Confessions Of An Environmentalist

The great Thomas Sowell on the fraud that is man-made global warming.


And he shows same here:
"The black family survived centuries of slavery and generations of Jim Crow, but it has disintegrated in the wake of the liberals' expansion of the welfare state."

Why are you pretending you want to end the welfare state?
The AGW cult and the environmentalist movement are so transparently a Marxist/statist movement. It is amazing that some people can't see it for what it is.

Really? So one must pollute to show one's capitalist credentials? lol

Are we debating environmental laws or AGW?

We're waiting for you to prove that wanting to keep the planet clean is Marxist,

unless you're implying that Marxism isn't all that bad.
There is nothing about AGW that involves keeping the planet clean. AGW is a transparent effort by the power elite to impose worldwide Marxism.

AGW is a political movement not a scientific one. silly leftists can't see the truth.

You couldn't be more stupid. Marxist Marxist blah blah blah.
The AGW cult and the environmentalist movement are so transparently a Marxist/statist movement. It is amazing that some people can't see it for what it is.

Really? So one must pollute to show one's capitalist credentials? lol

Are we debating environmental laws or AGW?

We're waiting for you to prove that wanting to keep the planet clean is Marxist,

unless you're implying that Marxism isn't all that bad.
There is nothing about AGW that involves keeping the planet clean. AGW is a transparent effort by the power elite to impose worldwide Marxism.

AGW is a political movement not a scientific one. silly leftists can't see the truth.

You couldn't be more stupid. Marxist Marxist blah blah blah.
dude, your postings around here are the epitome of what someone who gets hit with stupid posts like. So thanks for hanging out all that stupid for us to read! It's..........stupid!
Thank you Senator McCarthy.
If this is a reference to Senator Joe McCarthy, he certainly deserves the thanks, even though posthumously. Senator McCarthy couldn't have been any more correct. But I'm sure your post was an attempt to defile his name.

You'll find that mention of another communism-fighter, Ronald Reagan, gets the same response, and for the same reasons.
Of couse, just because every Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University in the world states that AGW is real, and a clear and present idea is no reason to thing that there is scientific consensus on AGW, now is it? In fact, the consensus is a great as that on evolution, which is nearly 100%.

Which just goes to show how widespread Karl Marx's religion has spread like kudzu in our forests and roaches in our inner-cities.
Thank you Senator McCarthy.
If this is a reference to Senator Joe McCarthy, he certainly deserves the thanks, even though posthumously. Senator McCarthy couldn't have been any more correct. But I'm sure your post was an attempt to defile his name.

You'll find that mention of another communism-fighter, Ronald Reagan, gets the same response, and for the same reasons.

Don't I know it?
Yes, ABSOLUTELY. Liberals (who are not only EXCEEDINGLY uneducated) are also very easily swayed by their AM radios and fall for any manner of horsefeather, concocted, "scandals" such as Benghazi, Solyndra, hacking Sheryl Attkisson’s computer ... oh, wait....

Hey mad, will you let us know when the "scientific community" in every university and educational facility around the world are able to extinguish a volcano before eruption, stop a hurricane/typhoon from making landfall, reduce the power of tornadoes to tiny whirlwinds, cut snowfall in Buffalo to a maximum of 12" per year, keep the ocean currents at room temperature, stop those dang earthquakes/wildfires in California and New Madrid, and re-freeze the arctic and Anarctic ice caps...wait a second, that's already been done. Which of those exceedingly educated scientist discovered how to do that?

P.S. I'm really worried about the Yellowstone caldera. I've heard that will be so powerful as to wipe out everything for a 1,000 miles around.
Porker, understand that we are trying to help you. We think it's kind of criminal to allow the mentally handicapped to be taken advantage of.

It will be rough for you at first, life without your cult to give you that constant "I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and doggone it, people like me!" emotional affirmation, but you'll get through it. The exposure, humiliation and destruction of your cult is tough love on our part. We wouldn't do it if we didn't care.
Porker, understand that we are trying to help you. We think it's kind of criminal to allow the mentally handicapped to be taken advantage of.

It will be rough for you at first, life without your cult to give you that constant "I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and doggone it, people like me!" emotional affirmation, but you'll get through it. The exposure, humiliation and destruction of your cult is tough love on our part. We wouldn't do it if we didn't care.
and still no experiment!!!!
Porker, understand that we are trying to help you. We think it's kind of criminal to allow the mentally handicapped to be taken advantage of.

It will be rough for you at first, life without your cult to give you that constant "I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and doggone it, people like me!" emotional affirmation, but you'll get through it. The exposure, humiliation and destruction of your cult is tough love on our part. We wouldn't do it if we didn't care.

An Obama supporter using the term "smart."

Porker, understand that we are trying to help you. We think it's kind of criminal to allow the mentally handicapped to be taken advantage of.

It will be rough for you at first, life without your cult to give you that constant "I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and doggone it, people like me!" emotional affirmation, but you'll get through it. The exposure, humiliation and destruction of your cult is tough love on our part. We wouldn't do it if we didn't care.
and still no experiment!!!!!
I don't believe in the environmentalist movement as I believe in logging, mining, and other industries. However, I also believe that BP should be shut down for what they did instead of the slap on the wrist they got. There has to be common sense. The environmentalist movement won't allow for this. What BP did... they knew it would happen yet blamed regulations for it. They are a shameful corporation. Stick it to em I say and all other companies that break pollution laws should be taken down to their knees when they willfully and purposely have polluting on their agenda to save a buck. They care not for human life but rather hate it because it gets in the way of their profits.
Porker, understand that we are trying to help you. We think it's kind of criminal to allow the mentally handicapped to be taken advantage of.

It will be rough for you at first, life without your cult to give you that constant "I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and doggone it, people like me!" emotional affirmation, but you'll get through it. The exposure, humiliation and destruction of your cult is tough love on our part. We wouldn't do it if we didn't care.

mamoose, thanks for all your concern...but by golly I don't need the Marxist minions to like me...or understand me...or give a flying shit about me. Because doggone it, I'm better than them, I'm smarter than them and brilliant conservatives respect me and like me just the way I am. And more importantly ,,, THEY DON'T LIE THROUGH THEIR DAMNED TEETH TO ME or my conservative friends about GOREBAL WARMING.

But again, thank you for your concern.
Too funny. One of the larger solar plants operating in a sun-drenched desert and built using a Federal loan (at below market rates) recently asked for a half-a-billion dollar grant to help pay off the loan. This same solar plant is producing less than 50% of the promised energy output, also asked for permission to burn more gas in order to keep it's turbines running during the day.

Despite this solar plant being 5 square miles in size, when and if it ever produces energy at full capacity it will only be able to provide power to 170,000 homes - but remember that this is only during reasonably bright daylight hours - at night they have to of course use gas to keep their turbines running.

I can't wait until they build one of these in Ohio :lol:

Not to mention frying all the birds that fly in front of their mirrors reflecting the suns rays.
PC, are you also a member of the Sowell nutball brigade?

Which of his sacred teachings thrills you most?

And do you love him more or less than your DearLeaderAlinsky?

"And do you love him more or less than your DearLeaderAlinsky?"

This is one of your most stupid of posts....and that's saying something.

A file of your insane posts would be so thick one could stand on it to change a lightbulb.
That's all he has to add. He's as intellectually bankrupt so he resorts to calling conservatives a cult. If we be a cult mamoose then this country was established and built by cultist. Not including the Gorebal warmists.
Gore rule activated by Porker. First person to mention Gore forfeits the thread for their own side. Great job there, Ace. Those who can talk about the science, do. Those who can't, they whine about Gore.

Porker, I'm trying to classify you on the intelligence scale here. You're definitely sub-100, but that could still have you well above the denier average. Keep talking, so I can figure out how just far down you are. I don't think you're below jc-level, but I'll need more evidence.

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