Congo: Rapid Capital of the World - A Country and Atrocity the Leftist Ignore


Apr 22, 2007
Why don't leftist scream about the Congo? Why aren't there any flotillas headed to the Congo? Why aren't they calling for boycotts?

They turn a blind eye, because it's Africa! They will just blame the white man continuously and never stand on their own and take their responsibility for their own actions!

Listen to this. Women EXPECT to get raped everyday. THREE YEAR OLDS get raped! This have rape camps! This is sick shit and sick culture. This is what happens when there is total gun control, when only the government has arms and the people don't!

Why eastern DR Congo is 'rape capital of the world' -

Eastern Congo has been called the "rape capital of the world" by U.N. Special Representative Margot Wallstrom. Reports record that 48 women are raped every hour.

A week hearing terrifying stories of torture and rape. Multiple rapes. Violent, brutal rape. Rape with sticks and guns, even bayonets.

Women told me of their daily choice -- to stay at home and face starvation. Or, go out to the fields for food and be raped. Most women chose the latter. It had become the norm.

The war continued until 2003, when a peace treaty was signed. Officially, the fighting came to an end, but it didn't stop. Nor did the rape.

I returned to Shabunda in 2005 to find the women I had interviewed and photograph four years earlier. It was an unsettling search, for most of those women had died or disappeared in the forest after an attack, never to be seen again.

The new women I met had similar tales of horror. But there was a twist. The people I spoke to this time related organized rape camps, with daily roll-calls. There was a new efficiency in the rape, it had become an integrated part of the rebel forces lives. As these women told me, it was now systematic.

Some years later, in 2009, I returned to make a film about rape and found a disturbing new trend.

Women told me how they expected to be raped. Not once but many times. The women I met, spoke of gang rapes, three or four times. Sometimes it was "only" two soldiers, more often gangs of men,10, 20, over and over again.

Many had conceived children and the girl children, some just babies only a few months old, were being raped as well.

Many had conceived children and the girl children, some just babies only a few months old, were being raped as well.

She was a cheerful little girl, it was impossible not to be drawn to her smile.
The nurse saw me playing with her said: "You know she's HIV-positive." She was just three years old. Her twin sister had been killed when she and her mother had been raped. This little girl had been conceived from rape.

Like so many women survivors, she too was rejected when she and her two teenage daughters were raped by militia men. Her husband was murdered in front of her, chopped up and she was forced to eat his private parts.

Her two daughters Rachel and Yvette were 15 and 13 years old, and both of them conceived children. Masika's husband's family rejected them and she brought her daughters and their babies to a market town hugging the shore of Lake Kivu to try and rebuild their lives.
The right ignores this country and then pretends to care for other countries.

Pretty sickening using other's misfortune as a political tool. Notice not a single suggestion about what we should do to help those poor people? Only a rant that it's the left's fault for doing nothing. Sickening.
I keep screaming the reason why this area of the world is as it is, but people keep on keeping on. Of course the left will keep on with its bs to cloud the issue!
The right ignores this country and then pretends to care for other countries.

Pretty sickening using other's misfortune as a political tool. Notice not a single suggestion about what we should do to help those poor people? Only a rant that it's the left's fault for doing nothing. Sickening.

We tried for 200 years to help these people. Not worth another red cent! Lets bring our troops home and let them do as they wish.
Like everyone else but the greedy US mega rich, they'll do a lot better under Dems. They're having elections right now...
I understand your outrage about what's happening there, of course.

But your pathetic attempts to somehow blame this on the mythical left you love to hate is another example of the childish nonsense ditto heads like you think passes for political dicourse.
I understand your outrage about what's happening there, of course.

But your pathetic attempts to somehow blame this on the mythical left you love to hate is another example of the childish nonsense ditto heads like you think passes for political dicourse.

Its a fair criticism.

Has intervention been thwarted by the lack of oil?

Pesky questions I know.
It's horrible but what would help the situation? Other than throwing troops and money at the problem what do you do? No one has the political will to do jack shit about it, no one. Return to Obama bashing and forget foreign policy, conservatives suck at discussions on the subject.
Okay, when Republicans return to power, Congo is another country they can invade. Put it on the list...

Also, while you're at it, see about getting some husbands for the 900,000 Iraq widows Bush created.

While we destabilized Iraq and Libya the worst atrocities in the world take place and leftist scum like you ignore it.

Also that 900k number is a sham. That is Iraqis killing Iraqis. But that number isn't going to be shit when Obama rightfully pulls us out f that country and secular fighting goes into overdrive. But I digress.

You are such a partisan hack. What Obama does, good and awesome. Anything a conservative does bad nd evil.
The right ignores this country and then pretends to care for other countries.

Pretty sickening using other's misfortune as a political tool. Notice not a single suggestion about what we should do to help those poor people? Only a rant that it's the left's fault for doing nothing. Sickening.

I ave no idea wat can be done. As Afghanistan shows, you can't build a country when they are a 3rd world shithole with no infrastructure.

But a rapefest like this saddens me to kn it gets on.
Like everyone else but the greedy US mega rich, they'll do a lot better under Dems. They're having elections right now...

Look it up George W Bush sent more money and ad to Africa then an other President. In fact he spent more money combatting AIDS in Africa that many Africans worship him.

Your worthy of that neg
I understand your outrage about what's happening there, of course.

But your pathetic attempts to somehow blame this on the mythical left you love to hate is another example of the childish nonsense ditto heads like you think passes for political dicourse.

Please I am not bamng the left for the atorcities over there, rather I call them out on their dogooder hypocrisy.

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