Confidence in Elections Waning


The Ultimate Winner
May 18, 2010
Back in January 59% of Americans had confidence in the elections that elections reflected the will of the people. Today 52% of Americans: don't have confidence that our elections reflect the will of the people. To me that is quite the swing.

Democrats and independents, though, are driving a drop in confidence that American elections reflect the will of the people. A narrow majority overall, 52%, now say they lack that confidence, up from 40% who felt that way in January. Among Democrats, confidence has dipped from 90% in January to 69% now, and among independents, it's fallen from 54% to 46% over that time, while Republican confidence has held about even and now stands at 24%.

My comment: The lack of confidence in the election process should concern us all as it seems our confidence in a 245 year old process is now not trusted by most Americans.

What can we do to stop this trend or is it too late?
Republicans and Trumpists have lied so much about election and voter fraud that this was the inevitable outcome: lower confidence in the greatest and best electoral system in the world.

You know what you need to to do to raise the confidence level again:


Republicans need to stop lying about election and voter fraud and cease and desist in undermining our democratic institutions.
Republicans and Trumpists have lied so much about election and voter fraud that this was the inevitable outcome: lower confidence in the greatest and best electoral system in the world.

You know what you need to to do to raise the confidence level again:

Republicans have to stop lying about election and voter fraud and cease and desist in undermining our democratic institutions.
Did you read that Democrats confidence has dropped from 90% to 69%? If this is Trump driven, then why the 21% drop from january to September? Are Democrats really Trump followers?
Back in January 59% of Americans had confidence in the elections that elections reflected the will of the people. Today 52% of Americans: don't have confidence that our elections reflect the will of the people. To me that is quite the swing.

Democrats and independents, though, are driving a drop in confidence that American elections reflect the will of the people. A narrow majority overall, 52%, now say they lack that confidence, up from 40% who felt that way in January. Among Democrats, confidence has dipped from 90% in January to 69% now, and among independents, it's fallen from 54% to 46% over that time, while Republican confidence has held about even and now stands at 24%.

My comment: The lack of confidence in the election process should concern us all as it seems our confidence in a 245 year old process is now not trusted by most Americans.

What can we do to stop this trend or is it too late?

Get rid of federal election computer voting and mail-out for a start. As long as you have computer voting, you will lose a great percentage of citizens trust. Mail-out voting is also very dangerous.

Make people wait in line, show their I.D, vote in person and manually count them all and have human checking of information. Anything less and you risk this distrust.

Once people feel you live in a One Party System, you will see a rapid decline in output, effort and patriotism.
Make sure elections are conducted in an air tight manner. Every vote must be verified with a signature, photo i.d., and chain of custody. All vote counting all fully open to observers from both parties.
In other words, the exact opposite of the last election. If any of these criteria are violated the election is invalidated. Period.

Simple enough if people genuinely want to stop the cheating. But, of course, they don't. :(
Reality is that we have had a new president for 9 months, and we know that's true because even those who claim fraud have been bashing him AS a president not doing a job to their standards. Cant have it both ways.
Back in January 59% of Americans had confidence in the elections that elections reflected the will of the people. Today 52% of Americans: don't have confidence that our elections reflect the will of the people. To me that is quite the swing.
Politics in the US these days is mostly about wilful delusion.
Republicans and Trumpists have lied so much about election and voter fraud that this was the inevitable outcome: lower confidence in the greatest and best electoral system in the world.

You know what you need to to do to raise the confidence level again:


Republicans need to stop lying about election and voter fraud and cease and desist in undermining our democratic institutions.
What lie? I've seen the dems cheat first hand under Obama--------
Back in January 59% of Americans had confidence in the elections that elections reflected the will of the people. Today 52% of Americans: don't have confidence that our elections reflect the will of the people. To me that is quite the swing.

Democrats and independents, though, are driving a drop in confidence that American elections reflect the will of the people. A narrow majority overall, 52%, now say they lack that confidence, up from 40% who felt that way in January. Among Democrats, confidence has dipped from 90% in January to 69% now, and among independents, it's fallen from 54% to 46% over that time, while Republican confidence has held about even and now stands at 24%.

My comment: The lack of confidence in the election process should concern us all as it seems our confidence in a 245 year old process is now not trusted by most Americans.

What can we do to stop this trend or is it too late?
Prosecute political liars. 15 years minimum in prison. No exceptions. If you cant prove your conspiracy keep your trap shut.
Republicans and Trumpists have lied so much about election and voter fraud that this was the inevitable outcome: lower confidence in the greatest and best electoral system in the world.

You know what you need to to do to raise the confidence level again:


Republicans need to stop lying about election and voter fraud and cease and desist in undermining our democratic institutions.
Democrats have avoided any election legislation which would protect and keep ahead of any fraud that the technology could be compromised.
Democrats are the party who cut off transparency by covering windows, closing precincts to counting then when the media leaves
open up for counting once again.
In Pa. who's Democrat governor changed voting procedures without passing legislation?

Your tribe has given plenty of ammunition for concern.

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