Congratulations rightwingers, you have some support in your efforts to boycott the NFL!

Amy Schumer Boycotts Starring in Super Bowl Ads in Support of Colin Kaepernick, Encourages White Athletes to Protest

So tired of this political bullshit. It is infesting every aspect of daily life.

So there you go, you have some celebrity support in your efforts to throw the baby out with the bath water in you social justice war efforts

Yup, she'll be a root canal.
Oh she's a BITCH to be sure but she is now aligned with the GOP protesters of the NFL.
The goals may be different but the path is the same.
Amy Schumer Boycotts Starring in Super Bowl Ads in Support of Colin Kaepernick, Encourages White Athletes to Protest

So tired of this political bullshit. It is infesting every aspect of daily life.

So there you go, you have some celebrity support in your efforts to throw the baby out with the bath water in you social justice war efforts

Yup, she'll be a root canal.
Oh she's a BITCH to be sure but she is now aligned with the GOP protesters of the NFL.
The goals may be different but the path is the same.
I think you misread this story. She is siding WITH Kap, not against him.
Yeah and her GOAL is the same. She is encouraging others to boycott the NFL.
Amy Schumer Boycotts Starring in Super Bowl Ads in Support of Colin Kaepernick, Encourages White Athletes to Protest

So tired of this political bullshit. It is infesting every aspect of daily life.

So there you go, you have some celebrity support in your efforts to throw the baby out with the bath water in you social justice war efforts

Yup, she'll be a root canal.
Oh she's a BITCH to be sure but she is now aligned with the GOP protesters of the NFL.
The goals may be different but the path is the same.

I'm not seeing her being aligned with protesters of the NFL. She is protesting and encouraging other players to kneel.
Amy Schumer Boycotts Starring in Super Bowl Ads in Support of Colin Kaepernick, Encourages White Athletes to Protest

So tired of this political bullshit. It is infesting every aspect of daily life.

So there you go, you have some celebrity support in your efforts to throw the baby out with the bath water in you social justice war efforts

Yup, she'll be a root canal.
Oh she's a BITCH to be sure but she is now aligned with the GOP protesters of the NFL.
The goals may be different but the path is the same.

I'm not seeing her being aligned with protesters of the NFL. She is protesting and encouraging other players to kneel.
She is but her methodology is the same as that of the reactionary GOP. BOYCOTT the NFL.
I hope both sides fail.
Amy Schumer Boycotts Starring in Super Bowl Ads in Support of Colin Kaepernick, Encourages White Athletes to Protest

So tired of this political bullshit. It is infesting every aspect of daily life.

So there you go, you have some celebrity support in your efforts to throw the baby out with the bath water in you social justice war efforts
Lol on my Tapatalk client every message that references Amy Schumer has an ad for depression therapy immediately after... just saw at least five occurrences of that ad in a row... and no other ads.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
No Amy Schumer in Superbowl commericals how long will this pain last? Ok it's gone.
The NFL will be a shell of itself in 20 years. They could force players to swear oaths unto the President and offer themselves up as blood sacrifices for the future of the Motherland and it still wouldn't reverse the years long ratings and attendance decline.
Haha...we point and laugh at white guilt Liberal whores...haha
I’m sure her father and grandfather are super proud of her filthy ass.


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