Congratulations in advance: To all in support of gay marriage legalized


Constitutionalist / Universalist
Jan 21, 2010
National Freedmen's Town District
I am guessing with the momentum and direction things are going,
the Supreme Court Justices are more likely to legalize gay marriage.

I personally do not agree with abusing govt to settle matters of beliefs.

I think we are going to have to address that, and learn to resolve conflicts instead of continuing this trend.

But several things give me the sense that the changes will happen in an environment of allowing
gay marriage to be legalized:

A. Overall the popular social trend of pro-gay, and the demonization and rejection of Christianity,
and the support of younger generations seems to favor that direction, and those are the people inheriting
whatever is handed down.

B. The support of Christians churches in addressing gay Christians, gays, gay marriage and support for these has produced a more uplifting message, that has counteracted the negative trend of bashing Christians and blaming Christianity.

This issue has allowed this positive side of Christianity to come forward, instead of seeing the continued negative perception and framing of Christianity as the main image publicly recognized.

Right now, to win the battle, many have continued to stoke fear of bigotry and discrimination in order to convince govt to issue legal protections. So unfortunately, scapegoating Christian beliefs about homosexuality as bigotry has been used to win politically, when in fact, this makes no sense when so much of the support for gays, rights and marriage has come from Christianity. How can the same faith be blamed and then used to further the cause.

This may not even come out until after the smoke clears, and people can afford to be honest that it isn't fair to bash Christianity for political expedience while using Christian support to lobby and gain support of the public.

C. The need to bring out the choice and process of spiritual healing, which is nurtured in an environment of acceptance, not rejection. So ironically, the very voices of people who have changed their homosexual orientation may not even be publicly recognized until after gay marriage is legalized and most of the hostility and tension is released.

D. The need to recognize political beliefs, and to respect and separate these; instead of continuing to abuse govt to decide what beliefs of the people to endorse or not. This issue may not even be addressed until after this polarized debate is resolved. Again, ironically, the very attitude of equal acceptance of beliefs on both sides may not even be realized until after these court cases are decided.

In the end, people still need to resolve their issues with beliefs, and quit abusing govt to tell other people what to do and what beliefs to accept or not.

In the interest of conflict resolution, a more open dialogue and atmosphere of acceptance is needed.
And them maybe we can begin the conversation on equal ground, where people do not feel forced on the defensive. I am thinking that by approving legalization, that will take weight off people so we can have an honest conversation and quit this business of bashing each other's beliefs as bigotry, and quit abusing govt to push one political belief or agenda while trying to censor opposing beliefs from doing the same thing.

That whole trend will change, and I am guessing this issue and the decisions made will further that process.
That's my best guess as to where all this is going.

Congratulations to those who receive relief at the changes ahead.

And for those who feel aggrieved, I pledge to work with you to resolve the problems
that weren't solved this way. We still have work to do, and it is will take all of us doing it ourselves.

Not depending on govt to hand down rulings to us. But if we want to see change, we need to create our own solutions and programs, and hand marching orders to our govt. We get more done by working collaboratively on solutions we agree on, and I hope we cease this business of trying to influence public policy by political bully and crying victim.

If we want people to respect our beliefs, consent and values, we need to uphold the same standards.
And not compete to overrun, overrule and override each other, while complaining when others do that to us.

That change is what I most hope to see come out of these proceedings.

Thanks, everyone here, please take care, take courage and heart. And Take Responsibility for your beliefs.
Don't play games with govt, voting and media campaigns to manipulate. Sustainable change is by consent, not by coercion. So I hope we turn the page, and start working together in new, creative ways, to rebuild relations damaged in the past. And agree to respect each other, and break the cycle of bullying and abuse.

Yours truly,
I am guessing with the momentum and direction things are going,
the Supreme Court Justices are more likely to legalize gay marriage.

I personally do not agree with abusing govt to settle matters of beliefs.

I think we are going to have to address that, and learn to resolve conflicts instead of continuing this trend.

But several things give me the sense that the changes will happen in an environment of allowing
gay marriage to be legalized:

A. Overall the popular social trend of pro-gay, and the demonization and rejection of Christianity,
and the support of younger generations seems to favor that direction, and those are the people inheriting
whatever is handed down.

B. The support of Christians churches in addressing gay Christians, gays, gay marriage and support for these has produced a more uplifting message, that has counteracted the negative trend of bashing Christians and blaming Christianity.

This issue has allowed this positive side of Christianity to come forward, instead of seeing the continued negative perception and framing of Christianity as the main image publicly recognized.

Right now, to win the battle, many have continued to stoke fear of bigotry and discrimination in order to convince govt to issue legal protections. So unfortunately, scapegoating Christian beliefs about homosexuality as bigotry has been used to win politically, when in fact, this makes no sense when so much of the support for gays, rights and marriage has come from Christianity. How can the same faith be blamed and then used to further the cause.

This may not even come out until after the smoke clears, and people can afford to be honest that it isn't fair to bash Christianity for political expedience while using Christian support to lobby and gain support of the public.

C. The need to bring out the choice and process of spiritual healing, which is nurtured in an environment of acceptance, not rejection. So ironically, the very voices of people who have changed their homosexual orientation may not even be publicly recognized until after gay marriage is legalized and most of the hostility and tension is released.

D. The need to recognize political beliefs, and to respect and separate these; instead of continuing to abuse govt to decide what beliefs of the people to endorse or not. This issue may not even be addressed until after this polarized debate is resolved. Again, ironically, the very attitude of equal acceptance of beliefs on both sides may not even be realized until after these court cases are decided.

In the end, people still need to resolve their issues with beliefs, and quit abusing govt to tell other people what to do and what beliefs to accept or not.

In the interest of conflict resolution, a more open dialogue and atmosphere of acceptance is needed.
And them maybe we can begin the conversation on equal ground, where people do not feel forced on the defensive. I am thinking that by approving legalization, that will take weight off people so we can have an honest conversation and quit this business of bashing each other's beliefs as bigotry, and quit abusing govt to push one political belief or agenda while trying to censor opposing beliefs from doing the same thing.

That whole trend will change, and I am guessing this issue and the decisions made will further that process.
That's my best guess as to where all this is going.

Congratulations to those who receive relief at the changes ahead.

And for those who feel aggrieved, I pledge to work with you to resolve the problems
that weren't solved this way. We still have work to do, and it is will take all of us doing it ourselves.

Not depending on govt to hand down rulings to us. But if we want to see change, we need to create our own solutions and programs, and hand marching orders to our govt. We get more done by working collaboratively on solutions we agree on, and I hope we cease this business of trying to influence public policy by political bully and crying victim.

If we want people to respect our beliefs, consent and values, we need to uphold the same standards.
And not compete to overrun, overrule and override each other, while complaining when others do that to us.

That change is what I most hope to see come out of these proceedings.

Thanks, everyone here, please take care, take courage and heart. And Take Responsibility for your beliefs.
Don't play games with govt, voting and media campaigns to manipulate. Sustainable change is by consent, not by coercion. So I hope we turn the page, and start working together in new, creative ways, to rebuild relations damaged in the past. And agree to respect each other, and break the cycle of bullying and abuse.

Yours truly,

You bring up an interesting point about the power of the government to influence private beliefs. For that reason alone, these decisions should be scary. Instead of it being left as a free choice of individuals it is now a group choice. This is why this is no longer a free country.
Congratulations in advance: To all in support of gay marriage legalized

TY, the gays deserve equality.

If human equality depends on 9 people in Washington DC, voting 5-4,
the human race is in trouble.

How can you even begin to discuss equal human empowerment if you are giving 9 people you have never met
more control over your beliefs and what you exercise in your daily lives, than the people you know and work with every day.

What kind of equality is that?
Even if same sex marriage is legalized it will only be a stage. We have had civil rights since 1965. Are you watching the news from Baltimore? How many decades has abortion been technically legal?

Legalization will have virtually no effect on the relationship same sex couples have with others. Two high schools have had anti gay days for the first time.

The mood of the public is not supportive. It is more along the lines of let them get married and leave me alone. That isn't support. When gays don't leave any one alone the little dust ups today will seem paltry.
I am guessing with the momentum and direction things are going,
the Supreme Court Justices are more likely to legalize gay marriage.

I personally do not agree with abusing govt to settle matters of beliefs.

I think we are going to have to address that, and learn to resolve conflicts instead of continuing this trend.

But several things give me the sense that the changes will happen in an environment of allowing
gay marriage to be legalized:

A. Overall the popular social trend of pro-gay, and the demonization and rejection of Christianity,
and the support of younger generations seems to favor that direction, and those are the people inheriting
whatever is handed down.

B. The support of Christians churches in addressing gay Christians, gays, gay marriage and support for these has produced a more uplifting message, that has counteracted the negative trend of bashing Christians and blaming Christianity.

This issue has allowed this positive side of Christianity to come forward, instead of seeing the continued negative perception and framing of Christianity as the main image publicly recognized.

Right now, to win the battle, many have continued to stoke fear of bigotry and discrimination in order to convince govt to issue legal protections. So unfortunately, scapegoating Christian beliefs about homosexuality as bigotry has been used to win politically, when in fact, this makes no sense when so much of the support for gays, rights and marriage has come from Christianity. How can the same faith be blamed and then used to further the cause.

This may not even come out until after the smoke clears, and people can afford to be honest that it isn't fair to bash Christianity for political expedience while using Christian support to lobby and gain support of the public.

C. The need to bring out the choice and process of spiritual healing, which is nurtured in an environment of acceptance, not rejection. So ironically, the very voices of people who have changed their homosexual orientation may not even be publicly recognized until after gay marriage is legalized and most of the hostility and tension is released.

D. The need to recognize political beliefs, and to respect and separate these; instead of continuing to abuse govt to decide what beliefs of the people to endorse or not. This issue may not even be addressed until after this polarized debate is resolved. Again, ironically, the very attitude of equal acceptance of beliefs on both sides may not even be realized until after these court cases are decided.

In the end, people still need to resolve their issues with beliefs, and quit abusing govt to tell other people what to do and what beliefs to accept or not.

In the interest of conflict resolution, a more open dialogue and atmosphere of acceptance is needed.
And them maybe we can begin the conversation on equal ground, where people do not feel forced on the defensive. I am thinking that by approving legalization, that will take weight off people so we can have an honest conversation and quit this business of bashing each other's beliefs as bigotry, and quit abusing govt to push one political belief or agenda while trying to censor opposing beliefs from doing the same thing.

That whole trend will change, and I am guessing this issue and the decisions made will further that process.
That's my best guess as to where all this is going.

Congratulations to those who receive relief at the changes ahead.

And for those who feel aggrieved, I pledge to work with you to resolve the problems
that weren't solved this way. We still have work to do, and it is will take all of us doing it ourselves.

Not depending on govt to hand down rulings to us. But if we want to see change, we need to create our own solutions and programs, and hand marching orders to our govt. We get more done by working collaboratively on solutions we agree on, and I hope we cease this business of trying to influence public policy by political bully and crying victim.

If we want people to respect our beliefs, consent and values, we need to uphold the same standards.
And not compete to overrun, overrule and override each other, while complaining when others do that to us.

That change is what I most hope to see come out of these proceedings.

Thanks, everyone here, please take care, take courage and heart. And Take Responsibility for your beliefs.
Don't play games with govt, voting and media campaigns to manipulate. Sustainable change is by consent, not by coercion. So I hope we turn the page, and start working together in new, creative ways, to rebuild relations damaged in the past. And agree to respect each other, and break the cycle of bullying and abuse.

Yours truly,

You bring up an interesting point about the power of the government to influence private beliefs. For that reason alone, these decisions should be scary. Instead of it being left as a free choice of individuals it is now a group choice. This is why this is no longer a free country.

Dear SuperDemocrat
Some people are using the govt as their church, and the Supreme Court as their Pope.
So this whole exercise will lead to a nice little "birds and bees" talk about separation of church and state.
And why people are allowed to use govt to establish secular beliefs while discriminating against religious ones.

We needed to have this talk, so maybe this issue will allow that dialogue to finally take place in public.
Whatever liberals were trying to blame Christians for, maybe they needed to step into those shoes
and play that same role, of using political authority to dictate beliefs to other people.

All the complaints about Whites and 1% being the minority, and yet dominating the majority,
well, look how the other half behaves when the shoe is on the other foot. When less than 5% of the population
gets their way politically, while poor Blacks, Latinos and other minorities are still waiting for justice,
isn't that a form of privilege?

So this whole process will give lots to learn and teach from.
If we lift each other up as equals, and quit talking down to each other, and trying to shout or shut out the other person,
maybe we can finally work things out on level ground. And quit abusing federal govt in ways it was never designed.
The religious community are claiming to react to legalization SSM by ignoring the ruling...

Which will be part of the civics lesson in how govt is not in charge of deciding people's personal beliefs.
We aren't finished yet; we have barely even begun.
When Obama took office, people who never even watched the news or voted before were suddenly trying to get
involved in the political process for the first time.

We have a learning curve ahead to catch up on.
Not everyone is starting from the same assumption or background,
or looks at govt the same way. We have barely begun to address our root differences in beliefs
that have prevented people from understanding and working together. Lots more ahead, this is just a springboard.
The religious had no problem in the construct of control of both govt. and society not too many years ago...forcing their personal beliefs on the nation...
Even if same sex marriage is legalized it will only be a stage. We have had civil rights since 1965. Are you watching the news from Baltimore? How many decades has abortion been technically legal?

Legalization will have virtually no effect on the relationship same sex couples have with others. Two high schools have had anti gay days for the first time.

The mood of the public is not supportive. It is more along the lines of let them get married and leave me alone. That isn't support. When gays don't leave any one alone the little dust ups today will seem paltry.

Yes, we are going to have to work out all the old issues that were always there. These don't magically go away.

Nobody would even discuss the idea of spiritual healing and people changing orientation after therapy.
That will change things also when that comes out and is accepted as common knowledge and process.

What I think is going to happen with this, and with the different beliefs about health care,
is reorganizing parties to manage political beliefs through separate administrations elected democratically.

This will allow the public to receive education and training and experience directly in democratic processes.
So we can become self-governing, organizing by district and also by party. and connecting online to consolidate resources.

People need to exercise their beliefs without being infringed upon, so out of necessity, there will be
willful segregation and reorganization by beliefs, similar to religions and denominations, but with political groups and leaders.

The difference is, instead of bloody revolution, this transformation and shift can be completely positive and collaborative.
People will WANT to organize separately and WANT each other to succeed.

When we are in college, we WANT the Artists and Art Dept to do well, as well as the Sciences and the other interests.
We all want our fellow staff and students to excel and do the best job possible at what they do best.

When can we start looking at different religious and political groups this same way, and support each other
in serving the best purpose each one is naturally suited for?

We can do a lot more in the future, so these issues of political beliefs may help push us forward into advanced
stages of political and social development, spiritual also. We could experience a new revival if we work toward that!
The nation does support marriage equality.

Certain minority segments oppose it.
The religious had no problem in the construct of control of both govt. and society not too many years ago...forcing their personal beliefs on the nation...

Yes Moonglow so once the other side has their turn playing that role,
maybe we can call it even now. Maybe we don't have to repeat this cycle again.

Maybe we can move on and work toward governing ourselves by mutual
consent and equal respect, not political coercion back and forth!
The nation does support marriage equality.

Certain minority segments oppose it.

And JakeStarkey certain factions oppose eating pork, or eating beef.
But you don't go around abusing govt to endorse one belief over another.

Nobody sues through Court to try to declare Buddhists equal to Christians.
We respect religious differences and don't make a govt issue of them.

Why can't we do the same for political beliefs. And respect peoplel's right to their own
without trying to DICTATE ONE WAY for all people. if we did this with Hinduism or Islam,
that would never pass must. So why was it allowed for govt to establish beliefs in
health care mandates through govt over beliefs in free market choices for health care?

Why do we excuse certain secularized political beliefs to be mandated through federal govt,
while demonizing and removing references to beliefs those SAME people happen to disagree with?

Can we even be honest about this bias going on?
The religious community are claiming to react to legalization SSM by ignoring the ruling...

The far left is a religion as well and they often use courts and the g9overnmnet to enforce their will on others..

Yep Kosh and I hope we can use this exercise to teach more people the social dynamic going on,
so they can understand it is the secular equivalent of violating "separation of church and state."

Just because it is a SECULARIZED or political belief you are imposing
(not a recognized religious belief) doesn't give you special rights over other people.

If you are saying Christians shouldn't impose their beliefs over your beliefs by force of govt,
well, neither should you, or you are contradicting your own principles.
"Congratulations in advance: To all in support of gay marriage legalized"

It's sad and telling that you and others hostile to gay Americans fail to understand the scope of the issue, an issue that has little to do with same-sex couples marrying and considerably more to do with the consistent and appropriate application of Constitutional case law that safeguards the civil rights of all Americans at the expense of government authority, where important limitations are placed on the states' power to violate citizens' civil rights.

As gay Americans realize their comprehensive civil rights, so too do all Americans benefit when government overreach is checked and citizens' inalienable rights recognized by the state.

Should the Supreme Court rule in a manner invalidating state measures denying same-sex couples access to marriage law, it won't be a 'victory' for gay Americans, it will be a victory for all Americans, a victory for the rule of law, allowing every citizen to benefit from the principles enshrined in the Constitution, allowing every citizen to realize his comprehensive civil rights.
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