Confirmed: 450,000 ballots had no down-ballot...only Biden

I barely slept, but this was a great way to wake up!

The war for our Republic just moved into MAGA's favor.

You don't have to complete every item on the ballot. That's not fraud, and they can't exclude those ballots. That's people who don't follow politics enough to know who the people on the down ballot are. I wonder how many voted just for Trump?

But Poll workers were committing fraud when they purposely pressed the wrong button when people made mistakes invalidating their ballots and wanted to fix them, instead of the button allowing their vote to go through with the fixed ballot they pushed the one sending the error ballot that would be declined. This gave poll workers the power to control votes. But this was not the only method of poll workers, some told voters not to sign their ballot and others were given purposeful missinformation about where/what district they had to vote in so their vote would be declined.
Many people left never knowing their vote would be removed, so they can't complain or report fraud if most never know their voting rights were hijacked. According to left wing standards, this would be deemed systemic orchestrated fraud.

I have a feeling that didn't happen. I think either people are confused, or they're making stuff up.

I'm impressed that this lady in the OP--whomever she is--knows all of these major numbers and that all of the numbers are perfectly round numbers. 98,000, 48,000, etc....

I think your feelings that this is nonsense is pretty accurate.

Did you know all the major networks deleted their online coverage with it's evidence of descrepancies through their reported percentages in and Trump lead numbers? ONCE I REPORTED HOW IT WAS MATHEMATICALLY IMPOSSIBLE for such a reversal and showed the out 9f sequence issue, and others reported the way they refused to call some States while jumping to call others, they got caught and removed the evidence.
View attachment 414161

You reported? LOL

Numbers don't lie, they are precise when added and subtracted, only people fudging numbers lie.
They got caught and as usual tried erasing the evidence and censoring the ability to look it up.
Censorship and removal doesn't happen when you are transparent, and truthful.

If you think the Pennsylvania numbers are don't know the numbers. Sorry.

I think I know more about Philly corruption than you do. ;-)
No, I'm on this forum only, haven't seen other's number crunches.
I just calculated the total votes at the time exact time PA was 85% of the votes were in, then used that to figure the ballots left against the lead to figure out Biden needed exactly 100% ratio of votes just to tie. I guessimated the ratio they ended up creating at an impossible aprox 140% ratio Biden votes, meaning they added ballots magically as they always do. Was that the black bags they didn't want anyone to film? Seems people are coming forward and admitting the fake/bad ballot dump under oath affidavits.
This is the sort of reasoned mathematically based analysis I expect to see when arguments are made at the
Supreme Court. Will John Roberts be able to deny the obvious when Biden fraud is analyzed in this way?
No, I'm on this forum only, haven't seen other's number crunches.
I just calculated the total votes at the time exact time PA was 85% of the votes were in, then used that to figure the ballots left against the lead to figure out Biden needed exactly 100% ratio of votes just to tie. I guessimated the ratio they ended up creating at an impossible aprox 140% ratio Biden votes, meaning they added ballots magically as they always do. Was that the black bags they didn't want anyone to film? Seems people are coming forward and admitting the fake/bad ballot dump under oath affidavits.

Where did you get your raw data from? ... would it be possible to post here, or in a common database format? ...

Maybe just say how you performed these calculations if posting them is too much ...

This is the sort of reasoned mathematically based analysis I expect to see

You've seen the math? ... got a link? ...
No, I'm on this forum only, haven't seen other's number crunches.
I just calculated the total votes at the time exact time PA was 85% of the votes were in, then used that to figure the ballots left against the lead to figure out Biden needed exactly 100% ratio of votes just to tie. I guessimated the ratio they ended up creating at an impossible aprox 140% ratio Biden votes, meaning they added ballots magically as they always do. Was that the black bags they didn't want anyone to film? Seems people are coming forward and admitting the fake/bad ballot dump under oath affidavits.

Where did you get your raw data from? ... would it be possible to post here, or in a common database format? ...

Maybe just say how you performed these calculations if posting them is too much ...

This is the sort of reasoned mathematically based analysis I expect to see

You've seen the math? ... got a link? ...
The most accurate numbers were right at the moment the data was released I typed what I saw from the networks directly (not by memory) on the night of the election that I posted, so do a search of my post.
Found it here:
On that day about the 85%votes in, there was just over 6 million total votes counted I think (right now I'm going by memory on total votes), so that 85% leaves 15% left to count. The movement of votes in the 4% more count (89% in) did not match the movement of votes leading Because the lead went from over 4000 (15% of totalvotes) to just over 2000+ in a mere 4% move instead of a 7 1/2 %move.
Then the 89% in became 87% in, and more votes were off the lead,
See figures here I posted at the time it occured:
(Use my post as a time stamp to look at any weird events during that time, like kicking people out etc)
This amount of lost lead was an impossibility unless they brought in more "hidden" ballots and restructured the percentage votes in.
The new ballots and 89 in to 87 in (backwards) happened after I announced the numbers would be impossible to catch up in PA and showed the math. MSM would not remove all broadcasts unless it exposed this stunt and was problematic.
I am one of those people who notice everything, this being to blatantly obvious.
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Someone just sent me an example of how the "hammer" works to switch votes from one candidate to another, with live feed CNN evidence of this voter fraud program doing it's count switch, this example being a Governor's race. So they probably were working on the house and Senate races as well as I suspected to get the 2nd Georgia runoff they did some fudging there most surely.

Note: this explains why MSM deleted all online footage of election night tallies, but it also means they are in on the scheme which makes them criminally involved=can be prosecuted.

More on this process & program:
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Real Clear Politics took Arizona, PA, Georgia away from Biden and the recounts have not even started yet.

Not a single state has certified the election yet.
You are exactly right.
Yet Ive seen Biden and Harris out celebrating, planning, and catering to their base.
Isnt that un-American ? Why are they being so divisive ? They can preplan all they want behind closed doors, but to intentionally make a deliberate circus out of it, without knowing the outcome ???
I barely slept, but this was a great way to wake up!

The war for our Republic just moved into MAGA's favor.

You don't have to complete every item on the ballot. That's not fraud, and they can't exclude those ballots. That's people who don't follow politics enough to know who the people on the down ballot are. I wonder how many voted just for Trump?

But Poll workers were committing fraud when they purposely pressed the wrong button when people made mistakes invalidating their ballots and wanted to fix them, instead of the button allowing their vote to go through with the fixed ballot they pushed the one sending the error ballot that would be declined. This gave poll workers the power to control votes. But this was not the only method of poll workers, some told voters not to sign their ballot and others were given purposeful missinformation about where/what district they had to vote in so their vote would be declined.
Many people left never knowing their vote would be removed, so they can't complain or report fraud if most never know their voting rights were hijacked. According to left wing standards, this would be deemed systemic orchestrated fraud.

I have a feeling that didn't happen. I think either people are confused, or they're making stuff up.

I'm impressed that this lady in the OP--whomever she is--knows all of these major numbers and that all of the numbers are perfectly round numbers. 98,000, 48,000, etc....

I think your feelings that this is nonsense is pretty accurate.

Did you know all the major networks deleted their online coverage with it's evidence of descrepancies through their reported percentages in and Trump lead numbers? ONCE I REPORTED HOW IT WAS MATHEMATICALLY IMPOSSIBLE for such a reversal and showed the out 9f sequence issue, and others reported the way they refused to call some States while jumping to call others, they got caught and removed the evidence.
View attachment 414161

You reported? LOL

Numbers don't lie, they are precise when added and subtracted, only people fudging numbers lie.
They got caught and as usual tried erasing the evidence and censoring the ability to look it up.
Censorship and removal doesn't happen when you are transparent, and truthful.

If you think the Pennsylvania numbers are don't know the numbers. Sorry.

I think I know more about Philly corruption than you do. ;-)

Your math was way off.
I barely slept, but this was a great way to wake up!

The war for our Republic just moved into MAGA's favor.

You don't have to complete every item on the ballot. That's not fraud, and they can't exclude those ballots. That's people who don't follow politics enough to know who the people on the down ballot are. I wonder how many voted just for Trump?

But Poll workers were committing fraud when they purposely pressed the wrong button when people made mistakes invalidating their ballots and wanted to fix them, instead of the button allowing their vote to go through with the fixed ballot they pushed the one sending the error ballot that would be declined. This gave poll workers the power to control votes. But this was not the only method of poll workers, some told voters not to sign their ballot and others were given purposeful missinformation about where/what district they had to vote in so their vote would be declined.
Many people left never knowing their vote would be removed, so they can't complain or report fraud if most never know their voting rights were hijacked. According to left wing standards, this would be deemed systemic orchestrated fraud.

I have a feeling that didn't happen. I think either people are confused, or they're making stuff up.

I'm impressed that this lady in the OP--whomever she is--knows all of these major numbers and that all of the numbers are perfectly round numbers. 98,000, 48,000, etc....

I think your feelings that this is nonsense is pretty accurate.

Did you know all the major networks deleted their online coverage with it's evidence of descrepancies through their reported percentages in and Trump lead numbers? ONCE I REPORTED HOW IT WAS MATHEMATICALLY IMPOSSIBLE for such a reversal and showed the out 9f sequence issue, and others reported the way they refused to call some States while jumping to call others, they got caught and removed the evidence.
View attachment 414161

You reported? LOL

Numbers don't lie, they are precise when added and subtracted, only people fudging numbers lie.
They got caught and as usual tried erasing the evidence and censoring the ability to look it up.
Censorship and removal doesn't happen when you are transparent, and truthful.

If you think the Pennsylvania numbers are don't know the numbers. Sorry.

I think I know more about Philly corruption than you do. ;-)

Your math was way off.

At the time it wasn't so my reporting it after the fact might be off like the data might have been 6 million votes or something close but I didn't include the libertarian votes which media never counted, so eluded me. End votes 98 in are 6,700,000 total votes so 4% with the new found ballots might be able to switch 2k votes but still at a ratio unheard of for what numbers were coming in Philly until the stop raised the ratio.
All I remember is 4% did not equate To 200,000 with the figures that existed before the changes & votes they changed, only if they swaped the votes does swapping 100,000 equate to a 200,000 difference
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I barely slept, but this was a great way to wake up!

The war for our Republic just moved into MAGA's favor.

You don't have to complete every item on the ballot. That's not fraud, and they can't exclude those ballots. That's people who don't follow politics enough to know who the people on the down ballot are. I wonder how many voted just for Trump?

But Poll workers were committing fraud when they purposely pressed the wrong button when people made mistakes invalidating their ballots and wanted to fix them, instead of the button allowing their vote to go through with the fixed ballot they pushed the one sending the error ballot that would be declined. This gave poll workers the power to control votes. But this was not the only method of poll workers, some told voters not to sign their ballot and others were given purposeful missinformation about where/what district they had to vote in so their vote would be declined.
Many people left never knowing their vote would be removed, so they can't complain or report fraud if most never know their voting rights were hijacked. According to left wing standards, this would be deemed systemic orchestrated fraud.

I have a feeling that didn't happen. I think either people are confused, or they're making stuff up.

I'm impressed that this lady in the OP--whomever she is--knows all of these major numbers and that all of the numbers are perfectly round numbers. 98,000, 48,000, etc....

I think your feelings that this is nonsense is pretty accurate.

Did you know all the major networks deleted their online coverage with it's evidence of descrepancies through their reported percentages in and Trump lead numbers? ONCE I REPORTED HOW IT WAS MATHEMATICALLY IMPOSSIBLE for such a reversal and showed the out 9f sequence issue, and others reported the way they refused to call some States while jumping to call others, they got caught and removed the evidence.
View attachment 414161

You reported? LOL

Numbers don't lie, they are precise when added and subtracted, only people fudging numbers lie.
They got caught and as usual tried erasing the evidence and censoring the ability to look it up.
Censorship and removal doesn't happen when you are transparent, and truthful.

If you think the Pennsylvania numbers are don't know the numbers. Sorry.

I think I know more about Philly corruption than you do. ;-)

Your math was way off.

At the time it wasn't so my reporting it after the fact might be off like the data might have been 3 million votes or I was going by the 700,000 lead that changed to 4,000 then 2000
All I remember is 4% did not equate. To 200,000 votes they changed, only if the swaped the votes does swapping 100,000 equate to a 200,000 difference


No votes "changed".... The votes that would have come in through in-person voting came in via the mail. A lot more of them because of the ease and convenience of in-person voting.

Freedom of choice--the American Way.
I barely slept, but this was a great way to wake up!

The war for our Republic just moved into MAGA's favor.

You don't have to complete every item on the ballot. That's not fraud, and they can't exclude those ballots. That's people who don't follow politics enough to know who the people on the down ballot are. I wonder how many voted just for Trump?

But Poll workers were committing fraud when they purposely pressed the wrong button when people made mistakes invalidating their ballots and wanted to fix them, instead of the button allowing their vote to go through with the fixed ballot they pushed the one sending the error ballot that would be declined. This gave poll workers the power to control votes. But this was not the only method of poll workers, some told voters not to sign their ballot and others were given purposeful missinformation about where/what district they had to vote in so their vote would be declined.
Many people left never knowing their vote would be removed, so they can't complain or report fraud if most never know their voting rights were hijacked. According to left wing standards, this would be deemed systemic orchestrated fraud.

I have a feeling that didn't happen. I think either people are confused, or they're making stuff up.

I'm impressed that this lady in the OP--whomever she is--knows all of these major numbers and that all of the numbers are perfectly round numbers. 98,000, 48,000, etc....

I think your feelings that this is nonsense is pretty accurate.

Did you know all the major networks deleted their online coverage with it's evidence of descrepancies through their reported percentages in and Trump lead numbers? ONCE I REPORTED HOW IT WAS MATHEMATICALLY IMPOSSIBLE for such a reversal and showed the out 9f sequence issue, and others reported the way they refused to call some States while jumping to call others, they got caught and removed the evidence.
View attachment 414161

You reported? LOL

Numbers don't lie, they are precise when added and subtracted, only people fudging numbers lie.
They got caught and as usual tried erasing the evidence and censoring the ability to look it up.
Censorship and removal doesn't happen when you are transparent, and truthful.

If you think the Pennsylvania numbers are don't know the numbers. Sorry.

I think I know more about Philly corruption than you do. ;-)

Your math was way off.

At the time it wasn't so my reporting it after the fact might be off like the data might have been 3 million votes or I was going by the 700,000 lead that changed to 4,000 then 2000
All I remember is 4% did not equate. To 200,000 votes they changed, only if the swaped the votes does swapping 100,000 equate to a 200,000 difference


No votes "changed".... The votes that would have come in through in-person voting came in via the mail. A lot more of them because of the ease and convenience of in-person voting.

Freedom of choice--the American Way.

Candy, any chance you could use a selective quote here to break the string? I'm getting a lot of alerts for your conversation.
The most accurate numbers were right at the moment the data was released I typed what I saw from the networks directly (not by memory) on the night of the election that I posted, so do a search of my post.
Found it here:
On that day about the 85%votes in, there was just over 6 million total votes counted I think (right now I'm going by memory on total votes), so that 85% leaves 15% left to count. The movement of votes in the 4% more count (89% in) did not match the movement of votes leading Because the lead went from over 4000 (15% of totalvotes) to just over 2000+ in a mere 4% move instead of a 7 1/2 %move.
Then the 89% in became 87% in, and more votes were off the lead,
See figures here I posted at the time it occured:
(Use my post as a time stamp to look at any weird events during that time, like kicking people out etc)
This amount of lost lead was an impossibility unless they brought in more "hidden" ballots and restructured the percentage votes in.
The new ballots and 89 in to 87 in (backwards) happened after I announced the numbers would be impossible to catch up in PA and showed the math. MSM would not remove all broadcasts unless it exposed this stunt and was problematic.
I am one of those people who notice everything, this being to blatantly obvious.

Uh oh ... I was doing the same thing as you ... proof positive you're a weird-o ... [giggle] ...

Okay number crunching ... the 85% to 89% jump was about 280,000 votes ... or 141,000 for Quid Pro Joe, 139,000 for The Donald ... yeah, I saw that, didn't give it a second thought ... with 720,000 votes outstanding, why do you think it's impossible for Quid Pro Joe to catch up and beat The Donald ... 381,000 for Joe, 339,000 for The Donald ... if the media is correct, then these last votes came in from the liberal urban areas ... [shrugs shoulders] ... clearly possible ...

No one knows how many ballots will be cast, those "percentage counted" numbers are estimates ... ± 5% ...
The most accurate numbers were right at the moment the data was released I typed what I saw from the networks directly (not by memory) on the night of the election that I posted, so do a search of my post.
Found it here:
On that day about the 85%votes in, there was just over 6 million total votes counted I think (right now I'm going by memory on total votes), so that 85% leaves 15% left to count. The movement of votes in the 4% more count (89% in) did not match the movement of votes leading Because the lead went from over 4000 (15% of totalvotes) to just over 2000+ in a mere 4% move instead of a 7 1/2 %move.
Then the 89% in became 87% in, and more votes were off the lead,
See figures here I posted at the time it occured:
(Use my post as a time stamp to look at any weird events during that time, like kicking people out etc)
This amount of lost lead was an impossibility unless they brought in more "hidden" ballots and restructured the percentage votes in.
The new ballots and 89 in to 87 in (backwards) happened after I announced the numbers would be impossible to catch up in PA and showed the math. MSM would not remove all broadcasts unless it exposed this stunt and was problematic.
I am one of those people who notice everything, this being to blatantly obvious.

Uh oh ... I was doing the same thing as you ... proof positive you're a weird-o ... [giggle] ...

Okay number crunching ... the 85% to 89% jump was about 280,000 votes ... or 141,000 for Quid Pro Joe, 139,000 for The Donald ... yeah, I saw that, didn't give it a second thought ... with 720,000 votes outstanding, why do you think it's impossible for Quid Pro Joe to catch up and beat The Donald ... 381,000 for Joe, 339,000 for The Donald ... if the media is correct, then these last votes came in from the liberal urban areas ... [shrugs shoulders] ... clearly possible ...

No one knows how many ballots will be cast, those "percentage counted" numbers are estimates ... ± 5% ...
We forgot the libertarian votes that add some total, because MSM forgets to list them.
The most accurate numbers were right at the moment the data was released I typed what I saw from the networks directly (not by memory) on the night of the election that I posted, so do a search of my post.
Found it here:
On that day about the 85%votes in, there was just over 6 million total votes counted I think (right now I'm going by memory on total votes), so that 85% leaves 15% left to count. The movement of votes in the 4% more count (89% in) did not match the movement of votes leading Because the lead went from over 4000 (15% of totalvotes) to just over 2000+ in a mere 4% move instead of a 7 1/2 %move.
Then the 89% in became 87% in, and more votes were off the lead,
See figures here I posted at the time it occured:
(Use my post as a time stamp to look at any weird events during that time, like kicking people out etc)
This amount of lost lead was an impossibility unless they brought in more "hidden" ballots and restructured the percentage votes in.
The new ballots and 89 in to 87 in (backwards) happened after I announced the numbers would be impossible to catch up in PA and showed the math. MSM would not remove all broadcasts unless it exposed this stunt and was problematic.
I am one of those people who notice everything, this being to blatantly obvious.

Uh oh ... I was doing the same thing as you ... proof positive you're a weird-o ... [giggle] ...

Okay number crunching ... the 85% to 89% jump was about 280,000 votes ... or 141,000 for Quid Pro Joe, 139,000 for The Donald ... yeah, I saw that, didn't give it a second thought ... with 720,000 votes outstanding, why do you think it's impossible for Quid Pro Joe to catch up and beat The Donald ... 381,000 for Joe, 339,000 for The Donald ... if the media is correct, then these last votes came in from the liberal urban areas ... [shrugs shoulders] ... clearly possible ...

No one knows how many ballots will be cast, those "percentage counted" numbers are estimates ... ± 5% ...
We made a small oversite, to count the totals with the Libertarians and independents as small as it was the totals were missing because media outlets never gave us those figures when totalling votes at that time.
We forgot the libertarian votes that add some total, because MSM forgets to list them.
We made a small oversite, to count the totals with the Libertarians and independents as small as it was the totals were missing because media outlets never gave us those figures when totalling votes at that time.

I was just following the vote difference and comparing to total outstanding votes ... not real closely ... already ditched my ciphering ... there didn't seem to be any glitch in how the numbers increased ... fairly steady, I could have calculated the vote gain per hour and it all would have been close ... at no time did Quid Pro Joe's numbers jump 400,000 votes ... not in any of the States under discussion ... that's 3.5% of PA total vote ... and my apologies for posting 7% in other posts, oops ....

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