
Why ? God knows your sins. Tell Him you know and are very sorry. No man in a dress sitting in a fancy stand up coffin needed
On 23.12.2020 I was in the catholic parish and had a appointment at 9am with the catholic priest. I confessed my sins, and he said "I changed and now I focus on Jesus Christ" then he spoke me free of sins in the Name of the Lord. That was good. Just wanted to tell you. I dont know if it interests you though.

Merry Christmas

That's not how my religion works, but if yours does, and it gives you comfort, then good for you.
On 23.12.2020 I was in the catholic parish and had a appointment at 9am with the catholic priest.
I don’t like appointments. They are Roman. The stars are in alignment at a certain time and place, the priest is checking the star signs of the congregant’s birth, verifying a background check from the police station, and there are certain other Romish Pagan customs that go along along with reading a Horoscope according to the signs of the Zodiac on the day of birth for proper I.D.
I confessed my sins, and he said "I changed and now I focus on Jesus Christ" then he spoke me free of sins in the Name of the Lord. That was good. Just wanted to tell you. I dont know if it interests you though.
If you are free to speak of your sins, you are free. The priest can tell you, but if you believe in Jesus Christ, then you are free in Jesus Christ, so that is good.
Merry Christmas
My grandfather was a preacher and always said, “Have a Blessed Christmas!” -- he didn't quite trust all the merry-making with Santa Claus, ho ho ho and a bottle of rum -- but nevertheless he thought a blessing was in order and he didn't want to take anyone's joy away on the holidays...
On 23.12.2020 I was in the catholic parish and had a appointment at 9am with the catholic priest. I confessed my sins, and he said "I changed and now I focus on Jesus Christ" then he spoke me free of sins in the Name of the Lord. That was good. Just wanted to tell you. I dont know if it interests you though.

Merry Christmas

The Pope says you should get your vaccine. :auiqs.jpg:

Yes confession is good for the soul, as you spill your wrongs to a Priest. Its therapy.
On 23.12.2020 I was in the catholic parish and had a appointment at 9am with the catholic priest.
I don’t like appointments. They are Roman. The stars are in alignment at a certain time and place, the priest is checking the star signs of the congregant’s birth, verifying a background check from the police station, and there are certain other Romish Pagan customs that go along along with reading a Horoscope according to the signs of the Zodiac on the day of birth for proper I.D.
I confessed my sins, and he said "I changed and now I focus on Jesus Christ" then he spoke me free of sins in the Name of the Lord. That was good. Just wanted to tell you. I dont know if it interests you though.
If you are free to speak of your sins, you are free. The priest can tell you, but if you believe in Jesus Christ, then you are free in Jesus Christ, so that is good.
Merry Christmas
My grandfather was a preacher and always said, “Have a Blessed Christmas!” -- he didn't quite trust all the merry-making with Santa Claus, ho ho ho and a bottle of rum -- but nevertheless he thought a blessing was in order and he didn't want to take anyone's joy away on the holidays...
The appointments are only for the pandemic I assume.
On 23.12.2020 I was in the catholic parish and had a appointment at 9am with the catholic priest. I confessed my sins, and he said "I changed and now I focus on Jesus Christ" then he spoke me free of sins in the Name of the Lord. That was good. Just wanted to tell you. I dont know if it interests you though.

Merry Christmas
And now you will go right back to sinning and in another year go ask for forgiveness again. So you don’t have to become a better person.
Why ? God knows your sins. Tell Him you know and are very sorry. No man in a dress sitting in a fancy stand up coffin needed
God knows your sins, but he doesn't know that you are very sorry?

Let's go back to what Jesus said and did. He proclaimed to people, "Your sins are forgiven." Note he did not say, "God knows your sins. He just needs for you to tell Him you are very sorry."

The Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession) is about wanting to turn away from sin. It is about hearing the assuring words Christ spoke: Your sins are forgiven. Catholics take the steps into the repentance that Christ called for. They hear the words. Every Mass a kind of mini confession takes place, where we all call to mind our sins and ask for forgiveness, mercy, and peace. We pray for each other. We openly live and relive Christ's ministry in our midst. That is what this denomination does. Worship and the Sacraments center in and around the life, action, and words of Christ.

Some other Christian denominations believe all the sins they will ever commit were washed away two thousand years ago, no need for repentance, no need to rehear the words. All is right in their world. That is what these denominations believe and why there is no need to keep reliving this portion of Christ's ministry. Their ministry assures their people any sin they commit, even while they are committing it, has already been forgiven.

And other denominations say the people of their congregation should privately confess their sins to God and express sorrow and the desire to do better.

There is room to respect all of these practices, especially when we fully understand why each denomination made the choice they follow.
And now you will go right back to sinning and in another year go ask for forgiveness again. So you don’t have to become a better person.
It is repentance (turning away from sin and turning to obedience to God) for the forgiveness of sins. When we fail yet again? Jesus taught forgiveness is unlimited. So we keep trying. Jesus also taught that we should replace that sin with something worthy--that clearing away one sin and leaving an empty space would serve to invite a whole crowd of more sin. The Sacrament of Reconciliation/Confession are the steps we follow to assist us in becoming our best.
I don’t like appointments. They are Roman.
Romans had their reason for appointments. The reason Catholic parishes use appointments is that for any and many good reasons, people cannot make the hour(s) where all can drop in to receive the sacrament. Nor are there enough priests to have one sitting in the confessional at all times. Therefore, call and make an appointment. No need to share a birthday, check the stars, etc. :)
Therefore, call ...
The priesthood is its own calling.

A man who does not have his own wife, or is not permitted to maintain relations with his own wife -- among various other matters of dispute in doctrine -- is not qualified to advise others on matters of marital, social, work, or business relationships, or on getting along with other people in general.

That’s like asking a poor or homeless man to act as your financial advisor and tell you how to invest your money.

and make an appointment. No need to share a birthday, check the stars, etc. :)
There’s a certain time of day, and if the stars are not in alignment as they are supposed to be at that time of day, you are not going to make your appointment. And if you don’t check the stars, you’ll still have to check your watch or a clock that was set by the alignment of the sun, moon, and stars. Sometimes there is an appointment with fate, and a person’s life is saved by missing that appointment, but eternal salvation cannot be made to depend on any temporal alignment of stars.

to have one sitting in the confessional at all times.
A person may presumably sit on a toilet seat and expect not to be gang-raped or violated as to privacy, but to make confession in a secret booth or confessional demands too much faith in dark recesses that one is confessing to God and not to Satan.

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