The Nashville shooting is about to disappear now that we know the shooter identified as trans

You are out to lie about are a vile scumbag.

Vile is saying that people killed or injured in a mass shooting "don't count" because they aren't nice affluent white people.

That's vile.
Vile is saying that people killed or injured in a mass shooting "don't count" because they aren't nice affluent white people.

That's vile.

Who said that?

You are the only one here who calls black people "darkies," thinking you are clever....
Which side routinely rejects the idea of hardening the schools & providing armed security guards?
^ :cuckoo:

Which side enables the trannies severe mental illnesses?
1 out of 1000 mass shooters is transgender, and you're stupid ass blames that :rolleyes:

Which side refuses to wait for any facts before immediately blaming conservatives & legal gun owners?
Don't act like you care about facts

Which side raises billions on the backs of dead kids they refuse to protect in the first place?
Lol I can't believe you don't realize what you just wrote with that one
Yeah, armed guards are fine to protect your politicians, but not for protecting children. You're an idiot and a hack.
Who said that?

You are the only one here who calls black people "darkies," thinking you are clever....
Just saying what your thinking is.

I mean, you use code words like "Gang member", but that's what you really mean.
Yes, I did. You didn't like the answer, but that's your problem.
Ok I will ask again and type slower for you, so read it slower
do you think for one minute that taking guns away from law abiding citizens will make us safer? In other words, with criminals not caring about the law, do you think they will turn in the guns they have, many of which are stolen.
No....I mean gang member.....
Only 2000 homicides a year are related to gang activity...

Contrary to Lott’s repeated claim that the U.S. has a relatively high homicide rate because of “drug gangs,” most gun homicides are not related to gang activity. According to the National Gang Center, the government agency responsible for cataloging gang violence, there was an average of fewer than 2,000 gang homicides annually from 2007 to 2012. During roughly the same time period (2007 to 2011), the Federal Bureau of Investigation estimated an average of more than 15,500 homicides annually across the United States, indicating that gang-related homicides were approximately 13% total homicides annually. The Bureau of Justice Statistics finds the number of gang-related homicides to be even lower. In 2008, the government agency identified 960 homicides, accounting for 6% of all homicides that year.
Only 2000 homicides a year are related to gang activity...

Contrary to Lott’s repeated claim that the U.S. has a relatively high homicide rate because of “drug gangs,” most gun homicides are not related to gang activity. According to the National Gang Center, the government agency responsible for cataloging gang violence, there was an average of fewer than 2,000 gang homicides annually from 2007 to 2012. During roughly the same time period (2007 to 2011), the Federal Bureau of Investigation estimated an average of more than 15,500 homicides annually across the United States, indicating that gang-related homicides were approximately 13% total homicides annually. The Bureau of Justice Statistics finds the number of gang-related homicides to be even lower. In 2008, the government agency identified 960 homicides, accounting for 6% of all homicides that year.

Wrong...that is a have been shown why that is a lie...over and over again....

Probably the best of a bad lot was the famous Arthur Kellermann study from 1993 in the New England Journal of Medicine. All the rest are even worse, but at least he controlled for a few possible confounding factors. But he withheld one crucial piece of information from his readers. He knew that virtually none of the people who had been murdered while having a gun in their home had actually been killed with the gun that belonged to someone in the home. They were almost always killed by someone from outside the home, presumably using their own gun, brought in from outside the home. So whether the victims had a gun of their own in the house had absolutely nothing to do with the event. And Kellermann withheld that information, and a lot of people noticed the problem right away. There were even letters to the editor of the journal asking “what gives,” and he responded with a very evasive answer in his reply to the letters.
The problem became inadvertently evident a few years later when he did another study with overlapping samples, where it became evident that he did have that information, and he knew perfectly well that people are rarely murdered with a gun belonging to someone in their own household.
It’s not usually domestic violence when people are murdered in their home. Instead, it’s more likely to be something like a crack dealer sells drugs out of his own home, and a customer comes in and kills him because he wants to get the drugs and not pay for them. That’s a little more typical of people killed while having a gun in their own home, but, of course, the customer brought in his own gun to murder the dealer.

Gangs and Violence

Armstrong: Let’s turn to questions of where crime is coming from in our country. How much violent crime takes place in the subset of the population we would typically associate with the gang culture?


In places like Chicago or Los Angeles, it’s a huge fraction of it. It varies enormously from place to place. It may well be that half or more of the gun homicides in those cities are gang related. But in most places in America, it’s a somewhat more modest fraction.

We don’t have national figures that are of any use.

For what it’s worth, in the FBI uniform crime reports data, they do have a category for the circumstance in which the crime was committed. One possible box that local police can check in filling out the homicide reports for the FBI could indeed be for gang-related. But the problem is that the FBI forms require police to check just one circumstance.

So if a guy belongs to a gang, and he was selling drugs, and he has a dispute with his customer over the price, and then they get into an argument and one shoots the other, that could go into any of three or four different categories, only one of which is gang-related.

So those data are useless.
What we’re stuck with are local estimates, and, as I say, it varies enormously from one locality to another. It’s a huge percentage in a couple of cities. Chicago and Los Angeles have really bad street-gang problems. On the other hand, in Peoria it’s probably a relatively small fraction, certainly well under half.

Criminologist Gary Kleck on Guns, Crime, and Their Study - Ari Armstrong

outube interview.....

Kleck on anti-gun methods in research, talks about finding gun use

Wrong...that is a have been shown why that is a lie...over and over again....

Probably the best of a bad lot was the famous Arthur Kellermann study from 1993 in the New England Journal of Medicine. All the rest are even worse, but at least he controlled for a few possible confounding factors. But he withheld one crucial piece of information from his readers. He knew that virtually none of the people who had been murdered while having a gun in their home had actually been killed with the gun that belonged to someone in the home. They were almost always killed by someone from outside the home, presumably using their own gun, brought in from outside the home. So whether the victims had a gun of their own in the house had absolutely nothing to do with the event. And Kellermann withheld that information, and a lot of people noticed the problem right away. There were even letters to the editor of the journal asking “what gives,” and he responded with a very evasive answer in his reply to the letters.
The problem became inadvertently evident a few years later when he did another study with overlapping samples, where it became evident that he did have that information, and he knew perfectly well that people are rarely murdered with a gun belonging to someone in their own household.
It’s not usually domestic violence when people are murdered in their home. Instead, it’s more likely to be something like a crack dealer sells drugs out of his own home, and a customer comes in and kills him because he wants to get the drugs and not pay for them. That’s a little more typical of people killed while having a gun in their own home, but, of course, the customer brought in his own gun to murder the dealer.

Gangs and Violence

Armstrong: Let’s turn to questions of where crime is coming from in our country. How much violent crime takes place in the subset of the population we would typically associate with the gang culture?


In places like Chicago or Los Angeles, it’s a huge fraction of it. It varies enormously from place to place. It may well be that half or more of the gun homicides in those cities are gang related. But in most places in America, it’s a somewhat more modest fraction.

We don’t have national figures that are of any use.

For what it’s worth, in the FBI uniform crime reports data, they do have a category for the circumstance in which the crime was committed. One possible box that local police can check in filling out the homicide reports for the FBI could indeed be for gang-related. But the problem is that the FBI forms require police to check just one circumstance.

So if a guy belongs to a gang, and he was selling drugs, and he has a dispute with his customer over the price, and then they get into an argument and one shoots the other, that could go into any of three or four different categories, only one of which is gang-related.

So those data are useless.
What we’re stuck with are local estimates, and, as I say, it varies enormously from one locality to another. It’s a huge percentage in a couple of cities. Chicago and Los Angeles have really bad street-gang problems. On the other hand, in Peoria it’s probably a relatively small fraction, certainly well under half.

Criminologist Gary Kleck on Guns, Crime, and Their Study - Ari Armstrong

outube interview.....

Kleck on anti-gun methods in research, talks about finding gun use

Gangs in Chicago alone account for that number. It seems it’s too hard for idiots like misogynist, racist Joe to understand that enforcing the current laws and actually cracking down on the gang activity would do wonders. But that’s too much like actual work...
I condemn violence and I believe this person was wrong for their actions. Please don't point fingers at my people.

Nashville trans school shooter's manifesto is 'blueprint on total destruction',

FBI suppressing it: lawmakers

Rep. Burchett warned that it should not be made available to the public, rather only the families of those killed and members of Congress.
21 Apr 2023 ~~ By Jarryd Jaeger

In the weeks since trans-identified shooter Audrey Hale massacred three adults and three children at a Christian school in Nashville, Tennessee, details have emerged shining light on what led her to carry out the brutal attack. A comprehensive manifesto was recovered, however its contents have not been released.
Lawmakers familiar with the matter have warned of the horrible things included in Hale's manifesto and called for it to be made available to certain individuals.
As the New York Post reports, Tennessee Rep. Tim Burchett suggested that the manifesto "could maybe tell us a little bit about what’s going on inside of [Hale's] head." He warned that perhaps it should not be made available to the public, rather only the families of those killed and members of Congress.
Metro Nashville Council Member Courtney Johnston stated that according to her sources, the document was "a blueprint on total destruction," adding that "it was so, so detailed at the level of what [Hale] had planned." She also cautioned against releasing it to the world, noting that while some parts should be made available, the document in its entirety "in the wrong person's hands would be astronomically dangerous."
Law enforcement recovered numerous documents from Hale's vehicle and bedroom, showing that she was "planning over a period of months to commit mass murder at The Covenant School." Tennessee Bureau of Investigation Director David Rausch explained that "one is specifically a plan and the other is some journal-type rantings."
The FBI's decision not to release the manifesto was scrutinized by criminology professor Joseph Giacalone. In an interview with the Post, he suggested that "if there is something in there that is truly damaging for the transgender community, I think they are hesitant to do it because they are afraid of a violent backlash against that protected class of people."

Yes, right here in our very own constitutional republic, we have protected classes of people. We coddle our freaks and weirdos as if they were some kind of endangered species.
Interpreted another way, it’s an anti-Christian diatribe that will give people some idea of how demonic the trans community really is.
Transgender activists and advocates for the LGBQT community do not want Hale’s words to see the light of day.
The Human Rights Campaign, which advocates for LGBQT ideology, said “We still don’t know all the facts about what happened in Nashville. We do know that every study available shows that transgender and non-binary people are much more likely to be the victims of violence, rather than the perpetrators of it.”
In essence, HRC is referring to what is basically a myth about so-called trans genocide. There is not an epidemic of transphobic murders of trans people across the US. HRC advocated for gun control as part of their statement, saying “Regardless of the reason for this shooting, the use of violence is reprehensible and we renew our call for common-sense gun safety legislation.”
Gays Against Groomers, however, has called for the manifesto to be released.

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