Confessions Of An Environmentalist

The AGW cult and the environmentalist movement are so transparently a Marxist/statist movement. It is amazing that some people can't see it for what it is.

Really? So one must pollute to show one's capitalist credentials? lol

Are we debating environmental laws or AGW?

We're waiting for you to prove that wanting to keep the planet clean is Marxist,

unless you're implying that Marxism isn't all that bad.
9. When the government of this nation is a rubber stamp for the global governance gang, and lopes long with the Soviet inspired international body, the United Nations, then agencies such as the EPA, can be expected to do nothing but this:

The EPA circulated a detailed action plan on how the US environmental regulations would conform to those of the UN.

Rather than come out and proclaim the end of private property, and individual ownership, unelected agencies use regulation and taxation to co-opt ownership, and accomplish the same thing.

But wait!

Isn't there conclusive scientific data behind the actions of the environmental movement?


10. Environmental "science" is based not on facts, but on "ecospiritual" theories of pantheism (nature is God) expressed in the "biocentric" (earth centered) philosophy that all species have equal intrinsic value--humans are merely one strand in natures fragile web.

The IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) has advanced these ecospiritual principles into the pseudoscience of "conservation biology." Conservation biology holds that "natural" systems are best because they are the result of a millennia of fine-tuning by mother earth. Therefore, the only acceptable management practices for earth's fragile ecosystems are those that follow "natural" patterns. Likewise, biodiversity can only be fully protected by setting aside entire ecosystems in wilderness preserves.’

And you know what 'setting aside' means....and who sets the rules.
With wind already cheaper than dirty coal, and solar biting at the heels of both coal and gas on cost, sustainable development will be an economic decision, one led by states like Texas, Wyoming, and Oklahoma. Those extreme liberal states are always going astray with ideas like that.
Too funny. One of the larger solar plants operating in a sun-drenched desert and built using a Federal loan (at below market rates) recently asked for a half-a-billion dollar grant to help pay off the loan. This same solar plant is producing less than 50% of the promised energy output, also asked for permission to burn more gas in order to keep it's turbines running during the day.

Despite this solar plant being 5 square miles in size, when and if it ever produces energy at full capacity it will only be able to provide power to 170,000 homes - but remember that this is only during reasonably bright daylight hours - at night they have to of course use gas to keep their turbines running.

I can't wait until they build one of these in Ohio :lol:
With wind already cheaper than dirty coal, and solar biting at the heels of both coal and gas on cost, sustainable development will be an economic decision, one led by states like Texas, Wyoming, and Oklahoma. Those extreme liberal states are always going astray with ideas like that.

Wind isn't cheaper than anything without massive government fees to make coal more expensive than it truly is.. Get your facts straight.
KFC may be thinking of opening a drive through at Ivanpah:

"Thousands of birds are flying into a new solar "mega-trap" in the middle of California's Mojave Desert, killing the avian lot at a rate of up to one bird every two minutes, according to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)."

"According to the Associated Press, up to 28,000 birds per year might be meeting an early death after burning up in the focused beams of sunlight, with birds dying at a rate of one bird every two minutes. The burned-up birds are being dubbed "streamers," after the poof of smoke produced by the igniting birds."

Sounds like a good side business that could help pay down the loan. They could probably charge extra for endangered species.

With wind already cheaper than dirty coal, and solar biting at the heels of both coal and gas on cost, sustainable development will be an economic decision, one led by states like Texas, Wyoming, and Oklahoma. Those extreme liberal states are always going astray with ideas like that. can't back up your slander of Senator McCarthy?

11. In order to nail down the contention that the environmental group is based, not on science, but on Marxist doctrine....

a. "Despite the IUCN's pretense of being a scientific body, the Spring 1996 issue of the IUCN's Ethics Working Group's affiliate publication, Earth Ethics, suggests otherwise. The IUCN, admits Earth Ethics,"promotes alternative models for sustainable communities and lifestyles, based in ecospiritual practices and principles... [To solve] the problems that face the world today, humanity must undergo a radical change in its attitudes, values, and behavior.... In response to this situation, a new global ethics is taking form, and it is finding expression in international law." Likewise, the IUCN's Commission on Environmental Strategy and Planningseems to be proud that they "change human behavior" by using a strategy "based less on facts...than on thevaluesthey hold." The IUCN close attention to these phrases: "...humanity must undergo a radical change .... , the IUCN's Commission on Environmental Strategy and Planning seems to be proud that they "change human behavior" by using a strategy "based less on facts...than on the values they hold."

Sound familiar?
While not as familiar as "from each according to his ability, to each accoring to his need," it still has a familiar ring.

Where else that demand for "radical change" in mankind?

b. Communist Revolution is based on the idea of transforming human nature. “The New Soviet man or New Soviet person (Russian: новый советский человек), as postulated by the ideologists of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, was an archetype of a person with certain qualities that were said to be emerging as dominant among all citizens of the Soviet Union, irrespective of the country's long-standing cultural, ethnic, and linguistic diversity, creating a single Soviet people, Soviet nation.[1]
New Soviet man - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

c. Leon Trotsky wrote in his Literature and Revolution [2] :"The human species, the sluggish Homo sapiens, will once again enter the stage of radical reconstruction and become in his own hands the object of the most complex methods of artificial selection and psychophysical training... Man will make it his create a higher sociobiological type, a superman, if you will" New Soviet man - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

d. In October 1919, Lenin paid a secret visit to the laboratory of the great physiologist I. P. Pavlov, a Russian physiologist known chiefly for the concept of the conditioned reflex. In his classic experiment, he found that a hungry dog can be trained to associate the sound of a bell with food and will salivate at the sound even in the absence of food. Lenin wanted to find out if his work on the conditional reflexes of the brain might help the Bolsheviks control European behaviour.“I want the masses of Russia to follow a Communistic pattern of thinking and reacting,”Lenin explained. Pavlov was astounded. It seemed that Lenin wanted him to do for humans what he had already done for dogs.“Do you mean that you would like to standardise the population of Russia? Make them all behave in the same way?he asked.“Exactly” replied Lenin.Man can be corrected. Man can be made what we want him to be.”…
Orlando Figes, "A People's Tragedy," p.732-733

e. One more? .

In 1969, Hillary Rodham gave the student commencement address at Wellesley in which she said that “ for too long our leaders have used politics as the art of making what appears to be impossible, possible….We’re not interested in social reconstruction; it’s human reconstruction.”-

Environmentalism and communist doctrine......hard to tell them apart.
The AGW cult and the environmentalist movement are so transparently a Marxist/statist movement. It is amazing that some people can't see it for what it is.

Really? So one must pollute to show one's capitalist credentials? lol

Are we debating environmental laws or AGW?

We're waiting for you to prove that wanting to keep the planet clean is Marxist,

unless you're implying that Marxism isn't all that bad.
There is nothing about AGW that involves keeping the planet clean. AGW is a transparent effort by the power elite to impose worldwide Marxism.

AGW is a political movement not a scientific one. silly leftists can't see the truth.
The great Thomas Sowell on the fraud that is man-made global warming.
Gipper, you understand you're a brainwashed conspiracy cultist, right?

It's no biggie if you don't understand, being how rest of the world does. But just in case you were unaware, consider this to be an intervention.

And yes, I understand the rules of your cult. Anyone pointing out your cult nature is, by definition, further proof of the conspiracy against you.

Do you agree with every bit of Sowell's bugshit crazy nuttery, or just with his loony stance on global warming?

Like Sowell, do you think Obama is just like Hitler?

Do you think the US is in danger of having to surrender to Iran?

Were you a big backer of starting a war in Iraq?

Do you think DDT is harmless, and that banning it killed millions?

Do you think the New Deal made the depression worse?

Do you favor the gold standard?
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Gipper, you understand you're a brainwashed conspiracy cultist, right?

It's no biggie if you don't understand, being how rest of the world does. But just in case you were unaware, consider this to be an intervention.

And yes, I understand the rules of your cult. Anyone pointing out your cult nature is, by definition, further proof of the conspiracy against you.

Do you agree with every bit of Sowell's bugshit crazy nuttery, or just with his loony stance on global warming?

Like Sowell, do you think Obama is just like Hitler?

Do you think the US is in danger of having to surrender to Iran?

Were you a big backer of starting a war in Iraq?

Do you think DDT is harmless, and that banning it killed millions?

Do you think the New Deal made the depression worse?

Do you favor the gold standard?

"Just 25% of Likely U.S. Voters think the country is heading in the right direction, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey for the week ending November 30.

This finding is down one point from the previous week. The number of voters who think the country is on the right course has now ranged from 23% to 27% nearly every week since early June and has been below 30% most weeks since June of last year.

Sixty-seven percent (67%) of voters now believe the nation is headed down the wrong track, up two points from last week."
Right Direction or Wrong Track - Rasmussen Reports trade

You should learn from those a good deal smarter than you are.
The great Thomas Sowell on the fraud that is man-made global warming.


And he shows same here:
"The black family survived centuries of slavery and generations of Jim Crow, but it has disintegrated in the wake of the liberals' expansion of the welfare state."
PC, are you also a member of the Sowell nutball brigade?

Which of his sacred teachings thrills you most?

And do you love him more or less than your DearLeaderAlinsky?
PC, are you also a member of the Sowell nutball brigade?

Which of his sacred teachings thrills you most?

And do you love him more or less than your DearLeaderAlinsky?

"And do you love him more or less than your DearLeaderAlinsky?"

This is one of your most stupid of posts....and that's saying something.

A file of your insane posts would be so thick one could stand on it to change a lightbulb.
So, as expected, nobody can replace your DearLeaderAlinsky in your heart of hearts.

Did you think it clever to pull that reference out of where the sun doesn't shine?


It relates to you: nothing.

No, it is one more example of you being a jerk.

My apologies to jerks.
Gipper, you understand you're a brainwashed conspiracy cultist, right?

It's no biggie if you don't understand, being how rest of the world does. But just in case you were unaware, consider this to be an intervention.

And yes, I understand the rules of your cult. Anyone pointing out your cult nature is, by definition, further proof of the conspiracy against you.

Do you agree with every bit of Sowell's bugshit crazy nuttery, or just with his loony stance on global warming?

Like Sowell, do you think Obama is just like Hitler?

Do you think the US is in danger of having to surrender to Iran?

Were you a big backer of starting a war in Iraq?

Do you think DDT is harmless, and that banning it killed millions?

Do you think the New Deal made the depression worse?

Do you favor the gold standard?
and still no experiment!!!!!!!!!!!

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