Confessions Of An Environmentalist


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Oct 6, 2008
This post fits equally well in the Politics Forum as it does in Environment.
The environmentalist is Wallace Kaufman, and the book quoted is "No Turning Back."

"Science writer Kaufman, who has served as president of two state-level environmental groups, .... identifies with other "recovering" environmentalists who report that internal politics has given those in the movement an irrational view of the world. ... .... fires broadsides at the environmental movement, which, he argues, has become a religion that ignores the basic principles of science, economics and human nature. ....Among his targets are programs sponsored by the Environmental Protection Agency, the Endangered Species Act, the premises of Al Gore's Earth in the Balance and various recycling programs. In this stimulating volume, Kaufman discusses new technologies and suggests that private enterprises are not necessarily anti-environment and can be beneficial as a resource." No Turning Back Dismantling the Fantasies of Environmental Thinking 9780465051182 Wallace Kaufman Books

What better testimony could reveal the confused and misguided environmental polices under which the world labors today?

Let's see what this veteran environmentalist has to say....

1. " the environmental movement has gathered strength, its vision has become ever more fixed on vengeance and utopia....they speak and act as if business, industry, technology, and even science are villains to be arrested and punished. Their ideals include pristine wilderness, organic farming, redistributing land and income, living as coequals with nature, herbal medicines, and generally doing with fewer life pleasures."
"No Turning Back: Dismantling the Fantasies of Environmental Thinking," Wallace Kaufman, p. 2-3

2. Spot on, Kaufman! Today's environmental movement is populated by the irrational and the easily led. I include in the former both the card-carrying and the left-overs from various communist movements.

When the Soviet Union fell, many fellow travelers migrated to the environmental movement. So much so, that the movement is often referred to as the ‘Watermelon Movement”: green on the outside, red on the inside.

a. “Delingpole does an excellent job of cutting through the jargon and presenting the essentials. But where the book really shines is exposing the politics behind this manufactured crisis.”
From a review of “Watermelons: The Green Movement's True Colors

b. On the excellent webcast Uncommon Knowledge, Czech president Václav Klaus recently compared “two ideologies” that were “structurally very similar. They are against individual freedom. They are in favor of centralistic masterminding of our fates. They are both very similar in telling us what to do, how to live, how to behave, what to eat, how to travel, what we can do and what we cannot do.” The first of Klaus’s “two ideologies” was Communism—a system with which he was deeply familiar, having participated in the Velvet Revolution in 1989. The second was environmentalism.
The Varieties of Liberal Enthusiasm by Benjamin A. Plotinsky City Journal Spring 2010

The dopes how have been duped into believing that the sky is falling don't recognize the real core of the movement.

Although the author Daniel Silva used this description in a different connection, nothing could be more appropriate as a description of 'environmentalists':

They come in two varieties- those willing to be used, and those too stupid to realize that they are being used.
I think today's American liberals are the latter. Are they willing to be used? i just think they're ignorant,and they are easily used because of that fact
Tailgunner Joe, a liar, dipso, and completely dishonorable asshole. Other than that, not a bad fellow at all, for an alkie.
Of couse, just because every Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University in the world states that AGW is real, and a clear and present idea is no reason to thing that there is scientific consensus on AGW, now is it? In fact, the consensus is a great as that on evolution, which is nearly 100%.
Of couse, just because every Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University in the world states that AGW is real, and a clear and present idea is no reason to thing that there is scientific consensus on AGW, now is it? In fact, the consensus is a great as that on evolution, which is nearly 100%.
But Kaufman said no, and he should know. Environmentalists are Commies!!!
Anarchist's and Marxist's have a natural affinity and shared values with the modern Environmental movement. ...... :cool:
Thank you Senator McCarthy.

Are you referring to the great American hero, Senator Joseph McCarthy?

In that case, I so appreciate your post.

Anyone referring to that smattering of undignified, lying, contemptible POS Senator Joseph McCarthy as an American hero, has their head permanently shoved up their ass.

As re-election began to loom closer, McCarthy, whose first term was unimpressive, searched for ways to ensure his political success, resorting even to corruption. Edmund Walsh, a close fellow Roman Catholic and anti-communist suggested a crusade against so-called communist subversives. McCarthy enthusiastically agreed and took advantage of the nation’s wave of fanatic terror against communism, and emerged on February 9, 1950, claiming he had a list of 205 people in the State Department who were known members of the American Communist Party. The American public went crazy with the thought of seditious communists living within the United States, and roared for the investigation of the underground agitators. These people on the list were in fact not all communists; some had proven merely to be alcoholics or sexual deviants. Regardless, McCarthy relentlessly pushed through and became the chairman of the Government Committee on Operations of the Senate, widening his scope to “investigate” dissenters. He continued to investigate for over two years, relentlessly questioning numerous government departments and the panic arising from the witch-hunts and fear of communism became know as McCarthyism.

Joseph McCarthy then accused several innocent citizens, most notably Owen Lattimore, of being associated with communism. Along the way, he had Louis Budenz, the former editor of The Daily Worker, back his accusations with evidence that was circumstantial at best, for Budenz was only using information he had heard from other people as much as 13 years prior. Another victim of McCarthy’s spurious communist accusations was Drew Pearson, a critic who discredited McCarthy’s accusations regularly through columns and radio broadcasts. McCarthy made seven speeches to the Senate on Pearson, which resulted in the loss of sponsors to Pearson’s show. Also, money was then raised to help numerous men sue Pearson, all charges of which he was found innocent and not liable.

McCarthy’s downfall finally began in October of 1953, when he started to investigate “communist infiltration into the military.” This was the final straw for then president Dwight D. Eisenhower, who realized that McCarthy’s movement needed to be stopped. The Army fired back at the accusations, sending information about McCarthy and advisors abusing congressional privileges to known critics of McCarthy. Reporters, Drew Pearson included, and other critics soon hopped on board, publishing unflattering articles about Joseph McCarthy and his methods of seeking out the supposed communists in America.

Through the televised investigations into the United States Army and the reporters’ attack, the nation grew to realize that McCarthy was “evil and unmatched in malice.”

He lost his position as chairmanship on the Government Committee on Operations of the Senate and in December of 1954, a censure motion, which is a formal reprimand from a powerful body, was issued condemning his conduct with the vote count at 67 to 22. The media subsequently became disinterested in his communist allegations and McCarthy was virtually stripped of his power. He died in May of 1957 after being diagnosed with cirrhosis of the liver due to heavy drinking. The resounding effects of McCarthy’s era symbolized the pure terror of communism during the time due to the Cold War. Although it came to an end in a few short years, it attributed to the growing dissension between the Soviets and United States.

Cold War Museum
I think today's American liberals are the latter. Are they willing to be used? i just think they're ignorant,and they are easily used because of that fact

Yes, ABSOLUTELY. Liberals (who are not only EXCEEDINGLY uneducated) are also very easily swayed by their AM radios and fall for any manner of horsefeather, concocted, "scandals" such as Benghazi, Solyndra, hacking Sheryl Attkisson’s computer ... oh, wait....
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Of couse, just because every Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University in the world states that AGW is real, and a clear and present idea is no reason to thing that there is scientific consensus on AGW, now is it? In fact, the consensus is a great as that on evolution, which is nearly 100%.
But Kaufman said no, and he should know. Environmentalists are Commies!!!

There were three individuals cited in the OP.....did you miss the other two? me.....there's more coming.

Stay tuned.
This post fits equally well in the Politics Forum as it does in Environment.
The environmentalist is Wallace Kaufman, and the book quoted is "No Turning Back."

"Science writer Kaufman, who has served as president of two state-level environmental groups, .... identifies with other "recovering" environmentalists who report that internal politics has given those in the movement an irrational view of the world. ... .... fires broadsides at the environmental movement, which, he argues, has become a religion that ignores the basic principles of science, economics and human nature. ....Among his targets are programs sponsored by the Environmental Protection Agency, the Endangered Species Act, the premises of Al Gore's Earth in the Balance and various recycling programs. In this stimulating volume, Kaufman discusses new technologies and suggests that private enterprises are not necessarily anti-environment and can be beneficial as a resource." No Turning Back Dismantling the Fantasies of Environmental Thinking 9780465051182 Wallace Kaufman Books

What better testimony could reveal the confused and misguided environmental polices under which the world labors today?

If there's more money in polluting than in not polluting, then it's guaranteed that many will pollute.
Of couse, just because every Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University in the world states that AGW is real, and a clear and present idea is no reason to thing that there is scientific consensus on AGW, now is it? In fact, the consensus is a great as that on evolution, which is nearly 100%.
But Kaufman said no, and he should know. Environmentalists are Commies!!!

There were three individuals cited in the OP.....did you miss the other two? me.....there's more coming.

Stay tuned.

Will you get to 51%?
This from the Amazon review:

"Kaufman flails a lot in his writing and often doesn't lead the reader through his arguments, especially in the first part of the book. He generalizes too often for all environmentalists, and he could have used a good course in rhetoric."

No wonder PC likes him.
The AGW cult and the environmentalist movement are so transparently a Marxist/statist movement. It is amazing that some people can't see it for what it is.
Anarchist's and Marxist's have a natural affinity and shared values with the modern Environmental movement. ...... :cool:

And more than an affinity!

Marxism is the mother of the environmental movement....and the two endeavors march lock-step to this very day!

Here's one more link between the two:

Former president of several state environmental groups, and Oxford Professor, Wallace Kaufman write that the environmental movement aims at society "generally doing with fewer life pleasures."

Let's take a look at the extent of that aim.

3. The Left, child-like in beliefs that motivate every totalitarian regime, has decided that human beings, seeming to resist said changes, are the enemy.
“Current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle class - involving high meat intake, the use of fossil fuels, electrical appliances, home and work-place air-conditioning, and suburban housing - are not sustainable.
Maurice Strong, opening speech at the 1992 UN Rio Earth Summit

a. "Maurice Strong is an admitted socialist. His sister was a Marxist. He thinks you and yours have eaten too much, used too much and now must pay. Of course like every elite socialist, that just means you, not him, or his fellow elitist.” Maurice Strong- Man Behind Agenda 21 8211 Part 2 Soldier For Liberty

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