Congress Approved $2.4 Trillion In Additional Debt During Fiscal Year 2018: Watchdog

I've read this thread and I find it very interesting how much conservatives/republicans just out and out bold face lie.

It's just incredible.

From insisting that a republican president needs a balanced budget amendment to balance the budget. Guess what guys? They don't. Well I guess they do but democratic presidents don't. Clinton balanced the budget, left a surplus, started paying back the social security funds reagan and the first bush stole, took it back into the black and stopped the theft from the fund. He started paying down the reagan/bush national debt. He left a plan to have that debt paid off by 2010.

Too bad the bush boy returned us to the big spending out of control but not pay for it policies of reagan and bush the first before him. In all of his 8 years he never once wrote a balanced budget even though he was handed one. He restarted the theft from social security with his very first budget even though he promised he wouldn't touch it.

I will give reagan and bush the first credit, they didn't hide trillions of debt by keeping it off the general budget the way the bush boy did with his wars and unfunded prescription drug program.

People claim the debt was over 11 trillion when the bush boy left office. I guess that's something close to truth. But the funny thing, when Obama was inaugurated into office the bush boy's wars were put on the general budget and over night the national debt jumped to 13 trillion dollars. Soon after Obama took office the national debt had to be raised because it was at the 13 trillion limit. Obama had not written a budget and gotten one passed yet. On top of that the bush boy left him the biggest economic collapse since the last republican crash in 1929 then great depression that followed.

Obama averted another republican Great Depression. He also took the bush boy's historic high deficit high of 1.4 trillion and slashed it by nearly a trillion. trump has reversed that to bring it near that historic high in just 2 years. During a good economy. The responsible thing to do is to pay debts when you have a good economy. Not explode debt. All republicans do is explode that debt every time they get into power. They have absolutely no record of fiscal or economic responsible policy. The last republican president who showed anything close to responsible economic policy was Eisenhower.

If you look at the honest numbers, it's not democrats who explode our national debt and deficit. It's republicans who do it yet turn around a lie about it. Over and over and over again.

Yet so many say both parties are the same. No they aren't the same. We don't see democrats torturing human beings. We don't see democrats destroying our economy. We don't see democrats starting wars with lies. We don't see democrats saying the KKK and nazis are good people. We don't see democrats cozying up to despots and dictators. We don't see democrats taking voting rights and rights in general from people. The list goes on and on. The two parties aren't the same. To anyone who is willing to see the cold honest facts, there's a clear difference.

Republican economic and social policy is the most irresponsible and only does damage to our nation and world.

And YOU are totally Ignorant of reality!
Tell me what would you do with this:
Social Security and Medicare.. 50% of the budget! Mandatory!
Safety net programs 9%...
65% what is called MANDATORY spending.
Defense which Obama and the people that don't understand that without our military we are DEFENSELESS
CUT the military budget over Obama's 8 years from
Post-9/11 Pentagon spending peaked in 2009 at more than $691 billion —
a combination of the Defense Department's request for basic funds and the supplemental request it made for wartime spending.
Last year (2015) , those two accounts amounted to just over $580 billion (though the Stockholm International Peace Institute, or SIPRI,
put total U.S. spending on its military in 2015 slightly higher at $596 billion). Meanwhile, every dollar buys less than it used to.
Fact Check: Has President Obama 'Depleted' The Military?

From nearly $700 billion to less than $600 billion... and everything costs more today as everyone knows so the actual defense spending has been reduced
by more than 15% when adjusted for inflation.

So you tell me idiots... WHERE would you CUT????
With 65% spent on MANDATORY programs... 16% on defense...that leaves 19% that can reduced.
AND guess what you dummies!! Trump is doing that EVEN though he HAS to increase spending on Defense which again Obama nearly desiccated over Obama's 8 years!

YOU dummies! Tell me what you would do if the USA pulled out all our troops in Asia/Europe...leaving NATO/SEATO fundamentally defenseless.
Do you dummies know that between Russia,China regimes:
Russia FIT-FOR-SERVICE: 47,000,000
China FIT-FOR-SERVICE: 619,000,000
Between them: 665,000,000
USA: FIT-FOR-SERVICE: 120,025,000
Total Available Manpower Fit for Military Service by Country

AND you idiots want to continue cutting military spending?

we have a general welfare clause
just like no democrat said boo about the debt Obama ran up


I gave you the numbers - NOBODY beats Pugs on debt and deficits and Reagan is in a class by himself!
It doesn't matter

BOTH parties increase the debt and that has held true since Coolidge was in office

so any one of you sheep who complain about the debt the other party runs are fucking hypocrites
the charts give a clear picture of what the democrats were doing with the debt. the republican policy is, no goals, just help the rich get richer, "so they can bail out the rest of us".

See you don't care about debt either you sheep fucking hypocrite
it is right wing policy to help the rich get richer and expect the poor to help pay for our Debt.

the left wing prefers to raise tax revenue by raising the minimum wage. A fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed would help stabilize markets in our economy, both public and private. And, engender a positive multiplier effect since capital must circulate to ensure liquidity in our private markets and revenue is generated for the public sector.

OK... let's use your $15.00 figure raising all the people that work for minimum wage.
Q) How many people do you think work at minimum wage?
A) In 2014, about 1.3 million U.S. workers age 16 and over earned exactly the prevailing federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour. Another 1.7 million had wages below the federal minimum. Together these workers make up 4 percent of all hourly paid workers. What are the characteristics of minimum wage workers? - UC Davis Center for Poverty Research
So let's raise ALL these 3 million people to $15.00/hour.
Now 1.3 million already were paid $7.25 so the additional hourly pay is $7.75 per hour.
So these 1.3 million would get another $7.75/hour and work 2,080 hours per year or a total gross of $20,956,000,000
Payroll taxes paid by both employer and employee: 12.4% or a total of $2.6 billion additional Federal tax revenue.
Now you do know that these 1.3 million don't pay Federal income taxes and will not on this additional $21 billion... the ONLY tax revenue will be payroll taxes.

So now let's calculate the remain 1.7 million that are less than $7.25... Let's assume that figure they currently get paid is $5.00/hr so then get $10.00 more...
1.7 million working 2,080 or additional $35.4 billion in gross wages and at 12.4% payroll taxes an additional $4.4 billion in payroll taxes.

So to answer your really ignorant comment: "would help stabilize markets in our economy, both public and private."
Just in additional payroll taxes the Federal government would get $7 billion a year... Just enough to pay out 10% of the food stamps:
SNAP benefits cost $70.9 billion in fiscal year 2016

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program - Wikipedia
Here you go, the deficit for FY18 was $1.27 trillion, The GDP $19.3 trillion. For the GDP to "cancel" the deficit it would need to end up at $20.57 trillion, just to break even. That is a 6.6% rise in the GDP in one year. Considering that the GDP growth for the first 3 quarters is less than 3% it is doubtful that we will come close to reaching 6.6% for the year.
First of all, your numbers are way off. Second, you are lumping Obama's deficit in with Trump's. That's deceptive, it's the INCREASE we are talking about, and here are the numbers. We've yet to see the full impact of the tax cuts but the increase in the deficit is $222 billion (as of August). GDP does not have to increase by 6.6% to offset that.
I’m neither surprised or shocked by this I also know the same thing would have happened under President Hillary Clinton out of control spending is the one trait both parties share.
taxation is theft


Taxation is constitutional.

The founders of our nation believed it was very important to raise revenues to run and maintain our nation so they put the power for the government to tax the people in the constitution in a couple places. All state constitutions include the power for the state to impose taxes.

Why do you hate our federal constitution and the constitutions of all the 50 states?
taxation is theft


Taxation is constitutional.

The founders of our nation believed it was very important to raise revenues to run and maintain our nation so they put the power for the government to tax the people in the constitution in a couple places. All state constitutions include the power for the state to impose taxes.

Why do you hate our federal constitution and the constitutions of all the 50 states?
All taxation taken and used in the same fashion as if it were stolen is theft.

If citizen A points a gun a citizen B and demands that citizen B pay a certain amount of money to citizen A for citizen A's benefit, and against citizen B's will, what is that called?


Now, citizen A gets a group of citizens to point a gun and demand citizen B pay them so that they may give that money to citizen A, for citizen A's benefit, and against citizen B's will, what is that called?

we have a general welfare clause
It doesn't matter

BOTH parties increase the debt and that has held true since Coolidge was in office

so any one of you sheep who complain about the debt the other party runs are fucking hypocrites
the charts give a clear picture of what the democrats were doing with the debt. the republican policy is, no goals, just help the rich get richer, "so they can bail out the rest of us".

See you don't care about debt either you sheep fucking hypocrite
it is right wing policy to help the rich get richer and expect the poor to help pay for our Debt.

the left wing prefers to raise tax revenue by raising the minimum wage. A fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed would help stabilize markets in our economy, both public and private. And, engender a positive multiplier effect since capital must circulate to ensure liquidity in our private markets and revenue is generated for the public sector.

YEah yeah keep trying to get paid for not working.

That kind of shit doesn't fly with people who actually work for a living
taxes still need to be paid and you need to not get laid off. someone on unemployment compensation can help out in that fine capital manner under our form of capitalism. why make it any more capitally difficult than that, for the Poor.

What you don't get is that even if you paid taxes on your welfare check it would still be a drain on the tax base as a whole.

For example let's say you get 500 a week for sitting home and jerking off and then you pay 40 a week in taxes that is still 460 a week the government is paying you to jerk off.

So if the government pays you nothing to sit home and jerk off then we have 500 a week more in the governemnt coffers to pay for other shit
taxation is theft


Taxation is constitutional.

The founders of our nation believed it was very important to raise revenues to run and maintain our nation so they put the power for the government to tax the people in the constitution in a couple places. All state constitutions include the power for the state to impose taxes.

Why do you hate our federal constitution and the constitutions of all the 50 states?
The Founders would be horrified at the size and scope of the Government today.
I’m neither surprised or shocked by this I also know the same thing would have happened under President Hillary Clinton out of control spending is the one trait both parties share.

So where is the "out of control" spending? What areas do you think we should cut back?
The Mandatory spending for Medicare/SS/?
OH right let's continue to decrease the military spending. Right take all the troops out of Asia/Europe?
Where would you cut?
taxation is theft


Taxation is constitutional.

The founders of our nation believed it was very important to raise revenues to run and maintain our nation so they put the power for the government to tax the people in the constitution in a couple places. All state constitutions include the power for the state to impose taxes.

Why do you hate our federal constitution and the constitutions of all the 50 states?
Doesn't keep the taking of wealth under the threat of violence from being theft.
I’m neither surprised or shocked by this I also know the same thing would have happened under President Hillary Clinton out of control spending is the one trait both parties share.

So where is the "out of control" spending? What areas do you think we should cut back?
The Mandatory spending for Medicare/SS/?
OH right let's continue to decrease the military spending. Right take all the troops out of Asia/Europe?
Where would you cut?
We could start here.
Expensive Aliens: How Much Do Illegal Immigrants Really Cost?
I’m neither surprised or shocked by this I also know the same thing would have happened under President Hillary Clinton out of control spending is the one trait both parties share.

So where is the "out of control" spending? What areas do you think we should cut back?
The Mandatory spending for Medicare/SS/?
OH right let's continue to decrease the military spending. Right take all the troops out of Asia/Europe?
Where would you cut?
There is wasteful spending in every part of the federal government there isn’t a department out there that couldn’t be cut to some degree. When you are over 21 trillion in debt the question is where is there not out of control spending.

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