Confirmed: Louisville shooter identified as cisgender

There is no "rightist" extremism.


Confirmed: Louisville shooter identified as cisgender​

I had to look "cisgender" up.

A cisgender person has a gender identity that matches their sex assigned at birth. A person whose sex was assigned male at birth and identifies as a boy or a man, or someone whose sex was assigned female at birth and identifies as a girl or a woman, is considered cisgender.

It means he doesn't suffer from some mental defect that makes him think he's a woman.

You know - like >99.99% of all the other men in the world.
The gender identification of the shooter is important, as of the time of the Covenant school shooting in which conservatives went nuts when it was found she was trans.

In consonance with these rules... What's with these white cisgender males shooting up people en masse?

Let's discuss the causes, motivations, and ways to deal with the cisgender mass murderer problem.

The 2nd Amendment. You guys armed him

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