Congress Approved $2.4 Trillion In Additional Debt During Fiscal Year 2018: Watchdog

Trump is ACCELERATING our deficits!

He's also accelerating GDP growth, which cancels out the increase in deficits.

I called it again! I said you tards would go full Keynesian and claim government overspending is good for the economy!


Trump's astronomical increase in spending is far outpacing revenues, dumbass. That's why Trump's deficits are getting bigger and bigger!

That's something your propagandists very deliberately do not tell you.
Please show where I said overspending is good for the economy. Ronald Reagan campaigned for a balanced budget amendment in 1980 and beyond. Guess who opposed it and refused to introduce it for debate in Congress. Go ahead, dumbass, guess.
Has Trump pushed for a balanced budget amendment?


Remember though, as Donald originally told us - He's the "King of Debt".
Dude could negotiate a better deal or simply stiff the lenders that were especially pesky :rolleyes-41:
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Congress approved $2.4 trillion in additional debt during fiscal year 2018: Watchdog

In April, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) projected that debt held by the public would rise from $14.6 trillion in 2017 to $27.1 trillion in 2027.

“At a time when debt is already at record-high levels and growing unsustainably, the $2.4 trillion added to the projected debt over the past year is incredibly irresponsible," CFRB wrong in a blog post. "These changes alone will increase projected debt from 86 percent of GDP to 94 percent."

We will now observe the pseudocons demonstrating they are literally physically incapable of uttering a single syllable of criticism toward Trump about his astronomical deficits, despite being very, very vocal about deficits when the black guy was President.

In fact, we will see them look at the facts, and stupidly sputter, "B-b-b-b-b-b-b-but Obama!" rather than admit they hired an apprentice President who is an even bigger spender than his predecessor.

Even worse, they will go full Keynes and claim all that overspending is good for the economy!

No, we'll just tell you how stupid you are in thinking that one is different from the other.
Congress approved $2.4 trillion in additional debt during fiscal year 2018: Watchdog

In April, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) projected that debt held by the public would rise from $14.6 trillion in 2017 to $27.1 trillion in 2027.

“At a time when debt is already at record-high levels and growing unsustainably, the $2.4 trillion added to the projected debt over the past year is incredibly irresponsible," CFRB wrong in a blog post. "These changes alone will increase projected debt from 86 percent of GDP to 94 percent."

We will now observe the pseudocons demonstrating they are literally physically incapable of uttering a single syllable of criticism toward Trump about his astronomical deficits, despite being very, very vocal about deficits when the black guy was President.

In fact, we will see them look at the facts, and stupidly sputter, "B-b-b-b-b-b-b-but Obama!" rather than admit they hired an apprentice President who is an even bigger spender than his predecessor.

Even worse, they will go full Keynes and claim all that overspending is good for the economy!

Oh my. Bbbbbut no no no no trump.....gnash gnash gnash.
They don't give a rat's ass about debt and deficits - never have/ never will.
*Unless there's a Dem in the White House

Obama turned our economy around,for less.

Yep - They didn't say a word about GWB's unfunded tax cuts for billionaires, unfunded Medicare D or unfunded wars of choice and aggression.
just like no democrat said boo about the debt Obama ran up

Please show where I said overspending is good for the economy. Ronald Reagan campaigned for a balanced budget amendment in 1980 and beyond. Guess who opposed it and refused to introduce it for debate in Congress. Go ahead, dumbass, guess.
Has Trump pushed for a balanced budget amendment?

Instead of ducking, why don't you address what I said?
Where did I say overspending is good for the economy? You made the claim, back it up.
Who opposed the balanced budget amendment? Can't answer?
You claimed the increase on GDP cancelled out the deficits. Classic Keynesian thinking.

And it's a joke.

Why can't you pseudocons bring yourselves to utter a single syllable of criticism about Trump's accelerated spending after eight years of whining about Obama's debt?

You can throw all the red herrings around you wish, but you can't cover up your rampant hypocrisy no matter how hard you try.
And once again, you failed to address the two points I challenged you on. All you seem to be able to do is bitch and moan that I'm not condemning Trump and praising Obama. You quote Ronald Reagan in your sig to mislead people into thinking you're not a leftist yet everything you post here is leftist propaganda. And you call me the hypocrite.
You asked who opposed the balanced budget amendment. What difference does it make when the last proposed by the Republicans was a hoax? It was THEATER and you STILL haven't caught on it was a hoax. You are clinging to your ticket to the show!

The Republican Party's ACTIONS have made it clear they have absolutely ZERO interest in balancing the budget. That's what counts, and that is why you are avoiding discussing that fact at all costs. That is why you are tossing red herrings and tu quoques like a loser.

The simple inescapable fact is that Republicans are bigger spenders than the Democrats.

Deficits were declining the last time they took over, and they accelerated spending. Deficits were declining when they took over this time, and they have accelerated spending.

You can puke your guts out talking about hoax balanced budget amendments, or you can face the very real fact Trump and the Republicans are overspending like maniacs. Trillion dollar deficits are back, baby!

Wake up and smell the reality, retard. You have been hoaxed. How long are you going to act like a clueless dipshit who can't admit he was hoaxed?

Your masters count on you spineless rubes being this submissive. They do not want you asserting yourselves and holding them accountable.


If Trump tells them that the economy is the greatest now than any other time in U.S. history, their heads bobble up and down and drool slides out of their slack-jawed mouths.
Thank god the members of the U.N. laughed AT HIM when he tried to tell them the same thing.
Has Trump pushed for a balanced budget amendment?

Instead of ducking, why don't you address what I said?
Where did I say overspending is good for the economy? You made the claim, back it up.
Who opposed the balanced budget amendment? Can't answer?
You claimed the increase on GDP cancelled out the deficits. Classic Keynesian thinking.

And it's a joke.

Why can't you pseudocons bring yourselves to utter a single syllable of criticism about Trump's accelerated spending after eight years of whining about Obama's debt?

You can throw all the red herrings around you wish, but you can't cover up your rampant hypocrisy no matter how hard you try.
And once again, you failed to address the two points I challenged you on. All you seem to be able to do is bitch and moan that I'm not condemning Trump and praising Obama. You quote Ronald Reagan in your sig to mislead people into thinking you're not a leftist yet everything you post here is leftist propaganda. And you call me the hypocrite.
You asked who opposed the balanced budget amendment. What difference does it make when the last proposed by the Republicans was a hoax? It was THEATER and you STILL haven't caught on it was a hoax. You are clinging to your ticket to the show!

The Republican Party's ACTIONS have made it clear they have absolutely ZERO interest in balancing the budget. That's what counts, and that is why you are avoiding discussing that fact at all costs. That is why you are tossing red herrings and tu quoques like a loser.

The simple inescapable fact is that Republicans are bigger spenders than the Democrats.

Deficits were declining the last time they took over, and they accelerated spending. Deficits were declining when they took over this time, and they have accelerated spending.

You can puke your guts out talking about hoax balanced budget amendments, or you can face the very real fact Trump and the Republicans are overspending like maniacs. Trillion dollar deficits are back, baby!

Wake up and smell the reality, retard. You have been hoaxed. How long are you going to act like a clueless dipshit who can't admit he was hoaxed?

Your masters count on you spineless rubes being this submissive. They do not want you asserting yourselves and holding them accountable.


If Trump tells them that the economy is the greatest now than any other time in U.S. history, their heads bobble up and down and drool slides out of their slack-jawed mouths.
Thank god the members of the U.N. laughed AT HIM when he tried to tell them the same thing.
Just like the democrat sheep who believed Obama when he said his anemic recovery was going well

Haven't you people learned yet that sheep are sheep no matter what political shepherd the follow?
Trumpanzees turned the country over to a stupid oaf who has filed bankruptcy six fucking times.
What did they expect????

Well, I'm not gonna spend time checking your "statistics" (lol) but it seems to me that you lefties were saying Trump would never be able to increase GDP growth to what it is now. Maybe you should wait until his first term is over before you grade him on his performance. I'd say he's done pretty damn good so far, and when he's done with the trade negotiations the GDP will grow much more and revenues will increase as well. Of course, your communist friends in Washington will try to stop him "by any means necessary" (according to Schumer anyway), but we'll see.

I would be happy to explain the math to you, since it was not included in your talking points I am sure it is beyond you ability to figure out on your own.

Back to this myth of the GDP canceling out the deficit. Even if this were not beyond any sort of logic and reality, even you admit it does not happen and that even in a booming economy it will not come close to happening.

You are such a sucker, but most of your statist are.
You proved you are a rube who falls for a hoax every time.
I guess repeating the word "hoax" over and over is the best argument we're gonna get out of you.
The same Republicans who voted for that bill approved another $2.4 trillion in debt.
ACTIONS speak louder than WORDS
Yep, and actions include opposing the balanced budget amendment. Remind us again who always opposes it.
You can’t really be this stupid? You must be a repub paid poster?
I am afraid he really is this stupid.

That'll be the day when I'm to the left of the likes of you. lol
I'll be back later to kick the shit out of you some more. Bye for now, lefty.

You are far to the left of me, you are a big government, deficit spending statist. That alone puts you so far to the left of me I might as well call you Vladimir
tax cut economics should be unlawful, with so much debt.

Some questions for you danielpalos...
A) What percent of gross federal revenues come from corporate taxes?
B) What % comes from payroll taxes?
C) What % comes from individual income taxes?

Now questions about expenditures:
A) What percent of expenses go for MANDATORY payments...i.e SS/Medicare/etc.. and the president has NO control over these expenditures?
B) What % does the president have in creating a budget to spend?
1) What % for our country's common defense?
2) What % for everything else?

So danielpalos.... figure out the answers to the above questions!
why delegate the social Power to Tax, if not to solve the capital problems of our Republic?

why are we losing money on public policies? we allege to subscribe to Capitalism, not socialism on a national basis.

YOU don't even know the realities of the above so that's why you can't answer them!

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NOW it doesn't mean much to dummies because you seemingly have problems with charts.
BUT PAYROLL TAXES which are to be used to pay Medicare/SS benefits make up 34% of gross revenue.
GUESS what dummies!!! The more people are working the more payroll taxes are paid.
So dummies like you then DON"T seem to comprehend this fact:
WHERE does the revenue go?
View attachment 221533
NOW dummies... what percent goes for MANDATORY spending
View attachment 221534

NOTICE to TraitorGator and other ex patriotic military guys...
only lousy capitalists lose money on public policy.

And really dumb people don't show any links. Make any sense. Speak real gibberish!
Here take a look at some "anti-capitalists" like you I guess!
Venezuelans are starving amid economic crisis, food shortages
View attachment 221555
Congratulations, you win the trophy for Largest Red Herring thrown in this topic.

You also win the Largest Straw Man trophy.
Not that much difference between republicans and democrats when it comes to spending our hard earned money
and money we don't even have. It really is a shame

'Tax and spend' is far better than 'not tax and spend'!
I've been posting this for years:

Democrats: Tax and spend
Republicans: Borrow and spend

Except Obama borrowed ten trillion.

As the economy was coming out of the worst economy since the Depression, whereas your Orange God is adding trillions during an economic boom.
Instead of ducking, why don't you address what I said?
Where did I say overspending is good for the economy? You made the claim, back it up.
Who opposed the balanced budget amendment? Can't answer?
You claimed the increase on GDP cancelled out the deficits. Classic Keynesian thinking.

And it's a joke.

Why can't you pseudocons bring yourselves to utter a single syllable of criticism about Trump's accelerated spending after eight years of whining about Obama's debt?

You can throw all the red herrings around you wish, but you can't cover up your rampant hypocrisy no matter how hard you try.
And once again, you failed to address the two points I challenged you on. All you seem to be able to do is bitch and moan that I'm not condemning Trump and praising Obama. You quote Ronald Reagan in your sig to mislead people into thinking you're not a leftist yet everything you post here is leftist propaganda. And you call me the hypocrite.
You asked who opposed the balanced budget amendment. What difference does it make when the last proposed by the Republicans was a hoax? It was THEATER and you STILL haven't caught on it was a hoax. You are clinging to your ticket to the show!

The Republican Party's ACTIONS have made it clear they have absolutely ZERO interest in balancing the budget. That's what counts, and that is why you are avoiding discussing that fact at all costs. That is why you are tossing red herrings and tu quoques like a loser.

The simple inescapable fact is that Republicans are bigger spenders than the Democrats.

Deficits were declining the last time they took over, and they accelerated spending. Deficits were declining when they took over this time, and they have accelerated spending.

You can puke your guts out talking about hoax balanced budget amendments, or you can face the very real fact Trump and the Republicans are overspending like maniacs. Trillion dollar deficits are back, baby!

Wake up and smell the reality, retard. You have been hoaxed. How long are you going to act like a clueless dipshit who can't admit he was hoaxed?

Your masters count on you spineless rubes being this submissive. They do not want you asserting yourselves and holding them accountable.


If Trump tells them that the economy is the greatest now than any other time in U.S. history, their heads bobble up and down and drool slides out of their slack-jawed mouths.
Thank god the members of the U.N. laughed AT HIM when he tried to tell them the same thing.
Just like the democrat sheep who believed Obama when he said his anemic recovery was going well

Haven't you people learned yet that sheep are sheep no matter what political shepherd the follow?
"B-b-b-b-b-b-but Obama!"


Of course you are against any increase spending for the defense being the TraitorGator which probably includes your 20 year retirement pay of $22,000 PLUS your current salary....
and you bitch and moan???
AND YOU complain????

I am against spending money we do not have, I do not care what it is being spent on.

Your site was a bit off on the low side, but it was close.

I complain about people like you that want to fuck over my kids and grand-kids and leave them an unsustainable debt.

I will bitch and moan about big government statist like you till you stop pushing your shit onto the next generations.

You are the worst kind of freeloader.
They don't give a rat's ass about debt and deficits - never have/ never will.
*Unless there's a Dem in the White House

Obama turned our economy around,for less.

Yep - They didn't say a word about GWB's unfunded tax cuts for billionaires, unfunded Medicare D or unfunded wars of choice and aggression.
just like no democrat said boo about the debt Obama ran up


I gave you the numbers - NOBODY beats Pugs on debt and deficits and Reagan is in a class by himself!
Of course you are against any increase spending for the defense being the TraitorGator which probably includes your 20 year retirement pay of $22,000 PLUS your current salary....
and you bitch and moan???
AND YOU complain????

I am against spending money we do not have, I do not care what it is being spent on.

Your site was a bit off on the low side, but it was close.

I complain about people like you that want to fuck over my kids and grand-kids and leave them an unsustainable debt.

I will bitch and moan about big government statist like you till you stop pushing your shit onto the next generations.

You are the worst kind of freeloader.

Versus you of course because while you ignorantly criticize the increasing of military spending that under your idol Obama CUT military you still get your plus $22,000 military pay!

Called double-dipping.

Very shameful that you are criticizing the very hands that are feeding you and what were your former buddies who don't feel like you I'm sure but are thankful that there are
considerate people.

The other issue how totally dumb you are of the budgets. Again... are you aware that 62% of the budget is called mandatory spending that is because of prior agreements
with Americans who would be really pissed at you for suggesting the cutting of THEIR retirement checks as YOU would be.

In fact... that might be part of the solution that we should CUT people like you that brag about being a "STATISTICIAN" that the average annual income is $80,500.
So you are getting at least $20,000 from your military retirement AND you are making another $80,500... and you bitch and moan about the military getting an
increase that under YOUR idol Obama were 50% less than what Trump knows the military deserves.

"Talk about fucking your kids/grand-kids! YOU are against increasing your kids/grand-kids national safety all the while you make plus $22,000 in military pension?
Talk about a "free-loader"!
Screen Shot 2018-10-09 at 5.47.55 PM.png
That'll be the day when I'm to the left of the likes of you. lol
I'll be back later to kick the shit out of you some more. Bye for now, lefty.

You are far to the left of me, you are a big government, deficit spending statist. That alone puts you so far to the left of me I might as well call you Vladimir

You're just one trick pony kid, you use the same line every day about EVERYONE who dares disagree with you. You are as left as it gets and you never saw a Prog you didn't defend.

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