Confederate statue toppled


Civil war veterans from both sides of the conflict are recognized as United States veterans by Public Law...

Confederate Soldiers are American Veterans by Act of Congress Archives | Veterans Today | Archives | Veterans Today

...The distruction of memorials to Confederate soldiers no matter what their rank is dishonoring a United States veteran.

*****SAD SMILE*****


The Confederacy was not part of the US, remember?

The link posted clearly disagrees with you. The Civil War affected the south tremendously and it took them a very long time to recover. Some of their guys died a horrible painful and slow death as POWs who were mistreated in prison camps and not given any medical attention for their war wounds. The southern people have a right to remember their losses and have their monuments to their fallen. Most of these men who died didn't even own slaves.

They were citizens of The Confederacy, an enemy nation.
$1000 says you're wrong. In fact, if the Republicans don't pull their heads out of their collective asses, they are going to get a major asswhooping November 2018 by that "finished" Democrat party. I don't want to see that happen. I'd rather sanity prevail, the hate go away and let America do what it does best.
You're going to be amazed at the backlash you liberal's are about to reap. Do you think people are cheering on your side's antics? You think you make friends when you call people racists for voting for Trump? Decent people are going to put up with your shit no longer. trump's election was only the beginning. We are taking back our Country and you're not going to like it.
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Civil war veterans from both sides of the conflict are recognized as United States veterans by Public Law...

Confederate Soldiers are American Veterans by Act of Congress Archives | Veterans Today | Archives | Veterans Today

...The distruction of memorials to Confederate soldiers no matter what their rank is dishonoring a United States veteran.

*****SAD SMILE*****


The Confederacy was not part of the US, remember?


Last time I checked everything south of the Mason Dixie Line was considered part of the United States.

Do you have a problem with the Public Law that the United States enacted giving all soldiers who fought in the Civil War the same benefits and honors accorded a United States veteran?

If so I suggest you take the matter up with your national representative.



You're not very up on history.

Civil war veterans from both sides of the conflict are recognized as United States veterans by Public Law...

Confederate Soldiers are American Veterans by Act of Congress Archives | Veterans Today | Archives | Veterans Today

...The distruction of memorials to Confederate soldiers no matter what their rank is dishonoring a United States veteran.

*****SAD SMILE*****


The Confederacy was not part of the US, remember?

The link posted clearly disagrees with you. The Civil War affected the south tremendously and it took them a very long time to recover. Some of their guys died a horrible painful and slow death as POWs who were mistreated in prison camps and not given any medical attention for their war wounds. The southern people have a right to remember their losses and have their monuments to their fallen. Most of these men who died didn't even own slaves.

They were citizens of The Confederacy, an enemy nation.

By Public Law 85-425, May 23, 1958 (H.R. 358) 72 Statute 133 states – “(3) (e) for the purpose of this section, and section 433, the term ‘veteran’ includes a person who served in the military or naval forces of the Confederate States of America during the Civil War, and the term ‘active, military or naval service’ includes active service in such forces.” As a result of this law the last surviving Confederate Veteran received a U.S. Military pension until his death in 1959, and from that day until present, descendants of Confederate veterans have been able to receive military monuments to place on graves from the Veteran’s Administration for their ancestors. A Confederate Veteran should therefore be treated with the same honor and dignity of any other American veteran.
These are children who really believe they are battering their betters.

The rational public has just about had enough, starting with the fools in college.

Civil war veterans from both sides of the conflict are recognized as United States veterans by Public Law...

Confederate Soldiers are American Veterans by Act of Congress Archives | Veterans Today | Archives | Veterans Today

...The distruction of memorials to Confederate soldiers no matter what their rank is dishonoring a United States veteran.

*****SAD SMILE*****


The Confederacy was not part of the US, remember?

The link posted clearly disagrees with you. The Civil War affected the south tremendously and it took them a very long time to recover. Some of their guys died a horrible painful and slow death as POWs who were mistreated in prison camps and not given any medical attention for their war wounds. The southern people have a right to remember their losses and have their monuments to their fallen. Most of these men who died didn't even own slaves.

They were citizens of The Confederacy, an enemy nation.


They were veterans in a conflict that the United States won and in turn to heal the wounds the United States declared them veterans of the United States to receive all benefits and honors accorded a United States veteran.

If you don't like that answer talk to your senator and representative.


Durham protesters topple Confederate statue outside courthouse


There's video at the link.

I'm afraid we'll be seeing a lot more of this and who can blame them? White supremacists have gotten away with their crimes for so long, no wonder people are fed up.

Hey, dipshit. what happens when they fight back and topple MLK's statues? You're fucking stupid to continue to promote these actions.

Two wrongs don't make a right. As it is, liberals love to destroy real history and install fascist systems such as affirmative action. If America suffers, it'll because of the capitulation. But adopting the fascists ways won't solve anything.

Civil war veterans from both sides of the conflict are recognized as United States veterans by Public Law...

Confederate Soldiers are American Veterans by Act of Congress Archives | Veterans Today | Archives | Veterans Today

...The distruction of memorials to Confederate soldiers no matter what their rank is dishonoring a United States veteran.

*****SAD SMILE*****


The Confederacy was not part of the US, remember?


Last time I checked everything south of the Mason Dixie Line was considered part of the United States.

Do you have a problem with the Public Law that the United States enacted giving all soldiers who fought in the Civil War the same benefits and honors accorded a United States veteran?

If so I suggest you take the matter up with your national representative.



You're not very up on history.


From what I'm seeing in this thread you're not up on the laws enacted in the United States or history.

Which indicates to be that you're a 'progressively educated' millennial.

Talk about two mutually exclusive terms being utilized together.


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Civil war veterans from both sides of the conflict are recognized as United States veterans by Public Law...

Confederate Soldiers are American Veterans by Act of Congress Archives | Veterans Today | Archives | Veterans Today

...The distruction of memorials to Confederate soldiers no matter what their rank is dishonoring a United States veteran.

*****SAD SMILE*****


The Confederacy was not part of the US, remember?

The link posted clearly disagrees with you. The Civil War affected the south tremendously and it took them a very long time to recover. Some of their guys died a horrible painful and slow death as POWs who were mistreated in prison camps and not given any medical attention for their war wounds. The southern people have a right to remember their losses and have their monuments to their fallen. Most of these men who died didn't even own slaves.

They were citizens of The Confederacy, an enemy nation.


They were veterans in a conflict that the United States won and in turn to heal the wounds the United States declared them veterans of the United States to receive all benefits and honors accorded a United States veteran.

If you don't like that answer talk to your senator and representative.



Toby Keith, a Democrat.
Why are liberals trying to divide the north and the south? Why? After all of these years and all the trouble we went through to reconcile, here come the childish liberals, trying to start up things. WTH is the matter with these people?

Civil war veterans from both sides of the conflict are recognized as United States veterans by Public Law...

Confederate Soldiers are American Veterans by Act of Congress Archives | Veterans Today | Archives | Veterans Today

...The distruction of memorials to Confederate soldiers no matter what their rank is dishonoring a United States veteran.

*****SAD SMILE*****


The Confederacy was not part of the US, remember?

The link posted clearly disagrees with you. The Civil War affected the south tremendously and it took them a very long time to recover. Some of their guys died a horrible painful and slow death as POWs who were mistreated in prison camps and not given any medical attention for their war wounds. The southern people have a right to remember their losses and have their monuments to their fallen. Most of these men who died didn't even own slaves.

They were citizens of The Confederacy, an enemy nation.


They were veterans in a conflict that the United States won and in turn to heal the wounds the United States declared them veterans of the United States to receive all benefits and honors accorded a United States veteran.

If you don't like that answer talk to your senator and representative.



Toby Keith, a Democrat.

Well, I just looked this claim up, and it says he is a FORMER democrat and now a registered independent. Another one bites the dust, huh?

Civil war veterans from both sides of the conflict are recognized as United States veterans by Public Law...

Confederate Soldiers are American Veterans by Act of Congress Archives | Veterans Today | Archives | Veterans Today

...The distruction of memorials to Confederate soldiers no matter what their rank is dishonoring a United States veteran.

*****SAD SMILE*****


The Confederacy was not part of the US, remember?

The link posted clearly disagrees with you. The Civil War affected the south tremendously and it took them a very long time to recover. Some of their guys died a horrible painful and slow death as POWs who were mistreated in prison camps and not given any medical attention for their war wounds. The southern people have a right to remember their losses and have their monuments to their fallen. Most of these men who died didn't even own slaves.

They were citizens of The Confederacy, an enemy nation.


They were veterans in a conflict that the United States won and in turn to heal the wounds the United States declared them veterans of the United States to receive all benefits and honors accorded a United States veteran.

If you don't like that answer talk to your senator and representative.



Toby Keith, a Democrat.


Who sang at the last Presidential inauguration.


That's it. I'm taking down the Pancho Villa statu
That's just wrong...those are also parts of our history....:(

These Losers Traitors sparking the Civil War, only belong in the museums.
Or in the cowardly gay-gray-coats sewer of graves. You do know gray is a
color between black and white. So completely impure for whitey to wear.
Not in our parks. Or on any public lands. It's completely fair.
This post is more incoherent than usual. I'll assume you've had a few and leave it at that.
The Confederacy was not part of the US, remember?

The link posted clearly disagrees with you. The Civil War affected the south tremendously and it took them a very long time to recover. Some of their guys died a horrible painful and slow death as POWs who were mistreated in prison camps and not given any medical attention for their war wounds. The southern people have a right to remember their losses and have their monuments to their fallen. Most of these men who died didn't even own slaves.
They were citizens of The Confederacy, an enemy nation.


They were veterans in a conflict that the United States won and in turn to heal the wounds the United States declared them veterans of the United States to receive all benefits and honors accorded a United States veteran.

If you don't like that answer talk to your senator and representative.



Toby Keith, a Democrat.

Well, I just looked this claim up, and it says he is a FORMER democrat and now a registered independent. Another one bites the dust, huh?

Southern Democrats were always conservative. So, he switched.
The link posted clearly disagrees with you. The Civil War affected the south tremendously and it took them a very long time to recover. Some of their guys died a horrible painful and slow death as POWs who were mistreated in prison camps and not given any medical attention for their war wounds. The southern people have a right to remember their losses and have their monuments to their fallen. Most of these men who died didn't even own slaves.
They were citizens of The Confederacy, an enemy nation.


They were veterans in a conflict that the United States won and in turn to heal the wounds the United States declared them veterans of the United States to receive all benefits and honors accorded a United States veteran.

If you don't like that answer talk to your senator and representative.



Toby Keith, a Democrat.

Well, I just looked this claim up, and it says he is a FORMER democrat and now a registered independent. Another one bites the dust, huh?

Southern Democrats were always conservative. So, he switched.

Yes, he did. Back in 2008.
Will they be tearing monuments off of the southern Civil War veterans' graves, spitting on them, and calling them racists and bigots next? Seems par for the course for liberals! Maybe there will be riots there too.
I HOPE SO. I live with people that seem obvious to history, perfectly brainwashed scary liberals zombies that dumb down history and blame whites all the time. The rest of us aren't seeing it and are disillusioned and feel disconnected. Sorry but liberalism needs to reexamine itself.
For what? Because conservatism is so peachy keen?

Stop being such a partisan.
what did they have against a statue representing an unnamed person? The people
who did it should be charged with vandalism. Lots of southern people died in the
civil war-----------why is it good to shit on a statue symbolizing the people lost in that
tragedy? I have decided that the statue represents a southern boy who died because
of Sherman's barbaric rampage

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