Congress gets the UFO report from our "intelligence" agencies

They offer no answers as expected. They say out of 145 incidents only 1 can be explained.

The goofy UFO culture has ensured that I have never paid attention to a claim of anyone seeing a UFO. It's all so silly my mind can't give credence to any of it. In spite of the recent push to make all this seem like a legitimate concern they are still going to have to show me something.

They offer no answers as expected. They say out of 145 incidents only 1 can be explained.

The goofy UFO culture has ensured that I have never paid attention to a claim of anyone seeing a UFO. It's all so silly my mind can't give credence to any of it. In spite of the recent push to make all this seem like a legitimate concern they are still going to have to show me something.

I believe but I have no proof. To think we're alone in the vastness of space defies all logic.

They offer no answers as expected. They say out of 145 incidents only 1 can be explained.

The goofy UFO culture has ensured that I have never paid attention to a claim of anyone seeing a UFO. It's all so silly my mind can't give credence to any of it. In spite of the recent push to make all this seem like a legitimate concern they are still going to have to show me something.

I believe but I have no proof. To think we're alone in the vastness of space defies all logic.

From a hard science standpoint there are almost certainly other intelligent species out there but we can never meet them. FTL travel is probably impossible. If these "objects" are of extraterrestrial origin they are robotic and the cultures that built them are probably long dead.

They offer no answers as expected. They say out of 145 incidents only 1 can be explained.

The goofy UFO culture has ensured that I have never paid attention to a claim of anyone seeing a UFO. It's all so silly my mind can't give credence to any of it. In spite of the recent push to make all this seem like a legitimate concern they are still going to have to show me something.

Hah, you however, believe that Critical RaceTheory is not racist. Joey Xi Bai Dung is not demented and his son Hunter is not a crack addict..
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They offer no answers as expected. They say out of 145 incidents only 1 can be explained.

The goofy UFO culture has ensured that I have never paid attention to a claim of anyone seeing a UFO. It's all so silly my mind can't give credence to any of it. In spite of the recent push to make all this seem like a legitimate concern they are still going to have to show me something.

Hah, you however, believe that Critical Rac Theory is not racist. Joey Xi Bai Dung is not demented and his son Hunter is not a crack addict..

What do your delusions have to do with the topic at hand? Some of the crap you people gin up are more ludicrous than anal probing aliens.

They offer no answers as expected. They say out of 145 incidents only 1 can be explained.

The goofy UFO culture has ensured that I have never paid attention to a claim of anyone seeing a UFO. It's all so silly my mind can't give credence to any of it. In spite of the recent push to make all this seem like a legitimate concern they are still going to have to show me something.

I believe but I have no proof. To think we're alone in the vastness of space defies all logic.

From a hard science standpoint there are almost certainly other intelligent species out there but we can never meet them. FTL travel is probably impossible. If these "objects" are of extraterrestrial origin they are robotic and the cultures that built them are probably long dead.

You don't need ftl because of time displacement. While 2 millions years may pass on earth only 55 years may pass for the actual travelers at sub ftl. And that is based on the physics that we actually know. Just in the last few months scientists discovered 2 new elements that we didn't know existed. Our laws of physics are based on our understanding of what we can see not necessarily what is actually possible

They offer no answers as expected. They say out of 145 incidents only 1 can be explained.

No sign of intelligent life in a 120 light year radius.

None that we've detected, correct.

We just discovered a small planet sized commet coming into out solar system a few days ago. Supposed to fly by Saturn (I think) in 2031. Then there's that extra solar thing that came through our system a while back that we didn't discover until it was already here.

Our technology is VERY limited.

They offer no answers as expected. They say out of 145 incidents only 1 can be explained.

The goofy UFO culture has ensured that I have never paid attention to a claim of anyone seeing a UFO. It's all so silly my mind can't give credence to any of it. In spite of the recent push to make all this seem like a legitimate concern they are still going to have to show me something.

I believe but I have no proof. To think we're alone in the vastness of space defies all logic.

From a hard science standpoint there are almost certainly other intelligent species out there but we can never meet them. FTL travel is probably impossible. If these "objects" are of extraterrestrial origin they are robotic and the cultures that built them are probably long dead.

You don't need ftl because of time displacement. While 2 millions years may pass on earth only 55 years may pass for the actual travelers at sub ftl. And that is based on the physics that we actually know. Just in the last few months scientists discovered 2 new elements that we didn't know existed. Our laws of physics are based on our understanding of what we can see not necessarily what is actually possible

You mean time dilation? The energy cost of traveling even a substantial fraction of light speed is almost incomprehensible. At the speeds that could reasonably be reached time dilation is still not enough to make any trip within a reasonable period of time.

They offer no answers as expected. They say out of 145 incidents only 1 can be explained.

No sign of intelligent life in a 120 light year radius.

None that we've detected, correct.

We just discovered a small planet sized commet coming into out solar system a few days ago. Supposed to fly by Saturn (I think) in 2031. Then there's that extra solar thing that came through our system a while back that we didn't discover until it was already here.arconi

Our technology is VERY limited.

I started with Marconi, inventor of primitive radio.

They offer no answers as expected. They say out of 145 incidents only 1 can be explained.

The goofy UFO culture has ensured that I have never paid attention to a claim of anyone seeing a UFO. It's all so silly my mind can't give credence to any of it. In spite of the recent push to make all this seem like a legitimate concern they are still going to have to show me something.

I believe but I have no proof. To think we're alone in the vastness of space defies all logic.

From a hard science standpoint there are almost certainly other intelligent species out there but we can never meet them. FTL travel is probably impossible. If these "objects" are of extraterrestrial origin they are robotic and the cultures that built them are probably long dead.

You don't need ftl because of time displacement. While 2 millions years may pass on earth only 55 years may pass for the actual travelers at sub ftl. And that is based on the physics that we actually know. Just in the last few months scientists discovered 2 new elements that we didn't know existed. Our laws of physics are based on our understanding of what we can see not necessarily what is actually possible

You mean time dilation? The energy cost of traveling even a substantial fraction of light speed is almost incomprehensible. At the speeds that could reasonably be reached time dilation is still not enough to make any trip within a reasonable period of time.

How much potential energy is available in an ounce of dark matter? How bout dark energy?
Do you know? I don't know. But we do know both sources exist.

Point being you are looking at things with your own limited tunnel vision.

They say no life exists because we haven't seen/heard it. Problem with that is we essentially look at a part of space equal to a pen tip in an entire ocean.

We didn't even know this near dwarf planet sized comet was coming our way till a few days ago ffs.


They offer no answers as expected. They say out of 145 incidents only 1 can be explained.

Everything the Dems and the Biden Admin has told us lately has been false...

  • People with a Y chromosome, with bigger hearts, lungs, blood volume, and muscles should be able to compete in women's sporting events if their testosterone levels are lowered.
  • 2020 election was the most secure ever, with all the innovative new mail-in voting and relaxed rules.
  • COVID came from a bat that bit a pangolin that bit a human, not the Wuhan Lab.
  • Wearing masks is effective to prevent the spread of respiratory viruses.
  • People who had COVID should get vaccinated.
  • Locking down communities and shutting "unessential" businesses will save lives.
  • The labor shortage (9M available jobs now) is not caused by excessive freebies and unemploymnet benefits.
  • The dramatic increase in inflation will be temporary, despite the massive increase in spending.
  • There is rampant White Supremacy and White Privilege.
  • The border crisis is caused by Climate Change, not cancelling Trump Admin policies.
  • And so on.

Anyone who believes their narrative about UFOs is quite gullible.

Personally, I hope and suspect the UFOs are likely US technology, and the propulsion is likely magneto hydrodyamnic propulsion - no wings, no exhaust stream, etc.

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