Confirmed: 450,000 ballots had no down-ballot...only Biden

The most accurate numbers were right at the moment the data was released I typed what I saw from the networks directly (not by memory) on the night of the election that I posted, so do a search of my post.
Found it here:
On that day about the 85%votes in, there was just over 6 million total votes counted I think (right now I'm going by memory on total votes), so that 85% leaves 15% left to count. The movement of votes in the 4% more count (89% in) did not match the movement of votes leading Because the lead went from over 4000 (15% of totalvotes) to just over 2000+ in a mere 4% move instead of a 7 1/2 %move.
Then the 89% in became 87% in, and more votes were off the lead,
See figures here I posted at the time it occured:
(Use my post as a time stamp to look at any weird events during that time, like kicking people out etc)
This amount of lost lead was an impossibility unless they brought in more "hidden" ballots and restructured the percentage votes in.
The new ballots and 89 in to 87 in (backwards) happened after I announced the numbers would be impossible to catch up in PA and showed the math. MSM would not remove all broadcasts unless it exposed this stunt and was problematic.
I am one of those people who notice everything, this being to blatantly obvious.

Uh oh ... I was doing the same thing as you ... proof positive you're a weird-o ... [giggle] ...

Okay number crunching ... the 85% to 89% jump was about 280,000 votes ... or 141,000 for Quid Pro Joe, 139,000 for The Donald ... yeah, I saw that, didn't give it a second thought ... with 720,000 votes outstanding, why do you think it's impossible for Quid Pro Joe to catch up and beat The Donald ... 381,000 for Joe, 339,000 for The Donald ... if the media is correct, then these last votes came in from the liberal urban areas ... [shrugs shoulders] ... clearly possible ...

No one knows how many ballots will be cast, those "percentage counted" numbers are estimates ... ± 5% ...
There was far more than 700,000 votes outstanding we found out.
Something had to be irregular for 89% to go backwards to 87% and to fit the offset irregularity votes. Now if there is something fishy ypu'd see protective sigba like kicking out people vidro taping and removing the rights of the observer, those things are enough smoke to investigate and therefore media and voters need to let this play out and not be surprised if they find out the anger at Pelosi is because it didnct work and they got caught and now they all risk being ousted.

None of that happened.

States he flipped were targeted to flip back.
Do you think perhaps they are mad at Pelosi not over a few house seats, but her program (yes she and Feinstein's husband owns a good share of the "computer glitch program") and being busted & risking their jobs?
By the way to all who heard on Fox that fact checkers deny some of the facts about the ownership of the company with the software, the fact check denies Feinstein herself made money from her husbands financial dealing with the post office sales, not that they don't have connections/ties and part ownership with the ballot program and even that is very flimsy in Senator Feinstein's excuses to not discuss her husbands dealings. SAME BS BIDEN got caught saying about his son's dealings.
Fact checkers are mostly agenda driven poor spin creators. The Fox host didn't dig deep into the Fact checker excuses that weren't relevant to the topic of the computer program and almost insulted her guest.
I am past the point of wanting recounts. I want all 6 of these states that stopped the counting, the flooded the system with these fraudulent ballots, that barred observers to go through another election Trump v Biden, and no 3rd party candidates, and then of course Senate and House races have to be done over.

Right now I have Trump and Biden tied 232 to 232
The most accurate numbers were right at the moment the data was released I typed what I saw from the networks directly (not by memory) on the night of the election that I posted, so do a search of my post.
Found it here:
On that day about the 85%votes in, there was just over 6 million total votes counted I think (right now I'm going by memory on total votes), so that 85% leaves 15% left to count. The movement of votes in the 4% more count (89% in) did not match the movement of votes leading Because the lead went from over 4000 (15% of totalvotes) to just over 2000+ in a mere 4% move instead of a 7 1/2 %move.
Then the 89% in became 87% in, and more votes were off the lead,
See figures here I posted at the time it occured:
(Use my post as a time stamp to look at any weird events during that time, like kicking people out etc)
This amount of lost lead was an impossibility unless they brought in more "hidden" ballots and restructured the percentage votes in.
The new ballots and 89 in to 87 in (backwards) happened after I announced the numbers would be impossible to catch up in PA and showed the math. MSM would not remove all broadcasts unless it exposed this stunt and was problematic.
I am one of those people who notice everything, this being to blatantly obvious.

Uh oh ... I was doing the same thing as you ... proof positive you're a weird-o ... [giggle] ...

Okay number crunching ... the 85% to 89% jump was about 280,000 votes ... or 141,000 for Quid Pro Joe, 139,000 for The Donald ... yeah, I saw that, didn't give it a second thought ... with 720,000 votes outstanding, why do you think it's impossible for Quid Pro Joe to catch up and beat The Donald ... 381,000 for Joe, 339,000 for The Donald ... if the media is correct, then these last votes came in from the liberal urban areas ... [shrugs shoulders] ... clearly possible ...

No one knows how many ballots will be cast, those "percentage counted" numbers are estimates ... ± 5% ...
There was far more than 700,000 votes outstanding we found out.
Something had to be irregular for 89% to go backwards to 87% and to fit the offset irregularity votes. Now if there is something fishy ypu'd see protective sigba like kicking out people vidro taping and removing the rights of the observer, those things are enough smoke to investigate and therefore media and voters need to let this play out and not be surprised if they find out the anger at Pelosi is because it didnct work and they got caught and now they all risk being ousted.

None of that happened.

States he flipped were targeted to flip back.
Do you think perhaps they are mad at Pelosi not over a few house seats, but her program (yes she and Feinstein's husband owns a good share of the "computer glitch program") and being busted & risking their jobs?
By the way to all who heard on Fox that fact checkers deny some of the facts about the ownership of the company with the software, the fact check denies Feinstein herself made money from her husbands financial dealing with the post office sales, not that they don't have connections/ties and part ownership with the ballot program and even that is very flimsy in Senator Feinstein's excuses to not discuss her husbands dealings. SAME BS BIDEN got caught saying about his son's dealings.
Fact checkers are mostly agenda driven poor spin creators. The Fox host didn't dig deep into the Fact checker excuses that weren't relevant to the topic of the computer program and almost insulted her guest.

As with all conspiracy theories...yours makes no sense. Why not flip Florida while you're at it?

Oh doesn't fit your narrative.
I am past the point of wanting recounts. I want all 6 of these states that stopped the counting, the flooded the system with these fraudulent ballots, that barred observers to go through another election Trump v Biden, and no 3rd party candidates, and then of course Senate and House races have to be done over.

Right now I have Trump and Biden tied 232 to 232

There won't be any do-overs.
I am past the point of wanting recounts. I want all 6 of these states that stopped the counting, the flooded the system with these fraudulent ballots, that barred observers to go through another election Trump v Biden, and no 3rd party candidates, and then of course Senate and House races have to be done over.

Right now I have Trump and Biden tied 232 to 232

There won't be any do-overs.
You are wrong

The most accurate numbers were right at the moment the data was released I typed what I saw from the networks directly (not by memory) on the night of the election that I posted, so do a search of my post.
Found it here:
On that day about the 85%votes in, there was just over 6 million total votes counted I think (right now I'm going by memory on total votes), so that 85% leaves 15% left to count. The movement of votes in the 4% more count (89% in) did not match the movement of votes leading Because the lead went from over 4000 (15% of totalvotes) to just over 2000+ in a mere 4% move instead of a 7 1/2 %move.
Then the 89% in became 87% in, and more votes were off the lead,
See figures here I posted at the time it occured:
(Use my post as a time stamp to look at any weird events during that time, like kicking people out etc)
This amount of lost lead was an impossibility unless they brought in more "hidden" ballots and restructured the percentage votes in.
The new ballots and 89 in to 87 in (backwards) happened after I announced the numbers would be impossible to catch up in PA and showed the math. MSM would not remove all broadcasts unless it exposed this stunt and was problematic.
I am one of those people who notice everything, this being to blatantly obvious.

Uh oh ... I was doing the same thing as you ... proof positive you're a weird-o ... [giggle] ...

Okay number crunching ... the 85% to 89% jump was about 280,000 votes ... or 141,000 for Quid Pro Joe, 139,000 for The Donald ... yeah, I saw that, didn't give it a second thought ... with 720,000 votes outstanding, why do you think it's impossible for Quid Pro Joe to catch up and beat The Donald ... 381,000 for Joe, 339,000 for The Donald ... if the media is correct, then these last votes came in from the liberal urban areas ... [shrugs shoulders] ... clearly possible ...

No one knows how many ballots will be cast, those "percentage counted" numbers are estimates ... ± 5% ...
There was far more than 700,000 votes outstanding we found out.
Something had to be irregular for 89% to go backwards to 87% and to fit the offset irregularity votes. Now if there is something fishy ypu'd see protective sigba like kicking out people vidro taping and removing the rights of the observer, those things are enough smoke to investigate and therefore media and voters need to let this play out and not be surprised if they find out the anger at Pelosi is because it didnct work and they got caught and now they all risk being ousted.

None of that happened.

States he flipped were targeted to flip back.
Do you think perhaps they are mad at Pelosi not over a few house seats, but her program (yes she and Feinstein's husband owns a good share of the "computer glitch program") and being busted & risking their jobs?
By the way to all who heard on Fox that fact checkers deny some of the facts about the ownership of the company with the software, the fact check denies Feinstein herself made money from her husbands financial dealing with the post office sales, not that they don't have connections/ties and part ownership with the ballot program and even that is very flimsy in Senator Feinstein's excuses to not discuss her husbands dealings. SAME BS BIDEN got caught saying about his son's dealings.
Fact checkers are mostly agenda driven poor spin creators. The Fox host didn't dig deep into the Fact checker excuses that weren't relevant to the topic of the computer program and almost insulted her guest.

As with all conspiracy theories...yours makes no sense. Why not flip Florida while you're at it?

Oh doesn't fit your narrative.
Would have been hard to cheat in a state where Snipes got caught twice and rallys revealed Biden had no chance. Listen, when huge rallies are held in Democrat cities like Tampa, you know you have a problem winning FL.

By the way I calculated Michigan if what tech experts say is true about the switched votes.
That swap back would make the actual count aprox 98% votes in
2,782,525 Votes for Trump
2,652,648 Votes for Biden
Trump might have Won by 4.67% in Michigan +if you count the other finds.
Would have been hard to cheat in a state where Snipes got caught twice and rallys revealed Biden had no chance. Listen, when huge rallies are held in Democrat cities like Tampa, you know you have a problem winning FL.

By the way I calculated Michigan if what tech experts say is true about the switched votes.
That swap back would make the actual count aprox 98% votes in
2,782,525 Votes for Trump
2,652,648 Votes for Biden
Trump might have Won by 4.67% in Michigan +if you count the other finds.

And Biden had a chance in Georgia? Seriously....Obama won Florida twice; he never won Georgia. But somehow the diabolical Biden camp decided to commit fraud in Georgia because he had a chance there but not Florida? Your "logic" is borderline jibberish. Actually it's complete bullshit.

Are you going to do more than stomp your feet when Michigan certifies their election results for Biden?

Snipes? Is that something from the Hunter Biden laptop conspiracy?
I am past the point of wanting recounts. I want all 6 of these states that stopped the counting, the flooded the system with these fraudulent ballots, that barred observers to go through another election Trump v Biden, and no 3rd party candidates, and then of course Senate and House races have to be done over.

Right now I have Trump and Biden tied 232 to 232

There won't be any do-overs.
You are wrong

I imagine you'd bet against the next sunrise if Trump told you it wasn't going to happen. The odds of the sun not rising are the same odds that there will be general election do-overs. ZIPPO Baby.
Would have been hard to cheat in a state where Snipes got caught twice and rallys revealed Biden had no chance. Listen, when huge rallies are held in Democrat cities like Tampa, you know you have a problem winning FL.

By the way I calculated Michigan if what tech experts say is true about the switched votes.
That swap back would make the actual count aprox 98% votes in
2,782,525 Votes for Trump
2,652,648 Votes for Biden
Trump might have Won by 4.67% in Michigan +if you count the other finds.

And Biden had a chance in Georgia? Seriously....Obama won Florida twice; he never won Georgia. But somehow the diabolical Biden camp decided to commit fraud in Georgia because he had a chance there but not Florida? Your "logic" is borderline jibberish. Actually it's complete bullshit.

Are you going to do more than stomp your feet when Michigan certifies their election results for Biden?

Snipes? Is that something from the Hunter Biden laptop conspiracy?
Read up on her, Dade County, she got caught twice different elections. Who allows someone who breaks the law the first time to continue, to break it a second and neither time I don't think she served jail time. That's corruption with friends in high places for ya!
Would have been hard to cheat in a state where Snipes got caught twice and rallys revealed Biden had no chance. Listen, when huge rallies are held in Democrat cities like Tampa, you know you have a problem winning FL.

By the way I calculated Michigan if what tech experts say is true about the switched votes.
That swap back would make the actual count aprox 98% votes in
2,782,525 Votes for Trump
2,652,648 Votes for Biden
Trump might have Won by 4.67% in Michigan +if you count the other finds.

And Biden had a chance in Georgia? Seriously....Obama won Florida twice; he never won Georgia. But somehow the diabolical Biden camp decided to commit fraud in Georgia because he had a chance there but not Florida? Your "logic" is borderline jibberish. Actually it's complete bullshit.

Are you going to do more than stomp your feet when Michigan certifies their election results for Biden?

Snipes? Is that something from the Hunter Biden laptop conspiracy?
Read up on her, Dade County, she got caught twice different elections. Who allows someone who breaks the law the first time to continue, to break it a second and neither time I don't think she served jail time. That's corruption with friends in high places for ya!

Still have no idea what or who you're talking about.
Damn I was wrong for a change, I said it was gonna be a trunk load of a car they use. This must have been a huge load of ballots this time.

The Trump campaign and RNC have provided 131 sworn affidavits showing voter fraud, with possibly another 2,800 in the wings.

In a new sworn affidavit, a whistleblower with the Clark County Elections Department in Nevada claims Nevada poll workers fabricated proof of residence data for illegal voters. So far, Nevada Attorney General @AaronDFordNV has taken no action to investigate credible fraud claims.

Election fraud lawsuit was filed in Detroit with affidavits alleging backdating ballots, no matching signatures. It includes an affidavit from a city employee claiming she was asked to backdate ballots:


The lawsuit is asking all evidence including computers and documents to be immediately preserved and for the certification of votes to pause.

Nevada, via News 3:
“There are hundreds of dead people who voted in Clark County,” said Matt Schlapp, the chairman of the American Conservative Union.
Schlapp named two examples: Fred Stokes Jr. and Rosemarie Hartle, both of whom died in 2017. Information from the Clark County Registrar’s Office does show that they received ballots for both Stokes and Hartle, but it’s unclear whether the votes were counted or rejected.
If that one isn’t voter fraud, it raises a question that no one has ever been able to explain -what happens when Americans die that makes them want to vote for Democrats.
The most accurate numbers were right at the moment the data was released I typed what I saw from the networks directly (not by memory) on the night of the election that I posted, so do a search of my post.
Found it here:
On that day about the 85%votes in, there was just over 6 million total votes counted I think (right now I'm going by memory on total votes), so that 85% leaves 15% left to count. The movement of votes in the 4% more count (89% in) did not match the movement of votes leading Because the lead went from over 4000 (15% of totalvotes) to just over 2000+ in a mere 4% move instead of a 7 1/2 %move.
Then the 89% in became 87% in, and more votes were off the lead,
See figures here I posted at the time it occured:
(Use my post as a time stamp to look at any weird events during that time, like kicking people out etc)
This amount of lost lead was an impossibility unless they brought in more "hidden" ballots and restructured the percentage votes in.
The new ballots and 89 in to 87 in (backwards) happened after I announced the numbers would be impossible to catch up in PA and showed the math. MSM would not remove all broadcasts unless it exposed this stunt and was problematic.
I am one of those people who notice everything, this being to blatantly obvious.

Uh oh ... I was doing the same thing as you ... proof positive you're a weird-o ... [giggle] ...

Okay number crunching ... the 85% to 89% jump was about 280,000 votes ... or 141,000 for Quid Pro Joe, 139,000 for The Donald ... yeah, I saw that, didn't give it a second thought ... with 720,000 votes outstanding, why do you think it's impossible for Quid Pro Joe to catch up and beat The Donald ... 381,000 for Joe, 339,000 for The Donald ... if the media is correct, then these last votes came in from the liberal urban areas ... [shrugs shoulders] ... clearly possible ...

No one knows how many ballots will be cast, those "percentage counted" numbers are estimates ... ± 5% ...
There was far more than 700,000 votes outstanding we found out.
Something had to be irregular for 89% to go backwards to 87% and to fit the offset irregularity votes. Now if there is something fishy ypu'd see protective sigba like kicking out people vidro taping and removing the rights of the observer, those things are enough smoke to investigate and therefore media and voters need to let this play out and not be surprised if they find out the anger at Pelosi is because it didnct work and they got caught and now they all risk being ousted.

None of that happened.

States he flipped were targeted to flip back.
Do you think perhaps they are mad at Pelosi not over a few house seats, but her program (yes she and Feinstein's husband owns a good share of the "computer glitch program") and being busted & risking their jobs?
By the way to all who heard on Fox that fact checkers deny some of the facts about the ownership of the company with the software, the fact check denies Feinstein herself made money from her husbands financial dealing with the post office sales, not that they don't have connections/ties and part ownership with the ballot program and even that is very flimsy in Senator Feinstein's excuses to not discuss her husbands dealings. SAME BS BIDEN got caught saying about his son's dealings.
Fact checkers are mostly agenda driven poor spin creators. The Fox host didn't dig deep into the Fact checker excuses that weren't relevant to the topic of the computer program and almost insulted her guest.

As with all conspiracy theories...yours makes no sense. Why not flip Florida while you're at it?

Oh doesn't fit your narrative.
Because Florida had Desantis who took steps to make sure that there was no hanky panky here.
Because Florida had Desantis who took steps to make sure that there was no hanky panky here.

I feel Biden should contest Florida. There is a lot of math that doesn't make too much sense. The facts remain though that if you're going to argue that the Democrats didn't cheat in Florida because they didn't think they could win can't explain their deciding to cheat in Georgia where they haven't won since Carter if memory serves. PS: Georgia has a republican governor.
OMG... looks like the Right Wing has its own fair share of Moonbats... :auiqs.jpg:

HUH??? They FOUND the ballots in question. Did you not get that? There is not a "theory." This is cold, hard fact. Are you even an American? Do you want America to become a banana republic where elections are stolen? Your answer: Yes, as long as Democrats win the stolen elections.
Because Florida had Desantis who took steps to make sure that there was no hanky panky here.

I feel Biden should contest Florida. There is a lot of math that doesn't make too much sense. The facts remain though that if you're going to argue that the Democrats didn't cheat in Florida because they didn't think they could win can't explain their deciding to cheat in Georgia where they haven't won since Carter if memory serves. PS: Georgia has a republican governor.
There is no way that Trump could take Florida without massive voter fraud
HUH??? They FOUND the ballots in question. Did you not get that? There is not a "theory." This is cold, hard fact. Are you even an American? Do you want America to become a banana republic where elections are stolen? Your answer: Yes, as long as Democrats win the stolen elections.

And that is the key right there. democrats don't WANT free, fair, and honest elections. As long as the party is the beneficiary, democrats embrace rigged elections. Someone like Kondor is just a party sycophant. These are the people who cause a Stalin, Hitler, Pol Pot, or Kamala Harris to rise to power.
...HUH??? They FOUND the ballots in question...
Bull$hit... 400K+ ballots with only one name on them? Bull$hit. According to WHOM? Where is this being reported? By whom? Show us a government link.

...Did you not get that?...
Nope. I got that you sorry pi$$ant$ are being whiney bitches and not acting like men and admitting that you lost the election.

...There is not a "theory."...
Correct. The allegations do not even rise to that level based upon the (lack of) evidence presented to date.

...This is cold, hard fact...
No. It's not. It's bull$hit. Otherwise, present your evidence. Served-up by either Election Commission officials OR the Attorneys General of such State(s).

...Are you even an American?...
I am at least as much an American as you are. I am a loyal American. I am a US Army veteran. I have voted (R) and (D) interchangeably over my adult life.

...Do you want America to become a banana republic where elections are stolen?...
No. That's why I oppose Bull$hit Artists like your Orange Baboon-God trying to undermine faith in our electoral process.

It is also why I am so alarmed about your Strong-Man-Wannabe packing the DoD with new Rumpian Cult members that may help him stay in power by force.

...Your answer: Yes, as long as Democrats win the stolen elections.
I just gave you my answer (above). Your own make-believe version of MY answer conforms to your agenda but bears no relationship to Reality.
...And that is the key right there. democrats don't WANT free, fair, and honest elections...
You are full of $hit clean up to your ears.

Your Orange Baboon-God is an existential threat to American representative democracy. The sooner he is gone, the safer the Republic will be. And he IS going.
...And that is the key right there. democrats don't WANT free, fair, and honest elections...
You are full of $hit clean up to your ears.

Your Orange Baboon-God is an existential threat to American representative democracy. The sooner he is gone, the safer the Republic will be. And he IS going.

You know there is massive and pervasive fraud, and you CELEBRATE IT. Anything to win - as with most Communists, you have no ethical foundation. POWER for your filthy party is the ONLY thing you care about.

The question before the election is still the one that illustrates your mindset;

"If you could defeat Donald Trump by murdering 10,000 people as they begged and pleaded for their lives, what method would you use to kill them?"

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