Congress Approved $2.4 Trillion In Additional Debt During Fiscal Year 2018: Watchdog

This from the moron that thinks higher GDP cancels out the deficit?
I guess you don't understand percentages either, so you "statistician"? :lol:

Let’s play this “percentages” game you want to play...

The deficit went up 91.2% from FY17 to FY18.

In your world of GDP canceling out deficits, what percentage would the GDP need to go up to cancel out that 91.2% gain in the deficit?

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I called it again! I said you tards would go full Keynesian and claim government overspending is good for the economy!


Trump's astronomical increase in spending is far outpacing revenues, dumbass. That's why Trump's deficits are getting bigger and bigger!

That's something your propagandists very deliberately do not tell you.
Please show where I said overspending is good for the economy. Ronald Reagan campaigned for a balanced budget amendment in 1980 and beyond. Guess who opposed it and refused to introduce it for debate in Congress. Go ahead, dumbass, guess.
Has Trump pushed for a balanced budget amendment?

Instead of ducking, why don't you address what I said?
Where did I say overspending is good for the economy? You made the claim, back it up.
Who opposed the balanced budget amendment? Can't answer?
You claimed the increase on GDP cancelled out the deficits. Classic Keynesian thinking.

And it's a joke.

Why can't you pseudocons bring yourselves to utter a single syllable of criticism about Trump's accelerated spending after eight years of whining about Obama's debt?

You can throw all the red herrings around you wish, but you can't cover up your rampant hypocrisy no matter how hard you try.
And once again, you failed to address the two points I challenged you on. All you seem to be able to do is bitch and moan that I'm not condemning Trump and praising Obama. You quote Ronald Reagan in your sig to mislead people into thinking you're not a leftist yet everything you post here is leftist propaganda. And you call me the hypocrite.
You asked who opposed the balanced budget amendment. What difference does it make when the last proposed by the Republicans was a hoax? It was THEATER and you STILL haven't caught on it was a hoax. You are clinging to your ticket to the show!

The Republican Party's ACTIONS have made it clear they have absolutely ZERO interest in balancing the budget. That's what counts, and that is why you are avoiding discussing that fact at all costs. That is why you are tossing red herrings and tu quoques like a loser.

The simple inescapable fact is that Republicans are bigger spenders than the Democrats.

Deficits were declining the last time they took over, and they accelerated spending. Deficits were declining when they took over this time, and they have accelerated spending.

You can puke your guts out talking about hoax balanced budget amendments, or you can face the very real fact Trump and the Republicans are overspending like maniacs. Trillion dollar deficits are back, baby!

Wake up and smell the reality, retard. You have been hoaxed. How long are you going to act like a clueless dipshit who can't admit he was hoaxed?

Your masters count on you spineless rubes being this submissive. They do not want you asserting yourselves and holding them accountable.

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I called it again! I said you tards would go full Keynesian and claim government overspending is good for the economy!


Trump's astronomical increase in spending is far outpacing revenues, dumbass. That's why Trump's deficits are getting bigger and bigger!

That's something your propagandists very deliberately do not tell you.
Please show where I said overspending is good for the economy. Ronald Reagan campaigned for a balanced budget amendment in 1980 and beyond. Guess who opposed it and refused to introduce it for debate in Congress. Go ahead, dumbass, guess.
Has Trump pushed for a balanced budget amendment?

Instead of ducking, why don't you address what I said?
Where did I say overspending is good for the economy? You made the claim, back it up.
Who opposed the balanced budget amendment? Can't answer?
You claimed the increase on GDP cancelled out the deficits. Classic Keynesian thinking.

And it's a joke.

Why can't you pseudocons bring yourselves to utter a single syllable of criticism about Trump's accelerated spending after eight years of whining about Obama's debt?

You can throw all the red herrings around you wish, but you can't cover up your rampant hypocrisy no matter how hard you try.
And once again, you failed to address the two points I challenged you on. All you seem to be able to do is bitch and moan that I'm not condemning Trump and praising Obama. You quote Ronald Reagan in your sig to mislead people into thinking you're not a leftist yet everything you post here is leftist propaganda. And you call me the hypocrite.
Guess balanced budgets are leftist now.
If there is one thing this topic has proven, other than the rampant hypocrisy of pseudocons, it is that we definitely get the politicians we deserve.

It isn't Republicans or Democrats destroying the country. It is the submissive pukes like we have seen in this topic looking back at themselves in the mirror.

The sooner they wake up to that reality, the sooner this country will truly be back on the path to greatness again.
Please show where I said overspending is good for the economy. Ronald Reagan campaigned for a balanced budget amendment in 1980 and beyond. Guess who opposed it and refused to introduce it for debate in Congress. Go ahead, dumbass, guess.
Has Trump pushed for a balanced budget amendment?

Instead of ducking, why don't you address what I said?
Where did I say overspending is good for the economy? You made the claim, back it up.
Who opposed the balanced budget amendment? Can't answer?
You claimed the increase on GDP cancelled out the deficits. Classic Keynesian thinking.

And it's a joke.

Why can't you pseudocons bring yourselves to utter a single syllable of criticism about Trump's accelerated spending after eight years of whining about Obama's debt?

You can throw all the red herrings around you wish, but you can't cover up your rampant hypocrisy no matter how hard you try.
And once again, you failed to address the two points I challenged you on. All you seem to be able to do is bitch and moan that I'm not condemning Trump and praising Obama. You quote Ronald Reagan in your sig to mislead people into thinking you're not a leftist yet everything you post here is leftist propaganda. And you call me the hypocrite.
Guess balanced budgets are leftist now.
the gop is STILL running on "restraining federal spending." LOL
This from the moron that thinks higher GDP cancels out the deficit?
I guess you don't understand percentages either, so you "statistician"? :lol:

Let’s play this “percentages” game you want to play...

The deficit went up 91.2% from FY17 to FY18.

In your world of GDP canceling out deficits, what percentage would the GDP need to go up to cancel out that 91.2% gain in the deficit?

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I'm arguing with a moron here. Since the GDP is much larger than the deficit (duh), it doesn't have to go up at the same rate in order for the deficit to be reduced as a percentage. It only has to go up by a larger dollar amount. I don't expect you to understand, however.
A balanced budget is the easiest thing in the world to achieve. The fact it is so easy to achieve is the giant tell which exposes the whole con game the Republicans have been running for decades.

Is it any wonder a world class huckster showman was able to take over? The submissive rubes were begging for it.

"If Trump says it, I bleev it, and that settles it."
You asked who opposed the balanced budget amendment. What difference does it make when the last proposed by the Republicans was a hoax? It was THEATER and you STILL haven't caught on it was a hoax. You are clinging to your ticket to the show!
Can't bring yourself to say it, can you? I guess I'll have to say it for you.....DEMOCRATS opposed it.....UNANIMOUSLY.
Trump had nothing to do with the rise of our GDP. The entire world's GDP rose 3.7 percent last year. The US GDP rose 2.3 percent. Trump was below the global average. He tied the advanced nation average.

GDP's are a random walk. They rise and and they fall. But thanks to Democrats and Republicans, our debt goes up forever.
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You asked who opposed the balanced budget amendment. What difference does it make when the last proposed by the Republicans was a hoax? It was THEATER and you STILL haven't caught on it was a hoax. You are clinging to your ticket to the show!
Can't bring yourself to say it, can you? I guess I'll have to say it for you.....DEMOCRATS opposed it.....UNANIMOUSLY.
Again with the hoax red herring?

Tell me, which Republicans opposed the massive increase in spending out here in reality, dipshit?

The hoax balanced budget amendment was theater for you rubes. Looks to me like it worked on idiots like you, because you are hung up on that fake bill while out here in reality those same Republicans were massively increasing spending and our deficit.

Jesus! What the fuck does it take to wake you up!?!? A crash?
This from the moron that thinks higher GDP cancels out the deficit?
I guess you don't understand percentages either, so you "statistician"? :lol:

Let’s play this “percentages” game you want to play...

The deficit went up 91.2% from FY17 to FY18.

In your world of GDP canceling out deficits, what percentage would the GDP need to go up to cancel out that 91.2% gain in the deficit?

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I'm arguing with a moron here. Since the GDP is much larger than the deficit (duh), it doesn't have to go up at the same rate in order for the deficit to be reduced as a percentage. It only has to go up by a larger dollar amount. I don't expect you to understand, however.

I know it does not have to go up the same amount, that is why I asked you how much it had to go up.

While we are at it, let’s add in the fact that our total debt is now larger than our annual tell me again how the GDP growth cancels out the deficit...

Which of course you cannot answer because you are just parroting the party talking points.

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You asked who opposed the balanced budget amendment. What difference does it make when the last proposed by the Republicans was a hoax? It was THEATER and you STILL haven't caught on it was a hoax. You are clinging to your ticket to the show!
Can't bring yourself to say it, can you? I guess I'll have to say it for you.....DEMOCRATS opposed it.....UNANIMOUSLY.
And now with repubs in full control we get huge deficits....
tax cut economics should be unlawful, with so much debt.

Some questions for you danielpalos...
A) What percent of gross federal revenues come from corporate taxes?
B) What % comes from payroll taxes?
C) What % comes from individual income taxes?

Now questions about expenditures:
A) What percent of expenses go for MANDATORY payments...i.e SS/Medicare/etc.. and the president has NO control over these expenditures?
B) What % does the president have in creating a budget to spend?
1) What % for our country's common defense?
2) What % for everything else?

So danielpalos.... figure out the answers to the above questions!
why delegate the social Power to Tax, if not to solve the capital problems of our Republic?

why are we losing money on public policies? we allege to subscribe to Capitalism, not socialism on a national basis.

YOU don't even know the realities of the above so that's why you can't answer them!

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NOW it doesn't mean much to dummies because you seemingly have problems with charts.
BUT PAYROLL TAXES which are to be used to pay Medicare/SS benefits make up 34% of gross revenue.
GUESS what dummies!!! The more people are working the more payroll taxes are paid.
So dummies like you then DON"T seem to comprehend this fact:
WHERE does the revenue go?
View attachment 221533
NOW dummies... what percent goes for MANDATORY spending
View attachment 221534

NOTICE to TraitorGator and other ex patriotic military guys...
only lousy capitalists lose money on public policy.
Again with the hoax red herring?
It's history, buddy. Deal with it.
The hoax balanced budget amendment was theater for you rubes. Looks to me like it worked on idiots like you, because you are hung up on that fake bill while out here in reality those same Republicans were massively increasing spending and our deficit.
I proved who was for a balanced budget and who was against it. All you can do is say "It was a hoax". I have facts on my side, you have an opinion.
The very same Republicans who voted for the hoax balanced budget amendment they knew would never became law also voted to increase our deficit by $2.4 trillion.

You know, S.J. , you remind me of a battered wife. I saw a lot of them when I was on active duty stateside in base housing.

If someone says, "I love you" and then punches you in the face, you would have to be pretty sick to believe that person loved you. But that is what one sees in battered wife syndrome. Those beaten wives would get really upset when their husbands were arrested for hitting them.

You remind me of that. You are getting the living shit beat out of you by your beloved Republican party, and yet you still believe they love you just because they put on some kibuki theater about a hoax balanced budget amendment.

I'm not kidding when I call you people submissives. You BEG to be treated like this. You keep going back to be socked in the face again.
Again with the hoax red herring?
It's history, buddy. Deal with it.
The hoax balanced budget amendment was theater for you rubes. Looks to me like it worked on idiots like you, because you are hung up on that fake bill while out here in reality those same Republicans were massively increasing spending and our deficit.
I proved who was for a balanced budget and who was against it. All you can do is say "It was a hoax". I have facts on my side, you have an opinion.
You proved you are a rube who falls for a hoax every time.

The same Republicans who voted for that bill approved another $2.4 trillion in debt.

ACTIONS speak louder than WORDS, retard! Jesus H. Christ! Figure it out!


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