Congress criticizes Turkey for it's shift to Islamic terrorism

Doesn't matter if AIPAC was behind it or not. A large segment of the United States supports Israel. You could always move to Turkey or Iran. Need some help?
Doesn't matter if AIPAC was behind it or not. A large segment of the United States supports Israel. You could always move to Turkey or Iran. Need some help?
That's what's wrong with this country.

"Right now, across the globe, born-again, fundamentalist, bible-believing, evangelical Christians are being led down a path to destruction through a Satanically calculated deception, the roots of which were cultivated in ages past set forth for the final conflict between good and evil on earth. They haven't a clue they are deceived, in fact, they have filled themselves with the cancer of religious pride so as to become perfectly deluded, thinking themselves the correctors of the foolish and those in error. While wrapped up in useless controversies over denominational dogma or mesmerized by modern Christian media with 'end-times' speculations such as 'The Rapture,' a far more sinister undertow of self-imposed blindness drags the Church closer and closer toward the 'great falling away', or 'final apostasy.'"

Zionism - The Occult Guild Of Antichrist

Revelation 2:9 (King James Version)

I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.
Doesn't matter if AIPAC was behind it or not. A large segment of the United States supports Israel. You could always move to Turkey or Iran. Need some help?
That's what's wrong with this country.

"Right now, across the globe, born-again, fundamentalist, bible-believing, evangelical Christians are being led down a path to destruction through a Satanically calculated deception, the roots of which were cultivated in ages past set forth for the final conflict between good and evil on earth. They haven't a clue they are deceived, in fact, they have filled themselves with the cancer of religious pride so as to become perfectly deluded, thinking themselves the correctors of the foolish and those in error. While wrapped up in useless controversies over denominational dogma or mesmerized by modern Christian media with 'end-times' speculations such as 'The Rapture,' a far more sinister undertow of self-imposed blindness drags the Church closer and closer toward the 'great falling away', or 'final apostasy.'"

Zionism - The Occult Guild Of Antichrist

Revelation 2:9 (King James Version)

I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.

Another nutcase from Westboro Baptist.
Eisenhower said:
Speak softly, carry a big stick.

Problem is, no-one believes that provincial Congressman from New Jersey to posess a big stick.
Doesn't matter if AIPAC was behind it or not. A large segment of the United States supports Israel. You could always move to Turkey or Iran. Need some help?
That's what's wrong with this country.

"Right now, across the globe, born-again, fundamentalist, bible-believing, evangelical Christians are being led down a path to destruction through a Satanically calculated deception, the roots of which were cultivated in ages past set forth for the final conflict between good and evil on earth. They haven't a clue they are deceived, in fact, they have filled themselves with the cancer of religious pride so as to become perfectly deluded, thinking themselves the correctors of the foolish and those in error. While wrapped up in useless controversies over denominational dogma or mesmerized by modern Christian media with 'end-times' speculations such as 'The Rapture,' a far more sinister undertow of self-imposed blindness drags the Church closer and closer toward the 'great falling away', or 'final apostasy.'"

Zionism - The Occult Guild Of Antichrist

Revelation 2:9 (King James Version)

I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of t
hem which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.

omg. lol:lol:
Now seriously... What is your expectation of the Congress? What should it do to your understanding, which is far far away from the realities on ground over here?
You better deal with us now, I would even say it is already to late to lecture or punish Turkey.

Turkey, a Stealth Superpower? - CBS News
Neo-Cons and Israel-Lobby view the world self-centered on their security and national interests. No doubt, Iran is one of the headaches for you, so in your brain everything is tied to the Iran parameter.
This does not count for Turkey, whole different concept of threats and interests. There is no Iran-Turkey alliance or axis. There are Turkish interests, which overlap with Iran's and increasingly divert with US ones, especially with General Petraeus rightfully identifying Israel to become a liabaility.

If you keep nice, silence your barking elements maybe we will let you have a role - which will be defined by us - to play in this region through our shadow in the decades to come which actually is to your liking.

Like Henry Barkey from Carnegie Endowment says, in a triple Iran-Syria-Turkey alliance, Turkey would be the towing force and in comparance to Turkey both are economical and political midgets.
Yet, it is unbelievable, you do not silence your congress-man.
Unbelievable, this bears the question who really is master of its own house: The kind of Mearshheimers or the Lobbyists.,zsF6vZFF1Yw&type=7&no_autoplay=1
Eisenhower said:
Speak softly, carry a big stick.

Problem is, no-one believes that provincial Congressman from New Jersey to posess a big stick.

Wasn't Eisenhower that said that.

Turkey is no longer 'our friend.'
Wasn't Eisenhower that said that.

Turkey is no longer 'our friend.'

Friendship does not exist in International Relations, and my full believe based on my observations here regarding the majority of Americans with their views on Muslim issues are, that there should be anyway nothing that resembles friendship between USA and Turkey.

Does not change the fact, that USA and Turkey will keep working together as long as Turkey feels it is beneficial for Turkey.
You can still dream your dream of pre-Bush USA, with the initiative and controll lying in your hand, and write your Santa-wishlist of how you will punish Turkey.
In the 90's it was US hard power, and most important admiration for US soft-power.
In today's world, teenagers of Arab world have theme songs of Turkish soap operas ringing their mobile phones:
Abroad - Soap Operas in the Arab World Yield Their Own Soft Power -

We invaded them economically and culturally, now is time to crown all this by adding the political dimension to it, a process already in the works.
Only by the combination of the 3 you can have sustainable impact.
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