Congress Approved $2.4 Trillion In Additional Debt During Fiscal Year 2018: Watchdog

I know it does not have to go up the same amount, that is why I asked you how much it had to go up.
I already answered that. Try reading what I said.
While we are at it, let’s add in the fact that our total debt is now larger than our annual tell me again how the GDP growth cancels out the deficit...
I guess the "statistician" doesn't know the difference between the debt and the deficit either.
Anger when the abuser is called out. Attacks on the person trying to free them from their bondage.

The feeling there is no other choice but to stay with the abuser. The "lesser of two evils" argument.

Delusional fantasies about being loved and cared for, despite being repeatedly socked in the face.

The classic battered wife syndrome we see in pseudocons.
You proved you are a rube who falls for a hoax every time.
I guess repeating the word "hoax" over and over is the best argument we're gonna get out of you.
The same Republicans who voted for that bill approved another $2.4 trillion in debt.
ACTIONS speak louder than WORDS
Yep, and actions include opposing the balanced budget amendment. Remind us again who always opposes it.
You proved you are a rube who falls for a hoax every time.
I guess repeating the word "hoax" over and over is the best argument we're gonna get out of you.
The same Republicans who voted for that bill approved another $2.4 trillion in debt.
ACTIONS speak louder than WORDS
Yep, and actions include opposing the balanced budget amendment. Remind us again who always opposes it.
You can’t really be this stupid? You must be a repub paid poster?
why delegate the social Power to Tax, if not to solve the capital problems of our Republic?

why are we losing money on public policies? we allege to subscribe to Capitalism, not socialism on a national basis.
You make no sense.
You have no sense.
flush out the shit between your ears and you'll figure it out
i know the what I am talking about; unlike the right wing.
why delegate the social Power to Tax, if not to solve the capital problems of our Republic?

why are we losing money on public policies? we allege to subscribe to Capitalism, not socialism on a national basis.
You make no sense.
You have no sense.
flush out the shit between your ears and you'll figure it out
i know the what I am talking about; unlike the right wing.
If so, you are not demonstrating any knowledge here. I see some low IQ bumpersticker quality partisan rhetoric but little else.
why delegate the social Power to Tax, if not to solve the capital problems of our Republic?

why are we losing money on public policies? we allege to subscribe to Capitalism, not socialism on a national basis.
You make no sense.
You have no sense.
flush out the shit between your ears and you'll figure it out
i know the what I am talking about; unlike the right wing.
If so, you are not demonstrating any knowledge here. I see some low IQ bumpersticker quality partisan rhetoric but little else.
Congress is delegated the Power to Tax, to solve the problems of our Republic.
flush out the shit between your ears and you'll figure it out
i know the what I am talking about; unlike the right wing.
If so, you are not demonstrating any knowledge here. I see some low IQ bumpersticker quality partisan rhetoric but little else.
Congress is delegated the Power to Tax, to solve the problems of our Republic.
Bumpersticker, what tax authority is delegated to the congress and what is the congress authorized to spend monies on? Try to be grown and not rely on the general welfare nonsense, any fool can jump on that.
I know it does not have to go up the same amount, that is why I asked you how much it had to go up.
I already answered that. Try reading what I said.
While we are at it, let’s add in the fact that our total debt is now larger than our annual tell me again how the GDP growth cancels out the deficit...
I guess the "statistician" doesn't know the difference between the debt and the deficit either.

You did not answer shit, you just gave more talking points.

I know the difference between debt and deficit. According to you the GDP cancels out the deficit, which means the debt (accumulated deficits) could never get higher than the GDP.

Back to my first question for you, the GDP would have to grow 6.2% to “cancel” out the 91.2% growth of the deficit.

What is the likelihood of the FY18 GDP growth being 6.2% or higher?

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You proved you are a rube who falls for a hoax every time.
I guess repeating the word "hoax" over and over is the best argument we're gonna get out of you.
The same Republicans who voted for that bill approved another $2.4 trillion in debt.
ACTIONS speak louder than WORDS
Yep, and actions include opposing the balanced budget amendment. Remind us again who always opposes it.
You can’t really be this stupid? You must be a repub paid poster?
Do you have anything of substance to add or do you just like to stand on the sidelines and throw rocks?
tax cut economics should be unlawful, with so much debt.

Some questions for you danielpalos...
A) What percent of gross federal revenues come from corporate taxes?
B) What % comes from payroll taxes?
C) What % comes from individual income taxes?

Now questions about expenditures:
A) What percent of expenses go for MANDATORY payments...i.e SS/Medicare/etc.. and the president has NO control over these expenditures?
B) What % does the president have in creating a budget to spend?
1) What % for our country's common defense?
2) What % for everything else?

So danielpalos.... figure out the answers to the above questions!
why delegate the social Power to Tax, if not to solve the capital problems of our Republic?

why are we losing money on public policies? we allege to subscribe to Capitalism, not socialism on a national basis.

YOU don't even know the realities of the above so that's why you can't answer them!

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NOW it doesn't mean much to dummies because you seemingly have problems with charts.
BUT PAYROLL TAXES which are to be used to pay Medicare/SS benefits make up 34% of gross revenue.
GUESS what dummies!!! The more people are working the more payroll taxes are paid.
So dummies like you then DON"T seem to comprehend this fact:
WHERE does the revenue go?
View attachment 221533
NOW dummies... what percent goes for MANDATORY spending
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NOTICE to TraitorGator and other ex patriotic military guys...
only lousy capitalists lose money on public policy.

And really dumb people don't show any links. Make any sense. Speak real gibberish!
Here take a look at some "anti-capitalists" like you I guess!
Venezuelans are starving amid economic crisis, food shortages
Screen Shot 2018-10-09 at 2.45.00 PM.png
You proved you are a rube who falls for a hoax every time.
I guess repeating the word "hoax" over and over is the best argument we're gonna get out of you.
The same Republicans who voted for that bill approved another $2.4 trillion in debt.
ACTIONS speak louder than WORDS
Yep, and actions include opposing the balanced budget amendment. Remind us again who always opposes it.
You can’t really be this stupid? You must be a repub paid poster?
Do you have anything of substance to add or do you just like to stand on the sidelines and throw rocks?
Repubs are completely in control of governent and deficits are increasing rapidly. Nobody can be stupid enough to still think they want a balanced budget.
You did not answer shit, you just gave more talking points.
Um, yeah I did. Get somebody to read it to you.
I know the difference between debt and deficit. According to you the GDP cancels out the deficit, which means the debt (accumulated deficits) could never get higher than the GDP.
Yeah, IF the economy had been growing at more than 2-3% for 8 fucking years.
Back to my first question for you, the GDP would have to grow 6.2% to “cancel” out the 91.2% growth of the deficit.

What is the likelihood of the FY18 GDP growth being 6.2% or higher?
Well, I'm not gonna spend time checking your "statistics" (lol) but it seems to me that you lefties were saying Trump would never be able to increase GDP growth to what it is now. Maybe you should wait until his first term is over before you grade him on his performance. I'd say he's done pretty damn good so far, and when he's done with the trade negotiations the GDP will grow much more and revenues will increase as well. Of course, your communist friends in Washington will try to stop him "by any means necessary" (according to Schumer anyway), but we'll see.
You proved you are a rube who falls for a hoax every time.
I guess repeating the word "hoax" over and over is the best argument we're gonna get out of you.
The same Republicans who voted for that bill approved another $2.4 trillion in debt.
ACTIONS speak louder than WORDS
Yep, and actions include opposing the balanced budget amendment. Remind us again who always opposes it.
You can’t really be this stupid? You must be a repub paid poster?
Do you have anything of substance to add or do you just like to stand on the sidelines and throw rocks?
Repubs are completely in control of governent and deficits are increasing rapidly. Nobody can be stupid enough to still think they want a balanced budget.
Why don't you and your buddies in D.C. call his bluff and call for one? Don't want to take the chance?
You proved you are a rube who falls for a hoax every time.
I guess repeating the word "hoax" over and over is the best argument we're gonna get out of you.
The same Republicans who voted for that bill approved another $2.4 trillion in debt.
ACTIONS speak louder than WORDS
Yep, and actions include opposing the balanced budget amendment. Remind us again who always opposes it.
You can’t really be this stupid? You must be a repub paid poster?
Do you have anything of substance to add or do you just like to stand on the sidelines and throw rocks?
Repubs are completely in control of governent and deficits are increasing rapidly. Nobody can be stupid enough to still think they want a balanced budget.
Why don't you and your buddies in D.C. call his bluff and call for one? Don't want to take the chance?
I don’t have any buddies in DC. Are you as easily duped as it appears? Or are you just
tax cut economics should be unlawful, with so much debt.

Some questions for you danielpalos...
A) What percent of gross federal revenues come from corporate taxes?
B) What % comes from payroll taxes?
C) What % comes from individual income taxes?

Now questions about expenditures:
A) What percent of expenses go for MANDATORY payments...i.e SS/Medicare/etc.. and the president has NO control over these expenditures?
B) What % does the president have in creating a budget to spend?
1) What % for our country's common defense?
2) What % for everything else?

So danielpalos.... figure out the answers to the above questions!
why delegate the social Power to Tax, if not to solve the capital problems of our Republic?

why are we losing money on public policies? we allege to subscribe to Capitalism, not socialism on a national basis.

YOU don't even know the realities of the above so that's why you can't answer them!

View attachment 221517

NOW it doesn't mean much to dummies because you seemingly have problems with charts.
BUT PAYROLL TAXES which are to be used to pay Medicare/SS benefits make up 34% of gross revenue.
GUESS what dummies!!! The more people are working the more payroll taxes are paid.
So dummies like you then DON"T seem to comprehend this fact:
WHERE does the revenue go?
View attachment 221533
NOW dummies... what percent goes for MANDATORY spending
View attachment 221534

NOTICE to TraitorGator and other ex patriotic military guys...
You can weave and dodge and twist and contort yourself all you like, but you cannot escape the fact that deficits were declining all during Obama's Administration, and yet have been accelerating under the Republicans and Trump.

No matter how big you make your graphics, you cannot cover up your hypocritical inability to condemn Trump's accelerating overspending, retard.

Here are the actual revenue/expenditures under Obama!
2009 Obama.. Increased deficit $1.4 trillion Direction UP!
2010 Increased deficit $1.295 trillion Direction UP!
2011 deficit $1.299 trillion -- Direction UP!
2012 deficit $1.086 trillion Direction down
2013 deficit $0.679 trillion Direction down
2014 deficit $0.484 trillion Direction down
2015 deficit $0.438 trillion Direction down
2016 deficit $0.615 trillion Direction UP!

ALSO you idiots don't KNOW evidently but TARP was all paid back WITH $80 billion in profit... AND Obama spent THAT!!!
I guess repeating the word "hoax" over and over is the best argument we're gonna get out of you.
Yep, and actions include opposing the balanced budget amendment. Remind us again who always opposes it.
You can’t really be this stupid? You must be a repub paid poster?
Do you have anything of substance to add or do you just like to stand on the sidelines and throw rocks?
Repubs are completely in control of governent and deficits are increasing rapidly. Nobody can be stupid enough to still think they want a balanced budget.
Why don't you and your buddies in D.C. call his bluff and call for one? Don't want to take the chance?
I don’t have any buddies in DC. Are you as easily duped as it appears? Or are you just
Again, no substance. We're done. You had your chance.
You did not answer shit, you just gave more talking points.
Um, yeah I did. Get somebody to read it to you.
I know the difference between debt and deficit. According to you the GDP cancels out the deficit, which means the debt (accumulated deficits) could never get higher than the GDP.
Yeah, IF the economy had been growing at more than 2-3% for 8 fucking years.
Back to my first question for you, the GDP would have to grow 6.2% to “cancel” out the 91.2% growth of the deficit.

What is the likelihood of the FY18 GDP growth being 6.2% or higher?
Well, I'm not gonna spend time checking your "statistics" (lol) but it seems to me that you lefties were saying Trump would never be able to increase GDP growth to what it is now. Maybe you should wait until his first term is over before you grade him on his performance. I'd say he's done pretty damn good so far, and when he's done with the trade negotiations the GDP will grow much more and revenues will increase as well. Of course, your communist friends in Washington will try to stop him "by any means necessary" (according to Schumer anyway), but we'll see.

Trump has had 1 quarter out of 6 above 3%, and you think that is “pretty darn good”.

His first “negotiation” will not impact the GDP at all, maybe he will do better with China...but his track record is not promising.

Any why do you keep calling me lefty and communist when you are far to the left of me?

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You did not answer shit, you just gave more talking points.
Um, yeah I did. Get somebody to read it to you.
I know the difference between debt and deficit. According to you the GDP cancels out the deficit, which means the debt (accumulated deficits) could never get higher than the GDP.
Yeah, IF the economy had been growing at more than 2-3% for 8 fucking years.
Back to my first question for you, the GDP would have to grow 6.2% to “cancel” out the 91.2% growth of the deficit.

What is the likelihood of the FY18 GDP growth being 6.2% or higher?
Well, I'm not gonna spend time checking your "statistics" (lol) but it seems to me that you lefties were saying Trump would never be able to increase GDP growth to what it is now. Maybe you should wait until his first term is over before you grade him on his performance. I'd say he's done pretty damn good so far, and when he's done with the trade negotiations the GDP will grow much more and revenues will increase as well. Of course, your communist friends in Washington will try to stop him "by any means necessary" (according to Schumer anyway), but we'll see.

Trump has had 1 quarter out of 6 above 3%, and you think that is “pretty darn good”.

His first “negotiation” will not impact the GDP at all, maybe he will do better with China...but his track record is not promising.

Any why do you keep calling me lefty and communist when you are far to the left of me?

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That'll be the day when I'm to the left of the likes of you. lol
I'll be back later to kick the shit out of you some more. Bye for now, lefty.
You did not answer shit, you just gave more talking points.
Um, yeah I did. Get somebody to read it to you.
I know the difference between debt and deficit. According to you the GDP cancels out the deficit, which means the debt (accumulated deficits) could never get higher than the GDP.
Yeah, IF the economy had been growing at more than 2-3% for 8 fucking years.
Back to my first question for you, the GDP would have to grow 6.2% to “cancel” out the 91.2% growth of the deficit.

What is the likelihood of the FY18 GDP growth being 6.2% or higher?
Well, I'm not gonna spend time checking your "statistics" (lol) but it seems to me that you lefties were saying Trump would never be able to increase GDP growth to what it is now. Maybe you should wait until his first term is over before you grade him on his performance. I'd say he's done pretty damn good so far, and when he's done with the trade negotiations the GDP will grow much more and revenues will increase as well. Of course, your communist friends in Washington will try to stop him "by any means necessary" (according to Schumer anyway), but we'll see.

Trump has had 1 quarter out of 6 above 3%, and you think that is “pretty darn good”.

His first “negotiation” will not impact the GDP at all, maybe he will do better with China...but his track record is not promising.

Any why do you keep calling me lefty and communist when you are far to the left of me?

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That'll be the day when I'm to the left of the likes of you. lol
I'll be back later to kick the shit out of you some more. Bye for now, lefty.
You love deficits, sounds lefty to me.

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