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Congress at 25% - Bush at 29%

so....you actually are incapable of discussion the differential polls?

I am sorry to hear that.
Just 16% of American voters now say that Congress is doing a Good (14%) or an Excellent (2%) job. That’s down from 19% in mid-June and from 26% at the end of May

From Rasmussen

Is there no bottom for the Dem. "Majority" Congress, my Friends?


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Approval among Democrats fell 21 points, from 48 percent in May to 27 percent.

It remained low among Republicans, at 20 percent, and has not changed significantly in the past two months.

AP Poll: Public gives Congress low marks

WASHINGTON -- In the eyes of the public, Congress is doing even worse than the president.

Public satisfaction with the job lawmakers are doing has fallen 11 points since May, to 24 percent, according to an Associated Press-Ipsos poll. That's lower than for President Bush, who hasn't fared well lately, either.

Bush has been taking heat over the Iraq war, his decision to spare a former top vice presidential aide from going to prison and his desire for an overhaul of immigration laws that critics said would give a free pass to illegal immigrants. His job approval rating in the AP-Ipsos survey remained virtually unchanged at 33 percent.

The 24 percent approval rating for Congress matched its previous low, which came in June 2006, five months before Democrats won control of the House and Senate due to public discontent with the job Republicans were doing.

Just two months ago, 35 percent of the public approved of Congress' work.

Poll respondents from both political parties say they're tired of the fighting between Congress and the White House, and want the two branches of government to work together on such issues as education, health care and the Iraq war.

so....you actually are incapable of discussion the differential polls?

I am sorry to hear that.

Are there no libs that want to stand up and defend this disgrace. None that want to tell us how wonderful the majority is doing? Keep them Iraq bills, hearings, and bush bashin comin boys, the country loves ya.
I just want to say, as nicely as I can, that attempting to have any sort of back and forth discussion with you has been one of the more frustrating experiences I have had in some time. You continually rail that no one stands up and defends the things YOU post, yet you never stand up and defend the things that anyone else posts, and you never even stand up and defned the things that you, yourself, post when caught in logical inconsistencies.

I must say that I always maintained high hopes that you would, someday, actually try to engage in debate instead of simply making this about insults and one liners and cut and paste "gotcha" kind of stuff. But, I realize that such hopes were baseless.

I do remain hopeful that, at some point in the future, you will realize that actually discussing ideas is much more intellectually stimulating and gratifying than the behavior you seem to prefer.

Good luck RSR.... may God bless your future endeavors.
bush is at 33% dems at 25% according to latest ap poll

not you too, ACM.... I am disappointed.

"congress" is not synonymous with "dems".

Congress is almost equally divided between democrats and republicans.

If you want to be buddy buddy with RSR, have fun.

If you want ME to respect you in any way, show me some brains and quit following his lead like a puppy.
Who is running away

Your leaders stink int he polls - I have admitted that

Let me break it down for you: Democrats in Congress have polled at 31% while Republicans haved poll at 21%. Nancy Pelosi polls at 34% while Boehner and McConnell poll at 19% and 20% respectively. Boehner can't do much of anything to prevent Nancy Pelosi and Democrats from doing what the American people want and therefore there is a margin of 15% between Pelosi and Boehner while Harry Reid is confronted with Mitch McConnell and Republicans (21%) in the Senate he polls the same as his counterpart in the Senate (i.e., at 20%). Democrats are not given as high of a rating in the Senate because of Republicans while Democrats are given a high rating in the House while loser Republicans are given the same rating as their Senate counterparts. :sad:

So in summary: Republicans poll at 21% in Congress, 20% in the Senate and 19% in the House while Democrats poll at 31% in Congress, 34% in the House and 20% in the Senate. Therefore, Democrats in Congress are viewed better then Republicans and this holds true when you compare the poll numbers of Democrats against the Presidents. :eusa_hand:
Both MM and RSR are completely missing the point.

Look at those numbers. People dislike the Democrats. People dislike the Republicans. Both of your parties are hated. The only reason you hold office is you have colluded to keep a duopoly on the political process.

People do not dislike the Democrats and that is shown by the poll numbers. Instead, they strongly dislike Republicans both in Congress and in the White House while being irritated that Democrats aren't accomplishing what needs to be done but the problem rests with Republicans and not Democrats. That's why the numbers of the House and Senate leadership differ drastically. It's common sense that people are upset with Republicans when Nancy Pelosi receives 34% (even polling higher then Democrats in Congress at 31%) while House Minority Leader Boehner polls at 19% (lower then Republicans in Congress who poll at 21%) while Harry Reid polls at 20% in the Senate polling far lower then Democrats in Congress (31%) as well as Republicans in Congress (21%) along with Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell who polls at 20%. You cannot get around this singular fact. Democrats as a whole poll higher then the President, and Republicans in Congress while the exception is Harry Reid who polls the same as Republicans in Congress and the President and the reason is quite obvious for anyone with any amount of common sense. This isn't rocket science. If Republicans were to poll the same as Democrats in Congress we would be talking about something like a 60% approval rating for Congress.
again.... just how thick are you, really?

It is YOU who are dismissing polls. NOT me.

I have tried for months to get you to acknowledge that every single time -since before the last election all the way up until this month -the public has been asked to differentiate between democrats and republicans in congress, they have consistently given the republicans LOWER approval ratings than they gave the democrats.

It really is getting ridiculous watching you run away from that fact.

It is sad but he isn't going to acknowledge that the polls are clear. That people are tired of Republicans including their neighbors who have betrayed them and their family. I am pleased to see that Senator Webb has been restrained and not spoken of how Republicans in Congress have betrayed him and his son who has served in Iraq. I am also pleased to see Patrick Murphy being restrained and not going on the offensive and pointing out that Republicans tried to murder him based on their opinion. It shows courage on the part of Democrats in Congress not to call out these traitors and their treasonous constituencies so it is left to the rest of us to challenge them. The poll numbers show a geneal anger towards Republicans and towards the death of innocent Americans at their hands in Iraq. It is shocking that most people don't realize where the bitterness and anger is coming from yet it is our duty to point it out. When one group of people decide to send our soldiers to fight in a war based solely on their opinion and when that war is a war of choice and a war of offense every American who disagrees has a right to feel betrayed. They are spending 10 billion every month on this war and thousands of Americans are dying because of them and their representatives. They don't want to admit that the people have had it and are well aware of the billions and lives being spent on the opinions of these psycotic traitors. The states during the ratification of the Constitution proposed an amendment that would have required 2/3rds of the Congress vote for a declaration of war before we could start a war. They understood something these murderous traitors do not which is that they do not have the right to send our children and loved ones to die for their opinions simply because they can vote and because they agree with each other. That when our children and loved ones sign up to defend this country that is what they are signing up to do and not being cannon fodder for Georgie Bush and those who agree with him.
Yea, Republicans are doing worse then Dems

Yet your party leaders have lower numbers then Bush/Cheney

What the hell are you talking about? Do you just make up things as you go along? Democrats in Congress poll at 31% while Bush polls at 26% and Vice President Cheney at 21%. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi polls at 34% while Harry Reid polls at 20%. It is pure idiocy to claim that party leaders poll lower then Bush and Cheney when in reality the only one who polls lower is Harry Reid who has to deal with Minority Leader Mitch McConnell who polls at 20%. That the President and Vice President are doing better then Harry Reid isn't shocking since he polls exactly the same as Mitch McConnell. When you look at his numbers and the numbers of Republicans in Congress and compare them against the President and Vice President it is obvious why he polls the same as they do. It makes sense for him to be so low and to be in the same category as Republicans in Congress and the President and Vice President.

Let's face the facts here: Democrats poll higher then Republicans in Congress and higher then the President and Vice President and that the only Democrat who polls even close to them is the Majority Leader of the Senate and it is quite clear to any reasonable person that he polls in the same range as Republicans because he isn't as successful as Nancy Pelosi and Democrats in the Senate. You need to get a clue. :D
and your party's congressional leaders are doing worse than the democratic leaders.

Comparing legislative approval ratings with executive branch ratings is apples and oranges....but you know that.

Of course he does and it is ironic that when he does so he takes the lowest rating for Senate Majority Leader Reid and compares it to that of President Bush and Vice President Cheney while coincidently ignoring the fact that the Minority Leader of the Senate rates lower then Bush and Cheney. He also chooses to ignore the fact that Nancy Pelosi has a higher approval rating then both Bush and Cheney as well as Boehner, and McConnell. He wants to create the impression that Democrats in Congress are doing worst then the President and the Vice President when in reality Republicans across the board when comparing apples to apples rate lower then Democrats. Yet, I suspect that you already know that he won't acknowledge this and that he wants to ignore the facts which indict Republicans.
so why does Reid have a lower approval then Bush and Cheney; and Pelosi is in the mid 30's?

For the same reason that McConnell has a lower approval then Bush and Cheney. You seem to want to ignore the fact that Republicans are being given the same approval rating across the board with a minor differences. You may not want to admit this but Reid has such a low approval rating because he isn't as successful in fighting Republicans as is the Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi. When you comare the difference between here and the House Minority Leader and Harry Reid and the Senate Minority Leader you get a clear picture of why people give her a higher rating then her Republican counterpart and give Harry Reid the same rating. Why don't you speak of how Nancy Pelosi has a higher approval rating then Bush and Cheney and McConnell and Boehner has a lower rating? The answer is obvious. You don't want to admit how poorly Republicans are being rated by the American people who have had it with Republicans.
Keep saying that as the Dems numbers continue to sink MM - perhaps you will even believe it one day

So let me get this straight? The Republican Party holds the Democratic Party hostage and when you assholes fucking piss the American people off you harp on how the Democratic numbers are sinking but the fact remains that the Republican numbers are still lower. There is no way in hell that Democrats can stop from dropping when the asshole McConnell and Republicans in the Senate violate the rights of the American people just lik our neighbors who vote for them violate our rights by sending our children to die for their god damn motherfucking opinions. This is no different than what the British did to the Americans by bringing us into their God damned petty wars of choice. We have to watch as our taxes are spent by the billions on a war of choice and watch as our loved ones come home in body bags because of the opinions of some fucking reject who shits the same color as we do and who probably fucking buys their god damn food from the same restaurants as we do and yet who think THEY ARE SO MUCH BETTER THEN WE ARE THAT THEY CAN SEND OUR CHILDREN TO DIE FOR THEIR OPINIONS AND WHEN WE COMPLAIN THAT THEY ARE MURDERING OUR LOVED ONES BASED ON THEIR OPINIONS THEY CALL US TRAITORS. YET IT IS THEM AND THEIR FUCKING LEADERS WHO BETRAYED US BY TAKING US INTO THIS GOD DAMNED WAR OF CHOICE AND OFFENSE. You want to talk about how Democrats numbers are sinking. I would also give Harry Reid a low rating because he doesn't GET THE FUCK UP ON THE SENATE FLOOR AND CALL YOU MOTHERFUCKERS ASSHOLES TO YOUR GOD DAMN FACES SO THAT YOU CAN KNOW THAT WE ARE FED UP WITH YOU SENDING OUR SOLDIERS TO DIE FOR YOUR OPINIONS. YOU TALK OUT OF YOUR ASSES JUST LIKE THE RETARDS FROM YOUR TOWN WHO YOU VOTED FOR TALK OUT OF THEIR ASSES. YOU THINK YOU HAVE A RIGHT TO FUCKING MURDER INNOCENT AMERICANS AND TO SEND THEM TO DIE JUST LIKE THE GOD DAMN BRITISH THOUGHT THEY HAD A RIGHT TO BRING THE AMERICAN PEOPLE INTO THEIR GOD DAMN WARS OF CHOICE AND WE REBELLED BECAUSE OF THEIR IDIOTIC BELIEF THAT THEIR ELECTED MEMBERS OF PARLIMENT AND THEIR PEERS AND KING COULD INVOLVE US IN THEIR WARS OF CHOICE. THIS IS WHAT THIS IS ABOUT AND YOU MIGHT AS WELL FIGURE IT OUT SOONER THEN LATER. IT IS WHY DEMOCRATS SUPPORTED THE WAR IN AFGHANISTAN AND IT IS WHY THE DEMOCRATS SUPPORT THE WAR ON TERRORISM AND IT IS WHY DEMOCRATS OPPOSE THE WAR IN IRAQ.

Yet, I suspect you want Democrats in the military to kiss your ass and bow before your representatives while their representatives are told to "fuck off" by Dick Cheney. It sickens me and I am not afraid to tell you and yours to go to hell because you are all cold-blooded murderers and traitors and your vote would be no different then ONE GOD DAMN KING DECIDING TO TAKE US INTO A WAR BASED SOLELY ON HIS OPINION BECAUSE EVERY LAST ONE OF YOU MOTHERFUCKERS ARE INDIVIDUALS.
sure.... I will talk about Reid and Scooter.... and Mitch McConnell and John Boehner too.... your legislative leaders in both chambers have approval ratings as low or lower than Harry and Scooter.... and Nancy has higher ratings than congress or Bush OR Cheney!

why won't YOU talk about the rasmussen page that I posted?

because it is too tough for you to swallow?

I thought so.


I commend you for your patience with this idiot and am quite pleased that you have chosen to try to reason with him yet I suspect you know the futility of this because once you convince him that he is wrong he will have to admit that he and his representatives are traitors who have betrayed the American people and that this is the reason why Republicans poll lower then Democrats. I can understand why Harry Reid polls the same as Republicans in Congress because I am upset with him too. I wouldn't give him a high rating simply because he hasn't shown the backbone to get up on the Senate floor and tell Republicans to go to hell but this recent decision to keep these bastards in the Senate all night may benefit us all. I am glad that he decided to do so. I hope he calls a quorum every five minuts to force these bastards unto the floor and then I hope Democrats get up and call these traitors such to their damn faces because then they may understand why the American people have had it with them.
A 24.8% approval raiting is nothing to be proud of MM

Democrats poll closer to 31% and not 24%. That rating is of the Congress and not of Democrats. Do you understand simple math? Republicans are dragging down the rating (i.e., Boehner at 19%) while Democrats drag up the rating of Congress (i.e., Pelosi at 34%). Consistently, Democrats poll better than Republicans and the only time they poll the same is when they are less successful against Republicans. I have no problem giving Harry Reid the same approval rating I give Republicans because he hasn't done enough fighting you bastards.
anybody wanna give me links, or are we just gonna call each other assholes again :cuckoo:

I think I will stay with calling murdering traitors assholes whether than giving anyone any links. Let's cut the shit and get down to the real truth. We don't need links to know that REPUBLICANS DECIDED THAT THEY COULD FUCKING TAKE US INTO A WAR OF CHOICE BASED ON THEIR OPINIONS AND THEY AS INDIVIDUALS FELT THEY HAD THIS RIGHT JUST LIKE EVERY TRYANT THINKS THEY DO. We don't need statistics or poll numbers to address that issue. All we need are two facts:

1) Iraq didn't attack us,
2) Bush decided to invade Iraq based on his opinion,

These two facts alone aren't open for argument or debate. Cindy Sheehan has every right to be upset that her neighbors who are Republicans decided they had the right to kill her child in Iraq just like she would if any of her neighbors was King of the United States and decided to send her son to die for his opinion. The sad thing is that the truly patriotic soldiers like Patrick Murphy serve anyways and often die because of murderers and traitors who decide that they can take us all into a war of choice. So here are my links:


Are those good enough links for you? :eusa_naughty:

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