Confederate treason - Confiscation Act of 1862

Republicans support the confederacy today.
Sista please....Surely you are not insinuating
that Republicans want to own and enslave Africans...right

Because if you are......

I am saying that todays republican party supports the confederacy.

I am saying that you are an ignorant, stupid fuck with a massive chip on your shoulder over something that you were never subjected to. Neither political party gives a flying fuck about you or us. They are one and the same at the very top. We are all 14th amendment debt slaves whose labor was pledged as surety against the debt of USA.INC and we don't have "rights", we have privileges that we are allowed to keep as long as we do not displease this corporate entity that lamely disguises itself as a legitimate governmental body. I don't respect it nor would I ever pledge loyalty to it.

So,take your stupidity and rainbow colored "demcrat" commie flag and shove it up that black ass of yours.
Republicans support the confederacy today.
Sista please....Surely you are not insinuating
that Republicans want to own and enslave Africans...right

Because if you are......

I am saying that todays republican party supports the confederacy.

I am saying that you are an ignorant, stupid fuck with a massive chip on your shoulder over something that you were never subjected to. Neither political party gives a flying fuck about you or us. They are one and the same at the very top. We are all 14th amendment debt slaves whose labor was pledged as surety against the debt of USA.INC and we don't have "rights", we have privileges that we are allowed to keep as long as we do not displease this corporate entity that lamely disguises itself as a legitimate governmental body. I don't respect it nor would I ever pledge loyalty to it.

So,take your stupidity and rainbow colored "demcrat" commie flag and shove it up that black ass of yours.
Republicans support the confederacy today.
Sista please....Surely you are not insinuating
that Republicans want to own and enslave Africans...right

Because if you are......

I am saying that todays republican party supports the confederacy.

I am saying that you are an ignorant, stupid fuck with a massive chip on your shoulder over something that you were never subjected to. Neither political party gives a flying fuck about you or us. They are one and the same at the very top. We are all 14th amendment debt slaves whose labor was pledged as surety against the debt of USA.INC and we don't have "rights", we have privileges that we are allowed to keep as long as we do not displease this corporate entity that lamely disguises itself as a legitimate governmental body. I don't respect it nor would I ever pledge loyalty to it.

So,take your stupidity and rainbow colored "demcrat" commie flag and shove it up that black ass of yours.
Republicans support the confederacy today.
Sista please....Surely you are not insinuating
that Republicans want to own and enslave Africans...right

Because if you are......

I am saying that todays republican party supports the confederacy.

I am saying that you are an ignorant, stupid fuck with a massive chip on your shoulder over something that you were never subjected to. Neither political party gives a flying fuck about you or us. They are one and the same at the very top. We are all 14th amendment debt slaves whose labor was pledged as surety against the debt of USA.INC and we don't have "rights", we have privileges that we are allowed to keep as long as we do not displease this corporate entity that lamely disguises itself as a legitimate governmental body. I don't respect it nor would I ever pledge loyalty to it.

So,take your stupidity and rainbow colored "demcrat" commie flag and shove it up that black ass of yours.

This is the history section bitch. So you take your punk white ass into every thread and tell everybody here the same thing or take keepigitfake and go find a dick to suck on. Fuck you and your debt slave bullshit.
So what? After the war all was forgiven by the Government. Tearing down the statutes and hiding the flag is childish spiteful and ignorant.

Putting them up in the 50s and 60s as a response to civil rights was childish, spiteful, and ignorant.
That was DemoKKKrats, Dahling!!!!!!

And republicans.

Nope. Them DemoKKKrats used to murder Republicans.

Them DemoKKKrats still see you Black folk as owned by them; I see you as equal brothers and Sisters. How the hell is that racist???

Frankly labelling all whites as racist is as dumb as saying all blacks play basketball!!

So you read minds and know for a fact that the erection of Confederate statues was directly related to advances in civil rights?

I could just as easily justify their erection was because the children and grandchildren of those Confederate veterans wanted honor their parent or grandparent.

You could make that claim, if you could show that the children and grand children of those confederates being honored were responsible for the erection of all those statues instead of anti civil rights groups and racist town politicians who gladly used public funds to pay for them.

You've proven your alleged claims in a court of law and had the courts rule in your favor prior to taking action or do you just believe in taking the law into your own hands to satisfy your self righteousness like the old ways?

I suspect the latter is more true about the claims you've made.



Don't take my word for it. Pick out a couple of 50s or 60s statues to research for yourself. The records for who proposed, advocated, and succeeded in erecting those monuments are available in most cases. See for yourself if it was the children and grand children who were responsible for those monuments.


That's not an answer to the question I asked.

Have you or any others taken your allegations through a court of law or did you take the law into your own hands?

Additionally just because some groups you don't approve of were involved doesn't mean that my premise isn't just as valid.

This is why we have courts which provide rulings and arbitrations.

If you don't like the courts ruling and wish to take the law into your own hands then what makes you any better than our ancestors and their old ways?



I really admire your determination, considering the hoops you are trying to jump through to justify your premise. You are dumb and pathetic, but determined nonetheless. I don't, and I don't know anyone else who contends that erection of those statues was illegal, so it wouldn't make sense to go to court on those grounds, so no, I never went to court over this, and No, I haven't personally torn down any statues.


I think you and your buddy IM2 have already justified my premise.


So what? After the war all was forgiven by the Government. Tearing down the statutes and hiding the flag is childish spiteful and ignorant.
So is celebrating a society where 40 percent of the population was in bondage
And if those millions of Africans were never taken from Africa
and brought here as slaves to begin with....

If it were lucky, IM2 would be a safari guide
catering to rich, white American tourists.

But, something tells me he wouldn’t have been so lucky

For those who want to keep the memory of the confederacy alive, understand confederates were considered traitors by the U.S. government. Also some of us need to learn the complete truth of the civil war.

Confiscation Act of 1862

The Confiscation Act was passed on July 17, 1862.[3] The defining characteristic of the act was that it called for court proceedings for seizure of land and property from disloyal citizens (supporters of the Confederacy) in the South as well as the emancipation of their slaves that came under Union control.[2] Under this act, conviction of treason against the U.S. could be punishable by death or carry a minimum prison sentence of five years and a minimum fine of $10,000.[3] This law also stated that any citizen convicted of aiding and abetting any person known to have committed treason against the United States could be imprisoned for up to 10 years and face a maximum fine of $200,000, if convicted.[3] This law specifically targeted the seizure of property of any Confederate military officer, Confederate public office holder, persons who have taken an oath of allegiance to the Confederacy or any citizen of a loyal Union state who has given aid or support to any of the aforementioned traitors to the United States of America.[3] This act helped the Union military because freed slaves could supply the forces with information to gain a strategic advantage over the Confederates.[2]

One slave, March Haynes, began smuggling slaves to the freedom of the Union lines with the help of Union General Quincy Adams Gilmore. In return for his help, Haynes provided Gilmore with "exact and valuable information" on the location of Confederate defenses and the strength of their forces.[2]

Confiscation Act of 1862 - Wikipedia

Yep....Democrats have always been traitors.

The Declaration Of Independence was treason. Did you know that?

Republicans support the confederacy today.

Only a madman or a fool would believe that.
Republicans support the confederacy today.
Sista please....Surely you are not insinuating
that Republicans want to own and enslave Africans...right

Because if you are......

I am saying that todays republican party supports the confederacy.

I am saying that you are an ignorant, stupid fuck with a massive chip on your shoulder over something that you were never subjected to. Neither political party gives a flying fuck about you or us. They are one and the same at the very top. We are all 14th amendment debt slaves whose labor was pledged as surety against the debt of USA.INC and we don't have "rights", we have privileges that we are allowed to keep as long as we do not displease this corporate entity that lamely disguises itself as a legitimate governmental body. I don't respect it nor would I ever pledge loyalty to it.

So,take your stupidity and rainbow colored "demcrat" commie flag and shove it up that black ass of yours.

This is the history section bitch. So you take your punk white ass into every thread and tell everybody here the same thing or take keepigitfake and go find a dick to suck on. Fuck you and your debt slave bullshit.

What exactly is a "history section bitch", dumb ass?


You are a racist, ignorant piece of shit, dude...nothing more or less. Save the queer talk for the gay bathhouses that queers like Barrypuppet and Don Lemon frequent.

P.S You haven't the foggiest clue about our REAL history, dipshit.
So what? After the war all was forgiven by the Government. Tearing down the statutes and hiding the flag is childish spiteful and ignorant.
So is celebrating a society where 40 percent of the population was in bondage
And if those millions of Africans were never taken from Africa
and brought here as slaves to begin with....

If it were lucky, IM2 would be a safari guide
catering to rich, white American tourists.

But, something tells me he wouldn’t have been so lucky


Sure they're not from New Guinea??

FDR picked it up in the mid 20th century by incarcerating American citizens who were considered to be disloyal because of their race.
For those who want to keep the memory of the confederacy alive, understand confederates were considered traitors by the U.S. government. Also some of us need to learn the complete truth of the civil war.

Confiscation Act of 1862

The Confiscation Act was passed on July 17, 1862.[3] The defining characteristic of the act was that it called for court proceedings for seizure of land and property from disloyal citizens (supporters of the Confederacy) in the South as well as the emancipation of their slaves that came under Union control.[2] Under this act, conviction of treason against the U.S. could be punishable by death or carry a minimum prison sentence of five years and a minimum fine of $10,000.[3] This law also stated that any citizen convicted of aiding and abetting any person known to have committed treason against the United States could be imprisoned for up to 10 years and face a maximum fine of $200,000, if convicted.[3] This law specifically targeted the seizure of property of any Confederate military officer, Confederate public office holder, persons who have taken an oath of allegiance to the Confederacy or any citizen of a loyal Union state who has given aid or support to any of the aforementioned traitors to the United States of America.[3] This act helped the Union military because freed slaves could supply the forces with information to gain a strategic advantage over the Confederates.[2]

One slave, March Haynes, began smuggling slaves to the freedom of the Union lines with the help of Union General Quincy Adams Gilmore. In return for his help, Haynes provided Gilmore with "exact and valuable information" on the location of Confederate defenses and the strength of their forces.[2]

Confiscation Act of 1862 - Wikipedia

Most of us already have learned our American History. Gee . . . you think that could be why historical revisionists are having such a tough time shoving revised history down our throats? Fuck Wikipedia, and every asshole who targets the highly malleable minds of our children with history "adjusted" to fit ideological narratives.

So why don't you educate us all about the historical event that caused so many of those Confederate statues to be erected in the 50s, and 60s, and even later?
Why not they were great men

Depends on what your belief of "great" is.

Take Robert E Lee.

His slaves wrote about how when a couple had escaped, he sent out a posse, found them, had them whipped and then took that torture to a whole new level by having salt water poured over their wounds. Is that "great"?

Or his slaves writing how he had broken the Custis tradition of keeping slave families together, instead selling off children, mothers, fathers, husbands and wives to never be seen again. Is that "great"?

Or you can read his writings, where he said while he felt slavery was immoral, it was also necessary. Kinda like a rapist who knows that rape is wrong, but keeps raping. Shows you why he joined the side that fought to protect and expand the institution of race based slavery.

Or you can read his writings with General Grant on a POW exchange, where he said that US black POW's would not be exchanged since they were now "Confederate property". Yes, a man who felt US POW's should be enslaved.

Or his other correspondence with Grant where he was using black POW's as human shields in fortifications that the US was attacking, where Grant threatened him to stop, or he would have to do the same and said “it is my duty to protect all persons received into the Army of the United States, regardless of color or nationality.”

So no, someone who does those things isn't "great" in my opinion. But that's me.
For those who want to keep the memory of the confederacy alive, understand confederates were considered traitors by the U.S. government. Also some of us need to learn the complete truth of the civil war.

Confiscation Act of 1862

The Confiscation Act was passed on July 17, 1862.[3] The defining characteristic of the act was that it called for court proceedings for seizure of land and property from disloyal citizens (supporters of the Confederacy) in the South as well as the emancipation of their slaves that came under Union control.[2] Under this act, conviction of treason against the U.S. could be punishable by death or carry a minimum prison sentence of five years and a minimum fine of $10,000.[3] This law also stated that any citizen convicted of aiding and abetting any person known to have committed treason against the United States could be imprisoned for up to 10 years and face a maximum fine of $200,000, if convicted.[3] This law specifically targeted the seizure of property of any Confederate military officer, Confederate public office holder, persons who have taken an oath of allegiance to the Confederacy or any citizen of a loyal Union state who has given aid or support to any of the aforementioned traitors to the United States of America.[3] This act helped the Union military because freed slaves could supply the forces with information to gain a strategic advantage over the Confederates.[2]

One slave, March Haynes, began smuggling slaves to the freedom of the Union lines with the help of Union General Quincy Adams Gilmore. In return for his help, Haynes provided Gilmore with "exact and valuable information" on the location of Confederate defenses and the strength of their forces.[2]

Confiscation Act of 1862 - Wikipedia

Most of us already have learned our American History. Gee . . . you think that could be why historical revisionists are having such a tough time shoving revised history down our throats? Fuck Wikipedia, and every asshole who targets the highly malleable minds of our children with history "adjusted" to fit ideological narratives.

So why don't you educate us all about the historical event that caused so many of those Confederate statues to be erected in the 50s, and 60s, and even later?
Why not they were great men

Depends on what your belief of "great" is.

Take Robert E Lee.

His slaves wrote about how when a couple had escaped, he sent out a posse, found them, had them whipped and then took that torture to a whole new level by having salt water poured over their wounds. Is that "great"?

Or his slaves writing how he had broken the Custis tradition of keeping slave families together, instead selling off children, mothers, fathers, husbands and wives to never be seen again. Is that "great"?

Or you can read his writings, where he said while he felt slavery was immoral, it was also necessary. Kinda like a rapist who knows that rape is wrong, but keeps raping. Shows you why he joined the side that fought to protect and expand the institution of race based slavery.

Or you can read his writings with General Grant on a POW exchange, where he said that US black POW's would not be exchanged since they were now "Confederate property". Yes, a man who felt US POW's should be enslaved.

Or his other correspondence with Grant where he was using black POW's as human shields in fortifications that the US was attacking, where Grant threatened him to stop, or he would have to do the same and said “it is my duty to protect all persons received into the Army of the United States, regardless of color or nationality.”

So no, someone who does those things isn't "great" in my opinion. But that's me.

You have some proof of that? That sounds like total fabrication to me.
Btw, pouring saltwater over wounds is to disinfect and heal, dumbass.

Personally, my opinion is you're on the level of Robert E. Lee's boot heel bottom right after he stepped in dogshit.
For those who want to keep the memory of the confederacy alive, understand confederates were considered traitors by the U.S. government. Also some of us need to learn the complete truth of the civil war.

Confiscation Act of 1862

The Confiscation Act was passed on July 17, 1862.[3] The defining characteristic of the act was that it called for court proceedings for seizure of land and property from disloyal citizens (supporters of the Confederacy) in the South as well as the emancipation of their slaves that came under Union control.[2] Under this act, conviction of treason against the U.S. could be punishable by death or carry a minimum prison sentence of five years and a minimum fine of $10,000.[3] This law also stated that any citizen convicted of aiding and abetting any person known to have committed treason against the United States could be imprisoned for up to 10 years and face a maximum fine of $200,000, if convicted.[3] This law specifically targeted the seizure of property of any Confederate military officer, Confederate public office holder, persons who have taken an oath of allegiance to the Confederacy or any citizen of a loyal Union state who has given aid or support to any of the aforementioned traitors to the United States of America.[3] This act helped the Union military because freed slaves could supply the forces with information to gain a strategic advantage over the Confederates.[2]

One slave, March Haynes, began smuggling slaves to the freedom of the Union lines with the help of Union General Quincy Adams Gilmore. In return for his help, Haynes provided Gilmore with "exact and valuable information" on the location of Confederate defenses and the strength of their forces.[2]

Confiscation Act of 1862 - Wikipedia

Most of us already have learned our American History. Gee . . . you think that could be why historical revisionists are having such a tough time shoving revised history down our throats? Fuck Wikipedia, and every asshole who targets the highly malleable minds of our children with history "adjusted" to fit ideological narratives.

So why don't you educate us all about the historical event that caused so many of those Confederate statues to be erected in the 50s, and 60s, and even later?
Why not they were great men

Depends on what your belief of "great" is.

Take Robert E Lee.

His slaves wrote about how when a couple had escaped, he sent out a posse, found them, had them whipped and then took that torture to a whole new level by having salt water poured over their wounds. Is that "great"?

Or his slaves writing how he had broken the Custis tradition of keeping slave families together, instead selling off children, mothers, fathers, husbands and wives to never be seen again. Is that "great"?

Or you can read his writings, where he said while he felt slavery was immoral, it was also necessary. Kinda like a rapist who knows that rape is wrong, but keeps raping. Shows you why he joined the side that fought to protect and expand the institution of race based slavery.

Or you can read his writings with General Grant on a POW exchange, where he said that US black POW's would not be exchanged since they were now "Confederate property". Yes, a man who felt US POW's should be enslaved.

Or his other correspondence with Grant where he was using black POW's as human shields in fortifications that the US was attacking, where Grant threatened him to stop, or he would have to do the same and said “it is my duty to protect all persons received into the Army of the United States, regardless of color or nationality.”

So no, someone who does those things isn't "great" in my opinion. But that's me.
Why did he have a black only school in HIS HOME?
For those who want to keep the memory of the confederacy alive, understand confederates were considered traitors by the U.S. government. Also some of us need to learn the complete truth of the civil war.

Confiscation Act of 1862

The Confiscation Act was passed on July 17, 1862.[3] The defining characteristic of the act was that it called for court proceedings for seizure of land and property from disloyal citizens (supporters of the Confederacy) in the South as well as the emancipation of their slaves that came under Union control.[2] Under this act, conviction of treason against the U.S. could be punishable by death or carry a minimum prison sentence of five years and a minimum fine of $10,000.[3] This law also stated that any citizen convicted of aiding and abetting any person known to have committed treason against the United States could be imprisoned for up to 10 years and face a maximum fine of $200,000, if convicted.[3] This law specifically targeted the seizure of property of any Confederate military officer, Confederate public office holder, persons who have taken an oath of allegiance to the Confederacy or any citizen of a loyal Union state who has given aid or support to any of the aforementioned traitors to the United States of America.[3] This act helped the Union military because freed slaves could supply the forces with information to gain a strategic advantage over the Confederates.[2]

One slave, March Haynes, began smuggling slaves to the freedom of the Union lines with the help of Union General Quincy Adams Gilmore. In return for his help, Haynes provided Gilmore with "exact and valuable information" on the location of Confederate defenses and the strength of their forces.[2]

Confiscation Act of 1862 - Wikipedia

Most of us already have learned our American History. Gee . . . you think that could be why historical revisionists are having such a tough time shoving revised history down our throats? Fuck Wikipedia, and every asshole who targets the highly malleable minds of our children with history "adjusted" to fit ideological narratives.

So why don't you educate us all about the historical event that caused so many of those Confederate statues to be erected in the 50s, and 60s, and even later?
Why not they were great men

Depends on what your belief of "great" is.

Take Robert E Lee.

His slaves wrote about how when a couple had escaped, he sent out a posse, found them, had them whipped and then took that torture to a whole new level by having salt water poured over their wounds. Is that "great"?

Or his slaves writing how he had broken the Custis tradition of keeping slave families together, instead selling off children, mothers, fathers, husbands and wives to never be seen again. Is that "great"?

Or you can read his writings, where he said while he felt slavery was immoral, it was also necessary. Kinda like a rapist who knows that rape is wrong, but keeps raping. Shows you why he joined the side that fought to protect and expand the institution of race based slavery.

Or you can read his writings with General Grant on a POW exchange, where he said that US black POW's would not be exchanged since they were now "Confederate property". Yes, a man who felt US POW's should be enslaved.

Or his other correspondence with Grant where he was using black POW's as human shields in fortifications that the US was attacking, where Grant threatened him to stop, or he would have to do the same and said “it is my duty to protect all persons received into the Army of the United States, regardless of color or nationality.”

So no, someone who does those things isn't "great" in my opinion. But that's me.

You have some proof of that? That sounds like total fabrication to me.
Btw, pouring saltwater over wounds is to disinfect and heal, dumbass.

Personally, my opinion is you're on the level of Robert E. Lee's boot heel bottom right after he stepped in dogshit.

You really think pouring salt water over wounds from torture is a humanitarian act to prevent infection? I usually don't think less of you for being wrong, but you usually don't stoop to such absurd lies.
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