Congress is finally coming to terms with reality that this so-called sitting pres. is illegitimate.

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Senior Member
Oct 16, 2018
After coming across 45's cult followers talking about this Russian puppet as a sitting president is as sick as it sounds. This is because based on the facts of it all and how the 2016 election's legitimacy was destroyed in 45's favor, and in violation of U.S. Constitutional law and the will of the over 3 million popular majority, finally it appears Congress is slowly coming forward at declaring the reality that 45 is a illegally elected so-called president. 45 and his suckers as always are conspiring to do harm to society but they have already destroyed their relationship with the law and the civilized part of humanity.

Congressman John Lewis: Trump Isn't A Legitimate President Regardless Of The Mueller Report
After coming across 45's cult followers talking about this Russian puppet as a sitting president is as sick as it sounds. This is because based on the facts of it all and how the 2016 election's legitimacy was destroyed in 45's favor, and in violation of U.S. Constitutional law and the will of the over 3 million popular majority, finally it appears Congress is slowly coming forward at declaring the reality that 45 is a illegally elected so-called president. 45 and his suckers as always are conspiring to do harm to society but they have already destroyed their relationship with the law and the civilized part of humanity.

Congressman John Lewis: Trump Isn't A Legitimate President Regardless Of The Mueller Report

Mueller had the power of the US government and the purse strings of Congress behind him. So where's the proof he was a Russian puppet?
After coming across 45's cult followers talking about this Russian puppet as a sitting president is as sick as it sounds. This is because based on the facts of it all and how the 2016 election's legitimacy was destroyed in 45's favor, and in violation of U.S. Constitutional law and the will of the over 3 million popular majority, finally it appears Congress is slowly coming forward at declaring the reality that 45 is a illegally elected so-called president. 45 and his suckers as always are conspiring to do harm to society but they have already destroyed their relationship with the law and the civilized part of humanity.

Congressman John Lewis: Trump Isn't A Legitimate President Regardless Of The Mueller Report
The negro John Lewis is an idiot. Trump won the presidency through the electoral college process established in the Constitution. The real illegal president was Barack Obama, a non-natural born Citizen who was Constitutionally ineligible due to Article 2 Section 1. In essence, he was a usurper. Trump was born to two US Citizen parents making him an Article 2 Section 1 natural born Citizen thus making him a legitimate Constitutional president.
You obviously don’t deal with reality well...
After coming across 45's cult followers talking about this Russian puppet as a sitting president is as sick as it sounds. This is because based on the facts of it all and how the 2016 election's legitimacy was destroyed in 45's favor, and in violation of U.S. Constitutional law and the will of the over 3 million popular majority, finally it appears Congress is slowly coming forward at declaring the reality that 45 is a illegally elected so-called president. 45 and his suckers as always are conspiring to do harm to society but they have already destroyed their relationship with the law and the civilized part of humanity.

Congressman John Lewis: Trump Isn't A Legitimate President Regardless Of The Mueller Report
I have little appreciation for the sentiments you express here. Unless someone comes out and says "Russian agents hacked U.S voting booths", this president was elected by American citizens. Considering the effort behind trying to ensure he lost, it's nothing short of a miracle.

Now, did Russia hack the DNC and try and impact the narrative? Probably. However, they are not alone. How does one define bias and influencing voters? A conveniently leaked Access Hollywood tape, which was apparently recorded by accident while one of the Bushes was with Trump? Come on, nobody believes that was not by design. Kept in the can until just such an emergency.

My instincts tell me others in the media and even possibly the GOP knew of this. I think back to Cruz wisely warning these things would come out if Trump won the primary. My sense listening to him at that time, was that it was more just politics, he genuinely felt that Hillary was going to beat him as he would face all these abuses by the media and opposition research. He was right, on the latter, fortunately not the former. He might have been a Never Trumper, I don't know, but in one particular interview when he warned that Trump would face this, to quote another famous person, "I could see through his soul"...he meant it.

How about Hollywood overwhelmingly supporting Hillary? Foreign governments, leaders, the Pope. How about millions funneled her way, false allegations by women, a dossier provided by so-called former spies of an allied nation.

I hate that I had to see all this in 2016, and I hate that due to my own experiences, I've decided to use any analytical skills and problem solving God gave me to view this and other situations more objectively, and with some skepticism. It's not fun to know there are people around the world who happily want to harm America and your system. it will put us all at risk, for some dirty Communist government to expand their influence.

I must say though, I do take pleasure in seeing a man stand up for America. A man who takes the punches and refuses to back down. Plenty of things Trump has said I don't agree with, but I admire a guy who loves his country for all the right reasons.

He is not illegitimate at all, barring what I stated above. In fact, he's the most legitimate president, on par with Reagan as he's an Outsider who so many well connected people didn't want to see win.

They can all fly a kite. Trump is your president and the worlds president. He's going to drag other nations leaders to defend Western values.

God Bless America! Get 'er done Trump!
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I have little appreciation for the sentiments you express here. Unless someone comes out and says "Russian agents hacked U.S voting booths", this president was elected by American citizens. Considering the effort behind trying to ensure he lost, it's nothing short of a miracle.

Now, did Russia hack the DNC and try and impact the narrative? Probably. However, they are not alone. How does one define bias and influencing voters? A conveniently leaked Access Hollywood tape, which was apparently recorded by accident while one of the Bushes was with Trump? Come on, nobody believes that was not by design. Kept in the can until just such an emergency.

My instincts tell me others in the media and even possibly the GOP knew of this. I think back to Cruz wisely warning these things would come out if Trump won the primary. My sense listening to him at that time, was that it was more just politics, he genuinely felt that Hillary was going to beat him as he would face all these abuses by the media and opposition research. He was right, on the latter, fortunately not the former. He might have been a Never Trumper, I don't know, but in one particular interview when he warned that Trump would face this, to quote another famous person, "I could see through his soul"...he meant it.

How about Hollywood overwhelmingly supporting Hillary? Foreign governments, leaders, the Pope. How about millions funneled her way, false allegations by women, a dossier provided by so-called former spies of an allied nation.

I hate that I had to see all this in 2016, and I hate that due to my own experiences, I've decided to use any analytical skills and problem solving God gave me to view this and other situations more objectively, and with some skepticism. It's not fun to know there are people around the world who happily want to harm America and your system. it will put us all at risk, for some dirty Communist government to expand their influence.

I must say though, I do take pleasure in seeing a man stand up for America. A man who takes the punches and refuses to back down. Plenty of things Trump has said I don't agree with, but I admire a guy who loves his country for all the right reasons.

He is not illegitimate at all, barring what I stated above. In fact, he's the most legitimate president, on par with Reagan as he's an Outsider who so many well connected people didn't want to see win.

They can all fly a kite. Trump is your president and the worlds president. He's going to drag other nations leaders to defend Western values.

God Bless America! Get 'er done Trump!
I've always enjoyed your posts, but this one was beyond outstanding. Thank you.
After coming across 45's cult followers talking about this Russian puppet as a sitting president is as sick as it sounds. This is because based on the facts of it all and how the 2016 election's legitimacy was destroyed in 45's favor, and in violation of U.S. Constitutional law and the will of the over 3 million popular majority, finally it appears Congress is slowly coming forward at declaring the reality that 45 is a illegally elected so-called president. 45 and his suckers as always are conspiring to do harm to society but they have already destroyed their relationship with the law and the civilized part of humanity.

Congressman John Lewis: Trump Isn't A Legitimate President Regardless Of The Mueller Report

So basically, no matter what happens, and how much evidence is provided that contradicts your position... you will remain willfully ignorant? Ok. Well at least you fit in with the rest of the mindless left-wingers.
After coming across 45's cult followers talking about this Russian puppet as a sitting president is as sick as it sounds. This is because based on the facts of it all and how the 2016 election's legitimacy was destroyed in 45's favor, and in violation of U.S. Constitutional law and the will of the over 3 million popular majority, finally it appears Congress is slowly coming forward at declaring the reality that 45 is a illegally elected so-called president. 45 and his suckers as always are conspiring to do harm to society but they have already destroyed their relationship with the law and the civilized part of humanity.

Congressman John Lewis: Trump Isn't A Legitimate President Regardless Of The Mueller Report
I have seen some butt hurt Democrats but you are bordering on the edge of lucidity! You lost in 2016 even though the Democrats had clandestine operations to take him down illegally.

You were alive to see Obama divide this country, demean our country across the globe and lie to Americans time and time again. We got over it, it was a dark time for our country but we weren't losing our sanity.

You say Trump became president illegally. Of course he didn't. A child who can read knows this.

Donald Trump was the only candidate running that wanted to work for it's citizens, not for his own personal agenda. Just google all of the accomplishments he's made working without the aid of Democrats and even some republicans.

He's a man to contend with while you are a snot nosed kid who cannot recognize a decent president when you see one. It's a shame you are allowed to vote.
delicious lefty tears!
mods, TDS victim william104 needs a timeout! Maybe a one day ban so he can loot his local CVS of its Prep H inventory? :p
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