Conform to Biblical Principles Regarding Marriage

brneyedgrl80 said:
But these articles are in the bible and are to be followed to the best of someone's capabilities if they are of Christian/Catholic faith correct? I'm trying to understand, not incite a debate.

Most of those are Mosaic law. The ones that aren't are the ones I follow and are ones I wouldn't mind being written into law. Here are the few of those I'd support as a LAW, not an AMENDMENT.

No sanction of gay marriages (or polygamy, incest, etc.)

No sanction of marriages involving a divorcee unless the reason for divorce was sexual immorality.

The rest are either Mosaic law or misinterpretations of the scripture.

Interracial marriage was not prohibited. Instead, God commanded that the nation of Israel not wed foreigners, since their religions would corrupt the Israelis.

Widows may remarry. In fact, one of the Saducees' main arguments against the resurrection of the body involved the remarriage of widows.

The point of the scripture justifying no marriage unless the guy has only had sexual thoughts about her is not that the person had fully commited adultery, since it also says a person who hated another person had murdered him, and we don't execute people for hating. The point is that actions aren't enough, and that thoughts must be kept pure.

The Bible does say "Wives, submit to your husbands," but many people conveniently ignore the verse a little further down that says "Husbands, submit to your wives." The point is to encourage a healthy relationship where nobody was trying to be 'in control.'

The rest is either verses giving advice rather than law, or it was Mosaic law that doesn't apply any more.
brneyedgrl80 said:
And why does Mosaic law no longer apply if it is the bible? Shouldn't it be removed then from the book... you know updated/edited?

It's history. That's why complete copies of the Constitution have repealed sections crossed out rather than deleted. It's necessary for Christians to know the kind of pact God made with Israel before Jesus made salvation by grace a possibility.
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