIST.

So real numbers doing real math is false and bogus? Which of the GOVERNMENT'S numbers that I posted were incorrect?

Based on your accurate and astute post I was hoping that you would have enough sense of humor to see that my reply was an attempt at sarcasm.
Let's see if the far rw nutters use proportionality when discussing the 94 million Americans who are not working. :lol:

If you had a wish, and could choose between removing remaining white racism OR lowering the Black illegitimacy rate to say... 10%


Would you really take the hit for letting the 70% illegitimacy rate go on?

That's a lot of karma...
I guess the bastard birth rate over 70% among black is the fault of white people, too huh?

Lending involves two sides.


the largest group of people on welfare are white single mothers.

try again.,... next time without bigotry. the black "welfare queen" meme was something created by lee atwater and ronnie reagan to run the southern strategy.

keep listening to those dog whistles though.

Perhaps you should study proportions. Are those single white mothers on welfare as many times greater in number as compared to the difference in society?

Let's break it down for the entire population:

According to the Dept. of Commerce, there are 41.7 million on food stamps as of 8/1/2015

According to the Dept. of Agriculture, 40.2% of food stamp recipients are white and 25.7% are black.

According to the 2010 census numbers, which we'll use due to others only being estimates, there were 310 million people of which 63.7% (197 million) were white and 12.2% (38 million) were black.

Simple math even you'll understand:
41.7 million * .402 (40.2% that are white) = 16.7 million whites on food stamps
41.7 million * .257 (25.7% that are black) = 10.7 million blacks on food stamps

16.7 million/197 million = 8.5% or the percentage of the total white population on food stamps.
10.7 million/38million = 28.2% of the percentage of the total black population on food stamps.

That's a ratio of 1:12 for whites and 1:3.5 for blacks. Raw data means nothing unless you put it in context.

That is just racist whitey arithmetic. Correct arithmetic is employed by Democrats who declared that 2+2=5.
So, your post is false and bogus and most of all RACIST.

So real numbers doing real math is false and bogus? Which of the GOVERNMENT'S numbers that I posted were incorrect?

Based on your accurate and astute post I was hoping that you would have enough sense of humor to see that my reply was an attempt at sarcasm.

Must have missed it. Used to people using statements and terms like you used being serious. Don't think that some haven't said the same thing and really meant it.
Correll, when he is ready to talk honestly and stop deflecting, will be answered. :lol: Right now he is showing his true colors of the hood.
Gibberish on your part. Try again.
Are you saying the social dysfunction in the black community is the fault of white people?

well, when you jail black males for things that white males aren't jailed for.... and separate them from their families at the times they are most at risk... and then do things like redline districts rather than judging people on their individual credit... and then engage in predatory lending in the black community...

and that doesn't even begin at slavery and later segregation (which wasn't ended legally til less than 60 years ago)

nah... white people had nothing to do with dysfunction in the black community. :rolleyes:

I guess the bastard birth rate over 70% among black is the fault of white people, too huh?

Lending involves two sides.


the largest group of people on welfare are white single mothers.

try again.,... next time without bigotry. the black "welfare queen" meme was something created by lee atwater and ronnie reagan to run the southern strategy.

keep listening to those dog whistles though.

Very dishonest to respond to a point about illegitimacy RATES, with a number that is mostly a reflection of population size.

Standard hiding from the truth from a lib.

Oh, and more Race Card play, of course.

Point out facts to one to prove a point and they hide like wanted criminals.
Proportions? Oh the principle you won't accept when we talk about who is who in the 94 million Americans who don't work.

That principle?

And you talk about diversion. That's exactly what you did. The discussion was about proportions when it comes to social programs. You want to bring in something unrelated then complain on other posts about people talking about things that are unrelated.
Con65, you will be held to proportion when you talk about unemployment numbers again.

In the meantime, most welfare moms are white. Fact.
And the lie continues that the southern conservative racists did not go over to the Pubs in the South.

We all know they did, we all know the losers who lie about will continue to lie about it, and I will always call them out.
Outside of One, name the Dixiecrats who switched parties. Explain why racist democrats would switch to the party that gave blacks voting and civil rights. You can't, other than you pushing the liberal lie. Blacks suffered more under democrat rule than at anytime the GOP ran things. Shit there're is a black guy in the White House and blacks are worse off even more. You're fucking nuts pushing the lie that blacks fare better under Democrats. So kiss my ass if you don't want to hear the Truth about your Party, the Democrats. You're fooling no one about being a republican, Fake..
Bobby Byrd, LBJ, FDR, Hugo Black, Al Gore Sr and so many other prominent Democrats are spinning in their graves

Who made MLK Day a federal holiday? Oh, right Ronald Reagan

meh... the racists are all republicans now. they left the democratic after the civil rights laws and the constant southern strategy of the right. but again, you know this.
Wrong. I must correct the fallacy you keep repeating. I will do this forever if need be. No Dixiecrat switched to the GOP, except one. They all died as Democrats. It is absurd the racist democrats switched to the party that freed slaves and made civil rights law. Yet Democrats keep pushing the Big Lie. They act like they're for the black man, but they keep them on the plantation. Only thing that changed when it comes to keeping the black man dependent is their methods for ensuring it.

Lyndon Johnson made it clear what he thought about blacks.
Yes. Johnson was. Going to use the blacks to keep democrats in power. " Thse n1ggers will vote Dem for 200 years."
We've lost? Tell it to the black kids in the inner city who are dead or fucked up because lefties like you refuse to face the real cause of social dysfunction and focus on the boogie man of White Racism.
Gibberish on your part. Try again.
Are you saying the social dysfunction in the black community is the fault of white people?

well, when you jail black males for things that white males aren't jailed for.... and separate them from their families at the times they are most at risk... and then do things like redline districts rather than judging people on their individual credit... and then engage in predatory lending in the black community...

and that doesn't even begin at slavery and later segregation (which wasn't ended legally til less than 60 years ago)

nah... white people had nothing to do with dysfunction in the black community. :rolleyes:

I guess the bastard birth rate over 70% among black is the fault of white people, too huh?

Lending involves two sides.


the largest group of people on welfare are white single mothers.

try again.,... next time without bigotry. the black "welfare queen" meme was something created by lee atwater and ronnie reagan to run the southern strategy.

keep listening to those dog whistles though.
Explain how Carter was elected thanks to the Southern vote. Your Southern Strategy bullshit fails.
A great day as America moves forward

COLUMBIA, S.C. — Civic leaders, activists, artists and others are celebrating, marching and paying homage Monday to Martin Luther King Jr., marking the 30th anniversary of the federal holiday honoring the slain civil rights leader.
In South Carolina, civil rights leaders planned a march to their state capitol as in past years when their rally highlighted calls to remove the Confederate flag from Statehouse grounds.

Confederate flag's removal turns King Day into celebration ::
Many USMB right wingers think the confederate flag is a liberal flag. That conservatives like Lincoln were anti slavery and it was the southern liberals who wanted slavery, just like they do today. They think that blacks are simply too stupid to understand that it's conservatives blacks should be working with. Because white liberals were the plantation owners.

I'm not kidding and this is not satire.
Gibberish on your part. Try again.
Are you saying the social dysfunction in the black community is the fault of white people?

well, when you jail black males for things that white males aren't jailed for.... and separate them from their families at the times they are most at risk... and then do things like redline districts rather than judging people on their individual credit... and then engage in predatory lending in the black community...

and that doesn't even begin at slavery and later segregation (which wasn't ended legally til less than 60 years ago)

nah... white people had nothing to do with dysfunction in the black community. :rolleyes:

I guess the bastard birth rate over 70% among black is the fault of white people, too huh?

Lending involves two sides.


the largest group of people on welfare are white single mothers.

try again.,... next time without bigotry. the black "welfare queen" meme was something created by lee atwater and ronnie reagan to run the southern strategy.

keep listening to those dog whistles though.
Explain how Carter was elected thanks to the Southern vote. Your Southern Strategy bullshit fails.
That was the only one in that group of elections that went Dems solidly, and it was because he was a Southerner. They did not get how much of a liberal he was. The stats fail on you, dude.
Many USMB right wingers think the confederate flag is a liberal flag. That conservatives like Lincoln were anti slavery and it was the southern liberals who wanted slavery, just like they do today. They think that blacks are simply too stupid to understand that it's conservatives blacks should be working with. Because white liberals were the plantation owners.
The south was ruled by Democrats, they never identified was conservative or liberal. Your argument fails. Was Johnson a conservative when he passed the Great Society to get "n1ggers voting Democrat for 200 years"? You must think LBJ is the white MLK. You can't have it both ways.
Are you saying the social dysfunction in the black community is the fault of white people?

well, when you jail black males for things that white males aren't jailed for.... and separate them from their families at the times they are most at risk... and then do things like redline districts rather than judging people on their individual credit... and then engage in predatory lending in the black community...

and that doesn't even begin at slavery and later segregation (which wasn't ended legally til less than 60 years ago)

nah... white people had nothing to do with dysfunction in the black community. :rolleyes:

I guess the bastard birth rate over 70% among black is the fault of white people, too huh?

Lending involves two sides.


the largest group of people on welfare are white single mothers.

try again.,... next time without bigotry. the black "welfare queen" meme was something created by lee atwater and ronnie reagan to run the southern strategy.

keep listening to those dog whistles though.
Explain how Carter was elected thanks to the Southern vote. Your Southern Strategy bullshit fails.
That was the only one in that group of elections that went Dems solidly, and it was because he was a Southerner. They did not get how much of a liberal he was. The stats fail on you, dude.
It was no secret carter was a liberal democrat. Southerner aren't stupid. Once again you fail to exonerate your democrat buddies.
well, when you jail black males for things that white males aren't jailed for.... and separate them from their families at the times they are most at risk... and then do things like redline districts rather than judging people on their individual credit... and then engage in predatory lending in the black community...

and that doesn't even begin at slavery and later segregation (which wasn't ended legally til less than 60 years ago)

nah... white people had nothing to do with dysfunction in the black community. :rolleyes:

I guess the bastard birth rate over 70% among black is the fault of white people, too huh?

Lending involves two sides.


the largest group of people on welfare are white single mothers.

try again.,... next time without bigotry. the black "welfare queen" meme was something created by lee atwater and ronnie reagan to run the southern strategy.

keep listening to those dog whistles though.
Explain how Carter was elected thanks to the Southern vote. Your Southern Strategy bullshit fails.
That was the only one in that group of elections that went Dems solidly, and it was because he was a Southerner. They did not get how much of a liberal he was. The stats fail on you, dude.
It was no secret carter was a liberal democrat. Southerner aren't stupid. Once again you fail to exonerate your democrat buddies.
Those five elections with Carter the only outlier, and he a Southerner at that, clearly mess your argument up. That is what every high school student is taught and then reinforced in college. Your narrative has no traction except among the 10% of the country who are like you. Tough, I know, but there it is.

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