Confederate treason - Confiscation Act of 1862

John C Breckenridge is the FAMOUS leader of the Orphan Brigade from Kentucky who probably COuld and Should have been the President of the Confederacy, and was the leading proponent of the Confederacy and his Wikipedia says "In November 1857, after Breckinridge found alternative lodging in Washington, he sold a slave woman and her young infant which, according to historian James C. Klotter, probably ended his days as a slaveholder."
He was not a slaveholder, and never was any large slaveholder, and this entire entire article is filled with defenses of slavery, the sort of nuance you miss with all your Quotes, you think its not a Philosophical position, you take it to mean what you want, you see no good in Slavery, well hey join the ignorant crowd, you are the Worst of that ignorant crowd I've Seen!
You are the worst debater on Civil War anyone has Ever seen! To say that Slavery as some predecided word, when they said peculiar institution, when you are able to pull together 6 Shitty quotes about it being visible as a reason the war started, just like your Original post, sandsquid, which suggested Tennessee with 20% slaves max, probably 2% black, went, OH We have to KILL our White BROTHERS! Our White Brothers EXCLUSIVELY must DIE! Because what they want right now is to set up Blacks who we could holocaust as Equals, I think you sir are Crazy, you miss what that was about.

Which state would you want to hear from? Which leader of the Confederacy?

I listed quotes from the president of the Confederacy the vice president of the Confederacy their secretary of state and the two senators leading secession in the first state to secede.

Why when you read the census of 1860 where it said African slaves, did you say the majority of them were not black? I guess if you just want to lie and rewrite all the history you don't like you can make up your own version.
If I made an institution called Employment you never heard of and the South spent all its time telling you what they're doing then everyone would just yell Employment! No it wasn't ABOUT Employment! You haven't made a single point since you started.
Wait wait, OK you want a counter argument that's Easy man, what, that everyone talked About Slavery. Idiot. The argument about the War, see, was that in a Union that these States were formed before hand and deserve their rights and property outside of a tyrant president. Nobody Actually Ever made any speeches around slavery as a rallying cry. Never. you are quoting all internal documents on specific economic points, hell didn't stonewall ajckson hate the banks and factories and you sweatshop people and burn them alive, is the war about factories man? ITs a Fucking... Factory war.
If I made an institution called Employment you never heard of and the South spent all its time telling you what they're doing then everyone would just yell Employment! No it wasn't ABOUT Employment! You haven't made a single point since you started.

What? so because the leaders of the secessionist movement in the south said over and over it was about slavery, you want to cross that out and say it wasn't about slavery? What the Fuck are you trying to say here?
So you agree the South always had slavery since 1650, that the North started to try to phase that out of them with tariffs... You disagree that the South left the Union? That's the GOvernment, the question is if its Recognized in Doing so. The South then had a War about being able to do that which would be SHOCKING to ears today that they be recognized having Divorced entirely all bonds to the other States, correct? The war was about sundering the Union. Lincoln said I'd save the Union with slavery or without slavery then the Fucking war was about preserving the Union, end of story, Lincoln was the prosecutor of a war about preserving a Union. shut the fuck up.
Wait wait, OK you want a counter argument that's Easy man, what, that everyone talked About Slavery. Idiot. The argument about the War, see, was that in a Union that these States were formed before hand and deserve their rights and property outside of a tyrant president. Nobody Actually Ever made any speeches around slavery as a rallying cry. Never. you are quoting all internal documents on specific economic points, hell didn't stonewall ajckson hate the banks and factories and you sweatshop people and burn them alive, is the war about factories man? ITs a Fucking... Factory war.

Interesting. If only they mentioned why they wanted away from that President... Oh wait they did. Because he opposed SLAVERY.

Georgia's article of secession "They entered the Presidential contest again in 1860 and succeeded. The prohibition of slavery in the Territories, hostility to it everywhere, the equality of the black and white races, disregard of all constitutional guarantees in its favor, were boldly proclaimed by its leaders and applauded by its followers."

South Carolina's article of secession "A geographical line has been drawn across the Union, and all the States north of that line have united in the election of a man to the high office of President of the United States, whose opinions and purposes are hostile to slavery."
The States were catered to by an overall chosen administrator like Andrew Jackson who always did everything in mind for the states like Indian Removal or a few other documents where only States Rights were referenced in his activities. You SEEM to believe the COuntry has not been led by a RADICAL when Abraham Lincoln won, on Many counts , and I will Only consider a Confederate to be the true Patriot whom was Average, Totally Average, who did a duty.
You can read Mississippi's granted Blacks the Peculiar Nature of the Tropical Climate to be Able to Pick Cotton in this weather without a single white preferencing racist remark, did it really matter? The point always being that the North did not understand the conditions? The hell do you know, they are writing to other Northern Racists.
So you agree the South always had slavery since 1650, that the North started to try to phase that out of them with tariffs... You disagree that the South left the Union? That's the GOvernment, the question is if its Recognized in Doing so. The South then had a War about being able to do that which would be SHOCKING to ears today that they be recognized having Divorced entirely all bonds to the other States, correct? The war was about sundering the Union. Lincoln said I'd save the Union with slavery or without slavery then the Fucking war was about preserving the Union, end of story, Lincoln was the prosecutor of a war about preserving a Union. shut the fuck up.

Yes, you are confusing objective of a war for the North (save the US) with the reason for the war (protecting and expanding slavery by the South).

Just like the OBJECTIVE of WWII (defeat axis powers), and the reason the US got into it (Pearl Harbor) are two different things.

Funny you bring up tariffs as a reason. Who wrote the tariff in place at the time of secession. Robert MT Hunter, eventual sec of state of the Confederacy, which brought tariffs down to one of their lowest points in US history. That tariff was voted for by EVERY senator in states that seceded.

I don't disagree the South left the Union. They did. and they said over and over and over again that it was about protecting and expanding race based slavery. After they had overrun hundreds of US federal properties and forced the surrender of 1/4 of the US military by force when necessary, Lincoln fought back.
You are totally wrong. You are quoting tired old arguments by people who are systematically strengthening federal US government. The Standard before Napoleon throughout Europe is Feudalism, (The South, Countless Authors), Servants (Countless Authors) Just Not Kings, and Real COnfederate Veterans I bet you've Spent No Time With, reflect on Those qualities that are *European*.
Carolina even offered a secession threat under its best friend Andrew Jackson, everybody likes that quote. When Andrew Jackson was the ancestor Of That Movement. Carolina seceded first again, so we should believe it was a solidly sure argument Then about Slavery. Or How About again these were Nations onto Themselves trying to act the part over 100 years by then.
You can read Mississippi's granted Blacks the Peculiar Nature of the Tropical Climate to be Able to Pick Cotton in this weather without a single white preferencing racist remark, did it really matter? The point always being that the North did not understand the conditions? The hell do you know, they are writing to other Northern Racists.

What? So you are saying only blacks can farm fields in the South?

Lets see why Mississippi in their OWN WORDS said they were leaving. Their "Declaration of Independence" opened with "Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery"

"There was no choice left us but submission to the mandates of abolition, or a dissolution of the Union, whose principles had been subverted to work out our ruin. That we do not overstate the dangers to our institution, a reference to a few facts will sufficiently prove."

"It has grown until it denies the right of property in slaves, and refuses protection to that right on the high seas, in the Territories, and wherever the government of the United States had jurisdiction."

"It has nullified the Fugitive Slave Law in almost every free State in the Union, and has utterly broken the compact which our fathers pledged their faith to maintain."

"It advocates negro equality, socially and politically"

"It has made combinations and formed associations to carry out its schemes of emancipation in the States and wherever else slavery exists."

Richard Archer (one of the largest planters in MS) " It is time for all patriots to be united, to be under military organization, to be advancing to the conflict determined to live or die in defence of the God given right to own the African"

Jefferson Buford at their secession convention "Now, Mr. President, I submit that while our commission is of much higher import and dignity, it is, in one respect, by no means so broad. We are sent to protect, not so much property, as white supremacy, and the great political right of internal self-control---but only against one specified and single danger alone, i.e. the danger of Abolition rule."

John Pettus, gov of Mississippi's inaugural address was that Mississippi needed to secede to protect slavery.
You are totally wrong. You are quoting tired old arguments by people who are systematically strengthening federal US government. The Standard before Napoleon throughout Europe is Feudalism, (The South, Countless Authors), Servants (Countless Authors) Just Not Kings, and Real COnfederate Veterans I bet you've Spent No Time With, reflect on Those qualities that are *European*.

I'm literally quoting the founding fathers of the Confederacy in THEIR OWN WORDS on why they felt the need existed to break from the US.
Hey not that I still take your point because, Nobody in those days is talking about the Slavery you're talking about, nobody in that time had as Robert E Lee put it a quicker way with Christianity, to advance the African Americans, which isn't the point of a War that was about Federal Control, which you can see today, what gangs of states as is the rightful balance of power are going to secede today? Why not?

No! I still don't take primarily that we went around to each other to say we needed the word "slavery" anyway.
Carolina even offered a secession threat under its best friend Andrew Jackson, everybody likes that quote. When Andrew Jackson was the ancestor Of That Movement. Carolina seceded first again, so we should believe it was a solidly sure argument Then about Slavery. Or How About again these were Nations onto Themselves trying to act the part over 100 years by then.

Mostly because the first time, they seceded over tariffs, which had reached over 50% on goods. And they said over and over in the 1830's their secession would be about Tariffs.

But in 1859, the tariffs were the ones THEY VOTED FOR A YEAR EARLIER, and down at 17%, the lowest in over 60 years (and lower than Confederate Tariffs ever were), and said over and over it was about slavery.

When Lincoln announced for the Presidential Race in late 1858, Jefferson Davis, a leading Mississippi politician at the time, held a speech in front of their senate saying "Whether by the House or by the People, if an Abolitionist be chosen President of the United States, you will have presented to you the question of whether you will permit the government to pass into the hands of your avowed and implacable enemies... such a result would be a species of revolution by which the purposes of the Government would be destroyed and the observance of its mere forms entitled to no respect. In that event, in such manner as should be most expedient, I should deem it your duty to provide for your safely outside the Union of those who have shown the will, and would have acquired the power, to deprive you of your birthright and reduce you to worse than the Colonial dependence of your fathers.

They literally said Slavery was the cause all over the place. That's why instead of rewriting history for some other cause they didn't mention, I say they felt slavery was the cause.
Haha BullDog funny thing is, well first off, Let Marion Morrison be Morrison, when he's top contributor every month? But Ya I heard that's the Spanish Empire flag. Actually Truly unrelated? We bought a port there from Spain.
You probably think European Nations are there to stir up racial animosity. If so, and that's what Confederates said they were, then end of story. Who cares its the Scottish flag or not or what, like scotsmen hang Negros Specifically all day, and say Keep Alabama White.

Yep. Mary is a piece of work, isn't he? I'm not sure what a European flag might look like, but if it is close enough to the confederate battle flag to be confused for it, it probably shouldn't be flown in our current environment.

You anti-American motherfucker, fuck you! :fu:

Me and the black people here are American, bitch, unlike yoar Commie POS ass.

Calm down Mary. Just admit you had no idea that that racist flag in your sig line was a racist flag, Say you're sorry and take it down. No big deal.
Slavery was the Cause as a sentence form suits you SO WELL my friend! I don't see how you don't see that Slavery was One example that Lincoln led the dance on, as an elected Republican on suggesting to every state militia man , who ever had a FAMILY, where 50% of male state populations would be Decimated, that they all died for some sort of political tiff for some fat fuck in some whitehouse that we killed later.
Hey not that I still take your point because, Nobody in those days is talking about the Slavery you're talking about, nobody in that time had as Robert E Lee put it a quicker way with Christianity, to advance the African Americans, which isn't the point of a War that was about Federal Control, which you can see today, what gangs of states as is the rightful balance of power are going to secede today? Why not?

No! I still don't take primarily that we went around to each other to say we needed the word "slavery" anyway.

Federal control how? The only non-slavery rebellion of a state in that time was Georgia. Calling Jefferson Davis a tyrant President, pulling his troops from the Confederacy and blaming an overpowering federal government.

Yes it was about Federal Control, and they spelled out how. They wanted a STRONGER federal gov't when it came to enforcing fugitive slave laws. They wanted a federal government that mandated slavery as legal, that mandated masters could travel with their slaves no matter what state laws said, that mandated blacks couldn't vote or hold office anywhere.

And I'm not talking about slavery. I'm quoting those founding fathers of the Confederacy talking about slavery. You are saying nobody in those days were talking about the slavery I am quoting them as talking about?
Slavery was the Cause as a sentence form suits you SO WELL my friend! I don't see how you don't see that Slavery was One example that Lincoln led the dance on, as an elected Republican on suggesting to every state militia man , who ever had a FAMILY, where 50% of male state populations would be Decimated, that they all died for some sort of political tiff for some fat fuck in some whitehouse that we killed later.

Except you aren't debating me that it was a cause. I am just stating what the Declaration of CAUSES for Secession from those seceding states were. What those founding fathers of the Confederacy and secession leaders were saying was the cause.

This isn't me you are debating over the cause of the Southern secession and start of the war. This is the leaders of the South. I'm just posting their words and writings.

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