Confirmed: 450,000 ballots had no down-ballot...only Biden

How would that get past a re-count where there is even more scrutiny?

That's part of the spin ... every election worker in the entire United States is a flaming liberal ... every one is in on this conspiracy ... every county in these States took votes from The Donald and replaced them with Quid Pro Joe votes ... look at how the numbers came in so smoothly ... precision every ballet company dreams about ... ("ballet" = the dance, not what you vote on) ...

Every single election worker, every single post office employee, the entire medical community and every single judge in every single court ... that's an impressive conspiracy ... oh, I left out every single magician, how else did they smuggle in 20 pickup loads of ballots without a single soul seeing it ... ("ballot" = the thing you vote on, not the dance) ...
I never used words to imply it did, I merely said to look for that pattern as more proof, because it's something that would be amiss in a pile dump.

Or maybe you're seeing patterns that aren't there ... correlation ≠ causation ...

7 of the last 8 Presidential elections, PA and MI voted for the Democrat ... why should it be unusual for them to vote the Democrat this election? ... I understand, short memories, you perhaps were too young to remember the angst when The Donald flipped those two States in 2016 ... I remember well, God know how hard I laughed ...
Spun-up ... y'all should be ashamed of yourselves ...
Well ... so far ... no evidence presented in a court of law ... Wednesday already ...

Seems all these claims of fraud last about 24 hours ... then are replaced by another ... and so on ...
None of them have stuck ... all have been dismissed ...

Funny thing is no one can explain how 10 tons of ballots got sneaked in ...

If you ever told the truth, would you burst into flames or something?


Donald J. Trump for President
v. Hobbs in the Superior Court for the State of Arizona:

In Maricopa County, the Trump campaign sued the Arizona secretary of state and a handful of local election officials on Nov. 7 alleging that "potentially thousands" of votes were wrongly rejected by poll workers who failed to follow proper procedures.

Vote machines in Maricopa County will reject votes that include splotches, stray marks, or multiple marks in the same race. The machine will display an alert and eject ballots if it detects such defects. The lawsuit, which includes affidavits from observers and voters, claims that county poll workers overrode those error messages when they showed up on screen instead of instructing voters on how to cast their ballots correctly, thus ensuring those votes wouldn't count.

The plaintiffs want officials to identify any ballot cast in Maricopa County after an error message appeared. Those ballots should be inspected by canvassing boards and counted provided they are legitimate, the plaintiffs say.

The voter and observer complaints attached to the lawsuit revolve around the use of sharpies to mark ballots. Viral internet claims assert that ballots filled out by sharpie can't be counted in Arizona. Arizona attorney general Mark Brnovich (R.) looked into the matter and said he's satisfied those concerns are false.

Biden is ahead of Trump by about 15,000 votes in Arizona.


And Trump let the coronavirus get out of hand, so during the election we've hit a new high in cases, hospitalizations and deaths.

Had Trump controlled the coronavirus, we wouldn't need mail-in ballots, because it would be safe to vote in person. But it's not. So don't bitch that Trump screwed himself.

How so Comrade?

What specifically should he have done?

Remember, when he halted travel from China you Communist lost your shit and called him a racist xenophobe.

Oh, and it was perfectly safe to vote in person, the fraud by mail is just a DNCCP scheme to defraud the election
Had Trump controlled the coronavirus, we wouldn't need mail-in ballots, because it would be safe to vote in person. But it's not. So don't bitch that Trump screwed himself.
Spare me this shit. Typical TDS moron making attacks with no basis of fact.

Trump made a fundamental miscalculation about the coronavirus. Trump figured it would stay in the original infected states, and areas with high population density, which were principally democratic. Only the virus does not honor geographic or political boundaries, and by the summer, it began to spread to predominantly republican states.
Had Trump controlled the coronavirus, we wouldn't need mail-in ballots, because it would be safe to vote in person. But it's not. So don't bitch that Trump screwed himself.
Spare me this shit. Typical TDS moron making attacks with no basis of fact.

Trump made a fundamental miscalculation about the coronavirus. Trump figured it would stay in the original infected states, and areas with high population density, which were principally democratic. Only the virus does not honor geographic or political boundaries, and by the summer, it began to spread to predominantly republican states.
No one can plan for criminal Democrat sleaze, you fucking douchebag. Everyone with a brain knew that there would be a lot more sleaze in this election, but no one understaood that the election officals in all the critical states were planning this for 6 months and coordinated their illegal actions.
And a lot of people didn't care about doing anything, except voting for the president.
Yes, fraudsters typically don't care about doing anything except voting for the president.
I asked a Trump supporter from work about who he voted for "down ballot" in this case it was for congressman, and county judges. And he didn't have a clue, or care about any of them. He didn't even know how many judges were up for election.

So YES a lot of people were motivated to vote for president, and those down ballot went by the wayside.
I am past the point of wanting recounts. I want all 6 of these states that stopped the counting, the flooded the system with these fraudulent ballots, that barred observers to go through another election Trump v Biden, and no 3rd party candidates, and then of course Senate and House races have to be done over.

Right now I have Trump and Biden tied 232 to 232

There won't be any do-overs.
You are wrong

Newsflash,he has NEVER been right anytime he has ever opened his
OMG... looks like the Right Wing has its own fair share of Moonbats... :auiqs.jpg:

HUH??? They FOUND the ballots in question. Did you not get that? There is not a "theory." This is cold, hard fact. Are you even an American? Do you want America to become a banana republic where elections are stolen? Your answer: Yes, as long as Democrats win the stolen elections.
Obviously he is. .all these Biden lovers all hate America.
Last edited:
Spun-up ... y'all should be ashamed of yourselves ...
Well ... so far ... no evidence presented in a court of law ... Wednesday already ...

Seems all these claims of fraud last about 24 hours ... then are replaced by another ... and so on ...
None of them have stuck ... all have been dismissed ...

Funny thing is no one can explain how 10 tons of ballots got sneaked in ...

If you ever told the truth, would you burst into flames or something?


Donald J. Trump for President v. Hobbs in the Superior Court for the State of Arizona:

In Maricopa County, the Trump campaign sued the Arizona secretary of state and a handful of local election officials on Nov. 7 alleging that "potentially thousands" of votes were wrongly rejected by poll workers who failed to follow proper procedures.

Vote machines in Maricopa County will reject votes that include splotches, stray marks, or multiple marks in the same race. The machine will display an alert and eject ballots if it detects such defects. The lawsuit, which includes affidavits from observers and voters, claims that county poll workers overrode those error messages when they showed up on screen instead of instructing voters on how to cast their ballots correctly, thus ensuring those votes wouldn't count.

The plaintiffs want officials to identify any ballot cast in Maricopa County after an error message appeared. Those ballots should be inspected by canvassing boards and counted provided they are legitimate, the plaintiffs say.

The voter and observer complaints attached to the lawsuit revolve around the use of sharpies to mark ballots. Viral internet claims assert that ballots filled out by sharpie can't be counted in Arizona. Arizona attorney general Mark Brnovich (R.) looked into the matter and said he's satisfied those concerns are false.

Biden is ahead of Trump by about 15,000 votes in Arizona.


Another right wing Hoax? Any ballots rejected by the machines would be exceptions to be handled by persons assigned for that purpose.
And Trump let the coronavirus get out of hand, so during the election we've hit a new high in cases, hospitalizations and deaths.

Had Trump controlled the coronavirus, we wouldn't need mail-in ballots, because it would be safe to vote in person. But it's not. So don't bitch that Trump screwed himself.

How so Comrade?

What specifically should he have done?

Remember, when he halted travel from China you Communist lost your shit and called him a racist xenophobe.

Oh, and it was perfectly safe to vote in person, the fraud by mail is just a DNCCP scheme to defraud the election
Experience from the Spanish flu should have provided some guidance. Only right wingers allege the pandemic is a Hoax.
And a lot of people didn't care about doing anything, except voting for the president.
Yes, fraudsters typically don't care about doing anything except voting for the president.
I asked a Trump supporter from work about who he voted for "down ballot" in this case it was for congressman, and county judges. And he didn't have a clue, or care about any of them. He didn't even know how many judges were up for election.

So YES a lot of people were motivated to vote for president, and those down ballot went by the wayside.
You just admitted he cast votes dowwn ballot. You disproved your own theory, moron.
Damn I was wrong for a change, I said it was gonna be a trunk load of a car they use. This must have been a huge load of ballots this time.

The Trump campaign and RNC have provided 131 sworn affidavits showing voter fraud, with possibly another 2,800 in the wings.

In a new sworn affidavit, a whistleblower with the Clark County Elections Department in Nevada claims Nevada poll workers fabricated proof of residence data for illegal voters. So far, Nevada Attorney General @AaronDFordNV has taken no action to investigate credible fraud claims.

Election fraud lawsuit was filed in Detroit with affidavits alleging backdating ballots, no matching signatures. It includes an affidavit from a city employee claiming she was asked to backdate ballots:

View attachment 414578

The lawsuit is asking all evidence including computers and documents to be immediately preserved and for the certification of votes to pause.

Nevada, via News 3:
“There are hundreds of dead people who voted in Clark County,” said Matt Schlapp, the chairman of the American Conservative Union.
Schlapp named two examples: Fred Stokes Jr. and Rosemarie Hartle, both of whom died in 2017. Information from the Clark County Registrar’s Office does show that they received ballots for both Stokes and Hartle, but it’s unclear whether the votes were counted or rejected.
If that one isn’t voter fraud, it raises a question that no one has ever been able to explain -what happens when Americans die that makes them want to vote for Democrats.
Another telling sign of fraud is when the small percentage of other parties like Libertarian, green party, and that other other party candidate disapears in the ballot dumps.
Also there are no Daffy Duck and My Cousin Vinny and "anyone but the above" wise guy write in votes.
The thing that amazes me of the stupid sheep in America who say no vote fraud occurred is they can’t put two and two together that both parties are corrupt and one in the same,that the reason a libertarian never gets elected is they are not part of the corrupt two party system to fulfill the agenda of a new world orde for them which is why they never get elected. :uhoh3:
OMG... looks like the Right Wing has its own fair share of Moonbats... :auiqs.jpg:

HUH??? They FOUND the ballots in question. Did you not get that? There is not a "theory." This is cold, hard fact. Are you even an American? Do you want America to become a banana republic where elections are stolen? Your answer: Yes, as long as Democrats win the stolen elections.
Wait, hold the presses. You mean the party that laundered Hillary's Op Research into FISA warrants, pushed an impeachment hoax, refused to transmit the articles so that the Senate could dispose of them while the virus insinuated itself in this country, and then backed rioting, looting, assault and arson by Leftwing Mob, support ballot theft?

#JOURNALISM: Ronna McDaniel Presents 131 Affidavits, 2,800 Incident Reports of Alleged Voter Fraud in MI: Fake News Media, Like Braying Donkeys, Still Demands ‘Evidence.’
Had Trump controlled the coronavirus, we wouldn't need mail-in ballots, because it would be safe to vote in person. But it's not. So don't bitch that Trump screwed himself.
Spare me this shit. Typical TDS moron making attacks with no basis of fact.

Trump made a fundamental miscalculation about the coronavirus. Trump figured it would stay in the original infected states, and areas with high population density, which were principally democratic. Only the virus does not honor geographic or political boundaries, and by the summer, it began to spread to predominantly republican states.
Hospitals are at capacity or over capacity. When are the mobile hospitals and hospital ships going to be redeployed? Purchasing ships from the cruise line industry could help that sector; and, those ships could be converted to modern hospital ships with the latest in the, miracle of modern medical technologies which can be gainfully employed.
Some voting data I have seen shows third party candidates and write-ins getting some votes. Seems customary and usual. Right wingers merely like to be Hoaxsters.
I've been checking the Newcomb-Benford Law data reports, along with backdated mail-in ballots, and they posted the data for the late arriving absentee ballots, with Trump and Biden getting about 60 votes each, and the libertarian getting 8 votes, with 2 write-ins.
OMG... looks like the Right Wing has its own fair share of Moonbats... :auiqs.jpg:

HUH??? They FOUND the ballots in question. Did you not get that? There is not a "theory." This is cold, hard fact. Are you even an American? Do you want America to become a banana republic where elections are stolen? Your answer: Yes, as long as Democrats win the stolen elections.
Obviously he is. .all these Biden lovers all hate America.
You are such a right wing Hoaxster.
OMG... looks like the Right Wing has its own fair share of Moonbats... :auiqs.jpg:

HUH??? They FOUND the ballots in question. Did you not get that? There is not a "theory." This is cold, hard fact. Are you even an American? Do you want America to become a banana republic where elections are stolen? Your answer: Yes, as long as Democrats win the stolen elections.
Wait, hold the presses. You mean the party that laundered Hillary's Op Research into FISA warrants, pushed an impeachment hoax, refused to transmit the articles so that the Senate could dispose of them while the virus insinuated itself in this country, and then backed rioting, looting, assault and arson by Leftwing Mob, support ballot theft?

#JOURNALISM: Ronna McDaniel Presents 131 Affidavits, 2,800 Incident Reports of Alleged Voter Fraud in MI: Fake News Media, Like Braying Donkeys, Still Demands ‘Evidence.’
No. It was Your guy working with the Russians that got the investigation going.
Here's my question: is a ballot with only one check mark for Biden a legal ballot? Or more precisely, is it an illegal ballot in the eyes of a court of law? Yes, it is suspicious as hell, especially the big number, who does that without voting for their senator, etc.? Bear in mind I am a Trump voter myself and wanted him to win, and I don't mind at all the legal challenges.
You don't have to complete every item on the ballot. That's not fraud, and they can't exclude those ballots. That's people who don't follow politics enough to know who the people on the down ballot are. I wonder how many voted just for Trump?

Give it a rest.

Legitimate voters vote for senate and congress at least. This is proof of fraud and you know it, you just don't like it that you've been caught.
Wrong again Skippy

Many people show up only concerned with the Presidential election
That claim just isn't credible.
The war for our Republic just moved into MAGA's favor.

Don't get your hopes too high. It's great that you have found this, but do not underestimate the depths of corruption behind this for this to even happen in the first place.

You never really had a vote in America at all--- after 2016, they made sure of it.
indeed,as I have said countless times,when the election did not go the way the elite wanted it to last time,they were already looking ahead to the future in 2020 to make sure they did not make the same mistakes last time and cover their bases this time so this time,they got the results they wanted. I try to be optimistic thst justice will be done but as I keep saying,I don’t see that happening the fact we got the most corrupt court system in the world which always protects the corrupt government criminals.
That was obvious. All the various controversies over the last 4 years were Dim generated scandals designed to hurt Trump at the polls. When the Corona virus came along, they siezed on it as a means to implement a voting system known for corruption.
Very true,see The msm media which is only a tool for the government,they did not generate all these scandals for their fellow gop bush as they did trump because trump is a RINO not who is or part of the corrupt two party system bush and Obama have that is why langleyshills candyass and wrongwinger were butthurt over his election,I can only say this so many times,:trolls:

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