Congress Approved $2.4 Trillion In Additional Debt During Fiscal Year 2018: Watchdog

That'll be the day when I'm to the left of the likes of you. lol
I'll be back later to kick the shit out of you some more. Bye for now, lefty.

You are far to the left of me, you are a big government, deficit spending statist. That alone puts you so far to the left of me I might as well call you Vladimir

You're just one trick pony kid, you use the same line every day about EVERYONE who dares disagree with you. You are as left as it gets and you never saw a Prog you didn't defend.

I have not found but a handful of people on this forum not to the left of me, you being far, far to my left
That'll be the day when I'm to the left of the likes of you. lol
I'll be back later to kick the shit out of you some more. Bye for now, lefty.

You are far to the left of me, you are a big government, deficit spending statist. That alone puts you so far to the left of me I might as well call you Vladimir

You're just one trick pony kid, you use the same line every day about EVERYONE who dares disagree with you. You are as left as it gets and you never saw a Prog you didn't defend.

I have not found but a handful of people on this forum not to the left of me, you being far, far to my left

You insist on showing how stupid you are kid. Like I said, EVERYOBE who disagrees with is a "far left wing statist". You're a dipshit, nothing more.
The other issue how totally dumb you are of the budgets. Again... are you aware that 62% of the budget is called mandatory spending that is because of prior agreements with Americans who would be really pissed at you for suggesting the cutting of THEIR retirement checks as YOU would be.

Then perhaps it was a bad idea to cut revenue when we had all those bills to pay. But you big government statist never want to pay your own way.

In fact... that might be part of the solution that we should CUT people like you that brag about being a "STATISTICIAN" that the average annual income is $80,500.
So you are getting at least $20,000 from your military retirement AND you are making another $80,500... and you bitch and moan about the military getting an
increase that under YOUR idol Obama were 50% less than what Trump knows the military deserves.

I make a little under the average, I traded salary for quality of life. But thanks to my retirement from the Corps I can make those choices.

It should be noted that I have never once complained about our military getting raises, I think they have earned them and then some. Their raises are the not problem, them being in places they are not need and have noting to do with national security while wasting trillions to keep them there.

Our military is not underfunded, it is misused and mismanaged by the politicians that you are so in love with. But then again, you big government statist have always worshiped your elected officials.
That'll be the day when I'm to the left of the likes of you. lol
I'll be back later to kick the shit out of you some more. Bye for now, lefty.

You are far to the left of me, you are a big government, deficit spending statist. That alone puts you so far to the left of me I might as well call you Vladimir

You're just one trick pony kid, you use the same line every day about EVERYONE who dares disagree with you. You are as left as it gets and you never saw a Prog you didn't defend.

I have not found but a handful of people on this forum not to the left of me, you being far, far to my left

You insist on showing how stupid you are kid. Like I said, EVERYOBE who disagrees with is a "far left wing statist". You're a dipshit, nothing more.

95% or more of this board are left of me, so yeah that would include most people that disagree with me.

All you lefties like to accuse me of begin left but you can never name a single issue I am to the left on.
That'll be the day when I'm to the left of the likes of you. lol
I'll be back later to kick the shit out of you some more. Bye for now, lefty.

You are far to the left of me, you are a big government, deficit spending statist. That alone puts you so far to the left of me I might as well call you Vladimir

You're just one trick pony kid, you use the same line every day about EVERYONE who dares disagree with you. You are as left as it gets and you never saw a Prog you didn't defend.

I have not found but a handful of people on this forum not to the left of me, you being far, far to my left

You insist on showing how stupid you are kid. Like I said, EVERYOBE who disagrees with is a "far left wing statist". You're a dipshit, nothing more.

95% or more of this board are left of me, so yeah that would include most people that disagree with me.

All you lefties like to accuse me of begin left but you can never name a single issue I am to the left on.

Your unrelenting defense of Progs belies your silly protestations. The fact you think I'm a "Lefty" shows just how ill educated you are.
Your unrelenting defense of Progs belies your silly protestations. The fact you think I'm a "Lefty" shows just how ill educated you are.

I do not defend anyone on this forum, there are those on the left that share my view of Trump and as such we agree on that topic. We agree on very little as far as real issues, just on Trump.

As long as you keep lying about me being a lefty, I will keep pointing out you are left of me.
You have no sense.
flush out the shit between your ears and you'll figure it out
i know the what I am talking about; unlike the right wing.
If so, you are not demonstrating any knowledge here. I see some low IQ bumpersticker quality partisan rhetoric but little else.
Congress is delegated the Power to Tax, to solve the problems of our Republic.
Bumpersticker, what tax authority is delegated to the congress and what is the congress authorized to spend monies on? Try to be grown and not rely on the general welfare nonsense, any fool can jump on that.
Congress is delegated the Power to Tax, to solve the problems of our Republic.

The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises,

to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States;​

but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;
tax cut economics should be unlawful, with so much debt.

Some questions for you danielpalos...
A) What percent of gross federal revenues come from corporate taxes?
B) What % comes from payroll taxes?
C) What % comes from individual income taxes?

Now questions about expenditures:
A) What percent of expenses go for MANDATORY payments...i.e SS/Medicare/etc.. and the president has NO control over these expenditures?
B) What % does the president have in creating a budget to spend?
1) What % for our country's common defense?
2) What % for everything else?

So danielpalos.... figure out the answers to the above questions!
why delegate the social Power to Tax, if not to solve the capital problems of our Republic?

why are we losing money on public policies? we allege to subscribe to Capitalism, not socialism on a national basis.

YOU don't even know the realities of the above so that's why you can't answer them!

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NOW it doesn't mean much to dummies because you seemingly have problems with charts.
BUT PAYROLL TAXES which are to be used to pay Medicare/SS benefits make up 34% of gross revenue.
GUESS what dummies!!! The more people are working the more payroll taxes are paid.
So dummies like you then DON"T seem to comprehend this fact:
WHERE does the revenue go?
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NOW dummies... what percent goes for MANDATORY spending
View attachment 221534

NOTICE to TraitorGator and other ex patriotic military guys...
only lousy capitalists lose money on public policy.

And really dumb people don't show any links. Make any sense. Speak real gibberish!
Here take a look at some "anti-capitalists" like you I guess!
Venezuelans are starving amid economic crisis, food shortages
View attachment 221555
Venezuela is a federal republic. Just lousy "right wing management".
They don't give a rat's ass about debt and deficits - never have/ never will.
*Unless there's a Dem in the White House

Obama turned our economy around,for less.

Yep - They didn't say a word about GWB's unfunded tax cuts for billionaires, unfunded Medicare D or unfunded wars of choice and aggression.
just like no democrat said boo about the debt Obama ran up


I gave you the numbers - NOBODY beats Pugs on debt and deficits and Reagan is in a class by himself!

This chart is WRONG and it came from the Democrats !
Here from the Federal government!
Government - Historical Debt Outstanding - Annual 1950 - 1999

Obama with NO EVENTS NOTHING compared to what GWB had to face. See following:
Reagan who inherited a Inflation at 12.4% which a good part of the national debt is attributed to just that 12.4 inflation rate.
Reagan also inherited a prime interest rate of 21.5% in 12/1980... again another factor in budget deficits... PRIME rate 21.5% Sept 1981 interest rate on treasuries 14%
Reagan also inherited an unemployment rate of nearly 10%

So what did Obama have to deal with?
Your unrelenting defense of Progs belies your silly protestations. The fact you think I'm a "Lefty" shows just how ill educated you are.

I do not defend anyone on this forum, there are those on the left that share my view of Trump and as such we agree on that topic. We agree on very little as far as real issues, just on Trump.

As long as you keep lying about me being a lefty, I will keep pointing out you are left of me.

LOL. You simply aren't up to this. You defend Progs at every chance, Hildabitch, Obambi, all of them. Rump is simply the current in a long list of puppets. You are just too stupid understand it. You really don't know shit about anything, you think you do but you haven't a clue. You're stuck in a 2 dimensional paradigm foisted upon you by the powers that be.
They don't give a rat's ass about debt and deficits - never have/ never will.
*Unless there's a Dem in the White House

Obama turned our economy around,for less.

Yep - They didn't say a word about GWB's unfunded tax cuts for billionaires, unfunded Medicare D or unfunded wars of choice and aggression.
just like no democrat said boo about the debt Obama ran up


I gave you the numbers - NOBODY beats Pugs on debt and deficits and Reagan is in a class by himself!

This chart is WRONG and it came from the Democrats !
Here from the Federal government!
Government - Historical Debt Outstanding - Annual 1950 - 1999

Obama with NO EVENTS NOTHING compared to what GWB had to face. See following:
Reagan who inherited a Inflation at 12.4% which a good part of the national debt is attributed to just that 12.4 inflation rate.
Reagan also inherited a prime interest rate of 21.5% in 12/1980... again another factor in budget deficits... PRIME rate 21.5% Sept 1981 interest rate on treasuries 14%
Reagan also inherited an unemployment rate of nearly 10%

So what did Obama have to deal with?
View attachment 221612

Your table is all fucked up. GH Bush did not have a higher debt that GW Bush

All your numbers are bullshit.

LOL. You simply aren't up to this. You defend Progs at every chance, Hildabitch, Obambi, all of them.

If that is the case, then there will be a couple thousands post of me doing so for you to link to...

so, have at it.

Find a post of me defending either of those people...
Congress approved $2.4 trillion in additional debt during fiscal year 2018: Watchdog

In April, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) projected that debt held by the public would rise from $14.6 trillion in 2017 to $27.1 trillion in 2027.

“At a time when debt is already at record-high levels and growing unsustainably, the $2.4 trillion added to the projected debt over the past year is incredibly irresponsible," CFRB wrong in a blog post. "These changes alone will increase projected debt from 86 percent of GDP to 94 percent."

We will now observe the pseudocons demonstrating they are literally physically incapable of uttering a single syllable of criticism toward Trump about his astronomical deficits, despite being very, very vocal about deficits when the black guy was President.

In fact, we will see them look at the facts, and stupidly sputter, "B-b-b-b-b-b-b-but Obama!" rather than admit they hired an apprentice President who is an even bigger spender than his predecessor.

Even worse, they will go full Keynes and claim all that overspending is good for the economy!

The last spending bill fully funded organizations like Planned Parenthood and no money for a border wall.

Very telling.

Dims win even when they lose it seems.

I even hear Kavanaugh is wanting to hire all minority women under him.

Not a good sign to say the least. People like him are trying to appease a beast that will insist on destroying him anyway.

But that is the life of a conservative. We will just all wait round till Kavanaugh betrays us like Roberts did with Obamacare.

So what is the alternative? Vote for people that want free college and health care? LMAO! They would be exponentially worse.
They don't give a rat's ass about debt and deficits - never have/ never will.
*Unless there's a Dem in the White House

Obama turned our economy around,for less.

Yep - They didn't say a word about GWB's unfunded tax cuts for billionaires, unfunded Medicare D or unfunded wars of choice and aggression.
just like no democrat said boo about the debt Obama ran up


I gave you the numbers - NOBODY beats Pugs on debt and deficits and Reagan is in a class by himself!

This chart is WRONG and it came from the Democrats !
Here from the Federal government!
Government - Historical Debt Outstanding - Annual 1950 - 1999

Obama with NO EVENTS NOTHING compared to what GWB had to face. See following:
Reagan who inherited a Inflation at 12.4% which a good part of the national debt is attributed to just that 12.4 inflation rate.
Reagan also inherited a prime interest rate of 21.5% in 12/1980... again another factor in budget deficits... PRIME rate 21.5% Sept 1981 interest rate on treasuries 14%
Reagan also inherited an unemployment rate of nearly 10%

So what did Obama have to deal with?
View attachment 221612

Who taught you to do math? The numbers you have for GH Bush are an increase of 130%, not 76.7%
LOL. You simply aren't up to this. You defend Progs at every chance, Hildabitch, Obambi, all of them.

If that is the case, then there will be a couple thousands post of me doing so for you to link to...

so, have at it.

Find a post of me defending either of those people...

I've pointed it many times. You know it, I know it. You're a punk troll, nothing more.
LOL. You simply aren't up to this. You defend Progs at every chance, Hildabitch, Obambi, all of them.

If that is the case, then there will be a couple thousands post of me doing so for you to link to...

so, have at it.

Find a post of me defending either of those people...

I've pointed it many times. You know it, I know it. You're a punk troll, nothing more.

Just one little boy, just one.

You cannot even do that because you know that you are full of shit.

What a joke you are.

By the way, how was your forced vacation from the board?
They don't give a rat's ass about debt and deficits - never have/ never will.
*Unless there's a Dem in the White House

Obama turned our economy around,for less.

Yep - They didn't say a word about GWB's unfunded tax cuts for billionaires, unfunded Medicare D or unfunded wars of choice and aggression.
just like no democrat said boo about the debt Obama ran up


I gave you the numbers - NOBODY beats Pugs on debt and deficits and Reagan is in a class by himself!

This chart is WRONG and it came from the Democrats !
Here from the Federal government!
Government - Historical Debt Outstanding - Annual 1950 - 1999

Obama with NO EVENTS NOTHING compared to what GWB had to face. See following:
Reagan who inherited a Inflation at 12.4% which a good part of the national debt is attributed to just that 12.4 inflation rate.
Reagan also inherited a prime interest rate of 21.5% in 12/1980... again another factor in budget deficits... PRIME rate 21.5% Sept 1981 interest rate on treasuries 14%
Reagan also inherited an unemployment rate of nearly 10%

So what did Obama have to deal with?
View attachment 221612

I got as far as the first figure in your fucked up chart....

Reagan.... 2,125,302,616,658...

That was at the end of FY1986

You do know Reagan was president until 1989, don’t you?? :dunno:

And by the end of FY1989, Reagan’s final budget, the national debt was:


Nearly 3 times higher than when he started and 35% higher than what you idiotically claimed. :eusa_doh:
Obama turned our economy around,for less.

Yep - They didn't say a word about GWB's unfunded tax cuts for billionaires, unfunded Medicare D or unfunded wars of choice and aggression.
just like no democrat said boo about the debt Obama ran up


I gave you the numbers - NOBODY beats Pugs on debt and deficits and Reagan is in a class by himself!

This chart is WRONG and it came from the Democrats !
Here from the Federal government!
Government - Historical Debt Outstanding - Annual 1950 - 1999

Obama with NO EVENTS NOTHING compared to what GWB had to face. See following:
Reagan who inherited a Inflation at 12.4% which a good part of the national debt is attributed to just that 12.4 inflation rate.
Reagan also inherited a prime interest rate of 21.5% in 12/1980... again another factor in budget deficits... PRIME rate 21.5% Sept 1981 interest rate on treasuries 14%
Reagan also inherited an unemployment rate of nearly 10%

So what did Obama have to deal with?
View attachment 221612

I got as far as the first figure in your fucked up chart....

Reagan.... 2,125,302,616,658...

That was at the end of FY1986

You do know Reagan was president until 1989, don’t you?? :dunno:

And by the end of FY1989, Reagan’s final budget, the national debt was:


Nearly 3 times higher than when he started and 35% higher than what you idiotically claimed. :eusa_doh:

All his numbers are false. The debt attributed to Clinton comes out to a rise of 92%, not the 75.5% on his table. :21::21::21::21::21::21:

Now he will never come back to this thread again! :21::21::21::21:
LOL. You simply aren't up to this. You defend Progs at every chance, Hildabitch, Obambi, all of them.

If that is the case, then there will be a couple thousands post of me doing so for you to link to...

so, have at it.

Find a post of me defending either of those people...

I've pointed it many times. You know it, I know it. You're a punk troll, nothing more.

Just one little boy, just one.

You cannot even do that because you know that you are full of shit.

What a joke you are.

By the way, how was your forced vacation from the board?

(smile) You know I have, I know I have. The problem you have is not that I know what you are, it's that I know what you aren't. When I pointed out that you were a in the rear with gear guy you walked away from the conversation.I know you, I read you, and I am not afraid to point out what you aren't and that gets under your skin. The ban? LOL, it's part of the game....I push, I always will. You? You're a coward punk troll. Nothing more. Me? I'm always willing to meet and talk about it. You? Never.I live in the real world, you live in a pretend one.
Obama turned our economy around,for less.

Yep - They didn't say a word about GWB's unfunded tax cuts for billionaires, unfunded Medicare D or unfunded wars of choice and aggression.
just like no democrat said boo about the debt Obama ran up


I gave you the numbers - NOBODY beats Pugs on debt and deficits and Reagan is in a class by himself!

This chart is WRONG and it came from the Democrats !
Here from the Federal government!
Government - Historical Debt Outstanding - Annual 1950 - 1999

Obama with NO EVENTS NOTHING compared to what GWB had to face. See following:
Reagan who inherited a Inflation at 12.4% which a good part of the national debt is attributed to just that 12.4 inflation rate.
Reagan also inherited a prime interest rate of 21.5% in 12/1980... again another factor in budget deficits... PRIME rate 21.5% Sept 1981 interest rate on treasuries 14%
Reagan also inherited an unemployment rate of nearly 10%

So what did Obama have to deal with?
View attachment 221612

Who taught you to do math? The numbers you have for GH Bush are an increase of 130%, not 76.7%
And his ending figure for Bush goes only to September 30, 2008. Bush was still President for nearly another 4 months; during which period, the debt increased another $600 billion (annualized, that’s over $1.8 trillion).

That retard actually attributed that $600 billion to Obama.

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