Confirmed: 450,000 ballots had no down-ballot...only Biden

The most accurate numbers were right at the moment the data was released I typed what I saw from the networks directly (not by memory) on the night of the election that I posted, so do a search of my post.
Found it here:
On that day about the 85%votes in, there was just over 6 million total votes counted I think (right now I'm going by memory on total votes), so that 85% leaves 15% left to count. The movement of votes in the 4% more count (89% in) did not match the movement of votes leading Because the lead went from over 4000 (15% of totalvotes) to just over 2000+ in a mere 4% move instead of a 7 1/2 %move.
Then the 89% in became 87% in, and more votes were off the lead,
See figures here I posted at the time it occured:
(Use my post as a time stamp to look at any weird events during that time, like kicking people out etc)
This amount of lost lead was an impossibility unless they brought in more "hidden" ballots and restructured the percentage votes in.
The new ballots and 89 in to 87 in (backwards) happened after I announced the numbers would be impossible to catch up in PA and showed the math. MSM would not remove all broadcasts unless it exposed this stunt and was problematic.
I am one of those people who notice everything, this being to blatantly obvious.

Uh oh ... I was doing the same thing as you ... proof positive you're a weird-o ... [giggle] ...

Okay number crunching ... the 85% to 89% jump was about 280,000 votes ... or 141,000 for Quid Pro Joe, 139,000 for The Donald ... yeah, I saw that, didn't give it a second thought ... with 720,000 votes outstanding, why do you think it's impossible for Quid Pro Joe to catch up and beat The Donald ... 381,000 for Joe, 339,000 for The Donald ... if the media is correct, then these last votes came in from the liberal urban areas ... [shrugs shoulders] ... clearly possible ...

No one knows how many ballots will be cast, those "percentage counted" numbers are estimates ... ± 5% ...
There was far more than 700,000 votes outstanding we found out.
I barely slept, but this was a great way to wake up!

The war for our Republic just moved into MAGA's favor.

You don't have to complete every item on the ballot. That's not fraud, and they can't exclude those ballots. That's people who don't follow politics enough to know who the people on the down ballot are. I wonder how many voted just for Trump?

But Poll workers were committing fraud when they purposely pressed the wrong button when people made mistakes invalidating their ballots and wanted to fix them, instead of the button allowing their vote to go through with the fixed ballot they pushed the one sending the error ballot that would be declined. This gave poll workers the power to control votes. But this was not the only method of poll workers, some told voters not to sign their ballot and others were given purposeful missinformation about where/what district they had to vote in so their vote would be declined.
Many people left never knowing their vote would be removed, so they can't complain or report fraud if most never know their voting rights were hijacked. According to left wing standards, this would be deemed systemic orchestrated fraud.

I have a feeling that didn't happen. I think either people are confused, or they're making stuff up.

Wishful thinking of funny that everybody that liked this post is a troll of
You don't have to complete every item on the ballot. That's not fraud, and they can't exclude those ballots. That's people who don't follow politics enough to know who the people on the down ballot are. I wonder how many voted just for Trump?

Give it a rest.

Legitimate voters vote for senate and congress at least. This is proof of fraud and you know it, you just don't like it that you've been caught.
I can't rest when every hour there is some new allegation of fraud when there isn't any. You can use your overactive imagination all you want, but those are valid ballots and my point is that 10,000 plus of them in Georgia will be thrown out.
Just keep telling yourself that there was no vote fraud America hater. :auiqs.jpg: Talk about living in a fantasyland,you remind me of this retard I used to know who seriously could not accept how corrupt our government really is he always tried to convince himself there was no different law for politicians than there is for us.this guy lives in the same fantaslyland you
The most accurate numbers were right at the moment the data was released I typed what I saw from the networks directly (not by memory) on the night of the election that I posted, so do a search of my post.
Found it here:
On that day about the 85%votes in, there was just over 6 million total votes counted I think (right now I'm going by memory on total votes), so that 85% leaves 15% left to count. The movement of votes in the 4% more count (89% in) did not match the movement of votes leading Because the lead went from over 4000 (15% of totalvotes) to just over 2000+ in a mere 4% move instead of a 7 1/2 %move.
Then the 89% in became 87% in, and more votes were off the lead,
See figures here I posted at the time it occured:
(Use my post as a time stamp to look at any weird events during that time, like kicking people out etc)
This amount of lost lead was an impossibility unless they brought in more "hidden" ballots and restructured the percentage votes in.
The new ballots and 89 in to 87 in (backwards) happened after I announced the numbers would be impossible to catch up in PA and showed the math. MSM would not remove all broadcasts unless it exposed this stunt and was problematic.
I am one of those people who notice everything, this being to blatantly obvious.

Uh oh ... I was doing the same thing as you ... proof positive you're a weird-o ... [giggle] ...

Okay number crunching ... the 85% to 89% jump was about 280,000 votes ... or 141,000 for Quid Pro Joe, 139,000 for The Donald ... yeah, I saw that, didn't give it a second thought ... with 720,000 votes outstanding, why do you think it's impossible for Quid Pro Joe to catch up and beat The Donald ... 381,000 for Joe, 339,000 for Tnakednesod ... if the media is correct, then these last votes came in from the liberal urban areas ... [shrugs shoulders] ... clearly possible ...

No one knows how many ballots will be cast, those "percentage counted" numbers are estimates ... ± 5% ...
There was far more than 700,000 votes outstanding we found out.
Something had to be irregular for 89% to go backwards to 87% and to fit the offset irregularity votes. Now if there is something fishy you'd see protective signs, like kicking out people video taping and removing the rights of the observer, those things are enough smoke to investigate and therefore media and voters need to let this play out and not be surprised if they find out the anger at Pelosi is because it didn't work and they got caught and now they all risk being ousted.
Last edited:
I barely slept, but this was a great way to wake up!

The war for our Republic just moved into MAGA's favor.

You don't have to complete every item on the ballot. That's not fraud, and they can't exclude those ballots. That's people who don't follow politics enough to know who the people on the down ballot are. I wonder how many voted just for Trump?

But Poll workers were committing fraud when they purposely pressed the wrong button when people made mistakes invalidating their ballots and wanted to fix them, instead of the button allowing their vote to go through with the fixed ballot they pushed the one sending the error ballot that would be declined. This gave poll workers the power to control votes. But this was not the only method of poll workers, some told voters not to sign their ballot and others were given purposeful missinformation about where/what district they had to vote in so their vote would be declined.
Many people left never knowing their vote would be removed, so they can't complain or report fraud if most never know their voting rights were hijacked. According to left wing standards, this would be deemed systemic orchestrated fraud.

I have a feeling that didn't happen. I think either people are confused, or they're making stuff up.

Sounds like another fable
They are getting desperate

Poll workers work hard, are diligent and honest.
What was said was a crime....why would they risk it?

The smears against honest poll workers is despicable

So you are calling a black activist niece of Martin Luther King a liar to protect your party members corruption and illegal acts, that makes you both racist and lawless. Congrats, you are everything you hate and you voted for a candidate that ironically is everything you hate and complain about. Brilliant! *L*

He embarrasses himself everyday here night and day 24/7. As do all Biden supporters of
I barely slept, but this was a great way to wake up!

The war for our Republic just moved into MAGA's favor.

You DO REALIZE that having 50% of ballots in a Nov General electiion with no "down ballot" choices is completely normal right?? That's the low information, low effort voters that only show up when the Presidential race is hot and tight..

And they're doing everyone A FAVOR by not voting down ballot..

IT"S NOT indication of ballot stuffing.. It's folks who ONLY KNOW about the top match on the boxing card...
I barely slept, but this was a great way to wake up!

The war for our Republic just moved into MAGA's favor.

I believe the Dems have been doing this for years and they have gotten good at it.
Maybe this time, if proven, they will be held accountable.

This could get brutal for the statist left & possible even DEEP STATE BUREAUCRATS.

:thankusmile: :clap::clap::clap::clap: The one thing that concerns me is we got the most corrupt court system in the world and for decades presidents have stolen elections and git in by voter fraud.I can’t see thst changing all of a sudden even though this one easily is by Fay the biggest most obvious election fraud in mankind history even five times more obvious than when bush stole election from gore and that one was obvious enough as it is and he still got elected,it’s only because this one has far more evidence than that one did,I think there is a slight chance of him having a chance too beat our corrupt court system that’s been in place for decades nine.
You don't have to complete every item on the ballot. That's not fraud, and they can't exclude those ballots. That's people who don't follow politics enough to know who the people on the down ballot are. I wonder how many voted just for Trump?

Give it a rest.

Legitimate voters vote for senate and congress at least. This is proof of fraud and you know it, you just don't like it that you've been caught.
I can't rest when every hour there is some new allegation of fraud when there isn't any. You can use your overactive imagination all you want, but those are valid ballots and my point is that 10,000 plus of them in Georgia will be thrown out.
Just keep telling yourself that there was no vote fraud America hater. :auiqs.jpg: Talk about living in a fantasyland,you remind me of this retard I used to know who seriously could not accept how corrupt our government really is he always tried to convince himself there was no different law for politicians than there is for us.this guy lives in the same fantaslyland you
Okay, now you gentlemen are getting cranky. If there's fraud, they'll find it, but if it's more than the standard instances they find every election, I'll be surprised.
You don't have to complete every item on the ballot. That's not fraud, and they can't exclude those ballots. That's people who don't follow politics enough to know who the people on the down ballot are. I wonder how many voted just for Trump?

Give it a rest.

Legitimate voters vote for senate and congress at least. This is proof of fraud and you know it, you just don't like it that you've been caught.
I can't rest when every hour there is some new allegation of fraud when there isn't any. You can use your overactive imagination all you want, but those are valid ballots and my point is that 10,000 plus of them in Georgia will be thrown out.
Just keep telling yourself that there was no vote fraud America hater. :auiqs.jpg: Talk about living in a fantasyland,you remind me of this retard I used to know who seriously could not accept how corrupt our government really is he always tried to convince himself there was no different law for politicians than there is for us.this guy lives in the same fantaslyland you
exactly, the more we allowed politicians be above the law the worse the corruption got as they knew they were untouchable, just like the rioters knew they were given leeway it only made it worse as long as people knew they were untouchable, thus increase and intensity of crimes that come out of it are the fault of not reigning it in. Our OCE is supposed to be unbiased but they never seem to see the abuses by congress and when they do have complaints they shrug it off or pretend to investigate, but allow the person to leave office or die without seeing charges (see Cummings as an example). There's certain blatant high crimes that need to be nipped in the bud before widespread and more damaging things and cause and affects occur, otherwise corruption becomes to far and wide and hard to remove. How it looks, what other countries will think of us is thus too late, we made things worse by "hiding and covering up our flaws"(story of Adam and Eve and the fig leaves covering up their *nakedness* [revealing their deception] the very first thing we are supposed to learn).

*in Hebrew eromim means to be naked, without clothes while arumim means the uncovering of deceptions- Genesis and the rest of the Torah was written using only consonants, with no letters or signs indicating vowels. Thus "eromim" and "arumim" appear the same in the Hebrew text, as rmm.
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I barely slept, but this was a great way to wake up!

The war for our Republic just moved into MAGA's favor.

You DO REALIZE that having 50% of ballots in a Nov General electiion with no "down ballot" choices is completely normal right?? That's the low information, low effort voters that only show up when the Presidential race is hot and tight..

And they're doing everyone A FAVOR by not voting down ballot..

IT"S NOT indication of ballot stuffing.. It's folks who ONLY KNOW about the top match on the boxing card...

Did you make a typo? It's not 50% maybe like .05%? But yeah, I found quite a bit on undervoting.
The most accurate numbers were right at the moment the data was released I typed what I saw from the networks directly (not by memory) on the night of the election that I posted, so do a search of my post.
Found it here:
On that day about the 85%votes in, there was just over 6 million total votes counted I think (right now I'm going by memory on total votes), so that 85% leaves 15% left to count. The movement of votes in the 4% more count (89% in) did not match the movement of votes leading Because the lead went from over 4000 (15% of totalvotes) to just over 2000+ in a mere 4% move instead of a 7 1/2 %move.
Then the 89% in became 87% in, and more votes were off the lead,
See figures here I posted at the time it occured:
(Use my post as a time stamp to look at any weird events during that time, like kicking people out etc)
This amount of lost lead was an impossibility unless they brought in more "hidden" ballots and restructured the percentage votes in.
The new ballots and 89 in to 87 in (backwards) happened after I announced the numbers would be impossible to catch up in PA and showed the math. MSM would not remove all broadcasts unless it exposed this stunt and was problematic.
I am one of those people who notice everything, this being to blatantly obvious.

Uh oh ... I was doing the same thing as you ... proof positive you're a weird-o ... [giggle] ...

Okay number crunching ... the 85% to 89% jump was about 280,000 votes ... or 141,000 for Quid Pro Joe, 139,000 for The Donald ... yeah, I saw that, didn't give it a second thought ... with 720,000 votes outstanding, why do you think it's impossible for Quid Pro Joe to catch up and beat The Donald ... 381,000 for Joe, 339,000 for The Donald ... if the media is correct, then these last votes came in from the liberal urban areas ... [shrugs shoulders] ... clearly possible ...

No one knows how many ballots will be cast, those "percentage counted" numbers are estimates ... ± 5% ...
There was far more than 700,000 votes outstanding we found out.
Something had to be irregular for 89% to go backwards to 87% and to fit the offset irregularity votes. Now if there is something fishy ypu'd see protective sigba like kicking out people vidro taping and removing the rights of the observer, those things are enough smoke to investigate and therefore media and voters need to let this play out and not be surprised if they find out the anger at Pelosi is because it didnct work and they got caught and now they all risk being ousted.

None of that happened.

I think I will just sit back and watch as the courts tear the voter fraud machine apart....

Arguing with Idiots is a fools errand....
That sentence is dead on,you hit the nail on the head,could not have said it better myself. :thankusmile: :up:that’s why I don’t even try to reason with the Biden loving idiots anymore.
You don't have to complete every item on the ballot. That's not fraud, and they can't exclude those ballots. That's people who don't follow politics enough to know who the people on the down ballot are. I wonder how many voted just for Trump?

Give it a rest.

Legitimate voters vote for senate and congress at least. This is proof of fraud and you know it, you just don't like it that you've been caught.
I can't rest when every hour there is some new allegation of fraud when there isn't any. You can use your overactive imagination all you want, but those are valid ballots and my point is that 10,000 plus of them in Georgia will be thrown out.
Just keep telling yourself that there was no vote fraud America hater. :auiqs.jpg: Talk about living in a fantasyland,you remind me of this retard I used to know who seriously could not accept how corrupt our government really is he always tried to convince himself there was no different law for politicians than there is for us.this guy lives in the same fantaslyland you
exactly, the more we allowed politicians be above the law the worse the corruption got as they knew they were untouchable, just like the rioters knew they were given leeway it only made it worse as long as people knew they were untouchable, thus increase and intensity of crimes that come out of it are the fault of not reigning it in. Our OCE is supposed to be unbiased but they never seem to see the abuses by congress and when they do have complaints they shrug it off or pretend to investigate, but allow the person to leave office or die without seeing charges (see Cummings as an example). There's certain blatant high crimes that need to be nipped in the bud before widespread and more damaging things and cause and affects occur, otherwise corruption becomes to far and wide and hard to remove. How it looks, what other countries will think of us is thus too late, we made things worse by "hiding and covering up our flaws"(story of Adam and Eve and the fig leaves covering up their nakedness [truth] the very first thing we are supposed to learn).
Excellent point on other countries,many countries hate not only our government for always starting wars all the time but they hate rightly so,hate the American people as well for standing by so idly and not doing anything about it.our forefathers would never have stood for the corruption that’s gone on in our government for decades now.they are rolling over in their graves now how we let it happen.
Does Hillary Clinton have that innocence, then, that she trusted the voting system when she won the popular vote by 3 million and lost the EC by 80,000 votes in three states? Where were you door watchers then, BlackSand, saying there must have been fraud? The only fraud I ever hear of being committed is by Dems, over and over. It is an orchestrated push by the President to steal the election, and it's been coming for over two years now, starting with that failed Voting Commission that dismally bombed with no findings.

I agree with investigating real voter fraud, and there are people who work very hard to keep our voting system fair. You're right that there will always be some clever folks who try to cheat, but those people who have worked so hard to uncover it have never come up with numbers that would change voting results. Ever. Because it is not widespread and endemic to our system. There are too many checks built into the system.

I don't know, maybe you believe this role of yours, as a protector of the foolish and innocent, but in this case, in 2020, imo the fight is actually about destroying a fair election.

I guess we'll see. I could be wrong.

No one, including Hillary Clinton, that walks the razor's edge between the light and the darkness, still has their innocence.
We know what's on the other side, we know it cannot be defeated, and we know that no matter our efforts it will always return.

Your faith and goodness is the only thing that helps keep the people who walk the edge from embracing the darkness and being lost to the abyss.
Don't be seduced by the darkness ... You are not equipped to handle it.
That's what makes you special and our job worth doing.

I don't just see it as being my job, I have literally served this country doing it.

You gonna answer my question or not?

NO one has to answer to you.

If you (or g5000 ) want to allege that Republicans engage in voter fraud then you have to post links supporting your claims; or, conversely, if you want to deny or disparage or neutralize our claims (that are supported by links), then you have provide your own substantive link as well.

We have fulfilled our burden to provide links to our claims, now you fulfill yours.
And pleaseeeeeeeee,don’t evade it by going back to the voter fraud Republican bush was involved in,apples and oranges the fact trump is a RINO not part of the corrupt two party system bush
You don't have to complete every item on the ballot. That's not fraud, and they can't exclude those ballots. That's people who don't follow politics enough to know who the people on the down ballot are. I wonder how many voted just for Trump?

Give it a rest.

Legitimate voters vote for senate and congress at least. This is proof of fraud and you know it, you just don't like it that you've been caught.
Wrong again Skippy

Many people show up only concerned with the Presidential election
That claim just isn't credible.
The war for our Republic just moved into MAGA's favor.

Don't get your hopes too high. It's great that you have found this, but do not underestimate the depths of corruption behind this for this to even happen in the first place.

You never really had a vote in America at all--- after 2016, they made sure of it.
indeed,as I have said countless times,when the election did not go the way the elite wanted it to last time,they were already looking ahead to the future in 2020 to make sure they did not make the same mistakes last time and cover their bases this time so this time,they got the results they wanted. I try to be optimistic thst justice will be done but as I keep saying,I don’t see that happening the fact we got the most corrupt court system in the world which always protects the corrupt government criminals.
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Does Hillary Clinton have that innocence, then, that she trusted the voting system when she won the popular vote by 3 million and lost the EC by 80,000 votes in three states? Where were you door watchers then, BlackSand, saying there must have been fraud? The only fraud I ever hear of being committed is by Dems, over and over. It is an orchestrated push by the President to steal the election, and it's been coming for over two years now, starting with that failed Voting Commission that dismally bombed with no findings.

I agree with investigating real voter fraud, and there are people who work very hard to keep our voting system fair. You're right that there will always be some clever folks who try to cheat, but those people who have worked so hard to uncover it have never come up with numbers that would change voting results. Ever. Because it is not widespread and endemic to our system. There are too many checks built into the system.

I don't know, maybe you believe this role of yours, as a protector of the foolish and innocent, but in this case, in 2020, imo the fight is actually about destroying a fair election.

I guess we'll see. I could be wrong.

No one, including Hillary Clinton, that walks the razor's edge between the light and the darkness, still has their innocence.
We know what's on the other side, we know it cannot be defeated, and we know that no matter our efforts it will always return.

Your faith and goodness is the only thing that helps keep the people who walk the edge from embracing the darkness and being lost to the abyss.
Don't be seduced by the darkness ... You are not equipped to handle it.
That's what makes you special and our job worth doing.

I don't just see it as being my job, I have literally served this country doing it.

You gonna answer my question or not?

NO one has to answer to you.

If you (or g5000 ) want to allege that Republicans engage in voter fraud then you have to post links supporting your claims; or, conversely, if you want to deny or disparage or neutralize our claims (that are supported by links), then you have provide your own substantive link as well.

We have fulfilled our burden to provide links to our claims, now you fulfill yours.
She can’t,they never can. :auiqs.jpg:
I barely slept, but this was a great way to wake up!

The war for our Republic just moved into MAGA's favor.

You DO REALIZE that having 50% of ballots in a Nov General electiion with no "down ballot" choices is completely normal right?? That's the low information, low effort voters that only show up when the Presidential race is hot and tight..

And they're doing everyone A FAVOR by not voting down ballot..

IT"S NOT indication of ballot stuffing.. It's folks who ONLY KNOW about the top match on the boxing card...

Did you make a typo? It's not 50% maybe like .05%? But yeah, I found quite a bit on undervoting.

To be specific -- in GENERAL elections.. The folks who don't vote "down ballot" generally never vote in State/local elections., I know this from Lib Party research factsheets.

I implied "as high as 50%" -- which is correct for a lot "low information, low information" districts. In general -- on a General Election ballot it ranges by area from 15% to 50%.. I don't have the LParty candidate factsheets handy, but I remember a district map showing this.. All I got for ya was a couple link hits I just scored..

In this one -- skip to where the grey haired lady holds up a chart for the Colorado Gov race.. That's a STATEWIDE election where folks are better prepared and there it was 20% blank downballot ballots...


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