CONFIRMED: FBI Colluded With Big Tech To Prevent Voters From Learning About Hunter Biden’s Laptop

hhaha, well if you are running the DOJ, you can simply stop presenting the case or slow walk it.
I'm taking your word that a grand jury looked into this matter but you apparently know nothing about the grand jury process. They are hands off by anyone. They cannot be pressured and will report any attempt to do so. Got anything else?
I'm taking your word that a grand jury looked into this matter but you apparently know nothing about the grand jury process. They are hands off by anyone. They cannot be pressured and will report any attempt to do so. Got anything else?
The prosecutors present the case to the Grand Jury. If the DOJ, wants to stonewall, or drag their feet and say we aren't meeting this week, they can.
What office was Hunter running for?

I'm sorry, when did Hunter Biden run for and win the Presidency again? My memory is a little fuzzy today. :) Except you right wing suckers who are looking for ANY life preserver to grab on to right now since your ship seems to be going down by the (orange) bow.
Then why suppress it? You cant have it both ways. You are correct that Hunter was not on the ballet, so why was anyone concerned about anything anyone had to say about him? It was either a relevant story or it wasnt. You can say it's irrelevant and it should be suppressed because it would influence the election. Neither you or I get to decide what the person voting in the booth next to us uses as their criteria to cast their ballot.
The prosecutors present the case to the Grand Jury. If the DOJ, wants to stonewall, or drag their feet and say we aren't meeting this week, they can.
The conspiracy has to get bigger and wider every time you make another excuse.
The conspiracy has to get bigger and wider every time you make another excuse.
Not sure how I made it "bigger" or "wider"

What I am saying is what has been reported for months now....

New FBI whistleblower claims bureau leadership slow-walked Hunter Biden investigation​

FBI brass warned agents off Hunter Biden laptop due to 2020 election: whistleblowers​

Not sure how I made it "bigger" or "wider"

What I am saying is what has been reported for months now....

New FBI whistleblower claims bureau leadership slow-walked Hunter Biden investigation​

FBI brass warned agents off Hunter Biden laptop due to 2020 election: whistleblowers​

Each time your theory requires more people to become involved to work it becomes less plausible.
The right wing media is the purveyor of fake news. You have no concept of what America First is. What you mean is right wing extremism first. REPUBLICAN Governor Larry Hogan even admitted that there is a strain of authoritarianism in the GOP.
Sorry Bee... we have caught the main stream leftist media in too many lies and cover ups to swallow that nonsense....
haha i’ve never suggested anything different then what i said from the start
That the president and the entire Justice dept is involved in a massive campaign to shelter Hunter Biden? Ludicrous. Just a bunch of bullshit to avoid talking about your dear leader right now.
That the president and the entire Justice dept is involved in a massive campaign to shelter Hunter Biden? Ludicrous. Just a bunch of bullshit to avoid talking about your dear leader right now.
you don’t need the entire doj…just the president, amd his political appojntee

more over we know it’s not the entire doj, cause fbi agent whistleblowers have come forward
What particular instance are you referring to? If government agents lie to get warrants they should be prosecuted and if innocent people, like Breonna Taylor, are murdered through their deceit then they should go to prison for that as well. With that we are in agreement. But, does that mean every police officer or the entire FBI is corrupt because one or more acted inappropriately?
It's been common knowledge of the FBI lying to the FISA court since 2018. You need to do some research because this not a class room.
It's been common knowledge of the FBI lying to the FISA court since 2018. You need to do some research because this not a class room.
The entire FBI, Snowflake? Like how every police officer is a proven liar because the one in Breonna Taylors case pled guilty to lying in order to obtain a search warrant? 😄 That's some bitch shit.
you don’t need the entire doj…just the president, amd his political appojntee

more over we know it’s not the entire doj, cause fbi agent whistleblowers have come forward
Whatever. When anything is submitted as evidence in court of law I'll give it some interest. I don't trust Trumpbots to tell the truth on this one. There's like four Hunter laptops now and the tales just keep getting taller.
The entire FBI, Snowflake? Like how every police officer is a proven liar because the one in Breonna Taylors case pled guilty to lying in order to obtain a search warrant? 😄 That's some bitch shit.
FBI lied and no one was punished therefore the whole FBI is guilty.
Whatever. When anything is submitted as evidence in court of law I'll give it some interest. I don't trust Trumpbots to tell the truth on this one. There's like four Hunter laptops now and the tales just keep getting taller.
are there four? i though it was just one

the problem is evidence isn’t being presented. The obvious right thing to have done was appoint a special prosecutor…the fact they didn’t shows corruption in and of it self

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