CONFIRMED: 222,000 Flu Cases and 22,000 Flu Deaths in US this Season


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
CONFIRMED: 222,000 Flu Cases and 22,000 Flu Deaths in US this Season … AND– 1,864 COVID-19 Cases and 41 Deaths in US This Season

CONFIRMED: 222,000 Flu Cases and 22,000 Flu Deaths in US this Season ... AND-- 1,864 COVID-19 Cases and 41 Deaths in US This Season

Wuhan Corona virus incidents world wide:

While I think the response in most areas of the world right now is a fairly large over reaction. What is causing people to panic is the unknown. We know the flu, we've lived with it for centuries. This is first time in history that we have been affected by COVID-19. No one with any certainty can say how this will end.

One consideration I had regarding the coronavirus, is, how many people passed away from causes other than the coronavirus, due to underlying illness, but, because they had the virus, even if in minute levels in their body; their death was assigned to the virus when it may have been the other condition?

If 20 year old were passing away when being affected by the virus, than I would understand the dangers more glaringly. However, with so few other than the elderly who are already sick, I am certain there is going to be inaccurate associations.

Hell my PM's wife has the virus, and my PM isn't even being checked for it as he doesn't have symptoms. It clearly isn't as deadly as some paint it. I'm not saying caution and action isn't needed, after all, you don't just allow others to be exposed when they are vulnerable, and you don't want it to mutate, but an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure

One consideration I had regarding the coronavirus, is, how many people passed away from causes other than the coronavirus, due to underlying illness, but, because they had the virus, even if in minute levels in their body; their death was assigned to the virus when it may have been the other condition?

If 20 year old were passing away when being affected by the virus, than I would understand the dangers more glaringly. However, with so few other than the elderly who are already sick, I am certain there is going to be inaccurate associations.

Hell my PM's wife has the virus, and my PM isn't even being checked for it as he doesn't have symptoms. It clearly isn't as deadly as some paint it. I'm not saying caution and action isn't needed, after all, you don't just allow others to be exposed when they are vulnerable, and you don't want it to mutate, but an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure

Your PM was already tested.

So was the Australian Home Minister. And the president of Brazil.

Ours ---- mmmmm not so much.

One consideration I had regarding the coronavirus, is, how many people passed away from causes other than the coronavirus, due to underlying illness, but, because they had the virus, even if in minute levels in their body; their death was assigned to the virus when it may have been the other condition?

If 20 year old were passing away when being affected by the virus, than I would understand the dangers more glaringly. However, with so few other than the elderly who are already sick, I am certain there is going to be inaccurate associations.

Hell my PM's wife has the virus, and my PM isn't even being checked for it as he doesn't have symptoms. It clearly isn't as deadly as some paint it. I'm not saying caution and action isn't needed, after all, you don't just allow others to be exposed when they are vulnerable, and you don't want it to mutate, but an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure

Your PM was already tested.

So was the president of Brazil.

Ours ---- mmmmm not so much.

No, Justin was not tested. He doesn't show symptoms, he is just self quarantined. Probably because his wife has it:

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau doesn't need to be tested for COVID-19 — even though his wife, Sophie Grégoire Trudeau, was diagnosed with the disease — if he isn't showing any symptoms, experts say.

"Certainly for people asymptomatic, we do not recommend testing," said Colin Lee, a specialist in public health and infectious disease. "But I could certainly see that people in position of power may want testing. And that might happen. But it's certainly not the medical and public health recommendation."

Testing is only indicated for those who are symptomatic, he said.
Is you point that we are in the 6th month of the flu season, and we still see that many deaths, even with immunization available and anti-viral drugs available and still see large numbers of deaths attributed and yet, we did not have a single case diagnosed in the US of novel corona virsus Covid19 until January 21 of a disease without known treatment, no effect antiviral drugs and no vaccines on the whole planet to prevent the novel new disease, (not related to influenza in any way), that the experts say is many times more infectious and up to 10 times as lethal, so there is no predicting the number death, and costs to the economy is almost impossible to calculate? You may be on to something. You should contact the CDC with your findings at once!
While I think the response in most areas of the world right now is a fairly large over reaction. What is causing people to panic is the unknown. We know the flu, we've lived with it for centuries. This is first time in history that we have been affected by COVID-19. No one with any certainty can say how this will end.

Unfortunately ignorance is not bliss in this case. It's the cause for panic.
Scientists have known for years that various common strains of coronavirus infect humans and cause the usually mild symptoms of the common cold.

11 (sometimes) deadly diseases that hopped across species ...
While the new coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 (which causes COVID-19) is the latest example,a host of infectious and deadly diseases have hopped from animals to humans and even from humans to animals

Scientists saw coronavirus coming — they have been warning ...
Feb 01, 2020 · Coronaviruses have some of the largest genomes amongst all RNA viruses, which means there are seemingly endless combinations for recombination or mutations. That is an ever-simmering genetic pot of viral soup that can, seemingly at any moment can come up with fresh diseases that may go on to infect humans.

Yeah, it's not 10%.
The idiot who wrote that article is wrong. Really, really wrong.
Do you think it's higher or lower?

Yeah, it's not 10%.
The idiot who wrote that article is wrong. Really, really wrong.
Do you think it's higher or lower?

Much, much, much lower than 10%.


22,000 / 36,000,000
At least half of the hysteria buying,
This needs to be on every damn Coronavirus thread. All 2435 threads

Amen Dr Drew and Dr Oz. Way too few people speaking common sense and way too many 'hair on fire' apocalyptos screaming PANDEMIC!!! This is a tragedy of overreaction. The economic fallout is already massive and will get worse while the PANDEMIC!!! fades away.
While I think the response in most areas of the world right now is a fairly large over reaction. What is causing people to panic is the unknown. We know the flu, we've lived with it for centuries. This is first time in history that we have been affected by COVID-19. No one with any certainty can say how this will end.

Actually we do know how it will end. It will end as swine flu ended..H1N1...avian flu...SARS...

Note the date below.

Swine flu has killed up to 17,000 in U.S.: report


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