Confirmed: 450,000 ballots had no down-ballot...only Biden

You know nothing about virology. Infectious disease is not based on contact with a single virus, or even several dozen. It occurs when the number of viruses the body has to deal with is greater than it's initial immune response.

In the case of the NOVEL Corona virus, the immune response was non-existent, which is why it spread so rapidly.

Masks are a SOCIAL measure, they have zero medical efficacy. They have the same purpose as a St. Christopher medallion when traveling - and exactly the same scientific evidence. just can't wait for Joe and the progressives that prop him up to usher in socialism and
Big Brother Chinese style governance, can you. It's cute.

I want several of the things that Rump is selling ( hard line on Illegals, hard line on China, hard line on gubmint bloat, allies pull their weight, etc. ).

I just don't want your arrogant, ignorant, lying, demented Orange Baboon-God to be the one selling it.

Right message... wrong messenger.

From the perspective of your POS... it's all about him... not the People nor the Republic nor its Constitution.

Your boy is scum.... everybody knows it... and he's got to go.

Next time... serve-up much of his agenda... but without him or any of his litter... and you might (a) regain power and (b) hold onto it longer.

I (and vast legions of our fellow Americans) voted AGAINST your scumbag... not FOR Sleepy Old Uncle Joe and Company.

Got it now?
I barely slept, but this was a great way to wake up!

The war for our Republic just moved into MAGA's favor.

Why isn't Trump tweeting about this???? He's not.
Additionally, voting for just one candidate on a ballot is not fraud.
It just means you're not voting for anybody else on that ballot.
Can't believe you yodels are so stupid.

Are you on crack? Trump spent most of Monday morning tweeting about this.
Secondly, people are human animals---that require interaction and to see faces---and the more importantly the american populace is rebelling against the face masks that the nazis want to force upon us
Is that why you hate muslims. Their women wear face (and body) covering.
OMG... looks like the Right Wing has its own fair share of Moonbats... :auiqs.jpg:

HUH??? They FOUND the ballots in question. Did you not get that? There is not a "theory." This is cold, hard fact. Are you even an American? Do you want America to become a banana republic where elections are stolen? Your answer: Yes, as long as Democrats win the stolen elections.
Obviously he is. .all these Biden lovers all hate America.
If it comforts your tiny little brain to believe that, feel free to do so... I wouldn't dream of intruding on your Loser's Pain-Relieving Cream.
Had Trump controlled the coronavirus, we wouldn't need mail-in ballots, because it would be safe to vote in person. But it's not. So don't bitch that Trump screwed himself.
How so Comrade?

What specifically should he have done?

Wore a mask. That would have prevented Trump from getting the coronavirus, and 100,000 deaths.
There's no evidence to support that claim. In fact, all the evidence indicates the exact opposite.
Obviously not dismissed as you claimed.

As for evidence, it was in my post and in the link.

Sharpies are unreadable by the machines, election officials provided them to only Republicans as a CLEAR effort to suppress Republican votes.

Fact check: 'SharpieGate' controversy in Arizona is a false claim › news › factcheck › 2020/11/04

Claim: Ballots in Phoenix marked with Sharpies were disqualified.
Claimed by: Marco Trickovic
Fact check by USA Today: False
OMG... looks like the Right Wing has its own fair share of Moonbats... :auiqs.jpg:

HUH??? They FOUND the ballots in question. Did you not get that? There is not a "theory." This is cold, hard fact. Are you even an American? Do you want America to become a banana republic where elections are stolen? Your answer: Yes, as long as Democrats win the stolen elections.
Wait, hold the presses. You mean the party that laundered Hillary's Op Research into FISA warrants, pushed an impeachment hoax, refused to transmit the articles so that the Senate could dispose of them while the virus insinuated itself in this country, and then backed rioting, looting, assault and arson by Leftwing Mob, support ballot theft?

#JOURNALISM: Ronna McDaniel Presents 131 Affidavits, 2,800 Incident Reports of Alleged Voter Fraud in MI: Fake News Media, Like Braying Donkeys, Still Demands ‘Evidence.’
Feel free to serve-up links pointing to large-scale statistically-significant fraud or ballot-theft, from credible Election Commission or Law Enforcement, any time.

Until you can do that... and confidence is extremely high that you cannot... nobody really gives a rat's a$$ what drivel you dredge-up for reposting.
It funny, how Trump is arguing the exact opposite when it comes to curing absentee ballots that without knowing their contents, seeks to cure problems with signatures or data on the outside envelope.

You lied that "all lawsuits have been dismissed."

You are busted for your lies.
I've been reading this lie that Trump has already lost 10 law suits before the SC. What lawsuits were these?
Mea Culpa, it was ReinyDays who told that lie.
I got my Maoists mixed up.

I never said that court case you cited was dismissed ... I said it was scheduled for a preliminary hearing tomorrow ... I voted for The Donald in part because of his policies towards China ... a fairly big part I might add ... I'm all for Free Food, and I'm fine if the heathen want Free Sex ... but this whole Free Rent shit is nonsense ... landlords are entitled to 1/3 their tenants' income ...

I did ask what evidence has been submitted in Arizona, or if this complain is strictly procedural ... you haven't answered yet ...
Here's my question: is a ballot with only one check mark for Biden a legal ballot? Or more precisely, is it an illegal ballot in the eyes of a court of law? Yes, it is suspicious as hell, especially the big number, who does that without voting for their senator, etc.? Bear in mind I am a Trump voter myself and wanted him to win, and I don't mind at all the legal challenges.
Not if it's legally cast, but, as you point out, it's suspicious as hell. Everything looks just fine until you get to Biden votes in swing states, and then all of a sudden Biden is being showered with beneficial statistical anomalies, but, affidavits are being collected and submitted to the court for consideration.

#CENSORSHIP: Michigan AG’s #DetroitLeaks Takedown Demand, and Seditious Libel: The AG is threatening criminal prosecution because the videos allegedly contain “false and misleading information” about Michigan elections’ vulnerability to fraud.

An interesting thing about this threatening letter, it cites NO STATUTE THAT IS BEING VIOLATED.

Michigan law actually doesn't purport to ban ‘misleading and false election information’ as it has no Ministry generally. Even if there is such a Michigan prohibition, it's likely unconstitutional.

Make no mistake that these wannabe tyrants want to take away your basic rights to speak, think, publish and assemble.

IT’S TELLING THAT IT’S CONSERVATIVES LOOKING FOR FREE SPEECH NETWORKS: Trump Supporters Flock to ‘Free Speech’ Platforms After Facebook Ban.

Trump supporters are flocking to a trinity of alternative social platforms — Parler, MeWe, and Rumble — to protest the presidential election results, following Joe Biden’s victory this weekend, and the banning of a massive “Stop the Steal” Facebook group last week. As major platforms enforce policies around misinformation and election meddling, smaller so-called free speech sites are experiencing a renewed interest from conservatives who feel targeted by Facebook and Twitter’s moderation efforts.
Anyone who truly believes that a mask with 50-micron or larger gaps will protect anyone from a 0.05- to 0.2-micron virus is too damn stupid to be taken seriously on any subject.

View attachment 414706
Really? Must I explain science to you? Maybe a simpler example. When there was an arena fire

Initially, people stood and watched the fire or casually made their way toward exits. Then panic broke out,

The video showed piles of people lying on top of each other, trying to push their way out of the club.

Hall said all of the building's four exits were functioning and that most of the bodies have been recovered from near the building's front entrance.

Individual people, like individual coronavirus particles easily fit through the exits. But like people, the coronavirus clumps in droplets which like a crowd of people, don't fit through the exits.
That's your idea of "science?" just can't wait for Joe and the progressives that prop him up to usher in socialism and
Big Brother Chinese style governance, can you. It's cute.

I want several of the things that Rump is selling ( hard line on Illegals, hard line on China, hard line on gubmint bloat, allies pull their weight, etc. ).

I just don't want your arrogant, ignorant, lying, demented Orange Baboon-God to be the one selling it.

Right message... wrong messenger.

From the perspective of your POS... it's all about him... not the People nor the Republic nor its Constitution.

Your boy is scum.... everybody knows it... and he's got to go.

Next time... serve-up much of his agenda... but without him or any of his litter... and you might (a) regain power and (b) hold onto it longer.

I (and vast legions of our fellow Americans) voted AGAINST your scumbag... not FOR Sleepy Old Uncle Joe and Company.

Got it now?

You still voted for Xi.

You can claim that mean tweets forced you, but you still voted for Xi. And unless Trump prevails in rolling back the massive a pervasive fraud of this sham election, Xi will be ruling America come January.
Here's my question: is a ballot with only one check mark for Biden a legal ballot? Or more precisely, is it an illegal ballot in the eyes of a court of law? Yes, it is suspicious as hell, especially the big number, who does that without voting for their senator, etc.? Bear in mind I am a Trump voter myself and wanted him to win, and I don't mind at all the legal challenges.
Not if it's legally cast, but, as you point out, it's suspicious as hell. Everything looks just fine until you get to Biden votes in swing states, and then all of a sudden Biden is being showered with beneficial statistical anomalies, but, affidavits are being collected and submitted to the court for consideration.

#CENSORSHIP: Michigan AG’s #DetroitLeaks Takedown Demand, and Seditious Libel: The AG is threatening criminal prosecution because the videos allegedly contain “false and misleading information” about Michigan elections’ vulnerability to fraud.

An interesting thing about this threatening letter, it cites NO STATUTE THAT IS BEING VIOLATED.

Michigan law actually doesn't purport to ban ‘misleading and false election information’ as it has no Ministry generally. Even if there is such a Michigan prohibition, it's likely unconstitutional.

Make no mistake that these wannabe tyrants want to take away your basic rights to speak, think, publish and assemble.

IT’S TELLING THAT IT’S CONSERVATIVES LOOKING FOR FREE SPEECH NETWORKS: Trump Supporters Flock to ‘Free Speech’ Platforms After Facebook Ban.

Trump supporters are flocking to a trinity of alternative social platforms — Parler, MeWe, and Rumble — to protest the presidential election results, following Joe Biden’s victory this weekend, and the banning of a massive “Stop the Steal” Facebook group last week. As major platforms enforce policies around misinformation and election meddling, smaller so-called free speech sites are experiencing a renewed interest from conservatives who feel targeted by Facebook and Twitter’s moderation efforts.

democrats HATE freedom of the press.
Wore a mask. That would have prevented Trump from getting the coronavirus, and 100,000 deaths.
No pumpkin---you obviously don't understand basics like wearing a mask does not stop the virus from spreading completely. It slows it down, but doesn't stop it.
If wearing masks were only 30% effective, that would have prevented 100,000 deaths. It's simple reduction in the exponential spread. A slight reduction in spread, actually yields a much larger reduction in cases and deaths.
The evidence indicates that mask wearing causes various respiratory problems.
OMG... looks like the Right Wing has its own fair share of Moonbats... :auiqs.jpg:

HUH??? They FOUND the ballots in question. Did you not get that? There is not a "theory." This is cold, hard fact. Are you even an American? Do you want America to become a banana republic where elections are stolen? Your answer: Yes, as long as Democrats win the stolen elections.
Wait, hold the presses. You mean the party that laundered Hillary's Op Research into FISA warrants, pushed an impeachment hoax, refused to transmit the articles so that the Senate could dispose of them while the virus insinuated itself in this country, and then backed rioting, looting, assault and arson by Leftwing Mob, support ballot theft?

#JOURNALISM: Ronna McDaniel Presents 131 Affidavits, 2,800 Incident Reports of Alleged Voter Fraud in MI: Fake News Media, Like Braying Donkeys, Still Demands ‘Evidence.’
Feel free to serve-up links pointing to large-scale statistically-significant fraud or ballot-theft, from credible Election Commission or Law Enforcement, any time.

Until you can do that... and confidence is extremely high that you cannot... nobody really gives a rat's a$$ what drivel you dredge-up for reposting.
Old and Busted: There is no evidence of voting fraud
New Hotness: There's no widespread, large-scale fraud according to sources blessed by the Left.

Issues and Insights:. Big Fake News Media Revealed As Corrupt, Venal And Biased — So What Else Is New?
Wore a mask. That would have prevented Trump from getting the coronavirus, and 100,000 deaths.
No pumpkin---you obviously don't understand basics like wearing a mask does not stop the virus from spreading completely. It slows it down, but doesn't stop it.
If wearing masks were only 30% effective, that would have prevented 100,000 deaths. It's simple reduction in the exponential spread. A slight reduction in spread, actually yields a much larger reduction in cases and deaths.
No hun---the VIRUS IS GOING TO SPREAD regardless. It will keep spreading till it exposes most in the poulation.

Secondly------many that died of covid did not die of covid--it is simply more profitable for the medical staffs to claim covid even though in many cases the victims died of something else

and Third the biggest spreader of the disease was not caused by not wearing masks but by democrat governors purposely spreading the disease in hopes of federal funds being based on death rates ......via nursing homes where the most vulnerable and the most likely to die of this disease were housed and could not escape the spread.

And fourth-----like oh my gawd how stupid are people for forgetting basics---HANDWASHING and keeping just a couple of feet away from strangers does a far better job at cutting down on the virus spread.

And oh Fifth--this virus is hitting certain groups harder than the rest of the population. Navaho reservation supposed indians are seeing a 5% death rate to infections-------poor sanitation, lack of running water, drug and alcohol abuse and any number of other factors could be the reason. The Virus also tends to like hispanics especially from Mexico which is why this virus is hitting California so hard. Genetic or cultural issues are worsening the virus.
Obviously not dismissed as you claimed.

As for evidence, it was in my post and in the link.

Sharpies are unreadable by the machines, election officials provided them to only Republicans as a CLEAR effort to suppress Republican votes.

Fact check: 'SharpieGate' controversy in Arizona is a false claim › news › factcheck › 2020/11/04

Claim: Ballots in Phoenix marked with Sharpies were disqualified.
Claimed by: Marco Trickovic
Fact check by USA Today: False

In Georgia, ballots where the voter ONLY voted for president:

• Trump: 818
• Biden: 95,801

Ballots where the voter voted for president and at least one other race:

• Trump: 2,456,915
• Biden: 2,376,081
Is that why you hate muslims. Their women wear face (and body) covering.

That, and they strap bombs to their children and explode them in public places, cut the heads off of Christians, throw gays off of tall buildings, shit like that.

I think that's why democrats love Muslims...
Obviously not dismissed as you claimed.

As for evidence, it was in my post and in the link.

Sharpies are unreadable by the machines, election officials provided them to only Republicans as a CLEAR effort to suppress Republican votes.

Fact check: 'SharpieGate' controversy in Arizona is a false claim › news › factcheck › 2020/11/04

Claim: Ballots in Phoenix marked with Sharpies were disqualified.
Claimed by: Marco Trickovic
Fact check by USA Today: False

In Georgia, ballots where the voter ONLY voted for president:

• Trump: 818
• Biden: 95,801

Ballots where the voter voted for president and at least one other race:

• Trump: 2,456,915
• Biden: 2,376,081

That is indeed evidence of fraud - but it isn't proof. We need proof in order to take this down.

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