Confederate treason - Confiscation Act of 1862

Yeah, come on down heanh and see just how well your fucktarded view of black and white relations is here, that you know not a damn thing about, you fucking fucktard yankee black piece of dogshit!

Why are you ashamed to admit what that flag in your sig line is?

It's the Florida flag and I'm cracker proud, you have something worthwhile, or are you just a piece of dogshit like IM2?

If somebody told you that was the Florida state flag, they lied to you. What you have is a Florida/Novelty flag advertised for 7 dollars, dumb ass. Look it up for yourself.

Fuck you, you don't know a damn thing. Leftist dog turd.

This pic was taken from my friend that flies the confederate flag on I-4, bitch. I know him, and I know what the flag was before SJWs cried and changed it. It used to fly downtown at the courthouse. Exactly what is BULLDOG gonna tell me about Florida that I don't know? I bet it ain't how to kill a Moccasin, you pussy bitch!

I'm sure lots of your friends fly the confederate flag. Are they man enough to admit what it is, or do they lie and call it something else. I know a little about Florida, I played in the swamps of Southeast Texas and Southwest Louisiana as a kid. I've killed lots of moccasins, and let a lot of them go, because we were in their swamp, and I was just visiting. I don't think less of you for thinking that was the Florida state flag, but now that you know, will you admit what it really is? The only purpose for that flag is to stir up racial animosity.

Go squat on a cactus and rotate, you leftist faggot POS shill.
Maid Marion caught in another lie.

Submit Marion. Go on over to Stormfront with the rest of your type.

I'm a cracker, you stupid fuck. Crackers and blacks like me around this area never submit. Never have, and never will. Blacks came here to get away from slave owners and be free, and that's OK by everybody since the early 1700s.

My fam was just here, period. :dunno:

I lived w/o AC until I was around 12. In Florida, with 105 degree summers and Tropical storms and hurricanes all the time. Maybe you didn't know this, but if blacks made it south of St. John's or Mary's river, they were considered free agents, baby.

Yawn! You're a white racist piece of shit trying to argue in a disingenuous manner about history.

Rosewood was south of St. Johns son.

Now stop making up history. We know more than you do.

No you don't. You're not from, and did not found Sumter County, FL, bitch.

My ancestors did.

No they didn't. NA's were already there. And Rosewood happened.

Oh yes they did, this is my territory, you retarded negroid.

Oh yeah, and Rosewood did happen. Some families mine helped escape.
Even after that, my grandma almost gutted some klan guys, because my great grandpa was French or Castillian. Either way, if they made another move, my grandma would have gutted them like fish. They were messing with her daddy, and she would gut them. IM2 will never realize the depth of my resolve, he's that fucktarded. IDGAF, he's a tard.

Yet you proudly have that novelty flag whose only purpose is to stir up racial animosity. Hmmm.
Haha BullDog funny thing is, well first off, Let Marion Morrison be Morrison, when he's top contributor every month? But Ya I heard that's the Spanish Empire flag. Actually Truly unrelated? We bought a port there from Spain.
You probably think European Nations are there to stir up racial animosity. If so, and that's what Confederates said they were, then end of story. Who cares its the Scottish flag or not or what, like scotsmen hang Negros Specifically all day, and say Keep Alabama White.
Haha BullDog funny thing is, well first off, Let Marion Morrison be Morrison, when he's top contributor every month? But Ya I heard that's the Spanish Empire flag. Actually Truly unrelated? We bought a port there from Spain.
You probably think European Nations are there to stir up racial animosity. If so, and that's what Confederates said they were, then end of story. Who cares its the Scottish flag or not or what, like scotsmen hang Negros Specifically all day, and say Keep Alabama White.

Yep. Mary is a piece of work, isn't he? I'm not sure what a European flag might look like, but if it is close enough to the confederate battle flag to be confused for it, it probably shouldn't be flown in our current environment.
Maid Marion caught in another lie.

Submit Marion. Go on over to Stormfront with the rest of your type.

Maybe you didn't know this, but if blacks made it south of St. John's or Mary's river, they were considered free agents, baby.

Nope... Not true in the real world. According to the US Census, in 1860, Florida had 62,677 black people of which 91.49% were enslaved. 44% of the total population of Florida was black slaves.

But isn't made up history so much more fun?
Well that's just the history isn't it, a Pope thinks he can make a new Roman he remembers from the Old Days and some people are like, Na I've never even BEEN IN, I got Stonewalled from this Roman thing! They're like why don't we all work together big and small. Why am I just some bonnie blue on the Union Jack. hat's how it goes. Then they just tend to head back over and play with European politics more, too.
Maid Marion caught in another lie.

Submit Marion. Go on over to Stormfront with the rest of your type.

Maybe you didn't know this, but if blacks made it south of St. John's or Mary's river, they were considered free agents, baby.

Nope... Not true in the real world. According to the US Census, in 1860, Florida had 62,677 black people of which 91.49% were enslaved. 44% of the total population of Florida was black slaves.

But isn't made up history so much more fun?
Owned by democrats
Haha BullDog funny thing is, well first off, Let Marion Morrison be Morrison, when he's top contributor every month? But Ya I heard that's the Spanish Empire flag. Actually Truly unrelated? We bought a port there from Spain.
You probably think European Nations are there to stir up racial animosity. If so, and that's what Confederates said they were, then end of story. Who cares its the Scottish flag or not or what, like scotsmen hang Negros Specifically all day, and say Keep Alabama White.

On the ACTUAL Florida flag, they use a spanish empire flag in the background of it. On his Novelty rag, it is not.
Maid Marion caught in another lie.

Submit Marion. Go on over to Stormfront with the rest of your type.

Maybe you didn't know this, but if blacks made it south of St. John's or Mary's river, they were considered free agents, baby.

Nope... Not true in the real world. According to the US Census, in 1860, Florida had 62,677 black people of which 91.49% were enslaved. 44% of the total population of Florida was black slaves.

But isn't made up history so much more fun?

1860 is teh later times, yankee douche. Yeah, it's almost half black here, come screw with us and we will give you what for, bitchboy.
Ya go to the Census from 1860, very informative, and check that buried in the Deep South are these 50% black and 50% white populations and we can get into PECULIAR discussions on dock workers, or housekeepers, or farmers, but I'm Interested in what about Tennessee, and its 1% Black then, and Murfreesboro is a famous America revolutionary hero we Can't lost and stuff like that, I don't discount Tennessee and states like that.
Maid Marion caught in another lie.

Submit Marion. Go on over to Stormfront with the rest of your type.

Maybe you didn't know this, but if blacks made it south of St. John's or Mary's river, they were considered free agents, baby.

Nope... Not true in the real world. According to the US Census, in 1860, Florida had 62,677 black people of which 91.49% were enslaved. 44% of the total population of Florida was black slaves.

But isn't made up history so much more fun?
Owned by democrats

Like Robert E Lee? :21::21::21::21:
Haha BullDog funny thing is, well first off, Let Marion Morrison be Morrison, when he's top contributor every month? But Ya I heard that's the Spanish Empire flag. Actually Truly unrelated? We bought a port there from Spain.
You probably think European Nations are there to stir up racial animosity. If so, and that's what Confederates said they were, then end of story. Who cares its the Scottish flag or not or what, like scotsmen hang Negros Specifically all day, and say Keep Alabama White.

Yep. Mary is a piece of work, isn't he? I'm not sure what a European flag might look like, but if it is close enough to the confederate battle flag to be confused for it, it probably shouldn't be flown in our current environment.

You anti-American motherfucker, fuck you! :fu:

Me and the black people here are American, bitch, unlike yoar Commie POS ass.
Maid Marion caught in another lie.

Submit Marion. Go on over to Stormfront with the rest of your type.

Maybe you didn't know this, but if blacks made it south of St. John's or Mary's river, they were considered free agents, baby.

Nope... Not true in the real world. According to the US Census, in 1860, Florida had 62,677 black people of which 91.49% were enslaved. 44% of the total population of Florida was black slaves.

But isn't made up history so much more fun?

C'mon down heanh then, boy! We got summin' for your ass! You think somebody 'round here is your pawn or something? Hah! Fuck you! LMAO.

Have you ever loaded a watermelon bus? No? Well, you're probably a sorry sack of shit then.
Maid Marion caught in another lie.

Submit Marion. Go on over to Stormfront with the rest of your type.

Maybe you didn't know this, but if blacks made it south of St. John's or Mary's river, they were considered free agents, baby.

Nope... Not true in the real world. According to the US Census, in 1860, Florida had 62,677 black people of which 91.49% were enslaved. 44% of the total population of Florida was black slaves.

But isn't made up history so much more fun?
Owned by democrats

Like Robert E Lee? :21::21::21::21:
Lee was originally recruited by the north. He stuck with the south not because of Slavery he said it was his people.
Maid Marion caught in another lie.

Submit Marion. Go on over to Stormfront with the rest of your type.

Maybe you didn't know this, but if blacks made it south of St. John's or Mary's river, they were considered free agents, baby.

Nope... Not true in the real world. According to the US Census, in 1860, Florida had 62,677 black people of which 91.49% were enslaved. 44% of the total population of Florida was black slaves.

But isn't made up history so much more fun?
Owned by democrats

Like Robert E Lee? :21::21::21::21:
The principal players of slavery We’re all democrats.. most southerners fought because people were in there land. Slavery was big for some of the players not for most.
Cotten is now vote for democrats . Look what they do to black republicans.. the hate is unreal.
Last edited:
Ya go to the Census from 1860, very informative, and check that buried in the Deep South are these 50% black and 50% white populations and we can get into PECULIAR discussions on dock workers, or housekeepers, or farmers, but I'm Interested in what about Tennessee, and its 1% Black then, and Murfreesboro is a famous America revolutionary hero we Can't lost and stuff like that, I don't discount Tennessee and states like that.

Tennessee's slave as a percentage of their population wasn't 1%, but 25% according to the 1860 census, but varied widely throughout the state, area's with low slavery (East Tennessee) were staunchly unionist and area's with heavier slavery (West Tennessee) were staunchly secessionist.

Tennessee and other middle states were quite a mix on whether to secede or not. In the end, the Gov of Tennessee, Isham Harris brought together their legislature to have a debate on secession where he continuously mentioned the “the anti-slavery cloud, which now overshadows the nation.” as the reason to secede and if they didn't it would be "fatal to the institution of slavery forever.”. At the end of it he wrote Lincoln with a letter of 23 grievances from their convention and 7 amendments needing passed to stay in the USA. 21 of those grievances were on the subject of slavery, as were all 7 of their proposed amendments. Cities in Tennessee after secession posted notices that “Our safety requires that those living in our midst, who do not wish to abandon their allegiance to Lincoln’s Government, who are in favor of negro equality and the degradation of the white race, should leave this city as soon as possible.”

In the end Tennessee seceded, and saw more battles than any state but Virginia, and had a lot of it's citizens fighting on both sides.

100% of states with slaves representing at least 20% of the population left, and 100% of states with less than 20% of their population as slaves stayed.
Maid Marion caught in another lie.

Submit Marion. Go on over to Stormfront with the rest of your type.

Maybe you didn't know this, but if blacks made it south of St. John's or Mary's river, they were considered free agents, baby.

Nope... Not true in the real world. According to the US Census, in 1860, Florida had 62,677 black people of which 91.49% were enslaved. 44% of the total population of Florida was black slaves.

But isn't made up history so much more fun?
Owned by democrats

Like Robert E Lee? :21::21::21::21:
The principal players of slavery We’re all democrats.. most southerners fought because people were in there land. Slavery was big for some of the players not for most.

Which "players" of the pro-secessionist movement was slavery not big for? Which leading secessionists and founders of the Confederacy was slavery not a big topic for?

Your claim. You haven't backed up a single thing yet, but here's your chance kiddo.
What a Tired line specifically on this forum! So for a government that was the ONLY Developed Nation at one point of time, that didn't have a KING that just EXECUTED , before pulling out the intestines, then drawing and quartering, and hanging four pieces of a person on sticks in the four corners of the earth, you know, this was the One place without a King on the EARTH! 1776 - 1812, right?! They Desparately courted the Napoleon Republicans. They looked to classical Democracy and Classical Republicanism. Ideas on how these things will Last like Lincoln said. its the core of our experience and "Parties" appeared just to stop or hinder the war. What fascination that the slavers pinned onto Democrats, it turns out there was no Political appeasement In-House, correct?
Maybe you didn't know this, but if blacks made it south of St. John's or Mary's river, they were considered free agents, baby.

Nope... Not true in the real world. According to the US Census, in 1860, Florida had 62,677 black people of which 91.49% were enslaved. 44% of the total population of Florida was black slaves.

But isn't made up history so much more fun?
Owned by democrats

Like Robert E Lee? :21::21::21::21:
The principal players of slavery We’re all democrats.. most southerners fought because people were in there land. Slavery was big for some of the players not for most.

Which "players" was slavery not big for? Which leading secessionists and founders of the Confederacy was slavery not a big topic for?

C'mon down heanh, we'll let ya know what we think of your yankee ass, bitch. You'll be ready to head back North right quick, punk. This is no country for pussies like you. Never has been, and never will.

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