CONFIRMED: FBI Colluded With Big Tech To Prevent Voters From Learning About Hunter Biden’s Laptop

haha no he didn’t put the sons in the white house. His daughter snd son in law did quiet their jobs and volunteer there

and unlike hunters laptop you have zero evidence his sons did anything workwise for trump
Sad. You're obsessed with Hunter Biden and he's not even that good-looking.
When a liberal says Hunter isnt running for office and implying that it's no big deal if he's a criminal are they playing stupid or are they actually this stupid?
Serious question.
Hunter isnt on the ballot. If you think he did something illegal then file a charge with the police/fbi. If he is convicted I wont care one way or another. I certainly wont stick up for him.

What is amazing is how focused you are on this person who isnt in the government at all and dont give a shit about the shady things going on by people who are in the government.
And the FBI lied to the FISA court. How much more easily would it be to lie to you DNC cultist?
What particular instance are you referring to? If government agents lie to get warrants they should be prosecuted and if innocent people, like Breonna Taylor, are murdered through their deceit then they should go to prison for that as well. With that we are in agreement. But, does that mean every police officer or the entire FBI is corrupt because one or more acted inappropriately?
Sad. You're obsessed with Hunter Biden and he's not even that good-looking.
haha you think this has anything to do with him? nice deflection.

The issue is how Joey Xiden, who worked for Govt his entire life, was getting kickbacks
Were I to suddenly develop an interest in this and I decided to search online what would I find? Responsible reporting by people I've heard of? No I would find a bewildering array of unsubstantiated crap on adware infested websites I've never heard of alongside stories about UFOs, Qanon crap and dark globalist/satanist conspiracies. Don't you people even care what your information sources look like?
If the story really is being suppressed where else would you expect to find it?...In any case the NYPost broke and ran the story.
haha you think this has anything to do with him? nice deflection.

The issue is how Joey Xiden, who worked for Govt his entire life, was getting kickbacks
That seems like a pretty easy charge to prove. Why haven't they? Trump set the entire machinery of the executive branch to digging for dirt on Biden, Is he just too smart for even the smartest Trump loyalist?


FBI Colluded With Big Tech To Prevent Voters From Learning About Hunter Biden’s Laptop​

26 Aug 2022 ~~ By Tristan Justice

One thing about the extreme Maoist/DSA Democrat Commies, they know how to raise their created GOP scandals above third grade reading and comprehension level. That way, the clowns rooting for the left and the dumbass ass “moderates” are only capable of regurgitating what they are told by the far-left TV talkers. They don’t have a clue what they are talking about, but they can repeat all the words they hear exactly the way the Maoist DNC’s “media” slings at them.
Never happened
That seems like a pretty easy charge to prove. Why haven't they? Trump set the entire machinery of the executive branch to digging for dirt on Biden, Is he just too smart for even the smartest Trump loyalist?
Trump isnkr i. the white house.

there was a probe going on once the laptop was turned over to law enforcement, and even a grand jury, but xiden won, and being the corrupt person he is, there’s been a stop.
Trump isnkr i. the white house.

there was a probe going on once the laptop was turned over to law enforcement, and even a grand jury, but xiden won, and being the corrupt person he is, there’s been a stop.
So you're saying people who cannot lie or show political favoritism looked into this and found nothing actionable? Good enough for me. Even the best kick-back scheme leaves a paper trail. If no one in the Trump camp was able to find anything amiss among Biden's financial disclosures and tax returns that should be good enough for you.
So you're saying people who cannot lie or show political favoritism looked into this and found nothing actionable? Good enough for me. Even the best kick-back scheme leaves a paper trail. If no one in the Trump camp was able to find anything amiss among Biden's financial disclosures and tax returns that should be good enough for you.
huh? they opened a i investigation, they got a grand jury, sounds like there was a lot of action going on til xiden til over the executive branch and the doj
huh? they opened a i investigation, they got a grand jury, sounds like there was a lot of action going on til xiden til over the executive branch and the doj
Tampering with a grand jury is a serious charge that is also fairly easy to prove.


FBI Colluded With Big Tech To Prevent Voters From Learning About Hunter Biden’s Laptop​

26 Aug 2022 ~~ By Tristan Justice

One thing about the extreme Maoist/DSA Democrat Commies, they know how to raise their created GOP scandals above third grade reading and comprehension level. That way, the clowns rooting for the left and the dumbass ass “moderates” are only capable of regurgitating what they are told by the far-left TV talkers. They don’t have a clue what they are talking about, but they can repeat all the words they hear exactly the way the Maoist DNC’s “media” slings at them.


So what is anyone going to do about it? (Nothing, that's what)

Sad. You're obsessed with Hunter Biden and he's not even that good-looking.

And yet......
YOU are obsessed with Trump and he isn't that good looking either (nor in power)


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