Congress Approved $2.4 Trillion In Additional Debt During Fiscal Year 2018: Watchdog

Congress approved $2.4 trillion in additional debt during fiscal year 2018: Watchdog

In April, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) projected that debt held by the public would rise from $14.6 trillion in 2017 to $27.1 trillion in 2027.

“At a time when debt is already at record-high levels and growing unsustainably, the $2.4 trillion added to the projected debt over the past year is incredibly irresponsible," CFRB wrong in a blog post. "These changes alone will increase projected debt from 86 percent of GDP to 94 percent."

We will now observe the pseudocons demonstrating they are literally physically incapable of uttering a single syllable of criticism toward Trump about his astronomical deficits, despite being very, very vocal about deficits when the black guy was President.

In fact, we will see them look at the facts, and stupidly sputter, "B-b-b-b-b-b-b-but Obama!" rather than admit they hired an apprentice President who is an even bigger spender than his predecessor.

Even worse, they will go full Keynes and claim all that overspending is good for the economy!

I voted for Trump.

I'd do it again.

Do I like what he is doing with the deficit....not at all. It's a huge gamble that I don't want to take.

Once again the GOP congress will allow a president to spend us further into a hole.

Did BHO spend us into a hole ? He did.

Was that more than one syllable ?
Yep - They didn't say a word about GWB's unfunded tax cuts for billionaires, unfunded Medicare D or unfunded wars of choice and aggression.
just like no democrat said boo about the debt Obama ran up


I gave you the numbers - NOBODY beats Pugs on debt and deficits and Reagan is in a class by himself!

This chart is WRONG and it came from the Democrats !
Here from the Federal government!
Government - Historical Debt Outstanding - Annual 1950 - 1999

Obama with NO EVENTS NOTHING compared to what GWB had to face. See following:
Reagan who inherited a Inflation at 12.4% which a good part of the national debt is attributed to just that 12.4 inflation rate.
Reagan also inherited a prime interest rate of 21.5% in 12/1980... again another factor in budget deficits... PRIME rate 21.5% Sept 1981 interest rate on treasuries 14%
Reagan also inherited an unemployment rate of nearly 10%

So what did Obama have to deal with?
View attachment 221612

Who taught you to do math? The numbers you have for GH Bush are an increase of 130%, not 76.7%
And his ending figure for Bush goes only to September 30, 2008. Bush was still President for nearly another 4 months; during which period, the debt increased another $600 billion (annualized, that’s over $1.8 trillion).

That retard actually attributed that $600 billion to Obama.

fiscal year - The fiscal year is the accounting period for the federal government which begins on October 1 and ends on September 30. The fiscal year is designated by the calendar year in which it ends; for example, fiscal year 2013 begins on October 1, 2012 and ends on September 30, 2013.
U.S. Senate: Glossary Term | Fiscal Year -

SO RETARD... You do understand that this chart is for "FISCAL" YEAR!
just like no democrat said boo about the debt Obama ran up


I gave you the numbers - NOBODY beats Pugs on debt and deficits and Reagan is in a class by himself!

This chart is WRONG and it came from the Democrats !
Here from the Federal government!
Government - Historical Debt Outstanding - Annual 1950 - 1999

Obama with NO EVENTS NOTHING compared to what GWB had to face. See following:
Reagan who inherited a Inflation at 12.4% which a good part of the national debt is attributed to just that 12.4 inflation rate.
Reagan also inherited a prime interest rate of 21.5% in 12/1980... again another factor in budget deficits... PRIME rate 21.5% Sept 1981 interest rate on treasuries 14%
Reagan also inherited an unemployment rate of nearly 10%

So what did Obama have to deal with?
View attachment 221612

Who taught you to do math? The numbers you have for GH Bush are an increase of 130%, not 76.7%
And his ending figure for Bush goes only to September 30, 2008. Bush was still President for nearly another 4 months; during which period, the debt increased another $600 billion (annualized, that’s over $1.8 trillion).

That retard actually attributed that $600 billion to Obama.

fiscal year - The fiscal year is the accounting period for the federal government which begins on October 1 and ends on September 30. The fiscal year is designated by the calendar year in which it ends; for example, fiscal year 2013 begins on October 1, 2012 and ends on September 30, 2013.
U.S. Senate: Glossary Term | Fiscal Year -

SO RETARD... You do understand that this chart is for "FISCAL" YEAR!
Dumbfuck.... FY2008 was not Bush’s final budget. :eusa_doh:

And what kind of idiot attributes debt to a president from before he’s even president??

I can’t believe you even came back to this thread after embarrassing yourself so badly with the fucked up numbers you posted.

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just like no democrat said boo about the debt Obama ran up


I gave you the numbers - NOBODY beats Pugs on debt and deficits and Reagan is in a class by himself!

This chart is WRONG and it came from the Democrats !
Here from the Federal government!
Government - Historical Debt Outstanding - Annual 1950 - 1999

Obama with NO EVENTS NOTHING compared to what GWB had to face. See following:
Reagan who inherited a Inflation at 12.4% which a good part of the national debt is attributed to just that 12.4 inflation rate.
Reagan also inherited a prime interest rate of 21.5% in 12/1980... again another factor in budget deficits... PRIME rate 21.5% Sept 1981 interest rate on treasuries 14%
Reagan also inherited an unemployment rate of nearly 10%

So what did Obama have to deal with?
View attachment 221612

Who taught you to do math? The numbers you have for GH Bush are an increase of 130%, not 76.7%
And his ending figure for Bush goes only to September 30, 2008. Bush was still President for nearly another 4 months; during which period, the debt increased another $600 billion (annualized, that’s over $1.8 trillion).

That retard actually attributed that $600 billion to Obama.

fiscal year - The fiscal year is the accounting period for the federal government which begins on October 1 and ends on September 30. The fiscal year is designated by the calendar year in which it ends; for example, fiscal year 2013 begins on October 1, 2012 and ends on September 30, 2013.
U.S. Senate: Glossary Term | Fiscal Year -

SO RETARD... You do understand that this chart is for "FISCAL" YEAR!

Bush IIs last budget year was for FY09, not FY08.

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I gave you the numbers - NOBODY beats Pugs on debt and deficits and Reagan is in a class by himself!

This chart is WRONG and it came from the Democrats !
Here from the Federal government!
Government - Historical Debt Outstanding - Annual 1950 - 1999

Obama with NO EVENTS NOTHING compared to what GWB had to face. See following:
Reagan who inherited a Inflation at 12.4% which a good part of the national debt is attributed to just that 12.4 inflation rate.
Reagan also inherited a prime interest rate of 21.5% in 12/1980... again another factor in budget deficits... PRIME rate 21.5% Sept 1981 interest rate on treasuries 14%
Reagan also inherited an unemployment rate of nearly 10%

So what did Obama have to deal with?
View attachment 221612

Who taught you to do math? The numbers you have for GH Bush are an increase of 130%, not 76.7%
And his ending figure for Bush goes only to September 30, 2008. Bush was still President for nearly another 4 months; during which period, the debt increased another $600 billion (annualized, that’s over $1.8 trillion).

That retard actually attributed that $600 billion to Obama.

fiscal year - The fiscal year is the accounting period for the federal government which begins on October 1 and ends on September 30. The fiscal year is designated by the calendar year in which it ends; for example, fiscal year 2013 begins on October 1, 2012 and ends on September 30, 2013.
U.S. Senate: Glossary Term | Fiscal Year -

SO RETARD... You do understand that this chart is for "FISCAL" YEAR!
Dumbfuck.... FY2008 was not Bush’s final budget. :eusa_doh:

And what kind of idiot attributes debt to a president from before he’s even president??

I can’t believe you even came back to this thread after embarrassing yourself so badly with the fucked up numbers you posted.


The best part is how he just ignores all his mistakes and pretends he did not totally fuck up his table

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No, these are actual conservatives doing what conservatives have always done.

The notion of conservatives being "deficit hawks" has always been a myth.

It's to bad your mother dropped you on your head when you were an infant.
Here ya go, I think you can use one of these ..... o

Thanks....but I'd rather give you this....:dev3:
Figures you'd be ungrateful. Oh well, stay stupid.
Here are the actual figures, based on presidents' fiscal budgets...


Let's see...
Obama with NO EVENTS NOTHING compared to what GWB had to face. See following events NO president has ever had occur in their terms.
Reagan who inherited a Inflation at 12.4% which a good part of the national debt is attributed to just that 12.4 inflation rate.
Reagan also inherited a prime interest rate of 21.5% in 12/1980... again another factor in budget deficits... PRIME rate 21.5% Sept 1981 interest rate on treasuries 14%
Reagan also inherited an unemployment rate of nearly 10%

Plus your ending dates are not identical.
Here are the actual figures, based on presidents' fiscal budgets...

PLUS you said they are based on "budgets"... My chart is based on actual expenditures direct from US treasury... where are your guesses from?
View attachment 221654

Your chart multiple lies in it, or you really are stupid of history and not good at math.

According to your chart GW Bush had a smaller debt than GH Bush. Clearly this is wrong.

According to your chart, Clinton had a growth rate of 75.5%, but if you do the actual math using the numbers from your chart, the rate is actually 132%

According to your chart, GH Bush had a growth rate of 76.7%, but if you do the actual math using the numbers from your chart, the rate is actually 130%

According to your chart, Reagan had a growth rate of 134.1%, but if you do the actual math using the numbers from your chart, the rate is actually 75%

Your entire chart is bull shit. Your own link does not even support your chart.
Here are the actual figures, based on presidents' fiscal budgets...

PLUS you said they are based on "budgets"... My chart is based on actual expenditures direct from US treasury... where are your guesses from?
View attachment 221654
Your figures are based on fiscal years; but not by president.

Hell, your Reagan figures are based on FY1986. What the fuck were you thinking when you posted that??
Here are the actual figures, based on presidents' fiscal budgets...


Let's see...
Obama with NO EVENTS NOTHING compared to what GWB had to face. See following events NO president has ever had occur in their terms.
Reagan who inherited a Inflation at 12.4% which a good part of the national debt is attributed to just that 12.4 inflation rate.
Reagan also inherited a prime interest rate of 21.5% in 12/1980... again another factor in budget deficits... PRIME rate 21.5% Sept 1981 interest rate on treasuries 14%
Reagan also inherited an unemployment rate of nearly 10%

Plus your ending dates are not identical.
View attachment 221655
I needed go no further than your first idiotic claim...

”Let's see... Obama with NO EVENTS NOTHING compared to what GWB had to face.”

... as you’ve been shown repeatedly, Bush’s Great Recession was a far bigger hit to our economy than all of the calamities you listed under Bush... combined and then doubled.

You’re as retarded as they come and your own chart is the evidence which hangs you.
Here are the actual figures, based on presidents' fiscal budgets...

PLUS you said they are based on "budgets"... My chart is based on actual expenditures direct from US treasury... where are your guesses from?
View attachment 221654

Debt to the Penny (Daily History Search Application)

GW Bush's first budget year went into effect on 1 Oct 2001, prior to that it was Clinton's budget.

On that day the debt was $5,806,151,389,190.21

GW Bush' final budget year ended on 30 Sept 2009. On that day the debt was $11,909,829,003,511.75. That is an increase of 105%. Those are the actual numbers with the correct math.

Reagan's numbers are $997,855,000,000.00 to start and $2,857,430,960,187.32 to end. That is an increase of 186%. Those are the actual numbers with the correct math.
Here are the actual figures, based on presidents' fiscal budgets...

PLUS you said they are based on "budgets"... My chart is based on actual expenditures direct from US treasury... where are your guesses from?
View attachment 221654

Debt to the Penny (Daily History Search Application)

GW Bush's first budget year went into effect on 1 Oct 2001, prior to that it was Clinton's budget.

On that day the debt was $5,806,151,389,190.21

GW Bush' final budget year ended on 30 Sept 2009. On that day the debt was $11,909,829,003,511.75. That is an increase of 105%. Those are the actual numbers with the correct math.

Reagan's numbers are $997,855,000,000.00 to start and $2,857,430,960,187.32 to end. That is an increase of 186%. Those are the actual numbers with the correct math.
Not exactly. Bush never got a budget approved for FY2009. Instead, he signed a continuing budget resolution at the end of FY2008 to keep the government going until mid-March, 2009. Obama signed an appropriations budget on March 12th to keep the government going for the remainder of FY2009.

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