CONFIRMED: 222,000 Flu Cases and 22,000 Flu Deaths in US this Season

CONFIRMED: 222,000 Flu Cases and 22,000 Flu Deaths in US this Season … AND– 1,864 COVID-19 Cases and 41 Deaths in US This Season

CONFIRMED: 222,000 Flu Cases and 22,000 Flu Deaths in US this Season ... AND-- 1,864 COVID-19 Cases and 41 Deaths in US This Season

Wuhan Corona virus incidents world wide:

41 DEATHS! Grab the toilet paper before we all die!

One does have to wonder, how or why Italy and Iran have been hit so hard relative to everyone else.
Italy has the oldest population in Europe. Most of their corona deaths are victims in their 80’s and 90’s.
So it’s a somewhat skewed stat. Makes for great MSM fear-mongering opportunity, though.
Iran’s numbers come from too many fucking the same goat.
Except the gateway pundit ALWAYS lies! There were 36 MILLION cases not 222,000.
Recalculating with the real estimates, and remember they are only estimates, gives you a .061111% death rate! Covfefe-45 US death rate is now 2.465%, which do you think is larger!!!
You have to be incredibly STUPID to swallow the bullshit from the gateway pundit!
Except the gateway pundit ALWAYS lies! There were 36 MILLION cases not 222,000.
Recalculating with the real estimates, and remember they are only estimates, gives you a .061111% death rate! Covfefe-45 US death rate is now 2.465%, which do you think is larger!!!
You have to be incredibly STUPID to swallow the bullshit from the gateway pundit!
But the Kung flu death rate is skewed and likely inflated due to not knowing the real number of those infected since so many are asymptomatic.

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