Zone1 sacraments are unbiblical

All angels are creations. Even Jesus who said "God is the source of my being" is a creation. Simple logic dictates that any being whose source of existence is God cannot be God.

Right. Son of God is just a relational metaphor for a human being which indicates an intimacy with God and authority above that of angels "messengers" or prophets called "servants of God".
“hobelim” is claiming God does not ever take physical form.
God, MY GOD, is INCORPOREAL and has no visible shape or material form. There never was and never will be a human that was God or became God before during or after their human existence.

"If there is a prophet among you I will appear to him in dreams and visions." (Not in human flesh)

"The Lord "appeared" to Abraham near the great trees of Mamre while he was sitting at the entrance to his tent in the heat of the day." Genesis 18

Abraham was visited by the Lord, in the heat of the day, when people of that climate take a nap.

The entire Bible is predicated on the fact that any human, like caesar, or pharaoh, IS NOT GOD.

You don't even know your A, B, C's. You had better just STFU, before you injure yourself further.
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No, I said its a prohibition against men like hawk bending over and lifting his skirt for devils, men like trump or whatever preacher or preachers fucked his mind during bible study.... real good.

My God doesn't give a shit about what people eat, what they wear, or their sexual preferences.

This is your brain.
View attachment 1019919

This is your brain hopped up on politics and religion..
. View attachment 1019917View attachment 1019924

And these fuckers weren't even high on drugs! Not LSD, not PCP, not cocaine, not pot, not heroin. Whats their excuse? They really really really truly and quite sincerely "believed" in lies? Damn.

A soul is a terrible thing to waste.

Any questions?
I'm not political, you are.
God, MY GOD, is INCORPOREAL and has no visible shape or material form. There never was or will be a human being that was God or became God before during or after their human existence.

"If there is a prophet among you I will appear to him in dreams and visions." (Not in human flesh)

"The Lord "appeared" to Abraham near the great trees of Mamre while he was sitting at the entrance to his tent in the heat of the day." Genesis 18

Abraham was "visited" by the Lord, in the heat of the day, when people of that climate sleep.

The entire Bible is predicated on the fact that any man, like caesar, or pharaoh, cannot be God.
Angry secular gay Jew says wut?

Your fake theology doesn't play well.
If Jesus was 100% human, and he was, then he was a created being and IS NOT GOD, MY GOD.

Jesus said; "Go and tell my brothers that I am ascending to my Father and your Father; MY God and your God."

By clearly saying to his disciples, "My Father and your Father; MY God and your God" Jesus effectively eliminated any possibility that he either thought of himself as or claimed to be God.

You are just wrong. One or many demons filled your head with lies. Is that too hard to believe?


You perjure yourself in the name of God, desecrate the teachings of Jesus, and mislead others to do the same which amounts to MURDER like "satan was a murderer from the beginning" and so you died a very very long time ago and descended into the netherworld, the realm of the dead.


Sorry dude.. Thats the way the cookie crumbles.

If you want a clue as to the only right course to take just ask yourself, "What would Hezekiah do?"
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God, MY GOD, is INCORPOREAL and has no visible shape or material form. There never was and never will be a human that was God or became God before during or after their human existence.

"If there is a prophet among you I will appear to him in dreams and visions." (Not in human flesh
Bwahahaha. Can you be any more of a liar?

You quoted Numbers 12. Let’s take a look at what is actually said:

5 Then the Lord came down in a pillar of cloud; he stood at the entrance to the tent and summoned Aaron and Miriam. When the two of them stepped forward, 6 he said, “Listen to my words:

“When there is a prophet among you,
I, the Lord, reveal myself to them in visions,
I speak to them in dreams.
7 But this is not true of my servant Moses;
he is faithful in all my house.
8 With him I speak face to face,
clearly and not in riddles;
he sees the form of the Lord
Why then were you not afraid
to speak against my servant Moses?”

Thank you so much for the self own.
The Lord clearly says he does appear in human form.
With him I speak face to face,
clearly and not in riddles;
he sees the form of the Lord
The image and likeness of God, his form, is not visible nor material. His attributes define his form.

Speaking with God "face to face" is not about a face anymore than seeing someone "eye to eye" has something to do with eyes. The subject of "face to face" is defined as "clearly, not in riddles".

Just like Elijah being "taken up" into heaven is not about Elijah being sucked off up into the sky. It is just a euphemism for Elijah being killed by a lynch mob. Just like Jesus "calming the storm" because his friends, seasoned fishermen were afraid of the weather. Derp. :auiqs.jpg:The story has absolutely nothing to do with the weather. The disciples were afraid of being lynched by the gathering storm clouds, an angry mob, because Jesus was pissing people off wherever they went

Then Jesus said "be calm", and shut them all up, calmed the storm, with the words that followed.

You are clearly a bag of douche. An actor and lying fraud.

All of the baptismal water in the entire world won't wash away that ugly stain on your filthy soul.
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The image and likeness of God, his form, is not visible nor material. His attributes define his form.

Speaking with God "face to face" is not about a face anymore than seeing someone "eye to eye" has something to do with eyes. The subject of "face to face" is defined as "clearly, not in riddles".

Just like Elijah being "taken up" into heaven is not about Elijah being sucked off up into the sky. It is just a euphemism for Elijah being killed by a lynch mob. Just like Jesus "calming the storm" because his friends, seasoned fishermen were afraid of the weather. Derp. :auiqs.jpg:The story has absolutely nothing to do with the weather. The disciples were afraid of being lynched by the gathering storm clouds, an angry mob, because Jesus was pissing people off wherever they went

Then Jesus said "be calm", and shut them all up, calmed the storm, with the words that followed.

You are clearly a bag of douche. An actor and lying fraud.

All of the baptismal water in the entire world won't wash away that ugly stain on your filthy soul.

You are clearly are just a troll. Like a Talmudic Jew, you turn yourself into a pretzel with your mental gymnastics, denying the words of the Bible. They shatter your “world view”, they directly refute your assertions, and prove that your “god” is one you have manufactured for yourself instead of accepting the one true God as described in the Bible.

You have no relationship with the truth, and instead accept only lies. Which demonstrates who you really serve. Good luck with that.
You are clearly are just a troll. Like a Talmudic Jew, you turn yourself into a pretzel with your mental gymnastics, denying the words of the Bible. They shatter your “world view”, they directly refute your assertions, and prove that your “god” is one you have manufactured for yourself instead of accepting the one true God as described in the Bible.
Wait a minute! :laughing0301: Ahem, excuse me, that is the dumbest thing I've heard in a very long time.

You don't know what you are talking about. The Bible was written by highly intelligent and dedicated Jewish people who knew all about metaphors, homonyms, allegory, parables, similes, hyperbole, etc., what are now well known and widely used literary devices, to teach, thousands of years ago when your ancestors were knuckle dragging superstitious and violent barbarians with the form and shape of a human being but an intelligence just slightly above that of a monkey.

It was written in figurative language deliberately to both educate their own children and divert, curse, their many irrational and superstitious empty headed envious antisemitic enemies like you.

Still works like a charm!

Even when it is explained clearly enough for a child to understand it remains above your grasp...
Cool! That right there is the power of MY GOD in action; observable, verifiable, and irrefutable. My God who alone knows all of your dirty ignoble secrets either grants or denies comprehension.

"So he drove the man out and to the east of Eden he stationed the Cherubim, with a flaming and flashing SWORD, that turns in every direction, to guard the way to the tree of life" Gen 3:24

And some people don't believe in curses.

Imagine that!
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It was written in figurative language deliberately to both educate their own children and divert, curse, their many irrational and superstitious empty headed envious antisemitic enemies like you.
That's even dumb for you.
If Jesus was 100% human, and he was, then he was a created being and IS NOT GOD, MY GOD.
Fully human and fully God. See the 40 or so miracles he performed, the 24,000 written manuscripts, the behaviors of the apostles and the behaviors of the early Christians.

The mystery of Christ.
Fully human and fully God. See the 40 or so miracles he performed, the 24,000 written manuscripts, the behaviors of the apostles and the behaviors of the early Christians.
The mystery of Christ.
The only mystery here is how any intelligent person could fall for such superstitious irrational nonsense. Fully God and fully man? What a crock of shit! And then you have the audacity try to pass off your ignorance about the figurative language of the prophets used in both the NT and the OT as if it was the literal truth. In full view of intelligent people no less. FYI, even the many "miracles" of Jesus were not supernatural demonstrations of Divine power over reality, dummy.

In the Gospel of John there are exactly seven miracles, signs, that Jesus did proving that he was the prophet a man spoken of by Moses who would be sent by God to explain all of his commands

In the Revelation of John there are exactly seven seals put on scripture preventing everyone from seeing what was written inside. So pick a miracle any miracle and I will tell you what really happened. No blind faith required. Just try to remember, or not, the marking of Gods servants falls between the breaking of the sixth and seventh seals securing the faithful from destruction.

You can consider the breaking of the seventh seal like Noah closing the door on the ark, for good
That's even dumb for you.
Right, so dumb that it worked on you, like a charm.. Even after grade school. If you went. A talking serpent should have been a dead giveaway that figurative language was being used in the Bible.

Seriously. Aren't you embarrassed? Being caught professing to believe what you know is not true.

If Jesus was walking around today and some liar like you said that Jesus claimed to be God in the flesh as he ate and drank and partied with sinners and prostitutes would you believe it? No?


Because anyone who claims to be God is insane? Right? Stop being such a pretentious phony.

Even though anyone with half a brain can see right through you, you are not invisible.

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No thanks. Leviticus 18:22 says you shouldn't do that with men. :)
That must be a terrible burden for you being ashamed of your homosexual tendencies based on the most perverse carnal interpretation of Divine law possible as if God, who is incorporeal, is as obsessed with sex as you are. Did Jesus say it was a sin even if you are only thinking about it and apparently you are thinking about it all the time. Don't be ashamed. Be free. God isn't an asshole.

I tell you what.

If you kneel before me in fervent prayer, lol, I will lay my hands upon you and you shall be healed.

Don't be afraid. It won't hurt.

You are on your knees with your mouth wide open for your priest every other Sunday anyway....

Whats the diff? You queer who openly defies Lev 18:22 every time you lift your skirt at mass for a priest by setting aside the Law of God and turning to a lifeless matzo, MADE BY HUMAN HANDS, that you worship and eat for spiritual life and then shit down the toilet. Damn funny them Romans

Now thats a real abomination that causes desolation that you so perfectly display with every post
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"I have not come to bring peace, but a sword"

"From his mouth there went a sharp sword with which to smite the nations"

Take from my hand this cup of fiery wine and make all the nations to whom I send you drink it. When they have drunk it they will vomit and go mad; such is the sword that I am sending among them"

Take this cup of wine and drink it, all of you. This is a cup of my blood, the blood of the covenant.


"Just art thou, in these thy judgements, thou Holy One who art and wast; for they shed the blood of thy people and of thy prophets and thou hast given them blood to drink"

Still works like a charm!


The sword in his mouth is "truth" not a real sword.
The sword in his mouth is "truth" not a real sword.
The sword is a curse in a cup of wine....

"I have not come to bring peace, but a sword"

"From his mouth there went a sharp sword with which to smite the nations"

Take from my hand this cup of fiery wine and make all the nations to whom I send you drink it. When they have drunk it they will vomit and go mad; such is the sword that I am sending among them"

Take this cup of wine and drink it, all of you. This is a cup of my blood, the blood of the covenant.


"Just art thou, in these thy judgements, thou Holy One who art and wast; for they shed the blood of thy people and of thy prophets and thou hast given them blood to drink"

Still works like a charm!
The only mystery here is how any intelligent person could fall for such superstitious irrational nonsense. Fully God and fully man? What a crock of shit! And then you have the audacity try to pass off your ignorance about the figurative language of the prophets used in both the NT and the OT as if it was the literal truth. In full view of intelligent people no less. FYI, even the many "miracles" of Jesus were not supernatural demonstrations of Divine power over reality, dummy.

In the Gospel of John there are exactly seven miracles, signs, that Jesus did proving that he was the prophet a man spoken of by Moses who would be sent by God to explain all of his commands

In the Revelation of John there are exactly seven seals put on scripture preventing everyone from seeing what was written inside. So pick a miracle any miracle and I will tell you what really happened. No blind faith required. Just try to remember, or not, the marking of Gods servants falls between the breaking of the sixth and seventh seals securing the faithful from destruction.

You can consider the breaking of the seventh seal like Noah closing the door on the ark, for good
24,000 written manuscripts, the behaviors of the Apostles and the behaviors of early Christians say otherwise.

Right, so dumb that it worked on you, like a charm.. Even after grade school. If you went. A talking serpent should have been a dead giveaway that figurative language was being used in the Bible.

Seriously. Aren't you embarrassed? Being caught professing to believe what you know is not true.

If Jesus was walking around today and some liar like you said that Jesus claimed to be God in the flesh as he ate and drank and partied with sinners and prostitutes would you believe it? No?


Because anyone who claims to be God is insane? Right? Stop being such a pretentious phony.

Even though anyone with half a brain can see right through you, you are not invisible.

Your knee will bend. Count on it.

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