Confessions Of An Environmentalist

Of course, environmental laws have nothing to do with minor little affairs like this. Bunch of commies objecting to a few people croaking. Think of all the profits to be had without the environmental laws.

Smog Deaths In 1948 Led To Clean Air Laws NPR

On Oct. 27, 1948, the people of Donora, Pa., woke up to a thick yellow blanket of smog. Charles Stacey, who was a senior at the local high school then, remembers his walk to class that day.

"The smog created a burning sensation in your throat and eyes and nose, but we still thought that was just normal for Donora," Stacey says.

Back then, smog often hung on until late morning in Donora, a small mill town about 25 miles south of Pittsburgh. The town's zinc plant and steel mill belched out endless streams of toxic smoke.

But this smog was different. It darkened the valley for five straight days. That week, Stacey listened to the radio and discovered that the ever-thickening smog had turned lethal: 20 people were dead, and half the town was sick. He says everyone was overwhelmed by the havoc.

"Right two blocks down the street here was the Donora Hotel," he says. "At one level they had an emergency hospital set up because the local hospitals couldn't handle all the people, and unfortunately in the lower level they had a morgue because the funeral directors were overwhelmed with bodies at that time."

Donorans later learned that a cold layer of air had trapped a poisonous mixture of carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide and metal dust. Stacey's father asked the owners of the zinc plant to shut down during the deadly smog, but they refused. For years, no one in town wanted to talk about what had happened.

Remember what I said the other day.....thrashing you may be number one on my 'guilty pleasures' list.....

....but smashing the custard pie of education in your kisser is the second!

Here comes revelations about your hero, Edward R. Murrow, that you didn't know (that's quite a list, too!)

1. In 1923 Georg Lukacs helped establish a Marxist research center at the University of Frankfurt, in Germany

2. …the Institute attracted gifted scholars not only in economics but also in philosophy, history, psychology, sociology… convinced that the major impediment to the spread of Marxism was Western culture. In particular, they despised traditional Judeo/Christian ethics and morality, which they believed prevented the widespread acceptance of Marxism.

3. As a result of the ascension of the Nazis, the Frankfurt School moved to Geneva, and then to New York City.
Breitbart, “Righteous Indignation.”


4. Waiting to ally themselves with the Frankfurt School Marxists were the Americans who had accepted the Wilson/TR synthesis of Hegel and Marx. And a welcoming ‘nest’ was provided for these vipers by the Columbia University Sociology department.
America was up for helping communist 'scholars' fleeing from Germany. The guy in charge of this was Edward R. Murrow, the Emergency Committee in Aid of Displaced Foreign Scholars.

So....are you a dunce....or a supporter of these Marxists????
The AGW cult and the environmentalist movement are so transparently a Marxist/statist movement. It is amazing that some people can't see it for what it is.
Amazing that anyone as stupid as you can find your way out of bed in the morning. Environmental laws were created because of rivers so polluted fish could no longer live in them, air so dirty it was killing people, and workplaces so polluted that the workers were dying of emphasyma before they were 60.
The AGW cult and the environmentalist movement are so transparently a Marxist/statist movement. It is amazing that some people can't see it for what it is.
Amazing that anyone as stupid as you can find your way out of bed in the morning. Environmental laws were created because of rivers so polluted fish could no longer live in them, air so dirty it was killing people, and workplaces so polluted that the workers were dying of emphasyma before they were 60.

Do you have difficulty reading and comprehending what you read? Apparently so.

Or is it the old trick you foolish leftists often employ? After losing the argument, change it.

Remember what I said the other day.....thrashing you may be number one on my 'guilty pleasures' list.....

....but smashing the custard pie of education in your kisser is the second!

Here comes revelations about your hero, Edward R. Murrow, that you didn't know (that's quite a list, too!)

1. In 1923 Georg Lukacs helped establish a Marxist research center at the University of Frankfurt, in Germany

2. …the Institute attracted gifted scholars not only in economics but also in philosophy, history, psychology, sociology… convinced that the major impediment to the spread of Marxism was Western culture. In particular, they despised traditional Judeo/Christian ethics and morality, which they believed prevented the widespread acceptance of Marxism.

3. As a result of the ascension of the Nazis, the Frankfurt School moved to Geneva, and then to New York City.
Breitbart, “Righteous Indignation.”


4. Waiting to ally themselves with the Frankfurt School Marxists were the Americans who had accepted the Wilson/TR synthesis of Hegel and Marx. And a welcoming ‘nest’ was provided for these vipers by the Columbia University Sociology department.
America was up for helping communist 'scholars' fleeing from Germany. The guy in charge of this was Edward R. Murrow, the Emergency Committee in Aid of Displaced Foreign Scholars.

So....are you a dunce....or a supporter of these Marxists????
PoliticalShit, the only pie you have is that of ignorance and bigotry. TR a Marxist? Good God, you are one silly ass.

Wash your mouth out, oaf.

" TR a Marxist?"
Teddy Roosevelt????
You are an imbecile.

"Murrow worked as assistant director of the Institute of International Education from 1932 to 1935, serving as the assistant secretary of the Emergency Committee in Aid of Displaced Foreign Scholars, which helped prominent German scholars who had been dismissed from academic positions."
Edward R. Murrow - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

"....helped prominent German scholars...."
Following in FDR's footsteps, he paved the way for communists to enter the country.

Just one more of the areas you are too stupid and malleable to have researched.

Remember what I said the other day.....thrashing you may be number one on my 'guilty pleasures' list.....

....but smashing the custard pie of education in your kisser is the second!

Here comes revelations about your hero, Edward R. Murrow, that you didn't know (that's quite a list, too!)

1. In 1923 Georg Lukacs helped establish a Marxist research center at the University of Frankfurt, in Germany

2. …the Institute attracted gifted scholars not only in economics but also in philosophy, history, psychology, sociology… convinced that the major impediment to the spread of Marxism was Western culture. In particular, they despised traditional Judeo/Christian ethics and morality, which they believed prevented the widespread acceptance of Marxism.

3. As a result of the ascension of the Nazis, the Frankfurt School moved to Geneva, and then to New York City.
Breitbart, “Righteous Indignation.”


4. Waiting to ally themselves with the Frankfurt School Marxists were the Americans who had accepted the Wilson/TR synthesis of Hegel and Marx. And a welcoming ‘nest’ was provided for these vipers by the Columbia University Sociology department.
America was up for helping communist 'scholars' fleeing from Germany. The guy in charge of this was Edward R. Murrow, the Emergency Committee in Aid of Displaced Foreign Scholars.

So....are you a dunce....or a supporter of these Marxists????
PoliticalShit, the only pie you have is that of ignorance and bigotry. TR a Marxist? Good God, you are one silly ass.

Wash your mouth out, oaf.

" TR a Marxist?"
Teddy Roosevelt????
You are an imbecile.

"Murrow worked as assistant director of the Institute of International Education from 1932 to 1935, serving as the assistant secretary of the Emergency Committee in Aid of Displaced Foreign Scholars, which helped prominent German scholars who had been dismissed from academic positions."
Edward R. Murrow - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

"....helped prominent German scholars...."
Following in FDR's footsteps, he paved the way for communists to enter the country.

Just one more of the areas you are too stupid and malleable to have researched.

I find your post ^^^ at best enigmatic, your claim lacks evidence, it is not substantiated with necessary detail and the reader is left with drawing a conclusion by innuendo. In other words, it is no different than any other thread you've posted, a character assassination via the use of half-truths and allusive or oblique remarks.

That you believe your comments are sagacious is puzzling and darn funny.
Environmentalist Kaufman sums the movement's aim thus: "generally doing with fewer life pleasures."
Man, is that walking softly!

The term that the movement hided behind is 'sustainable.'

In the OP I wrote:

" Spot on, Kaufman!Today's environmental movement is populated by the irrational and the easily led. I include in the former both the card-carrying and the left-overs from various communist movements."

But let's concentrate on the "Irrational" part.
There can be no better example of 'irrational' than the sorts of things the environmentalist whackos demand that be eliminated from society.

See if you disgree:

4. “Sustainable” is the catchword for every activist, bureaucrat, NGO…but try to get a definition. For a hint, the following are considered ‘unsustainable’ by the true believers: single family homes; paved roads; ski runs; golf courses; dams; fences; pastures; plowing of lands; sewers; drain systems; pipelines; fertilizer; wall and floor tile. These and many other elements of life today are on the list for eventual elimination.
Nickson, "Eco-Fascists: How Radical Conservationists Are Destroying Our Natural Heritage,"p. 9.

5. The picture is far more clear if one realizes that the target is the right of every free man and woman to apply labor to property and create wealth.

a. The UN Conference on Human Settlements – Vancouver Plan of Action – 1976

This conference created the baseline for the UN’s viewpoint and future actions regarding individual property rights. See pdf page 2 [document page 28] under, Land – Preamble, for their stance on private property. This position is reflected in policies being enacted across the U.S. today.
Agenda 21 American Policy Center
Agenda 21 American Policy Center

b. And property is the material representation of liberty.

"John Locke: Natural Rights to Life, Liberty, and Property
Locke's Writings Did Much to Inspire the American Revolution"
John Locke Natural Rights to Life Liberty and Property The Freeman Foundation for Economic Education

Any still in doubt that the environmentalist movement is packed with the irrational and the easily led?
Since you are the one claiming Tailgunner Joe to be a great American, I would say you have provided all the needed proof that you are the one easily led and irrational.
When dealing with PC, remember that her insane hatred of liberals descends from her bizarre hatred of FDR, a hatred caused by FDR spanking Hitler.
Since you are the one claiming Tailgunner Joe to be a great American, I would say you have provided all the needed proof that you are the one easily led and irrational.

1. Let's remind all that this dog-leg you're attempted to insert in the thread is here because you are unable to claim that everything I've posted about the environmental movement isn't correct and true.

So...we're stipulating that that I've won on that count.

2. "Since you are the one claiming Tailgunner Joe to be a great American, blah blah blah..."

Watch how easily I can show you to be an ignorant fool.

You will not be able to answer this question.

Aside from revealing the Soviet spies in the FDR administration.....can you give an example or two of why Senator McCarthy should be besmirched by the likes of you?

Whenever you're ready.....
When dealing with PC, remember that her insane hatred of liberals descends from her bizarre hatred of FDR, a hatred caused by FDR spanking Hitler.

"...., a hatred caused by FDR spanking Hitler."

Now, since you will never find any post of mine that supports that, let's consider why you lie like a rug.

1. Because I beat you to a pulp with metronomic regularity.

2. Because you are a Leftist who is incensed by the truth I've been able to show in this thread.

3. Because Liberals gotta lie, just like birds gotta fly.

4. Because you resent those born smarter and better lookin' than you.

5. Because computers don't come with a lock-out option that prevents people with an IQ lower than 90 from operating them.

Did you leave the stove on? Cause you just got burned.
Of couse, just because every Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University in the world states that AGW is real, and a clear and present idea is no reason to thing that there is scientific consensus on AGW, now is it? In fact, the consensus is a great as that on evolution, which is nearly 100%.
Thank you Senator McCarthy.

Are you referring to the great American hero, Senator Joseph McCarthy?

In that case, I so appreciate your post.

Anyone referring to that smattering of undignified, lying, contemptible POS Senator Joseph McCarthy as an American hero, has their head permanently shoved up their ass.

As re-election began to loom closer, McCarthy, whose first term was unimpressive, searched for ways to ensure his political success, resorting even to corruption. Edmund Walsh, a close fellow Roman Catholic and anti-communist suggested a crusade against so-called communist subversives. McCarthy enthusiastically agreed and took advantage of the nation’s wave of fanatic terror against communism, and emerged on February 9, 1950, claiming he had a list of 205 people in the State Department who were known members of the American Communist Party. The American public went crazy with the thought of seditious communists living within the United States, and roared for the investigation of the underground agitators. These people on the list were in fact not all communists; some had proven merely to be alcoholics or sexual deviants. Regardless, McCarthy relentlessly pushed through and became the chairman of the Government Committee on Operations of the Senate, widening his scope to “investigate” dissenters. He continued to investigate for over two years, relentlessly questioning numerous government departments and the panic arising from the witch-hunts and fear of communism became know as McCarthyism.

Joseph McCarthy then accused several innocent citizens, most notably Owen Lattimore, of being associated with communism. Along the way, he had Louis Budenz, the former editor of The Daily Worker, back his accusations with evidence that was circumstantial at best, for Budenz was only using information he had heard from other people as much as 13 years prior. Another victim of McCarthy’s spurious communist accusations was Drew Pearson, a critic who discredited McCarthy’s accusations regularly through columns and radio broadcasts. McCarthy made seven speeches to the Senate on Pearson, which resulted in the loss of sponsors to Pearson’s show. Also, money was then raised to help numerous men sue Pearson, all charges of which he was found innocent and not liable.

McCarthy’s downfall finally began in October of 1953, when he started to investigate “communist infiltration into the military.” This was the final straw for then president Dwight D. Eisenhower, who realized that McCarthy’s movement needed to be stopped. The Army fired back at the accusations, sending information about McCarthy and advisors abusing congressional privileges to known critics of McCarthy. Reporters, Drew Pearson included, and other critics soon hopped on board, publishing unflattering articles about Joseph McCarthy and his methods of seeking out the supposed communists in America.

Through the televised investigations into the United States Army and the reporters’ attack, the nation grew to realize that McCarthy was “evil and unmatched in malice.”

He lost his position as chairmanship on the Government Committee on Operations of the Senate and in December of 1954, a censure motion, which is a formal reprimand from a powerful body, was issued condemning his conduct with the vote count at 67 to 22. The media subsequently became disinterested in his communist allegations and McCarthy was virtually stripped of his power. He died in May of 1957 after being diagnosed with cirrhosis of the liver due to heavy drinking. The resounding effects of McCarthy’s era symbolized the pure terror of communism during the time due to the Cold War. Although it came to an end in a few short years, it attributed to the growing dissension between the Soviets and United States.

Cold War Museum
you're just upset because he was right!!!

Rocks wrote:
"Since you are the one claiming Tailgunner Joe to be a great American, I would say you have provided all the needed proof that you are the one easily led and irrational."

I wrote:

You will not be able to answer this question.

Aside from revealing the Soviet spies in the FDR administration.....can you give an example or two of why Senator McCarthy should be besmirched by the likes of you?

Whenever you're ready.....

And sure enough......Rocks ran off and hid.
I should be more cautious, and never ask him to actually think.....I mean, after all....he is a Liberal.
PC, nobody likes a Nazi sympathizer, so you'll always get a hostile reception.

Buth then again, you have jc. So'll I'll amend that to 'almost nobody'.
6. Reams of ‘Sustainable Development’ literature, mountains of verbiage, which boil down to ‘hewing to fairness, care for the future, and inclusion.’ And the claim that this was a new value system. Apparently the founding values of America, Judeo-Christian values, didn’t include fairness, inclusion, and care for the future. Old values bad! New values coming up!
Nickson, “Eco-Fascists,” p.101.

7. Clinton’s ‘President's Council on Sustainable Development’ did what they do best: create task forces: one on climate change, one on environmental management (write regulations), an international one ‘encouraging sustainable development around the world,’ and the metropolitan-rural task force (‘Im from the government, here to solve your problems’). Funding came from taxpayers: DOC, DOE, EPA, and USDA.

8. The result, the ‘Global Biodiversity Assessment Report,’ listed the following as unsustainable: private property, single-family homes, paved roads, ski runs, grazing of livestock, plowing of soil, building fences, industry, tarred roads, logging activities, dams and reservoirs, power line construction, and economic systems that fail to set proper value on the environment, hunting, fertilizer, cemeteries, sewers..... UN Agenda 21 and ICLEI Is sustainable development something the American people want
and Nickson, “Eco-Fascists,” chapter five.

See what it really means?
Totalitarian control of every single aspect of the lives of everyone in the world.

Environmentalism <=> World Socialism <=>Communism

Communists and their dupes.

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