Confederate treason - Confiscation Act of 1862

Man SandSquid you are just COMPLETELY Bullcrapping. Or at least I was shocked to hear anyone else throwing out stuff they think they know.
Our government census for 1860 on page 463 800,000 whites and 200,000 blacks which I Guess confirms your Total. I'm still checking where I got my numbers. The rest of it is Actual Junk, not a Single PERSON put out internally or Externally a single contribution to a discussion of black servitude, 2 years before that was the conversation in 1863 or the Emancipation Proclomation, or that the War BECAME about slavery, which no one in the South mentioned.
Maid Marion caught in another lie.

Submit Marion. Go on over to Stormfront with the rest of your type.

Maybe you didn't know this, but if blacks made it south of St. John's or Mary's river, they were considered free agents, baby.

Nope... Not true in the real world. According to the US Census, in 1860, Florida had 62,677 black people of which 91.49% were enslaved. 44% of the total population of Florida was black slaves.

But isn't made up history so much more fun?
Owned by democrats

Like Robert E Lee? :21::21::21::21:
Lee was originally recruited by the north. He stuck with the south not because of Slavery he said it was his people.

Yup, granted he had family members who didn't say slavery was "necessary" fight for the USA rather than for the rebellion to protect and expand slavery.
Maybe you didn't know this, but if blacks made it south of St. John's or Mary's river, they were considered free agents, baby.

Nope... Not true in the real world. According to the US Census, in 1860, Florida had 62,677 black people of which 91.49% were enslaved. 44% of the total population of Florida was black slaves.

But isn't made up history so much more fun?
Owned by democrats

Like Robert E Lee? :21::21::21::21:
Lee was originally recruited by the north. He stuck with the south not because of Slavery he said it was his people.

Yup, granted he had family members who didn't say slavery was "necessary" fight for the USA rather than for the rebellion to protect and expand slavery.

Yeah, that's what I thought, leftist yankee cocksucker! You ain't shit.
Maybe you didn't know this, but if blacks made it south of St. John's or Mary's river, they were considered free agents, baby.

Nope... Not true in the real world. According to the US Census, in 1860, Florida had 62,677 black people of which 91.49% were enslaved. 44% of the total population of Florida was black slaves.

But isn't made up history so much more fun?
Owned by democrats

Like Robert E Lee? :21::21::21::21:
The principal players of slavery We’re all democrats.. most southerners fought because people were in there land. Slavery was big for some of the players not for most.

Which "players" of the pro-secessionist movement was slavery not big for? Which leading secessionists and founders of the Confederacy was slavery not a big topic for?

Your claim. You haven't backed up a single thing yet, but here's your chance kiddo.
Less the 1.6% of Americans owned slaves.. many in the south didn’t have slaves.. it was the rich democrats like todays slave owners Obama, Pelosi, deblasio, al sharpton, Marty Walsh, who used blacks to attack at the free speech rally in Boston.
Department of education is full of them.. trump is trying to weed them out.
Whatever guys, and Somehow people don't put everything in context that the LIncoln administration, check this quote, the Dual Evils of Polygamy and Slavery Campaign, and the United States Army went and put a Check on the Mormons over in Utah, and the Mormons had to offer loyalty to the United States in Utah. Plus, I was checking , I Still swear there was a 2% Blacks in Tennessee number somewhere, Wikipedia is also using these other totals even then, 1 million white and 250,000 black makes that number 20%. Check math.
Maybe you didn't know this, but if blacks made it south of St. John's or Mary's river, they were considered free agents, baby.

Nope... Not true in the real world. According to the US Census, in 1860, Florida had 62,677 black people of which 91.49% were enslaved. 44% of the total population of Florida was black slaves.

But isn't made up history so much more fun?
Owned by democrats

Like Robert E Lee? :21::21::21::21:
Lee was originally recruited by the north. He stuck with the south not because of Slavery he said it was his people.

Yup, granted he had family members who didn't say slavery was "necessary" fight for the USA rather than for the rebellion to protect and expand slavery.
Many blacks owned slaves . Wasn’t a race thing.. it was a power thing see democrats today
Nope... Not true in the real world. According to the US Census, in 1860, Florida had 62,677 black people of which 91.49% were enslaved. 44% of the total population of Florida was black slaves.

But isn't made up history so much more fun?
Owned by democrats

Like Robert E Lee? :21::21::21::21:
The principal players of slavery We’re all democrats.. most southerners fought because people were in there land. Slavery was big for some of the players not for most.

Which "players" of the pro-secessionist movement was slavery not big for? Which leading secessionists and founders of the Confederacy was slavery not a big topic for?

Your claim. You haven't backed up a single thing yet, but here's your chance kiddo.
Less the 1.6% of Americans owned slaves.. many in the south didn’t have slaves.. it was the rich democrats like todays slave owners Obama, Pelosi, deblasio, al sharpton, Marty Walsh, who used blacks to attack at the free speech rally in Boston.
Department of education is full of them.. trump is trying to weed them out.
What's that do to keep Irish from breakin' in on your woman in your doorless cabin, 'hey that's my property, ya I Don't use these lines as some Apologetics man.
Man SandSquid you are just COMPLETELY Bullcrapping. Or at least I was shocked to hear anyone else throwing out stuff they think they know.
Our government census for 1860 on page 463 800,000 whites and 200,000 blacks which I Guess confirms your Total. I'm still checking where I got my numbers. The rest of it is Actual Junk, not a Single PERSON put out internally or Externally a single contribution to a discussion of black servitude, 2 years before that was the conversation in 1863 or the Emancipation Proclomation, or that the War BECAME about slavery, which no one in the South mentioned.

Check the intro section to that census and you can see the listing specifically for slave rates.

What else isn't junk? Isham Harris and his beliefs? The voting based on area?

Yes, the North's initial objective in the war was to unite the Union, but the South's reason for breaking away and overrunning US military bases, with force when necessary was to protect and expand race based slavery vs. a government they feared would take it away.

Of course the cause was well known. As Lincoln said in his inauguration speech, "One section of our country believes slavery is right, and ought to be extended, while the other believes it is wrong, and ought not to be extended."

And in his letter to Stephens (VP of Confederacy) "You think slavery is right and ought to be extended; while we think it is wrong and ought to be restricted. That I suppose is the rub. It certainly is the only substantial difference between us."

You say no one in the south mentioned rebelling for slavery?

Lets see. Oh how about Jefferson Davis. The President of the CSA

Who on Nov 16, 1858 told his Mississippi Legislature "Whether by the House or by the People, if an Abolitionist be chosen President of the United States, you will have presented to you the question of whether you will permit the government to pass into the hands of your avowed and implacable enemies... such a result would be a species of revolution by which the purposes of the Government would be destroyed and the observance of its mere forms entitled to no respect. In that event, in such manner as should be most expedient, I should deem it your duty to provide for your safely outside the Union of those who have shown the will, and would have acquired the power, to deprive you of your birthright and reduce you to worse than the Colonial dependence of your fathers."

Hmmm, but I'm sure he was no-one.

Their VP Alexander Stephens?

"Our new government is founded upon exactly the opposite idea; its foundations are laid, its corner-stone rests, upon the great truth that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery subordination to the superior race is his natural and normal condition. This, our new government, is the first, in the history of the world, based upon this great physical, philosophical, and moral truth."

Hmmm, their Sec of State Robert MT Hunter... when asked about freeing slaves to fight for the Confederacy responded "What are we fighting this war for if not for our property".

Hmmm How about the beginning of secession, South Carolina's legislature. Sen Keitt "African slavery is the corner-stone of the industrial, social, and political fabric of the South; and whatever wars against it, wars against her very existence". And at the Secession Convention "Our people have come to this on the question of slavery. I am willing, in that address to rest it upon that question. I think it is the great central point from which we are now proceeding, and I am not willing to divert the public attention from it."

And one of their Reps Alfred Aldrich on Lincoln winning "If the Republican party with its platform of principles, the main feature of which is the abolition of slavery and, therefore, the destruction of the South, carries the country at the next Presidential election, shall we remain in the Union, or form a separate Confederacy? This is the great, grave issue."

Or Congressman Hammond from SC "the moment this House undertakes to legislate upon this subject [slavery], it dissolves the Union. Should it be my fortune to have a seat upon this floor, I will abandon it the instant the first decisive step is taken looking towards legislation of this subject. I will go home to preach, and if I can, practice, disunion, and civil war, if needs be. A revolution must ensue, and this republic sink in blood."

Like Confederate John Hunt Morgan said in his camp newsletter 'Now, any man who pretends to believe that this is not a war for the emancipation of the blacks, and that the whole course of the Yankee government has not only been directed to the abolition of slavery, but even to a stirring up of servile insurrections, is either a fool or a liar."

Fool or liar, they knew it then, but people want to be the fool I guess.
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Nope... Not true in the real world. According to the US Census, in 1860, Florida had 62,677 black people of which 91.49% were enslaved. 44% of the total population of Florida was black slaves.

But isn't made up history so much more fun?
Owned by democrats

Like Robert E Lee? :21::21::21::21:
Lee was originally recruited by the north. He stuck with the south not because of Slavery he said it was his people.

Yup, granted he had family members who didn't say slavery was "necessary" fight for the USA rather than for the rebellion to protect and expand slavery.
Many blacks owned slaves . Wasn’t a race thing.. it was a power thing see democrats today

Oh yes... All the whites who were under chattel slavery. Lets look at the Confederate Constitution shall we.

"No bill of attainder, ex post facto law, or law denying or impairing the right of property in negro slaves shall be passed."


" In all such territory the institution of negro slavery, as it now exists in the Confederate States, shall be recognized and protected be Congress and by the Territorial government; and the inhabitants of the several Confederate States and Territories shall have the right to take to such Territory any slaves lawfully held by them in any of the States or Territories of the Confederate States."

Yup, nothing about race there.

What did their VP and first federally elected official say about the Confederacy?

"Its foundations are laid, its cornerstone rests, upon the great truth that the negro is not equal to the white man"

Hmmm, what about state articles of secession.

Texas is a fun one "they demand the abolition of negro slavery throughout the confederacy, the recognition of political equality between the white and negro races, and avow their determination to press on their crusade against us, so long as a negro slave remains in these States." and defending "the servitude of the African to the white race within her limits-- a relation that had existed from the first settlement of her wilderness by the white race, and which her people intended should exist in all future time."

Georgia? " We have had numerous and serious causes of complaint against our non-slave-holding confederate States with reference to the subject of African slavery... While the subordination and the political and social inequality of the African race was fully conceded by all, it was plainly apparent that slavery would soon disappear from what are now the non-slave-holding States of the original thirteen. "

Yeah, nothing racist there.

God you are dumb. You know that. Not just regular dumb where someone can't understand something, but you have the opportunity to make yourself smarter and say "you know what, I don't want to be intelligent, I will remain ignorant of my own volition and spout shit I know can't be true".
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Owned by democrats

Like Robert E Lee? :21::21::21::21:
Lee was originally recruited by the north. He stuck with the south not because of Slavery he said it was his people.

Yup, granted he had family members who didn't say slavery was "necessary" fight for the USA rather than for the rebellion to protect and expand slavery.
Many blacks owned slaves . Wasn’t a race thing.. it was a power thing see democrats today

Oh yes... All the whites who were under chattel slavery. Lets look at the Confederate Constitution shall we.

"No bill of attainder, ex post facto law, or law denying or impairing the right of property in negro slaves shall be passed."

Yup, nothing about race there.

What did their VP and first federally elected official say about the Confederacy?

"Its foundations are laid, its cornerstone rests, upon the great truth that the negro is not equal to the white man"

Hmmm, what about state articles of secession.

Texas is a fun one "they demand the abolition of negro slavery throughout the confederacy, the recognition of political equality between the white and negro races, and avow their determination to press on their crusade against us, so long as a negro slave remains in these States."

Yeah, nothing racist there. Just power.

God you are dumb. You know that. Not just regular dumb where someone can't understand something, but you have the opportunity to make yourself smarter and say "you know what, I don't want to be intelligent, I will remain ignorant of my own volition and spout shit I know can't be true".
What’s your point? What’s that gotta do with what I said? Are you saying blacks didn’t own slaves??
All your quotes prove my point alone, though. You're just quoting stuff. Yes slavery was from British law. That made the war an attack on all property and all British heritage. There are arguments in wars, unless it was a famine, maybe people just sort of starved? Sure Woodrow Wilson had Inferior Race talk in what, 1915, for Christ's sake, I'm the Rightful historian of the timeperiod before we all pass away from thinking about it Over 60 years and the Union had no good for the Inferior Race or the Superior Race, I mean I want to talk about a 10 year window for Christ's sake. Were you Today raising African Americans to having no inferior qualities, then shut up, and the Union had no preference toward them?

You're twisting everything, John Brown's insurrection painted a model of KILLING everyone in the South and Arming all the blacks to take their land to make the Afro-Southern United States, a Pure Raced Black Race in the Southern United States, is that good for you? Even Lincoln didn't like that idea, some northerners like John Brown. And Robert E Lee Killed that Man, and Stonewall Jackson followed in his footsteps to retake Harper's Ferry a second time to follow in his footsteps, to the surrender of 50,000 men the largest united states surrender force Ever, because no one in there of chivalry honor and military objective wanted to be Slaughtered like the trapped John Brown Pig they coulda been slaughtered for.
Like Robert E Lee? :21::21::21::21:
Lee was originally recruited by the north. He stuck with the south not because of Slavery he said it was his people.

Yup, granted he had family members who didn't say slavery was "necessary" fight for the USA rather than for the rebellion to protect and expand slavery.
Many blacks owned slaves . Wasn’t a race thing.. it was a power thing see democrats today

Oh yes... All the whites who were under chattel slavery. Lets look at the Confederate Constitution shall we.

"No bill of attainder, ex post facto law, or law denying or impairing the right of property in negro slaves shall be passed."

Yup, nothing about race there.

What did their VP and first federally elected official say about the Confederacy?

"Its foundations are laid, its cornerstone rests, upon the great truth that the negro is not equal to the white man"

Hmmm, what about state articles of secession.

Texas is a fun one "they demand the abolition of negro slavery throughout the confederacy, the recognition of political equality between the white and negro races, and avow their determination to press on their crusade against us, so long as a negro slave remains in these States."

Yeah, nothing racist there. Just power.

God you are dumb. You know that. Not just regular dumb where someone can't understand something, but you have the opportunity to make yourself smarter and say "you know what, I don't want to be intelligent, I will remain ignorant of my own volition and spout shit I know can't be true".
What’s your point? What’s that gotta do with what I said? Are you saying blacks didn’t own slaves??

What color were those slaves.

I think you'd find it interesting what many blacks did when states passed laws that slaves couldn't be emancipated. What free blacks did when a law made their children slaves for life. Sickening isn't it that laws would force a black man to have to buy his children as slaves in order to live with them. Why do you support those laws?

So... Have you found a secessionist "player" who wasn't for slavery? Or no, it all was about slavery.
Lee was originally recruited by the north. He stuck with the south not because of Slavery he said it was his people.

Yup, granted he had family members who didn't say slavery was "necessary" fight for the USA rather than for the rebellion to protect and expand slavery.
Many blacks owned slaves . Wasn’t a race thing.. it was a power thing see democrats today

Oh yes... All the whites who were under chattel slavery. Lets look at the Confederate Constitution shall we.

"No bill of attainder, ex post facto law, or law denying or impairing the right of property in negro slaves shall be passed."

Yup, nothing about race there.

What did their VP and first federally elected official say about the Confederacy?

"Its foundations are laid, its cornerstone rests, upon the great truth that the negro is not equal to the white man"

Hmmm, what about state articles of secession.

Texas is a fun one "they demand the abolition of negro slavery throughout the confederacy, the recognition of political equality between the white and negro races, and avow their determination to press on their crusade against us, so long as a negro slave remains in these States."

Yeah, nothing racist there. Just power.

God you are dumb. You know that. Not just regular dumb where someone can't understand something, but you have the opportunity to make yourself smarter and say "you know what, I don't want to be intelligent, I will remain ignorant of my own volition and spout shit I know can't be true".
What’s your point? What’s that gotta do with what I said? Are you saying blacks didn’t own slaves??

What color were those slaves.

I think you'd find it interesting what many blacks did when states passed laws that slaves couldn't be emancipated. What free blacks did when a law made their children slaves for life. Sickening isn't it that laws would force a black man to have to buy his children as slaves in order to live with them. Why do you support those laws?

So... Have you found a secessionist "player" who wasn't for slavery? Or no, it all was about slavery.
All your quotes prove my point alone, though. You're just quoting stuff. Yes slavery was from British law. That made the war an attack on all property and all British heritage. There are arguments in wars, unless it was a famine, maybe people just sort of starved? Sure Woodrow Wilson had Inferior Race talk in what, 1915, for Christ's sake, I'm the Rightful historian of the timeperiod before we all pass away from thinking about it Over 60 years and the Union had no good for the Inferior Race or the Superior Race, I mean I want to talk about a 10 year window for Christ's sake. Were you Today raising African Americans to having no inferior qualities, then shut up, and the Union had no preference toward them?

You're twisting everything, John Brown's insurrection painted a model of KILLING everyone in the South and Arming all the blacks to take their land to make the Afro-Southern United States, a Pure Raced Black Race in the Southern United States, is that good for you? Even Lincoln didn't like that idea, some northerners like John Brown. And Robert E Lee Killed that Man, and Stonewall Jackson followed in his footsteps to retake Harper's Ferry a second time to follow in his footsteps, to the surrender of 50,000 men the largest united states surrender force Ever, because no one in there of chivalry honor and military objective wanted to be Slaughtered like the trapped John Brown Pig they coulda been slaughtered for.

What you are saying there has NOTHING to do with your point earlier of the Souths belief. This is you completely rambling off on a different subject. I'll take that as you have no response and are accepting my statements as correct.

There are arguments in wars as you say. This one started because the leaders and founding fathers of the Confederacy wanted to protect and expand the institution of race based slavery against the United States, as they feared US leaders wanted to end it.

And actually Britain ended slavery in 1833 in their empire. Ending slavery wasn't an "attack on British heritage". It was an attack on slavery.
Yup, granted he had family members who didn't say slavery was "necessary" fight for the USA rather than for the rebellion to protect and expand slavery.
Many blacks owned slaves . Wasn’t a race thing.. it was a power thing see democrats today

Oh yes... All the whites who were under chattel slavery. Lets look at the Confederate Constitution shall we.

"No bill of attainder, ex post facto law, or law denying or impairing the right of property in negro slaves shall be passed."

Yup, nothing about race there.

What did their VP and first federally elected official say about the Confederacy?

"Its foundations are laid, its cornerstone rests, upon the great truth that the negro is not equal to the white man"

Hmmm, what about state articles of secession.

Texas is a fun one "they demand the abolition of negro slavery throughout the confederacy, the recognition of political equality between the white and negro races, and avow their determination to press on their crusade against us, so long as a negro slave remains in these States."

Yeah, nothing racist there. Just power.

God you are dumb. You know that. Not just regular dumb where someone can't understand something, but you have the opportunity to make yourself smarter and say "you know what, I don't want to be intelligent, I will remain ignorant of my own volition and spout shit I know can't be true".
What’s your point? What’s that gotta do with what I said? Are you saying blacks didn’t own slaves??

What color were those slaves.

I think you'd find it interesting what many blacks did when states passed laws that slaves couldn't be emancipated. What free blacks did when a law made their children slaves for life. Sickening isn't it that laws would force a black man to have to buy his children as slaves in order to live with them. Why do you support those laws?

So... Have you found a secessionist "player" who wasn't for slavery? Or no, it all was about slavery.

And all of them were black slaves. Got it. Owning black people is bad. Killing hundreds of thousands of American men, women, and children to fight for the right to own black people is really bad.

Why are you not telling me those "players" who weren't for slavery? Cat got your tongue kiddo?

Seems all you want to do when you see a fact, is change the subject.
Many blacks owned slaves . Wasn’t a race thing.. it was a power thing see democrats today

Oh yes... All the whites who were under chattel slavery. Lets look at the Confederate Constitution shall we.

"No bill of attainder, ex post facto law, or law denying or impairing the right of property in negro slaves shall be passed."

Yup, nothing about race there.

What did their VP and first federally elected official say about the Confederacy?

"Its foundations are laid, its cornerstone rests, upon the great truth that the negro is not equal to the white man"

Hmmm, what about state articles of secession.

Texas is a fun one "they demand the abolition of negro slavery throughout the confederacy, the recognition of political equality between the white and negro races, and avow their determination to press on their crusade against us, so long as a negro slave remains in these States."

Yeah, nothing racist there. Just power.

God you are dumb. You know that. Not just regular dumb where someone can't understand something, but you have the opportunity to make yourself smarter and say "you know what, I don't want to be intelligent, I will remain ignorant of my own volition and spout shit I know can't be true".
What’s your point? What’s that gotta do with what I said? Are you saying blacks didn’t own slaves??

What color were those slaves.

I think you'd find it interesting what many blacks did when states passed laws that slaves couldn't be emancipated. What free blacks did when a law made their children slaves for life. Sickening isn't it that laws would force a black man to have to buy his children as slaves in order to live with them. Why do you support those laws?

So... Have you found a secessionist "player" who wasn't for slavery? Or no, it all was about slavery.

And all of them were black slaves. Got it. Owning black people is bad. Killing hundreds of thousands of American men, women, and children to fight for the right to own black people is really bad.

Why are you not telling me those "players" who weren't for slavery? Cat got your tongue kiddo?

Seems all you want to do when you see a fact, is change the subject.
Lol farmers that had no slaves lol hello mcfly
You are the worst debater on Civil War anyone has Ever seen! To say that Slavery as some predecided word, when they said peculiar institution, when you are able to pull together 6 Shitty quotes about it being visible as a reason the war started, just like your Original post, sandsquid, which suggested Tennessee with 20% slaves max, probably 2% black, went, OH We have to KILL our White BROTHERS! Our White Brothers EXCLUSIVELY must DIE! Because what they want right now is to set up Blacks who we could holocaust as Equals, I think you sir are Crazy, you miss what that was about.
Confederacy is now a politically dead word used equal with Union in every presidential inaugural address since George Washington. Articles of Confederacy predate the Constitution. The Confederacy feared for life and limb , the NORTH feared some sort of political situation, like leaving the southern blacks in some sort of state
Oh yes... All the whites who were under chattel slavery. Lets look at the Confederate Constitution shall we.

"No bill of attainder, ex post facto law, or law denying or impairing the right of property in negro slaves shall be passed."

Yup, nothing about race there.

What did their VP and first federally elected official say about the Confederacy?

"Its foundations are laid, its cornerstone rests, upon the great truth that the negro is not equal to the white man"

Hmmm, what about state articles of secession.

Texas is a fun one "they demand the abolition of negro slavery throughout the confederacy, the recognition of political equality between the white and negro races, and avow their determination to press on their crusade against us, so long as a negro slave remains in these States."

Yeah, nothing racist there. Just power.

God you are dumb. You know that. Not just regular dumb where someone can't understand something, but you have the opportunity to make yourself smarter and say "you know what, I don't want to be intelligent, I will remain ignorant of my own volition and spout shit I know can't be true".
What’s your point? What’s that gotta do with what I said? Are you saying blacks didn’t own slaves??

What color were those slaves.

I think you'd find it interesting what many blacks did when states passed laws that slaves couldn't be emancipated. What free blacks did when a law made their children slaves for life. Sickening isn't it that laws would force a black man to have to buy his children as slaves in order to live with them. Why do you support those laws?

So... Have you found a secessionist "player" who wasn't for slavery? Or no, it all was about slavery.

And all of them were black slaves. Got it. Owning black people is bad. Killing hundreds of thousands of American men, women, and children to fight for the right to own black people is really bad.

Why are you not telling me those "players" who weren't for slavery? Cat got your tongue kiddo?

Seems all you want to do when you see a fact, is change the subject.
Lol farmers that had no slaves lol hello mcfly

Which farmer are you saying was part of this pro secessionists movement, calling for secession, leading the legislative votes for secession and being a player in that movement?

Yes there were farmers without slaves. That's why renting slaves was such a big thing. Now if you want to look at a group of farmers that didn't own slaves, those in West Virginia would be a great place to look.

CivilWar_LVA00215 (1).jpg

Can basically draw their border with that map of slave demographics... Oh wait those farmers rebelled against secession... Oops!
Confederacy is now a politically dead word used equal with Union in every presidential inaugural address since George Washington. Articles of Confederacy predate the Constitution. The Confederacy feared for life and limb , the NORTH feared some sort of political situation, like leaving the southern blacks in some sort of state

Oh I agree people in the North feared what would happen to three blacks in the south.

The governor of Alabama wrote Lincoln a letter saying how if he could do away with slavery he would but then he would have black free people. And his white citizens would be upset at them thinking that they were equal and have to kill them. and he wouldn't let it live on their conscience so he would secede his state to protect the institution of slavery instead.

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