Confederate flag's removal turns King Day into celebration

We've lost? Tell it to the black kids in the inner city who are dead or fucked up because lefties like you refuse to face the real cause of social dysfunction and focus on the boogie man of White Racism.
Gibberish on your part. Try again.
Are you saying the social dysfunction in the black community is the fault of white people?

well, when you jail black males for things that white males aren't jailed for.... and separate them from their families at the times they are most at risk... and then do things like redline districts rather than judging people on their individual credit... and then engage in predatory lending in the black community...

and that doesn't even begin at slavery and later segregation (which wasn't ended legally til less than 60 years ago)

nah... white people had nothing to do with dysfunction in the black community. :rolleyes:

I guess the bastard birth rate over 70% among black is the fault of white people, too huh?

Lending involves two sides.


the largest group of people on welfare are white single mothers.

try again.,... next time without bigotry. the black "welfare queen" meme was something created by lee atwater and ronnie reagan to run the southern strategy.

keep listening to those dog whistles though.

Perhaps you should study proportions. Are those single white mothers on welfare as many times greater in number as compared to the difference in society?

Let's break it down for the entire population:

According to the Dept. of Commerce, there are 41.7 million on food stamps as of 8/1/2015

According to the Dept. of Agriculture, 40.2% of food stamp recipients are white and 25.7% are black.

According to the 2010 census numbers, which we'll use due to others only being estimates, there were 310 million people of which 63.7% (197 million) were white and 12.2% (38 million) were black.

Simple math even you'll understand:
41.7 million * .402 (40.2% that are white) = 16.7 million whites on food stamps
41.7 million * .257 (25.7% that are black) = 10.7 million blacks on food stamps

16.7 million/197 million = 8.5% or the percentage of the total white population on food stamps.
10.7 million/38million = 28.2% of the percentage of the total black population on food stamps.

That's a ratio of 1:12 for whites and 1:3.5 for blacks. Raw data means nothing unless you put it in context.
deflection - most are white mothers

Unless those white mothers getting it are equal on a proportional basis, raw data means nothing.

You're the kind of idiot that if colored marbles based on the makeup of society were put into a bag, you'd be shocked that a white one was picked on a 4 - 5 times higher basis.
Proportions? Oh the principle you won't accept when we talk about who is who in the 94 million Americans who don't work.

That principle?

Poor far right wing nuts and racialists.

You have lost forever.
We've lost? Tell it to the black kids in the inner city who are dead or fucked up because lefties like you refuse to face the real cause of social dysfunction and focus on the boogie man of White Racism.
Gibberish on your part. Try again.

My point was painfully clear.

You side is focusing on battles against perceived "racism" while the real problems affecting and ruining and ending blacks lives go untouched because they would require you libs and blacks to do more than blame whitey.

Please stop playing dumb.
And the lie continues that the southern conservative racists did not go over to the Pubs in the South.

We all know they did, we all know the losers who lie about will continue to lie about it, and I will always call them out.

Actually, you're the one spreading the lie.

I've repeatedly posted links to an academic study that demonstrated that.
Which has been repudiated competently time and again. Once again, you will come back and lie, and once again I will point out you and your confederates (heh) are lying.

Putting your hands over your ears and screaming LA-LA-LA is not a rebuttal.

The growing rich and middle class and northern immigrants are the ones that led the move to the GOP, not the uneducated rural poor whites as the Myth of the Southern Strategy claims.

YOu are the liar.

Poor far right wing nuts and racialists.

You have lost forever.
We've lost? Tell it to the black kids in the inner city who are dead or fucked up because lefties like you refuse to face the real cause of social dysfunction and focus on the boogie man of White Racism.
Gibberish on your part. Try again.
Are you saying the social dysfunction in the black community is the fault of white people?
Those are your words and a deflection. Focus.

They aren't my words as if I made a statement. I asked you a direct QUESTION. Your refusal to answer proves much about you.

On some level he knows his world view is based on lies, so he purposefully is evasive and deceptive.

Poor far right wing nuts and racialists.

You have lost forever.
We've lost? Tell it to the black kids in the inner city who are dead or fucked up because lefties like you refuse to face the real cause of social dysfunction and focus on the boogie man of White Racism.
Gibberish on your part. Try again.
Are you saying the social dysfunction in the black community is the fault of white people?

well, when you jail black males for things that white males aren't jailed for.... and separate them from their families at the times they are most at risk... and then do things like redline districts rather than judging people on their individual credit... and then engage in predatory lending in the black community...

and that doesn't even begin at slavery and later segregation (which wasn't ended legally til less than 60 years ago)

nah... white people had nothing to do with dysfunction in the black community. :rolleyes:

You've been targeting white racism as the source of all the black's problems for a long time now.

How is that working out for you?
We've lost? Tell it to the black kids in the inner city who are dead or fucked up because lefties like you refuse to face the real cause of social dysfunction and focus on the boogie man of White Racism.
Gibberish on your part. Try again.
Are you saying the social dysfunction in the black community is the fault of white people?

well, when you jail black males for things that white males aren't jailed for.... and separate them from their families at the times they are most at risk... and then do things like redline districts rather than judging people on their individual credit... and then engage in predatory lending in the black community...

and that doesn't even begin at slavery and later segregation (which wasn't ended legally til less than 60 years ago)

nah... white people had nothing to do with dysfunction in the black community. :rolleyes:

I guess the bastard birth rate over 70% among black is the fault of white people, too huh?

Lending involves two sides.


the largest group of people on welfare are white single mothers.

try again.,... next time without bigotry. the black "welfare queen" meme was something created by lee atwater and ronnie reagan to run the southern strategy.

keep listening to those dog whistles though.

Very dishonest to respond to a point about illegitimacy RATES, with a number that is mostly a reflection of population size.

Standard hiding from the truth from a lib.

Oh, and more Race Card play, of course.
deflection - most are white mothers

NO, the point about illegitimacy being the real cause of social dysfunction while you race baiting libs are whining about flags, is the truth.

Pointing out that a population more than 5 times as large as another has "more" single moms in it is the deflection.

Liberals. All the intellectual honestly of a crack whore.
Gibberish on your part. Try again.
Are you saying the social dysfunction in the black community is the fault of white people?

well, when you jail black males for things that white males aren't jailed for.... and separate them from their families at the times they are most at risk... and then do things like redline districts rather than judging people on their individual credit... and then engage in predatory lending in the black community...

and that doesn't even begin at slavery and later segregation (which wasn't ended legally til less than 60 years ago)

nah... white people had nothing to do with dysfunction in the black community. :rolleyes:

I guess the bastard birth rate over 70% among black is the fault of white people, too huh?

Lending involves two sides.


the largest group of people on welfare are white single mothers.

try again.,... next time without bigotry. the black "welfare queen" meme was something created by lee atwater and ronnie reagan to run the southern strategy.

keep listening to those dog whistles though.

Perhaps you should study proportions. Are those single white mothers on welfare as many times greater in number as compared to the difference in society?

Let's break it down for the entire population:

According to the Dept. of Commerce, there are 41.7 million on food stamps as of 8/1/2015

According to the Dept. of Agriculture, 40.2% of food stamp recipients are white and 25.7% are black.

According to the 2010 census numbers, which we'll use due to others only being estimates, there were 310 million people of which 63.7% (197 million) were white and 12.2% (38 million) were black.

Simple math even you'll understand:
41.7 million * .402 (40.2% that are white) = 16.7 million whites on food stamps
41.7 million * .257 (25.7% that are black) = 10.7 million blacks on food stamps

16.7 million/197 million = 8.5% or the percentage of the total white population on food stamps.
10.7 million/38million = 28.2% of the percentage of the total black population on food stamps.

That's a ratio of 1:12 for whites and 1:3.5 for blacks. Raw data means nothing unless you put it in context.

And that is WHY they never put it in context.

Because they are desperate to hide from the Truth.
deflection - most are white mothers

NO, the point about illegitimacy being the real cause of social dysfunction while you race baiting libs are whining about flags, is the truth.

Pointing out that a population more than 5 times as large as another has "more" single moms in it is the deflection.

Liberals. All the intellectual honestly of a crack whore.
Oh, are we arguing about proportions again?

Let me remind you of "Proportions? Oh the principle you won't accept when we talk about who is who in the 94 million Americans who don't work.

That principle?"

Your silly far right anti-American nonsesne will always be outed.
There is racism against blacks, yes. There is no misperception about that.

The misperception is that is it a powerful force or responsible for the dysfunction we see in the black community.

The 70% illegitimacy rate is the power force that damages black children and the black community.

This had been known since at least 1965 with the Moynihan report.

BUt for 50 years you libs have been shutting down any attempt to even address the truth, by your constant racial demagoguery.

It's done wonders for getting dems in office.

It has cost the lives of tens of thousands of blacks, and ruined countless more black lives. But you libs don't seem to care.
deflection - most are white mothers

NO, the point about illegitimacy being the real cause of social dysfunction while you race baiting libs are whining about flags, is the truth.

Pointing out that a population more than 5 times as large as another has "more" single moms in it is the deflection.

Liberals. All the intellectual honestly of a crack whore.
Oh, are we arguing about proportions again?

Let me remind you of "Proportions? Oh the principle you won't accept when we talk about who is who in the 94 million Americans who don't work.

That principle?"

Your silly far right anti-American nonsesne will always be outed.

Your attempt to hide the fact that blacks have a far larger problem with illegitimacy within their community is the nonsense here, not my calling you on your bullshit.

Your attempt to derail the topic with an off topic subject is noted as additional moral cowardice on your part.
And your argument that racism against blacks does not exist and is not powerful is a lie. A knowing lie. You are a liar.

The OP is the topic, not your lies or your deflections.
Last edited:
And your argument that racism against blacks does not exist and is not powerful is a lie. A knowing lie. You are a liar.

The OP is the topic, not your lies.

If you had a wish, and could choose between removing remaining white racism OR lowering the Black illegitimacy rate to say... 10%


Would you really take the hit for letting the 70% illegitimacy rate go on?

That's a lot of karma...
Gibberish on your part. Try again.
Are you saying the social dysfunction in the black community is the fault of white people?

well, when you jail black males for things that white males aren't jailed for.... and separate them from their families at the times they are most at risk... and then do things like redline districts rather than judging people on their individual credit... and then engage in predatory lending in the black community...

and that doesn't even begin at slavery and later segregation (which wasn't ended legally til less than 60 years ago)

nah... white people had nothing to do with dysfunction in the black community. :rolleyes:

I guess the bastard birth rate over 70% among black is the fault of white people, too huh?

Lending involves two sides.


the largest group of people on welfare are white single mothers.

try again.,... next time without bigotry. the black "welfare queen" meme was something created by lee atwater and ronnie reagan to run the southern strategy.

keep listening to those dog whistles though.

Perhaps you should study proportions. Are those single white mothers on welfare as many times greater in number as compared to the difference in society?

Let's break it down for the entire population:

According to the Dept. of Commerce, there are 41.7 million on food stamps as of 8/1/2015

According to the Dept. of Agriculture, 40.2% of food stamp recipients are white and 25.7% are black.

According to the 2010 census numbers, which we'll use due to others only being estimates, there were 310 million people of which 63.7% (197 million) were white and 12.2% (38 million) were black.

Simple math even you'll understand:
41.7 million * .402 (40.2% that are white) = 16.7 million whites on food stamps
41.7 million * .257 (25.7% that are black) = 10.7 million blacks on food stamps

16.7 million/197 million = 8.5% or the percentage of the total white population on food stamps.
10.7 million/38million = 28.2% of the percentage of the total black population on food stamps.

That's a ratio of 1:12 for whites and 1:3.5 for blacks. Raw data means nothing unless you put it in context.

That is just racist whitey arithmetic. Correct arithmetic is employed by Democrats who declared that 2+2=5.
So, your post is false and bogus and most of all RACIST.
A great day as America moves forward

COLUMBIA, S.C. — Civic leaders, activists, artists and others are celebrating, marching and paying homage Monday to Martin Luther King Jr., marking the 30th anniversary of the federal holiday honoring the slain civil rights leader.
In South Carolina, civil rights leaders planned a march to their state capitol as in past years when their rally highlighted calls to remove the Confederate flag from Statehouse grounds.

Confederate flag's removal turns King Day into celebration ::
It's Marxist Lucifer Koon Day.

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