Congress Investigating Obama Admin Deception on Iran Nuke Deal


יעקב כהן
Oct 19, 2010
Of course Obama. Kerry lied to congress in favor of their friends the mullahs:mad:

Admin misled lawmakers about terms of deal


Congress is investigating whether the Obama administration misled lawmakers last summer about the extent of concessions granted to Iran under the nuclear deal, as well as if administration officials have been quietly rewriting the deal’s terms in the aftermath of the agreement, according to sources and a formal notice sent to the State Department.

The concerns come after statements from top officials last week suggesting that Iran is set to receive greater weapons and sanctions relief, moves that the administration had promised Congress would never take place as White House officials promoted the deal last summer.
Multiple disputes have surfaced in the last week.

In one dispute, congressional leaders are concerned that the administration no longer considers recent Iranian ballistic missile tests a “violation” of United Nations Security Council Resolution 2231, which codifies the nuclear deal.

Top administration officials including Secretary of State John Kerry vowed to Congress that Iran would be legally prohibited from carrying out ballistic missile tests under the resolution.

Samantha Power, the U.S. ambassador to the U.N., shifted course last week, refusing to call recent Iranian launches a “violation” in a letter she signed criticizing those launches.

A second dispute centers around recent statements from Treasury Department officials suggesting that the administration is now set to grant Iran non-nuclear sanctions relief, including indirect access to the U.S. financial system, weeks after top Iranian officials began demanding this type of sanctions relief.

Top administration figures, including Treasury Secretary Jack Lew, had promised Congress that years-old restrictions barring Iran from accessing the U.S. financial system in any way would remain in place even after the nuclear deal.

Congress Investigating Obama Admin Deception on Iran Nuke Deal
Its stuff like this which has created Donald Trump. And Ted Cruz. They are Outsiders who have consistently gotten 70 per cent of the vote....more if you throw in Fiorina, Carson...even Rubio was not establishment until the desperate Establishment adopted which time he sunk like a Rock.

The Heartland Republicans knew that Obama and Kerry were: 1) Fools to think that they could deal with Iran to begin with; and 2) Liars about what the deal actually said.

And yet, Congress, led by Pussy Republicans, let them get away with both the Foolishness and the Duplicity....through their own Stupidity and Cowardice.

If Hillary Clinton gets elected to the Presidency....which she is uniquely unqualified to be....the Pussy Republicans, like Mitch McConnell, will blame Trump and Cruz, the ones with stones, and also the uneducated Heartland....and us Heartland Republicans are going to blame Mitch McConnell and the rest of the Pussy Republicans.
So this is what the Republican party is now. Spend millions to make 1/4 of political point with their base. How about we garnish the wages of all Republican in Congress and for every 'investigation' that turned up nothing we total up the taxpayer money spent, which is in the tens of millions, divide that amount by the number of Republicans in Congress, and then deduct that from their pay.

And just like student loans, no bankruptcies and no forgiveness of the debt. It's with you for life.
So this is what the Republican party is now. Spend millions to make 1/4 of political point with their base. How about we garnish the wages of all Republican in Congress and for every 'investigation' that turned up nothing we total up the taxpayer money spent, which is in the tens of millions, divide that amount by the number of Republicans in Congress, and then deduct that from their pay.

And just like student loans, no bankruptcies and no forgiveness of the debt. It's with you for life.
Don't humor them.
Obama has this strange affection for the muallahs:smiliehug:

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