CDZ Confused about D confidence

william the wie

Gold Member
Nov 18, 2009
The last non-incumbent D elected president without either major third party or a crisis that could be blamed on the Rs was JFK.

Carter had Watergate, Clinton had Perot and Obama had the meltdown.

It's not much better for D incumbents since LBJ.

Clinton had Perot and Obama the 2011 bond rating downgrade.

The Rs as non-incumbents without any of these aids are Nixon and both Bushes.

The R incumbents without these aids are Nixon, Reagan and Bush the lesser.

So why the confidence?
Bush the lesser (I assume you mean W), had the conservative SCOTUS in his pocket.
Without Lewinsky and Nader Bush 2 would have lost. Bush 1 would have lost if Reagan had been ousted as having sex with interns in the oval office, just as Gore would have won in 2000 if Clinton hadn't. Reagan won because of the disaster Carter was perceived to be. And Nixon won by converting the racist, anti-civil rights democrats into republicans via the southern strategy.

Ike was the last republican to win without a crazy scandal or poor Presidency preceding his campaign. Then before that you have to go back to the depression.

Obama did well. People liked having grownups in charge.

Hillary is popular. None of the Republicans are.

Due to demographics, Democrats gained an advantage of a couple million voters compared to 2012.

The mainstream media and its democrat-hatred becomes less of a factor each election.

Hillary has shown she's running to the left, and focusing on the ground game, which is how to win. Bring out the base, instead of appealing to a mythical center that no longer exists.

Obama did well. People liked having grownups in charge.

Hillary is popular. None of the Republicans are.

Due to demographics, Democrats gained an advantage of a couple million voters compared to 2012.

The mainstream media and its democrat-hatred becomes less of a factor each election.

Hillary has shown she's running to the left, and focusing on the ground game, which is how to win. Bring out the base, instead of appealing to a mythical center that no longer exists.
Add to this larger voter turnout during General Elections, meaning more democrats come out to vote, in conjunction with the fact that those democrats who do come out to vote will likely vote for the democratic nominee, particularly Reagan democrats, since none of the republican candidates are to their liking.

Moreover, a majority of the voters support issues democratic candidates advocate, such as the right of same-sex couples to access marriage law, immigration reform, and decriminalizing marijuana possession and use.

Consequently, the OP's 'confusion' is likely the result of blind partisanism, as the facts of 2016 are clear for all to see.
the facts of 2016 are clear for all to see.

Yes... Yes they are.

The only reason the Left's favored candidate is not presently facing a litany of criminal charges is that the Justice Department is completely compromised and fully politicized. Same for the peasantpimp.

What more she's about to Re-Re-Relaunch her campaign... third start in four months.

Your second and quickly becoming your favored candidate is a self-declared, card carrying socialist, who isn't a Democrat. But it is forcing your currently favored candidate to drop the pretense of moderation... and drive herself stright off the Left cliff... and as unviable as your first two are, there's nothing even remotely viable, on the bench.

Your 3rd string starts with a woman who faked a claim that she is an American Indian and lack the sense God gave Sheila Jackson Lee, the Democrat who asked a NASA Engineer to drive the Mars Rover 'over to where the Astronauts Landed... .

But hey... since we're discussing the Democrat gene pool... we can't pass up the chance to show a worthy example of the Democrat Brain trust.

Ladies and Gents, I present you Democrat Congressional Rep: Hank Johnson....

Here, voicing his concern that the Marine Corps temporarily moving it's 3rd Division to Guam, could cause Guam to tip over, capsize and sink.

And yet, she will likely win the election anyway, because you Republicans have got nothing.
Yes, watching all the folks clamoring in the streets over the 2011 bond rating downgrade I knew my vote for the Republican nominee in 2012 would be going towards a lost cause. But hell if we didn't give it our all to dig ourselves out of that hole and make a gallant effort. I still get a bit choked up thinking how we came together and almost pulled off a miracle.
I do agree that the Ds will likely win 2016 in a squeaker for two reasons:

in the early states Bush barely makes top five so his momentum will go to zero before super Tuesday and with him gone name recognition will be with the Ds.

Hillary is also a bucketlist candidate like Obama.

Those two factors will elect Hillary in 2016. That will also hand the state races in 2017, 18 and 19 over to the Rs. Given the finances and population loss of the blue states that will create a red wall of about 35 states where Ds win by 90+% or lose in those states. That will help further radicalize the D base.

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