***Confusion of the Left***

Fair Question

  • No, just useless attacks on liberals.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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  • Poll closed .


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

  1. It must be addressed, are liberal voters confused?
  2. Do you think that most liberals are full of half truths?
  3. Lets discuss this with an open mind.
  4. Try not to be sarcastic, just be to the point.
  5. Please stay on topic, don't point to the conservative ideals, or mind sets.

  6. Regards,
  7. SirJamesofTexas
Rank and file liberals are victims of the heavily twisted, biased liberal media who broadcast fake news 24/7. Naturally when they come here and get all the facts they become confused.
Sorry bout that,

  1. Let the debating begin.
  2. I happen to see the point, mind washed liberals getting fake news 24/7 then coming here and finding the truth does tend to confuse.
  3. How can we help them out of this confusion then?
  4. Not matter how they vote they are still our neighbors, and its important we engage them in the debate of well truth, I was thinking of saying ideals but its deeper than that, so truths.
What I believe as a liberal no confusion here.

I believe religion and sin is restriction, keeping me from my freedom to do what I want to do. Sex orgies, multiple marriages, strip clubs, bars, lots of sex before marriage and in between marriages, porn. etc. Living life according to the pleasure principle.

I believe abortion isn't murder and also believe there is nothing wrong with a doctor assisting a patient in suicide that's not murder either.

I don't believe suicide is something people should be condemed to hell for and if someone wants to commit suicide people should be more accepting of their decision.

I believe gender identity is a social norm and not determined by biology. I see nothing wrong with gay marriage. I see nothing wrong with a boy who identified himself as a female using a girls restroom.

I see nothing wrong with Islam. I see nothing wrong with atheists. I see nothing wrong with satanists or occultists. I see nothing wrong with Hinduism. Nothing wrong with Buddhism. Nothing wrong with judaism.

I believe in socialised medicine, food stamps, redistribution of wealth, abolishment of some private property, socual security, medicare, government housing for the poor, and the government giving every us citizen a job like they do in communist countries.

As a liberal this is what I stand for no confusion here.
What I believe as a liberal no confusion here.

I believe religion and sin is restriction, keeping me from my freedom to do what I want to do. Sex orgies, multiple marriages, strip clubs, bars, lots of sex before marriage and in between marriages, porn. etc. Living life according to the pleasure principle.

I believe abortion isn't murder and also believe there is nothing wrong with a doctor assisting a patient in suicide that's not murder either.

I don't believe suicide is something people should be condemed to hell for and if someone wants to commit suicide people should be more accepting of their decision.

I believe gender identity is a social norm and not determined by biology. I see nothing wrong with gay marriage. I see nothing wrong with a boy who identified himself as a female using a girls restroom.

I see nothing wrong with Islam. I see nothing wrong with atheists. I see nothing wrong with satanists or occultists. I see nothing wrong with Hinduism. Nothing wrong with Buddhism. Nothing wrong with judaism.

I believe in socialised medicine, food stamps, redistribution of wealth, abolishment of some private property, socual security, medicare, government housing for the poor, and the government giving every us citizen a job like they do in communist countries.

As a liberal this is what I stand for no confusion here.

Please tell me this guy ^^^^^^^^^^ is not typing in jest...this is exactly what we need...more like this to expose themselves and be totally transparent...The good people of America who can’t see past the smoke and mirrors need this...The Left usually tries real hard to mask their filth and indecency. Come clean people...all of you.
What I believe as a liberal no confusion here.

I believe religion and sin is restriction, keeping me from my freedom to do what I want to do. Sex orgies, multiple marriages, strip clubs, bars, lots of sex before marriage and in between marriages, porn. etc. Living life according to the pleasure principle.

I believe abortion isn't murder and also believe there is nothing wrong with a doctor assisting a patient in suicide that's not murder either.

I don't believe suicide is something people should be condemed to hell for and if someone wants to commit suicide people should be more accepting of their decision.

I believe gender identity is a social norm and not determined by biology. I see nothing wrong with gay marriage. I see nothing wrong with a boy who identified himself as a female using a girls restroom.

I see nothing wrong with Islam. I see nothing wrong with atheists. I see nothing wrong with satanists or occultists. I see nothing wrong with Hinduism. Nothing wrong with Buddhism. Nothing wrong with judaism.

I believe in socialised medicine, food stamps, redistribution of wealth, abolishment of some private property, socual security, medicare, government housing for the poor, and the government giving every us citizen a job like they do in communist countries.

As a liberal this is what I stand for no confusion here.

Well, you summed up just about everything that is wrong in society. So go ahead and enjoy your excesses right up until you meet up with Ol' Scratch.
Sorry bout that,

  1. It must be addressed, are liberal voters confused?
  2. Do you think that most liberals are full of half truths?
  3. Lets discuss this with an open mind.
  4. Try not to be sarcastic, just be to the point.
  5. Please stay on topic, don't point to the conservative ideals, or mind sets.

  6. Regards,
  7. SirJamesofTexas

You can’t have a debate with conservatives who start all these threads with a bogus premise.

“Liberal voters confused?” How so. Give an example. Cause lib voters are not confused , unlike conservatives voters who vote against their interests all the time .
Sorry bout that,

  1. It must be addressed, are liberal voters confused?
  2. Do you think that most liberals are full of half truths?
  3. Lets discuss this with an open mind.
  4. Try not to be sarcastic, just be to the point.
  5. Please stay on topic, don't point to the conservative ideals, or mind sets.

  6. Regards,
  7. SirJamesofTexas

You can’t have a debate with conservatives who start all these threads with a bogus premise.

“Liberal voters confused?” How so. Give an example. Cause lib voters are not confused , unlike conservatives voters who vote against their interests all the time .

Soooo....you’re super confused when it comes to gender identity...BUT this politics shit can’t confuse you at all?
Makes perfect sense in LibTardia
Sorry bout that,

  1. It must be addressed, are liberal voters confused?
  2. Do you think that most liberals are full of half truths?
  3. Lets discuss this with an open mind.
  4. Try not to be sarcastic, just be to the point.
  5. Please stay on topic, don't point to the conservative ideals, or mind sets.

  6. Regards,
  7. SirJamesofTexas

You can’t have a debate with conservatives who start all these threads with a bogus premise.

“Liberal voters confused?” How so. Give an example. Cause lib voters are not confused , unlike conservatives voters who vote against their interests all the time .

Soooo....you’re super confused when it comes to gender identity...BUT this politics shit can’t confuse you at all?
Makes perfect sense in LibTardia

What’s your example ???? Geez can you cons ever answer a simple question .
Sorry bout that,

  1. It must be addressed, are liberal voters confused?
  2. Do you think that most liberals are full of half truths?
  3. Lets discuss this with an open mind.
  4. Try not to be sarcastic, just be to the point.
  5. Please stay on topic, don't point to the conservative ideals, or mind sets.

  6. Regards,
  7. SirJamesofTexas

You can’t have a debate with conservatives who start all these threads with a bogus premise.

“Liberal voters confused?” How so. Give an example. Cause lib voters are not confused , unlike conservatives voters who vote against their interests all the time .

Soooo....you’re super confused when it comes to gender identity...BUT this politics shit can’t confuse you at all?
Makes perfect sense in LibTardia

What’s your example ???? Geez can you cons ever answer a simple question .

Follow along here Timmy...you people look down at a penis and deny that you’re a male.....Ofcourse politics confuses you wacks.
Sorry bout that,

  1. It must be addressed, are liberal voters confused?
  2. Do you think that most liberals are full of half truths?
  3. Lets discuss this with an open mind.
  4. Try not to be sarcastic, just be to the point.
  5. Please stay on topic, don't point to the conservative ideals, or mind sets.

  6. Regards,
  7. SirJamesofTexas

You can’t have a debate with conservatives who start all these threads with a bogus premise.

“Liberal voters confused?” How so. Give an example. Cause lib voters are not confused , unlike conservatives voters who vote against their interests all the time .

Soooo....you’re super confused when it comes to gender identity...BUT this politics shit can’t confuse you at all?
Makes perfect sense in LibTardia

What’s your example ???? Geez can you cons ever answer a simple question .

Follow along here Timmy...you people look down at a penis and deny that you’re a male.....Ofcourse politics confuses you wacks.

No. We are about freedom . You want to wear a dress, have fun . You ain’t hurting anyone .
Sorry bout that,

  1. Let the debating begin.
  2. I happen to see the point, mind washed liberals getting fake news 24/7 then coming here and finding the truth does tend to confuse.
  3. How can we help them out of this confusion then?
  4. Not matter how they vote they are still our neighbors, and its important we engage them in the debate of well truth, I was thinking of saying ideals but its deeper than that, so truths.

Waste of time...all that ^^

We (conservatives) have been not thrown on this earth to clear the confusion in the minds of well meaning idiots.....sorry but that's what demrats imbeciles are...

Let them clarify their own minds by themselves.
What I believe as a liberal no confusion here.

I believe religion and sin is restriction, keeping me from my freedom to do what I want to do. Sex orgies, multiple marriages, strip clubs, bars, lots of sex before marriage and in between marriages, porn. etc. Living life according to the pleasure principle.

I believe abortion isn't murder and also believe there is nothing wrong with a doctor assisting a patient in suicide that's not murder either.

I don't believe suicide is something people should be condemed to hell for and if someone wants to commit suicide people should be more accepting of their decision.

I believe gender identity is a social norm and not determined by biology. I see nothing wrong with gay marriage. I see nothing wrong with a boy who identified himself as a female using a girls restroom.

I see nothing wrong with Islam. I see nothing wrong with atheists. I see nothing wrong with satanists or occultists. I see nothing wrong with Hinduism. Nothing wrong with Buddhism. Nothing wrong with judaism.

I believe in socialised medicine, food stamps, redistribution of wealth, abolishment of some private property, socual security, medicare, government housing for the poor, and the government giving every us citizen a job like they do in communist countries.

As a liberal this is what I stand for no confusion here.

you even wrote that in a Russian accent.
Sorry bout that,

  1. It must be addressed, are liberal voters confused?
  2. Do you think that most liberals are full of half truths?
  3. Lets discuss this with an open mind.
  4. Try not to be sarcastic, just be to the point.
  5. Please stay on topic, don't point to the conservative ideals, or mind sets.

  6. Regards,
  7. SirJamesofTexas

You can’t have a debate with conservatives who start all these threads with a bogus premise.

“Liberal voters confused?” How so. Give an example. Cause lib voters are not confused , unlike conservatives voters who vote against their interests all the time .

Soooo....you’re super confused when it comes to gender identity...BUT this politics shit can’t confuse you at all?
Makes perfect sense in LibTardia

What’s your example ???? Geez can you cons ever answer a simple question .

Follow along here Timmy...you people look down at a penis and deny that you’re a male.....Ofcourse politics confuses you wacks.

No. We are about freedom . You want to wear a dress, have fun . You ain’t hurting anyone .

See, that’s where your warped minds get all twisted and CONFUSED....you people honestly believe that a society can’t act under law and order, decency, class and morality and still be FREE. Fucking weird!
Sorry bout that,

  1. Its important to try to reach out to these confused voters, if nothing else to get them out of the path they're on.
  2. If only for what the Democratic Party use to be.
  3. About 65 years ago the Democrats were not all that bad, at least nowhere as confused as they are right now.
  4. Its hard to care but I'm feeling generous tonight for some reason.
  5. So in my view the Democrats are confused by on the one hand accepting all sorts of perverts but at the same time attacking the church.

Sorry bout that,

  1. It must be addressed, are liberal voters confused?
  2. Do you think that most liberals are full of half truths?
  3. Lets discuss this with an open mind.
  4. Try not to be sarcastic, just be to the point.
  5. Please stay on topic, don't point to the conservative ideals, or mind sets.

  6. Regards,
  7. SirJamesofTexas

Many people are confused. Many people don't bother that much with politics. They have opinions, but haven't thought much about those opinions. They're just canned. Doesn't matter about left or right.
Sorry bout that,

  1. It must be addressed, are liberal voters confused?
  2. Do you think that most liberals are full of half truths?
  3. Lets discuss this with an open mind.
  4. Try not to be sarcastic, just be to the point.
  5. Please stay on topic, don't point to the conservative ideals, or mind sets.

  6. Regards,
  7. SirJamesofTexas

Many people are confused. Many people don't bother that much with politics. They have opinions, but haven't thought much about those opinions. They're just canned. Doesn't matter about left or right.
Just what I've been saying lately about Liberals and their opinions. When Conservatives broach a subject we provide links and articles from reliable news sources. Then we're told it's all lies. But when Liberals post something, it's based on their "opinions" and when asked to back up their claims, they provide links and article from the MSM with their "opinions." Everything that Liberals believe in and spout are based on their and others "opinions.''It's a never ending cycle.
Sorry bout that,

  1. So its your understanding that the liberals don't use facts, but stand on opinion Hossfly?
  2. Facts are stories and or sayings of some truth, or happening, defined by reality, and following the story line of what was reported or told.
  3. And what we see on a daily bases on the main stream medias is a total fabrication of their own facts and or truths as they define it as to what has happened or told about any story, as well.
  4. So the facts are jobs are being filled at an amazing rate, in fact many employers can't fill them all.
  5. But if you listen to the main stream media there are not enough jobs to go around, people are still suffering from lack of work.
  6. And the facts tell us that more people are not receiving food stamps everyday.
  7. But main stream media ignores those facts all together.
  8. Those medias claim more people going on food stamps everyday.
  9. So confusing to the simple.
  10. But we can explain it, you're on the *reservation*, just hold your nose and pull that lever for the Democrats.
Last edited:
Sorry bout that,

  1. It must be addressed, are liberal voters confused?
  2. Do you think that most liberals are full of half truths?
  3. Lets discuss this with an open mind.
  4. Try not to be sarcastic, just be to the point.
  5. Please stay on topic, don't point to the conservative ideals, or mind sets.

  6. Regards,
  7. SirJamesofTexas

Many people are confused. Many people don't bother that much with politics. They have opinions, but haven't thought much about those opinions. They're just canned. Doesn't matter about left or right.
Just what I've been saying lately about Liberals and their opinions. When Conservatives broach a subject we provide links and articles from reliable news sources. Then we're told it's all lies. But when Liberals post something, it's based on their "opinions" and when asked to back up their claims, they provide links and article from the MSM with their "opinions." Everything that Liberals believe in and spout are based on their and others "opinions.''It's a never ending cycle.

Wait, what?

You provide links and articles from reliable sources? Are you fucking kidding me? You need to see that the majority of people on this forum don't, and that includes a massive dose of Conservatives.

You must be living in some kind of dream land. I do notice you didn't back up your claim that Conservatives use links and articles from reliable sources. Irony, what?

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